Welcome to week one of the star quilt along.
A few items of business before we get started with our block for today:
-The quilt top is 85" square.
-It consists of 12 setting blocks and 13 star blocks.
-Each block is 12.5" unfinished, resulting in a 12" finished block.
-A quarter inch seam allowance is used throughout the project.
-About the fabric: for the background, I would buy around 6-7 yards for this project. I haven't kept track of how much I have used for this quilt, but if you are worried about running out, get a few extra yards. Buy something you love, so if you have tons extra, you can use it for another project. I used quilters only cotton from JoAnn's in the color parchment. (I buy nearly a bolt at a time.) For the pink parts of the quilt I used fabrics from my stash. Fat quarters and fat eighths work well for these pieces. For the setting blocks, I used at least a yard of fabric, but less than 2 yards.
Now on to our block...

cut one square 7 1/4" from the background fabric

cut it in half diagonally twice, making quarter square triangles

cut one square 3 7/8" from the background fabric
cut six squares 3 1/2" from the background fabric

cut five squares 3 7/8" from the colored fabric

take one square background fabric and mark a line in pencil from one corner to the other. pin that background fabric to a colored square of fabric, right sides together. sew two seams- one on either side of the pencil line using a quarter inch seam.

cut apart on the pencil line.

press open and this will form 2 squares

take the remaining 4 squares of colored fabric, cut them in half on the diagonal

to make 8 half square triangles

layout as shown
I added a few close up shots on how to sew this segment together. This will also be used in several future blocks in the quilt along.

