Monday, February 06, 2012

so much to celebrate!

I feel like things have been pretty darn crazy around here. There is a lot of self imposed stress going on, but it's stress nonetheless. But...if I take a step back, even for a minute, I can see that there is SO much to celebrate and so much to be thankful for!

-Amazon keeps sending me emails recommending Sunday Morning Quilts to me. It's highly entertaining and it makes me giddy every single time. Also on the recommendation list are new books written by Denyse Schmidt and Weeks Ringle/Bill Kerr, the 3 major influential people in my quilting journey. We are on the same list? Really?? Somebody pinch me!
-Cheryl's and my book comes out next month. After working on it for over two years, it feels so good to be this close. (It's also completely nerve wracking!) I received post cards to help promote the book just this weekend. They look so good! We got the quilts back a few weeks ago, which is fantastic as well. I have been choosing different ones to sleep under and rotating them around the house. (This is after they sat in a pretty stack in the corner for a few weeks.) It's so good to have the quilts home! By the way, Cheryl has a fun little contest going on over on her blog. Which comes first, the baby or the book? You should check it out! :)
-Moda developed a pattern sheet for a zig zag quilt using the no triangle method that I first shared here. How cool is that??? I received a lovely box from Lissa, which is always an ABSOLUTE day brightener. Thank you Lissa! 
On the back of the pattern sheets, a little blurb, right next to the moda logo, with my name on it. That feels pretty fabulous!
-Melinda and I have been working together to plan a quilt retreat right here in Wisconsin over Mother's Day weekend. Woo-hoo!!! I'm very excited that I'll be teaching my machine quilting sampler class again. The weekend should be a lot of fun! You can find more details about the retreat here. There is a link to the registration form there, too. We hope you can join us!

-On the home kids got their report cards on Friday and they. were. fabulous. I'm so proud of each of my kids and I'm so very thankful for them. It's fun to watch them grow up and develop into their own little individual selves, even though it tugs at my heart strings...every single day. I'm so thankful that they are doing so well in school! And I'm thankful for the most wonderful husband ever. He's quite a guy.

-I took Tara to the airport today. Sad as it was to see her go back home, I've got a whole bunch of new memories with my dear friend. What a delight to be able to spend the weekend with her. I feel so incredibly blessed!

Hope you have a lot to be thankful for today, too.

Happy Monday to you!


Quilterbell said...

Congratulations Amanda for all your super news!!!!!! I am not surprised, you are such a talented lady/mother!.

Kim said...

Let me be the first ( well here anyway :0)!)
to send a huge congratulations!
You've done a lot of work to get here and have been so generous with your patterns and tutorials....thanks for that.

I wish you continued success AmandaJean!

Happy Sewing

Live a Colorful Life said...

What a fun post! I'm SO excited to actually receive your new book. I have been a huge fan of Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle for years. You deserve to be in such exalted company for sure.

Glad you had a fun time with Tara. Wish I could come to your retreat in Wisconsin. Will you be teaching the same thing in Colorado in November?

Sharon said...

So happy things are going well for you! Your blog was the first one I came across when I was learning to quilt four years ago and I learned so much from you! I was sad when you stopped blogging for awhile and so glad when you started back! I have always been a huge fan of yours....

Dara said...

I have gone to your no triangles zig zag quilt tutorial at least 12 times today as I am bound and determined to finish this quilt by Wednesday. I am expecting baby #5 in 9 weeks and I have some pretty determined deadlines to get everything ready. I just put the crib up in my son's room and since he will be sharing with the baby I decided that he needs a matching twin sized quilt to go with it!! I have tried this pattern before and it did not work out- so this time I am DETERMINed to get it right. Wish me luck, I can't wait to show you the final product.

Mama Pea said...

Sounds just great! I want to hear more about that Mother's Day retreat! I am so excited for your book. I preordered and can't wait to get it. It's all very exciting. Congratulations on all this cool stuff...Moda pattern! Woo hoo!!!

ktquilts said...

I love the quilting sampler. I am doing a FMQ quilting Challenge this year. I am making blocks like you made. Hoping I have a chance over the course of the year to learn your piecing technique!

Can't wait to check it your book!

Katie said...

You're in such good company! I can't wait for the book to come out!

Eileen said...

Can't wait to get my hands on that new book of yours. It warms my heart, puts a smile on my face.
Oh, I am so jealous that you and Tara got to spend the weekend together. I hope soon Tara and I will be making soap and quilting and what ever together soon, very soon. You can come play with us too :-)

MissesStitches said...

Many congratulations to you on your accomplishments. That must be quite a thrill to get that book recommendation from Amazon! I would be giddy, too. Way to go!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You are very blessed and talented Amanda Jean...Congratulations. Would love to join the retreat, but I'm committed to the Race for the Cure at MOA.

Darlene said...

What a happy post! Congratulations on all the successes! Well deserved :-)


bethanndodd said...

What wonderful rewards for all of your hard work, with both the "crafty" stuff and with the family. Balancing it all can't be easy but you seem to be pulling it off fabulously! Congrats and don't forget to enjoy it ;)

**nicke... said...


Theresa said...

Gorgeous post. I for one c.a.n.n.o.t. wait until your book is available.

Terriaw said...

I feel like you need a big congratulations with all these great things, but especially for your book! I can't believe it's almost out! Can't wait to get my very own copy, and to start using up my scraps with projects from you and Cheryl.

