Friday, February 03, 2012

finish it up Friday, week 13

Welcome to week 13 of finish it up Friday!
I am quite excited about my finish this week! I started this charming little cushion cover on Tuesday and finished it up early Thursday morning. I do not recommend a marathon of hand appliquing, by the way. :) This was a birthday gift for my dear friend Tara, who's birthday was this week. I am super excited, because I got to give it to her personally because she is here visiting this weekend. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cushion cover measures about 19" square-ish and it was inspried by this quilt.

Now it's your turn. Please link up your finish for the week. Then go ahead and visit a few other links so we can all cheer each other on in our finishes!

Thank you for linking up and Happy Friday!

finish it up Friday, week 13

1. Nathalie  42. Sarah C.  
2. Dreaming in Patchwork  43. diane @ brasier house  
3. Jo's Country Junction  44. 80's Atari Theme Quilt  
4. Anna@Lemon Lime Quilts  45. Jane  
5. Love Pads  46. Think Spring!  
6. Katie  47. Heidi @ Fabric Mutt  
7. kim@mygogolife  48. syglad  
8. Pretty Little Flowers  49. justme- shaunab  
9. Nicole @ Patchwork Duck Designs  50. Summer @ Summer Lee Quilts  
10. Rachel @ The Life of Riley  51. Rose  
11. Claas Creations  52. JG  
12. Susie at ProsperityStuff  53. Pokeytown Kim  
13. Donna (This Year's Dozen)  54. Baby Quilt by CJ  
14. Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting  55. Claire Jain @ Sewing Over Pins  
15. Abby  56. Pragmatic Patchwork  
16. tara  57. annilu  
17. Melissa  58. A Girl in Paradise  
18. Little Island Quilting  59. Rachel B.  
19. DIY Fabric Labels  60. Paisley Parade  
20. Emmitt Quilt  61. Kate @katiemaequilts  
21. Lina  62. Eileen  
22. Dina  63. Clair  
23. elizabeth  64. Leanne @ Cottage Tails  
24. Alex  65. rosa  
25. Deb @ Life on the Selvage Edge  66. Deb  
26. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  67. Greens & Jeans  
27. Cathy in Ontario  68. Simplicity 4243 baby top  
28. Cheerful Homemaker  69. Sandra @ Sew in Peace  
29. Lucy @ Charm About You  70. Tünde  
30. Quilted Star Pillow Cover  71. Beckysblabber  
31. Pieces of Cotton  72. Amanda  
32. Jenn at The Little Shop of Stitches  73. Debbie  
33. svetlana  74. Carla@SewItUpBaby  
34. Brandie  75. Stephanie  
35. Our Busy Little Bunch  76. Theresa @ Sew & Sews  
36. Teeny Tiny Houses Quilt  77. Kelly @ SewKellySews  
37. Karolina  78. Duke Says Sew What  
38. beth  79. Jennifer D.  
39. Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts  80. audreypawdrey  
40. wheat bags/snack bags/pillows  81. Unconventional Katie  
41. Carmutxa  82. Birdies Quilt  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Go-Go Kim said...

Lucky Tara! That is a beautiful pillow!

Thanks for hosting!!!!!!!

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said...

Really Cool Pillow! Your friend will love it! I love it!
Thanks for hosting! Have a great day!

KristyLou said...

Oh I do love that pillow!!

Brittney@Third Time's a Charm said...

Love the pillow and the petals! I'm going to have totry my hand at petals...

Deb said...

What an adorable pillow! Love it! What a great gift.

What Comes Next? said...

beautiful pillow. Of course if I tried to do it with hand applique it would be 3 years not 3 days before it was done!

Donna said...

Love the fabrics and colors in Tara's pillow.

What fun!! Not only do these Friday finishes get me motivated to finish up something, but I also get to come here and party with all of you.

Thanks so much for hosting this.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful pillow and what a nice gift!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Very cute! I wish I had more crafty friends. I never get anything handmade!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Amanda what a gorgeous cushion!!
Have a great time with your friend this weekend :)

Svetlana said...

What a beautiful pillow, it's so pretty and sweet. Lucky Tara.

Brooke said...

You are a very sweet friend, and I'm sure Tara is thrilled. It's gorgeous!

I love your "Friday Finish" feature, but it seems to get me a little distracted....

First, I made some bobbin cans. Then, I wanted a tiny trash can. Now, the pillow.....

Ha, ha, am I ever supposed to finish up my OWN projects? Thanks for all the inspiration! ;-)

Emily said...