Square up your block-trim to exactly 12.5". This is an important step, so later, when you are assembling your blocks, they will all match in size. This makes the assembly of the quilt much easier.
If you have any questions, I will attempt to answer them in the comments section.
If you are joining in, leave me a comment, and I will add your name to the sidebar and a link to your blog, if you have one.
Thanks for quilting along with me.
this quilt would look so great as a wall hanging. i have even seen them hung behind a bed as a heads board! i just had to tell you again how beautiful this is!
Hi amandajean, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful fabric that arrived this weekend. I love it, blues and greens are my favorite :cD I will be playing along in the quilt-along this time...and I know just the fabrics I want to use ;cD
Yay! Starting time! I got my other quilt top done just in time to start this one... I know what I'm doing tonight!
Yes, count me in. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
I love your blog - I'm glad I get to join in!
I've been reading your blog since about halfway through the last quilt-along, and was wishing I had joined in. So I'm in this time ... and my goal is to complete each week's block along with the corresponding block from the last round (quilt-a-long 1). Two blocks a week ... think it can be done? : )
Thanks a ton for organizing.
Yes, I'm going to join in! Hooray!
Count me in! :) Oh my gosh, I'm excited! This looks like it will be a lot of fun!
I just sorted out my fabrics. Can't wait to get started on this. Thank you so much :o)
The quilt is so pretty! I wish I had your speed. I don't even have the first quilt along finished yet. :)
Thanks, I'm joining in as well. Also, I wanted to let you know I'm making my own "Future's so Bright" only out of mostly blues and greens, with an orange Amy Butler every now and then.
I will join in on this one! I didn't last time and was sad...no I just need to get some fabrics!
I saw this while I was on a quilt retreat in Minnesota this weekend...I think I should do the same thing as "quiltdad!" make two blocks a week-one of each!!!
Thanks Amandajean! The quilt looks wonderful. I sure want to join in. The first quilt-along was so much fun. I’ve a lot of projects on my sleeve so I don’t know if I can keep up with everybody, but I will try to. First I have to dive in my fabric stash and decide what to use.
Do you have a tip on where to buy quilters only cotton on-line? Is it something like Kona cotton?
Count me in..thanks
Hi Amanda Jean - I want to quilt along with you ... it's going to take me a little bit to get started though, 'cuz I need to do some shopping (yay!) ... I love the quilt!
Count me in - although goodness knows how quickly I can get to City Quilter, but I'll try and force myself! ;)
I'm so excited to get going on this...I was too busy for the first quilt along but am hoping to do those blocks soon too! Made a trip to town and am ready to go on this one!
Thanks again for all your hard work on this!
Yea...now I get to play...I came to your blog last time a little late in the game...
But, this time I am playing!!!!
Please add me...
Rhonda here. I'm new to joining in the quilt-along project, but not to quilting, so am looking forward to getting started. I went to the attic today and sorted through my stash. I pulled out a pile of Christmas fabrics and a pile of palest yellow and blue...maybe I should make two! I blog at christmasnotebook.com. :)
Count me in.
Hi Amandajean! I'm more than happy to join your QAL, even though I do have some UFO's. I need a little time to shop for background fabric, etc. though.
We recently painted our bedroom a medium dusky lavender and need something to hang on the wall at the head of the bed. So, I'll be doing mine in delicate shades of lavender instead of the pink.
Thanks for doing this for us (again).
Hugs, Karen
Woo Hoo, I so in!
Wow, this is a big quilt! I don't think I've ever made something quite this large, but...
...I'm in.
I, of course, love the pinks.
Count me in!
Should I? Shouldn't I? Hmmmm... I need a daisy to pull the petals off one by one. I'm going to say, go ahead, put my name on that list. I can always do a cram session at the end.
I am so very in! This quilt is beautiful and I can't wait to head to Joanns tomorrow to get my background material! Thanks for doing such a cool project for us all to share in!
This is a darling quilt! I will be joining you, I will be make it for my baby girl. She doesn't have anything made especially for her yet and perhaps I can have it finished by her 1st birthday this summer.
I'm in. Now to figure out the fabric! btw the quilt show is up. If you have a minute come visit! (Hope this doesn't show up twice, blogger is being so weird today!)
I'm in, now off to see if the background fabric I want to use is a big enough piece. Neat quilt!
I'm definitely in. I "found" your blog during the last 2 weeks of the last quilt-along. Looking forward to it. Now.... to find the fabrics!!
I'm in!
Now I just have to decide which fabrics to use...
I'm in. Will start on the first block later tonight.
wow. You are so inspiring to so many people! One of these days I am going to join in :) But for now, I am learning by reading your posts everyday. You are so clear in your instructions, so thank you!
I'm in as well! Just have to get some fabric and set up a new blog :-)
