This is the first in a series (I hope) of monochromatic quilts. When I started this yellow one, I was very nervous that it was going to turn out putrid. Much to my relief, I don't think it did...I love the results. If you didn't notice, I am hooked on random piecing. I think the pieces of vintage sheet (thank you, Roxanne) really helped tie all the colors together.

I backed it with yellow polka dot fabric from last weekend's shopping trip.

The finished size is about 43" x 51".
After washing and drying, it puckered up nicely.
I. love. that.
(is it just me, or is spell check not working on blogger? I had to get out my dictionary to see if I spelled putrid right.)
It's beautiful as always, Amanda.
I think the yellow is gorgeous - so soft and buttery. A really lovely quilt.
So beautiful! I always LOVE monochromatic things. They always look so classy!
another beauty Sister! amazing how you can take all those pieces, and come up with such a fantastoc design, OH FOREVERMORE! How are you my sweet friend? Missing you. Are you blessing someone with this quilt? You are something....else! Love ya...Have a wodnerful rest of your week. Love and hugs, Lucy
I love your monochromatic scheme. Beautiful...can't wait to see more.
do you have a pattern for the random quilt - how do I get started?
Love that quilt, especially the polka dots on the back. So fun!
Sunshiney goodness.
Yes, blogger has broken the spell check function. I panic every time I post because I cen't spall to gud.
I thought it was just me, I can't spell check either.
Love the yellow and the random piecing.
Putrid? Anything but! I love the colors, especially the mustard-y tones. Beautiful!
Very pretty! Can't wait to see what color is next!
It looks vintage, Amandajean, not putrid! LOL I totally love your random piecing methodology and the fact that this quilt is monochromatic. It's a one of a kind beauty! What colour are you making next?
I love this one! It just looks very warm and inviting. And of course, I love it when I recognize fabric that you use!! And yep, spell check has been broken for a long time. I'm sure I've been sounding like an idiot in all my posts! Oh well!! :)
What a beautiful quilt. I enjoyed looking at all your quilts. They inspirer me to quilt !!!!!! Bonnie in Tx.
Buttery goodness. My spell check has been out for over a week and wasn't able to load photos today.
I love the monochromatic look - any chance you could post a quick tutorial on the random piecing? Your quilts are truly inspiring!!
Hello stranger! I'm back...kind of. And wanted to point your attention to my blog where I've given you an award. I hope to return to regular blogging soon but in the meantime thought that a public thank you for your kindness was in order =)
Much love,
I love the random, the yellow, the free-motion quilting and the polka dot backing! Perfect!
Yes, the spell checker seems mighty worthless at present!
So pretty Amandajean, and yes spell check hasn't been working for a couple of weeks now.
I also love this monochromatic quilt! I would love to do one in red myself. I'm sure random piecing is as easy as randomly sewing together scraps, but a quick "how to" would be wonderful!
It's fabulous!
you are so speedy girl.
monochrome 1 = done. moving on to monochrome 2. by this time tomorrow, you'll probably have the top done!
Well there is no way in the world it is putrid...the quilt is just lovely......the fabrics are fantastic..just love it...
Amanda - it's great! I love it, and the puckering is perfect! All of those yellows just really make me want to get more fabrics! It is beautiful! Em
This is so pretty! I love it!
Love it Amandajean! Gorgeous quilt. Putrid, a new word to me. I checked the meaning. Your wuilt is not purtid!!
Blogger has been down almost all day. I never have used spell check in Blogger. No idea how it works. I always use an online dictionary.
Ha ha, wuilt = quilt, you see... I could use some spell check!!
Love it! Now I just need to accumulate enough scraps to do a one color quilt!
I love this quilt and the idea of doing a range of same colour quilts. I have wanted to do a random pieced quilt for ages and keep changing my mind. This has me all inspired again.
Love it. I'm thinking of doing some scrap quilts too, I have a ton of scraps.
