....and I had my best mail day ever!
I got not one, but two handmade quilts for my little one about to be born (gender unknown)...

from my sister Clair....

and from my friend Linda.
Aren't they both gorgeous???
Both quilts have gotten a lot of use, and have held up wonderfully!
That was one great mail day.
What was your best mail day ever?
On a side note, it looks like the chances of us moving to WI are very slim at this point. I am kind of relieved, kind of disappointed. I guess that's the reaction when you are split completely 50/50 going into it. :)
Wow, that was a good mail day. I don't know if I've ever had one that good.
Not sure I've had one that good either. I remember when Sydney was born it was like Christmas every time the postman came.
Yeah, I think two gorgeous quilts tops any amount of fabric and thread!! :D Congrats!
(I have saved Clair's quilt in my "Quilts I Like" folder for future reference.) :)
The quilts are beautiful - I love such meaningful presents. I remember when I was studying abroad that getting ANY mail was like having the greatest mail day ever, since the letters and packages were few a far between...
I guess I'm kinda happy and kinda disappointed for you - we'll have to wait and see what happens next.
They are gorgeous, you sure seem to have some great frinds and family, and that husband of yours sounds like a DREAM!!
By the way, is it too late to win something?
What generous friends you have! You and I were in the same boat a year ago. When was your birth - day?
Those are lovely! No really good mail day really comes to mind at the moment.
Most recently, getting those Funquilts fabrics was rather fun.
oh these are beautiful!!!!! I got some lovely mail today!! Handmade is always the best!!!
I have to say that I am a little sad that you might not be moving closer to me, but sometimes that's how things go.
I'm glad that you have enjoyed the quilt so far, hope that it holds up for many years to come. It was a bit of an adventure for me in a lot of ways. The one Clair made is pretty, too. I love the colors!
As far as mail days go...Hmmm... last package we got was when J was in the hospital. I wasn't home to get it. Christmas gifts sent from my perpetually late brother and his wife.:) Nothing really sticks out as being a super great mail day. The day that my living room paintings that J ordered came was nice. If it's anything other than bills or junk mail, that's a pretty good day. LOL
Fun to see a picture of a quilt I made on your blog.
Not moving to WI...:( Well, I guess that is life.
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