Alright, I'm going to jump in and give it a shot :)
*fingers crossed* ;)
Count me in. I've got alot of projects going on, but don't we all. I'm going to do my best to keep up every week. Thanks so much for offering this, I think it will be fun. Your quilt top turned out great.
Oh my goodness, that is absolutely gorgeous. I don't think I have time to quilt along with you but I would love to make that one of these days - will have to file it away in my memory banks!
Hi Amandaajean,
Please count me in. I have been collecting red and white fabrics, so I bought some more on my birthday and I am ready to go. Thanks for hosting this qal. Frieda sheknitsallday.blogspot.com
An ambitious project...I don't think I will join, but fun for others.
40 comments?!? I love, love, love that you do these!!! :) My first one was my first quilt that I really have ever felt good about ... count me in!
Count me in too:) I have been thinking and thinking about this I am so excited:)
This is a beautiful quilt! I'm thinking of joining in to make it for a gift for someone, but I was wondering how many weeks it will be. I need to make sure it's done before their birthday. Thanks for doing this- you are so talented!
I'm in, but I blew getting started today.
this will be about 15 weeks long. 13 weeks of stars, one week for the setting blocks and one week for the assembly of the quilt top.
Thanks for posting this. I missed the first quilt but I will be starting this one today. It works out perfect since my sewing circle meets on Mondays. Please add me to the sidebar list.
Yay, please add me in!!
I am going to join in. This looks great! Thanks so much
Yes, I will be joining you in this quilt along! I love this quilt. I am not through with the last quilt along. I hope you don't take it off. I will try to keep up this time! Thanks
I'm already going to be two weeks behind when I start (going on vacation next week and don't have time to do the block this week) but I am in!
Thanks so much for your excellent tutorials for the quilt-a-longs!
Jen (sewandsox)
count me in.. I might even finish this one! LOL
Ooooh! Amanda, that is so pretty! I wish I had time to join in. Maybe I'll save the links and eventually catch up. Too many projects, too little time. :)
I'm definitely going to join in again! The last one was so much fun!
I just found your blog today...Love the quilt! Count me in. Thanks.
I am joining in, but can't start until the weekend.
Thanks for going through all the trouble to get this done. I will be joining this QAL but first, need to get out there and buy more background fabric this week! :>
If we flickr, should we post in the same quilt along group or is there going to be a new one?
I am so in! Love the quilt! Thanks for inviting all of us to join in on the fun. For those that plan to do two blocks a week (one from the last qal and one from this one)...I know you can do it. I didn't find Amanda Jean's blog until she was quilting #1. I was able to do 2 blocks a day and was caught up in on time.
Good luck to all...yipeeeeeeeeeee!
Count me in !!!
count me in!!
Great design. Thank you!
I really enjoy reading about your quilts, you are such an inspiration! Please include me in the quilt along fun, I don’t thing I can just sit by and lurk any longer.
Count me in on this one - I need a new quilt for my bed.
Wow! that turned out really pretty!! I love it. But I don't think I'm going to join in on this one just yet. Too much happening this spring and you know how I hate to fall behind. I still have to work on that happy hour quilt with the fun fabric from Mill End. I think I will tackle this one in the future.
I'm in! I love your blog and your clear directions. I made two blocks last night for two star quilts. A yellow one and a red one. Thanks Amanda.
I'm in!
Count me in! I'm excited to start your new quilt along!
I just need to quilt my quilt top from the last quilt along (which I just love).
How would I send you a picture?
Thankyou for doing this!
Count me in!
I'm joining! I just ordered fabric from connecting thread. I have to confess that I didn't finish the first one because I wasn't happy with the fabrics I was using. So I ordered just what I was in the mood for! Can't wait to keep up this time! Thanks for the work you're putting into this!
Aaahh! my macine is on the fritz! And I've been dying for this to start! i'm goignt o have to follow along just casually until I figure out what old Goldie is trying to pull. It looks great, though! have fun everyone!
whoohoo! it took me two trys, but i've finished block one!
I can't wait to get started on this one so count me in!!
hi,just added my first block to the flickr group. My scr_name on flickr is handcraft. Thanks :o)
I am so excited to quilt along!!!
Oh yippee - I love STARS. Going to quilt along with you....I wonder if I have enough fabric without shopping - - (this is a joke of course) But then again - I bet I don't have 6-7 yds of fabric for the background....Oh good - a reason to go shopping.
I will post my blocks along with my other projects at http://starry-night-quilter.blogspot.com
Hola Amanda
Yo adoro tus quilts,me gusta mucho tu blog, eres mi fuente de inspiracion muchas gracias por todo lo que publicas.
How fun! I can't resist, I have to do it too...can you please add me? Juliekquilts.blogspot.com
Me too! Love the stars!
I've finally made a decision....I'll play too. But, can I make mine in different colors??? LOL....thanks for hosting the Quilt-Along!