Love the pillow almost much as I LOVE the quilt!!!

Sarah Craig said...

Gorgeous pillow, Amandajean! Love your color choices....

Mama Pea said...

Beautiful! What a great gift. Have fun visiting!

beth said...

LOVE that pillow.

Live a Colorful Life said...

How fun that Tara will be at your house for the weekend! I'll probably hear the laughter all the way here in California. Just sayin'

LOVE the pillow!

Carmen said...

Lovely present! Happy birthday, Tara! You girls try to stay out of trouble this weekend. :)

JG said...

Your friend will be so happy with her beautiful gift!

Jennifer C. said...

Wow! I am amazed at the effect you have achieved with applique. I have been doing a lot of applique but it has all been flowers, animals and hearts for a fleece blanket - all bondaweb and satin stitch. This is Grown Up Applique. It's gorgeous. I thought it was some sort of amazing curved piecing that would be totally impossible for a baby quilter but, actually, it's achievable. Another one on the waiting list then - lol!

trish said...

Aww...what a precious pillow!! And so fun to be with your friend over the weekend. :0)

Claire Jain said...

I really love that pillow! Sometimes it just takes a marathon session. You're always really proud at the end though!

CitricSugar said...

Oh, that is just so pretty.

I'm going to have to be more curvy in my quilty pursuits. I see too many great things for inspiration not to...

Thimbelina said...

You always make such beautiful cushions.... I'm very jealous of your friend! :)

Kristen said...

You. Are. Awesome. That pillow in a week? Great job, and she better love that beautiful thing! :0

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Beautiful pillow.
Thanks for hosting Finish It Up Fridays. It's great motivation at the end of the week.

Clair said...

I had something to link today:) Have fun with Tara.

Kylie Lloyd said...

The cushion is very cute. Your friend is going to love it!!

Rosa said...

Beautiful pillow!

Chase said...

So pretty! Your friend is so lucky! I love how you arranged your colors in this pillow, so springy look! Love it! This week, I don't have anything finish up, but always enjoy come to the post and check on how other people do.. a good weekend to you~

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Beautiful pillow! One of my favorite things you've made.

Nicole said...

Nice pillow. I like how you used a variety of lights as the background.

audreypawdrey said...

It is beautiful! Happy Birthday to Tara, and I know you are having an awesome weekend together! It makes me happy to imagine the fun that you two are having.:)

bethanndodd said...

What a special gift for your beautiful!!!

Quilterbell said...

wow, it is beautiful!

Dara said...

I got my post all ready (edited pictrues etc) and then didn't submit it- must be prego brain as I have 9 weeks to go... any way here's the link ... I love that you have this 'deadline', it is very motivating to know that I have a date to work towards. Once again- I love your blog, it is my fav (.http://sistersinsewing(.)blogspot(.)com/)

Suzanne said...

You two are such good buddies that I expect the marathon had you smiling the entire time. It's even more exciting to give a handmade gift in person. Happy celebrating!

brincrish said...

I just chanced upon your blog, and am totally blown away! What wonderful work you do, and how amazing are your 'quilt alongs'. I am a new quilter, primarily have worked with crazy quilting, but have begun work on traditional quilting. I would love to work a quilt along with you when you next have one. I am thinking of working on one of them anyway!
I live in India where quilting is still not very common. We have just formed our own guild, the indian Modern Quilting Guild!

Sue said...

This is beautiful... bright, happy and filled with sunshine! It makes me smile. You have a lucky friend. ;)

Kim said...

I am happily making baby doll quilts today from two of your tutorials, I actually use the ticker tape idea but don't lift up quilting foot between squares I just keep sewing them down and use thread between them to quilt the top some more.
and of course with matching pillows from your tut also.

Thanks you for giving these ideas and tuts to us :0)

Happy Sewing

倩™ © said...

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for sharing with us your lovely pillow, it's really gorgeous!

May I ask, for the leaves petal, do you remove the fabric underneath after you applique? Just curious :)

Greeting from Singapore

sewtakeahike said...

woweeeeeee! AJ, it's so beautiful and I just might have to sneak it out of Tara's house the next time I'm there, lol!

quirky granola girl said...

i guess now is too late, but i was going to ask you to give Tara a squeeze from me :) that pillow is just perfect for her.

Unknown said...

Just found your blog today, I love what you do :-) I have pinned you like crazy...ok that sounds weird. Added you to my Pinterest page :-) Ok that clarifies things.

Tiffiny ~ Smiliemommy :-)

Katie said...

I love your rug! It's so cheerful.