the trip to mn was great. we spent lots of time with family and friends.
traveling (with kids) is a lot of hard work, but well worth it.
I did a lot of shopping. got some great deals. bought lots of fabric. {I love mill end outlet!}
met up with blog friends and stayed with my sister. had a blast.
got to give judy her quilt.

[here are a few projects that I finished up right before leaving.]
now, on to the overwhelmed part.
my husband went to FL on a job interview a few days before our trip to mn. {i don't want to move to FL}
while on our trip to mn, he found out about another job opening in hudson, wi...much closer to home. {i think i want to move to wi...although I do LOVE living in MI...I would miss it.}
(he wasn't even looking for another job, I might add, they are looking for him. which is great.)
but still, the possibilities are turning our world upside down. we are constantly talking about our options. looking for properties on the web. dreaming. planning. yikes.
it seems that relocation may be in our near future....but then again, you never know. whew. wouldn't you be a little overwhelmed? it is exciting, and I am so proud of my husband. he works hard, does a great job, and he is a great provider for our family. he is making a name for himself in his industry. I am so happy to be at his side, where ever we may end up.
I know it's easier said than done some times, but try to just rest in the fact that God has you in His hands, he knows the big picture when we do not. Whatever He has planned for you will become evident as the days go by. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you" That's my paraphrase, but you know the verse. I know that it is exciting and frightening all at the same time. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and in prayer. I'm confident that the Lord has something great in store for you whether it is in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Florida. (Personally, I'm pulling for the Wisconsin gig! LOL)
Well, it sounds like you're overwhelmed in a good way so I'm glad for that.
Hey there! Welcome back. Even though I got to see you in person, I've missed you out here :) Gorgeous gifts for everyone as always! Thanks again!! I'll be praying that the decisions you have to make will be easy and God's hand will be evident. Take care!
Glad to hear you had a great trip, sorry to hear you are so overwhelmed. Even if like mama urchin said its in a good way. Hudson is nice though, I would perfer that to FL.
Your project pic are wonderful, with beautiful fabrics!! We have a mill end 45min from us and I have yet to get there!! Must go!!
bet it is nice to have your schedule back. I am enjoying my last day off of work. Then no break until Memorial Day. Though I hope to take a personal day or two before the end of the year.
as I read the comments about how wonderful it would be to have you back near mn....i am thinking....wait a minute....stop the presses.....i want you here!! ok, so that's the selfish me, and though i would miss you very much (who on earth would help me put together quilts?) i would be extremely happy for you guys to be closer to your families. Even though i know you love MI, i know it's been hard being away from them!! thankfully, where ever you may end up, the computer will always help shorten the distance! Now some subliminal messages.. michigan....michigan....michigan....michigan :-) Hee - hee!
Welcome back! My DH is going through a job transition thing right now too, but fortunately/hopefully we won't have to move.
Best wishes to you and your family with the relocating decision. We're contemplating a major relocation ourselves, so I know how overwhelming just thinking about it can be. It's great to hear your positive spin on it all.
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