Lots going on here=one very tired mama.
I am working on quilting this quilt for Heather. This is still part of our trade off-babysitting for quilting. She pieced the top. Isn't it fantastic? I love the blues and aquas. It's the same pattern as this quilt.
We have a little girl in our house that turned 2 on Tuesday. She got a cold for her birthday. :(
I have 2 more quilts in the queue which are basted and ready to quilt.
I am doing some summer wardrobe planning for my little girl. Dresses like this. Bloomers that I want to try from this tutorial.
And my husband has been working some crazy long hours, so I've been on single parent duty for a few nights a week lately. Ugh.
What's going on at your house today?
Also, I added the names to the list for the quilt along. If yours isn't there, please send me an email or leave me a comment to let me know so I can add it. I tried to add each name, but I may have inadvertently missed someone. Thanks to all of you who already signed up and for your enthusiasm.
sorry your little girl is sick! the wuilt is beautiful! wow. those colors she put together are so pretty. Hope your single parent duty ends soon!
Wonderful quilt! Love those colours. Happy belated birthday to the 2 year old!
Amandajean, I miss my name in the list...
Love the quilt - as always...
Please sign me up for your quilt-along!
I just completed my first square. Maybe. I may re-do it if time permits.
I am actually sitting in the beauty shop getting my hair colored. Imagine that? They have laptops for the customers so you know what I am doing. I can't wait to start the quilt along. I am going to Helen Ga. tomorrow for a vacation and I am taking my sewing machine!
I am a big fan of you and your quilts. I am excited to try your quilt along. -Marie
B is for Bobbin
Oh dear, I hope everything gets back to normal soon. Heather's quilt is lovely!
Over here I'm still trying to get my priorities straight. And make our expenses fit into the budget. I'll have to seriously curb my fabric shopping. :-(
I wish I could babysit for you. I need to figure out the free motion thing.
Hi add me to the quilt a long.
Don't add me to the quilt-a-long. I AM done with my heart quilt. I need to start another one today.
Both versions of that quilt are beautiful! What pattern is it?
those colors are fab! and its so sad that your gal got a cold for her birthday! what a sad state of affairs.
Very pretty quilt...I am making my square tomorrow...
Hi Amanda - I'm a sucker for a star quilt - sign me up :-)
I'm hoping to stitch mine in raspberry and custard (YUM!)
Kind regards - Dawn
Melbourne Australia
That's quite a list of quilters! It's so cool how you are spreading quilty goodness all over the world! Sorry about the cold...I can relate...miserable!
Happy birthday, big 2-year-old girl!! I hope you are feeling better soon.
I wish I would have found your blog sooner. You have some great quilt info and make some beautiful ones as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Hope little A had a good birthday despite the cold. I can't wait to see what you have planned for summer clothes for her.
Hugs to you, I know it is stressful on you when K has to work such long hours. Hopefully it will end soon and things will get back to normal.
I am working on another outfit for Associated Sewing right now. I should be able to finish it tonight.
That's what's going on at my house today. :0)
Hi. Please add my name to the Quilt-a-Long. This quilt is going to be as much fun as the last one.Thanks
count me in!!! loved your last QAL and can't wait to get going on this one. Thank you!
What am I up to? Today I
-wrote an article called "How to crochet baby hats"
-finished a set of glossaries for some ESL stories
-pried shredded newspaper from little "Mister Can't Sit Still"
-dashed to Cub Foods to buy items for dinner
-started another article
It's a good thing I don't have any sewing projects going.
Count me in on your new Quilt along! I am still working on the first one, as I started it late in the blog, but I plan to keep up with this one, as well as finish the first one as I go. I really appreciate you more than I can say. Happy birthday to your little one. Children are such a joy!
the quilt that I referred to in this post is just a pattern that I made up. I linked to the other one because I always think it is fun to compare 2 quilts from the same pattern in different color ways.
Up at 5 to drop oldest off for a school trip (hs.sr.). Back home got #2 off to school 6:15.
Dog to vet. Food store. Made brownies. Laundry. Took phone call from hs. sr. saying she got there safe :). Drove kids to afterschool activities. Made dinner. Trip to target. Tried to make 1st quiltalong block - but never got to it. Try again tommorrow. That's what going on here today.
Hi Amanda!
My name isn't on the list for the quilt along but I am definitely in!
love the colors on this! Your log cabins are so inspiring!
So pretty!! I am going to need your inspiration this month - I just told the world (or my 10 blog readers) that I'm going to make my master bed quilt by the end of May!! I'm crazy. I'll just come here to get motivated when I think I can't make it!
I'd like to join too,ure quilt is wonderful.
Those colors in the quilt are wonderful! Wish I could free motion quilt like you do...someday!
Hope your little girl is feeling much better.
Love the aqua colors. Hmm...both kids home from college (one just for the weekend). Lots of cooking and baking. A quilt I'm furiously binding for a customer. Calgon...take me away.
You are a busy busy woman!!
I'd babysit for quilting :-)
log cabin is my favorite quilt pattern, yours looks lovely!
Please count me in on the quilt along. It looks like fun. I'm still umming over fabrics but will get there by Monday.
Amy at Seven Stitches
Heather's quilt is so lovely!!
At my house today... I am catching up on blog reading & still working on getting things completely unpacked & arranged. :)
I hope your little girl feels better!
Gorgeous quilt top - love the colours and thanks for the wardrobe inspiration. That little dress would make a fab top for my 5year old. Have a great weekend and hope you get a bit of a break!
Love the aqua and black! I would never have thought of that combo.
the quilt looks fantastic! Great idea to trade babysitting for quilting :)
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