I think you need to do a tutorial on randomness, I love them, but have no clue. sad that I can't be random.
I finished my quilt-a-long today. -well up to the point you have taken us. I love it. thanks so much.
That is fantastic. I have to say, this is my favorite quilting blog. You're amazing!
Oh wow!! I am drooling. I want to be able to make quilts like that. Any hints Amandajean?
It's wonderful AmandaJean. I'm putting my quilt top together today thanks to your great instructions.
This is so beautiful. I love how quilts pucker after you wash them. It is one of the reasons I don't like high loft batting.
You are inspiring me!
I can't remember last time spell check worked. I believe Blogger is 'working on it' last time I checked. BEAUTIFUL quilt!
That quilt is anything but putrid!! I love the colors. :)
I love the yellow. It makes me think of daffodils, which I truly hope we'll see soon.
that quilt is so beautiful! wow, love it amanda! and yes, spell check is not working on blogger. it is deiving me crazy.
anyway, the wuilt, now i really have to get going on mine!
Your quilt reminds me of the warm sunshine....which we haven't seen lately.....thanks for the warmth!
Is your random piecing on a foundation? I'd love to see a mini-tut of your method.
I've been admiring your blog for a little while.....you are inspiring!
Happy Quilting!!
I. Love. It. Too! I'm not a big yellow fan, but I like this yellow one! And I am totally going to have to try the random piecing you're fond of doing one of these days!
So pretty! I love the pucker, too!
i sit here with my mouth open every time i see your quilts!!!!!!
so gorgeous. all that work.......just lovely!
the pucker is my favorite too! Beautiful quilt.
Beautiful! :)
Great work! I love the buttery colors! And the pucker is great. I love pulling a newly made quilt out of the dryer the first time. Ahhhhh!
I am not normally a fan of yellow but I really like this quilt, and I am so jealous of your sheet, I had those sheets when I was a little girl, very nostalgic for me.
Nothing like the 70's for color combinations eh?
I was refered to your blog from another site and I have really been enjoying it. I wish I had found it in time to join in on the quilt along, I will just have to be a late comer and do it as I can.
Looks fun though, I can't wait to get started!
NICE! I like the puckers too!
lovely, as always.
you really amaze me.
Your quilt is so pretty, I can see why you love it.
PS it's not just you spell check on blogger isn't working for me at the moment either
love it!
so, when you do your random piecing do you do pieces and pieces and then piece bigger pieced pieces together.
gosh, that sounds funny.
(i've been having blogger issues too, but it's more like they don't know how to spell)
Very nice.
It makes me ache for spring.
pretty, pretty
Can't wait to see green!
I like the polka dotted back.
Yellow is so beautiful! I was inspired by your random piecing and did a little myself. It was so much fun!
Looks great. I LOVE random piecing too, it is so liberating. Wonderful job, as always.
I like how even with random piecing, everyone has a style that comes through. I like your style, it is classy!!
So beautiful! I love this quilt.
I simply love this quilt - wonderful. And the puckered look = love, no?
I love it! You are an inspiration that some day soon I will make my first quilt. That is after I tackle the list of things that need to be finished and the list also always changes. :)
I can't spell for the life of me. English is also not my first language, but I post anyway. I am not perfect and I want my readers to know that. :):):)
I love the golden hues.
(spell check is definitely not working. i've been copying my post into a word document to check for typos and misspellings.)
I too would like a tutorial on how to do random piecing.
Love your yellow quilt! It is very bright and cheery looking. Your English is fine.
I adore this one. The asymmetry of the piecing it is so appealing, and the monochromatic approach is beautiful. Looking forward to more of these from you.
It looks like summer and the sun.
Love it!
creative euy !
I love your quilt, and am so looking forward to future monocrome quilts - that's such a challenging, and interesting design idea!!!
I tried this with a red quilt, but felt I needed a contrasting color. I posted about this quilt, "Winter Strawberries".
I am so enjoying reading your posts!!!
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