That pattern Moda printed looks cool. How fun to see it in print.

Not sure yet if I'll be able to make that retreat in Madison. (My mom can be kinda sensitive about Mother's Day.)

Michele said...

Congrats on the pending book release and the accolades. You certainly deserve it.

quirky granola girl said...

yay for good news!! those computers at Amazon must think they are so clever finding the perfect book for you :)

unfinishedquilts said...

After lurking on your blog for about 3 years, I did not hesitate to pre-order your book. I cannot wait till I get it! Setting aside some sewing time!

Tracy said...

I'm soo excited about your book! You are pretty much fabulous period! I took my dear friend to the airport today...but not before turning a vintage dress that was too small into a great circle skirt for her! Fun to sew for and with friends!

Thimbleanna said...

Wow! Congratulations CrazyMom! All wonderful things -- and VERY well deserved!!!

Mary Jo said...

You really do have a lot to be thankful for. And i am thankful to be able to share in it all through your blog. I have your book on order, Can't wait. I like how Moda made your quilt using just one color with white. Have a great springlike day.

Christine said...

AmandaJean, I am one of those that has been following you for a very long time. The quilt on my bed is based on your Bento Box quilt. I just made a fun journal cover using the tutorial you posted for Wonky Stars. I'm always going to this site to find inspiration. You are indeed a talented lady and I'm so glad that you are finding success around every corner.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all the wonderful goings-on! Yeah, I would be squealing if my name/book were on the same page as Weeks, Bill and Denyse too (since I'm on first name basis with them all :))

Love that zig zag quilt tutorial. I saved it for a future retreat project.

audreypawdrey said...

I am so glad that you and Tara had such a good time together! I know you had a blast.

I am so excited for you about your book, and I can't wait to get a copy of it myself, and I would indeed be squealing to see myself on a list with those other quilters.

Congratulation on your kid's success! That is an awesome report to receive!

I am bookmarking your zig zag pattern to try sometime this summer. I love that you don't have to use triangles for it, and it looks so nice.
I look forward to hearing about the retreat you are plotting with Melinda. I know I won't be able to attend, but I will be sending good wishes in spirit. It will be fabulous!

Jane said...

Congratulations, Amanda!
I'm seriously thinking about that retreat as it's just a hop, skip and a jump away from where I live! Wouldn't I love to meet and learn from you!

Emily said...

-Can't wait for the book!! Congrats!
-Your zig zag tutorial is the BEST!! Seriously!
-Another retreat?! Must.get.there!

Mancity0327 said...

I had your book on my wish listr here in the UK Amazon, and had preordered but got an email a few days ago to say they no longer know when it will be available.
Do you know why that might be?

Kathie said...

That's a big list of celebration! Congratulations!

Letterpress said...

After reading bout Mancity's comment (from UK amazon), I didn't want to miss it, so I went ahead and pre-ordered it. It says arrival is the first part of May. Yippee! Now I'll have all three on your wonderful list.

Elizabeth E.

Suzanne said...

This post is loaded with glee!

Becky said...

Congratulations! You do have so much to be thankful for! Keep up the good work and thanks so much for all the inspiration!

Ina said...

What the h??!! I thought Amazon was sending those alerts just to me! I feel like Amazon's been cheating on me. ;p

Can't wait to get my hands on your new book. I love the cover!

Aimee said...

That's awesome, Amanda! I am super proud of you!

Nicole said...

Congratulations on your success. You are such and inspiration! So creative! Thanks for sharing so much with me

goletagirlwendy said...

Congratulations on everything. You deserve it all. I'm making your zigzag quilt now for a wedding gift. It is a great quilt. Thank you!!!!

SarahZ said...

A wonderful post! it makes me a woman sews, sew shall she reap?! :) It is obviously heartwarming for all of us "followers", on the receiving end of your generosity, to see you on the receiving end in a big way! Congratulations!!!!!

Andrea said...

Book, career, quilting or kids - your greatest and most rewarding accomplishment will always be your kids... and it sounds like you're doing a fine job helping them develop into fantastic little people! :-) You are blessed! Have a fabulous week!

Anonymous said...

That is so nice to hear that you are getting a book published! You deserve it as you are one talented lady. I love reading your blog, you get my "quilting juices" going, a good inspiration for everyone. I can't wait to buy your book. Cynthia

Katherine said...

Much to be celebrated and I'm cheering for you! Woot! Woot!
Now if you would only come to Canada, you quilting rock star....;o)

Seriously, super happy at your successes, Amanda Jean. Big HUGS.

amy smart said...

Tens across the board for the Nybergs! Congratulations, Amanda Jean! I can't wait to see your book. Your zig zag quilt is on my to-do list!

kelli said...

How do I pre-order the book? Can I get a signed copy? Oh this is so exciting!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats on the book...I bet it will be a sell out and need a second printing :-)

Mickey said...

I have pre-ordered your book am awaiting it's arrival. Congratulations & thank you for all that you do. our work is very inspiring.

Kim said...

I pre-ordered your book from Amazon UK last week, can't wait to see it!

Anna said...

totally awesome, and hmmm, I'll have to look at the retreat thing! although that's such a busy time of year for us between birthdays, anniversaries, and mothers day!

Anonymous said...

Where can you purchase your book? What is the name of it?