I discovered your blog mid-way through your first quilt along. I wasn't a 'quilter' at the time but wanted to learn. You did a great job of inspiring me with your blog and FABULOUS quilts! Thanks to you I took the plunge and I am now working on my 3rd and 4th quilts and getting better each time.
Triangles scare me but count me in anyway!!
OH MY STARS! There... I got to say it a second time. I just love your quilt. It's so sweet and dainty and fully of yummy goodness!
I did my square, but it is a little smaller than 12 inches square! Is that b/c I had to large of a seam? I thought I did it at exactly 1/4in...I will have to try it again after a few more blocks!
Yipeee! Yes, I want to participate in your star quilt a long, Amandajean. Thank you for listing the yardages needed - as soon as I get my fabric amounts purchased, I'm diving right in on this beauty.
can't wait to see how this one goes! love it! thanks for teaching the throngs aj!
So pretty- I think I'll modify the setting blocks and finish my first quilt along finally.
put me on your sidebar! I promise I will try not to be far behind on the quilt-along. :)
It´s beautiful! I really hope I have time to start it :)
This quilt is gorgeous! If it wasn't so big, I might join you, but I have only made baby sized quilts so far.
Count me in. This will be my first quilt-a-long and I have an 13 day old baby so I might be biting off more than I can chew but we'll see how I go. Love your blog, btw, your quilts are just delightful.
Oh, I'm so glad I found your blog. What a treat. I just adopted my foster daughter and this will make a lovely quilt for her.
Looking forward to it,
Me too! I'm so glad that I found this quilt along just at the start! Thanks for taking us with you and best wishes from germany, Katharina
Yay, me too! Thanks for doing this for us.
Ok, ok, you've twisted my arm. I guess I will start yet ANOTHER project. . . but at 2 blocks a week (the star block & a "spacer" block) I should be able to keep up with everything.
Count me in.
Sherry V.
Spotswood, NJ
count me in! that'll be a REAL early start on a christmas project this year :-)
Hi AmandaJean,
I've decided to join in on the Star Quilt Along. One of the other participants put it on her blog and I read it through Quiltville. I have only one problem, the pictures are very dark and I can hardly see them. Would it be possible to put the instructions in a pdf version so that I can just print them out? If it's too much, don't worry about it and I'll just trudge along. Hope the baby feels better. Renee
Hi! Just finished the first block. Can I just ask, how do you press your seams? I pressed them together to the darker side of the fabric (the coloured one) but it looks all messy. I'll leave this one as it is but for the blocks to come, I'd like to know how you do it :-)
I love your blog and all your quilts.
I'm doing the quilt a long too.
I don't have a method for pressing my seams...I actually just try to make them go opposite ways so there is the least amount of bulk rather than worrying about pressing to the dark or the light. does that help?
Hey there! I am also in on the quilt a long. I tried to leave a comment a few days ago, but it didn't materialize. Hope it's not floating around on a weirdo-blog somewhere. Who knows what I have joined!
I have finished the first block and posted on my blog!
Thank you. For the next block I'll just follow the fabric and I'll see, what's better.
I would love to join in. I will start tonight. Thanks
ahh! I was (am) SO excited bc I just finished my square and it looks "ok" but its DONE!
oh but wait...
its about 11 3/4".
:) =P
No idea how I screwed that up!
Beautiful! Unfortunately I'm not joining in this one (just aren't enough hours in the day and all that) but I may pick one or two for some cushion covers. At the very least, I'll definitely be following! I really love your sketch - always nice to see the process behind the quilting.
Like a few others, I'm not coming out with a 12.5" square. Mine is about 11.5" instead, EEK! :( Also, the points of my background fabric triangles are "disappearing" when I sew them into the 4-block square in the middle. This is my first time doing stars...do I just need more practice?? Feel free to e-mail for any suggestions! krgarcia8@aol.com THANKS!!
I was in your blog for the first time earlier today. I went to my stash and I am up for this. I can stash bust and play along at the same time!
Woo Hoo
Count me in, too! Hoping the motivation will transfer to the other UFOs in my drawer, too. ;-) Can't wait! =)
My kids bought me a bunch of coordinated fat quarters for the first quilt-a-long but I never used them. So I'm going to use them for this one and here's my first square.
I just found your blog today but would love to do the quilt-a-long! I'll pick out my fabric today and get square one done. Thanks for offering this - nice motivation to get a new project going.
Wonderful quilt!! I have finally managed to join in and sew the first block for the quilt along: http://bubbachic.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/05/phew.html
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this - it really is inspirational
I'm quilting along. I posted my block on my blog:
The Craftivist
What fun this is. I've left a photo on my blog http://luv2quilt929.blogspot.com or just click on the renee in the list of names. Thanks so much for doing this.
OOh Can I please play.
Love Leanne New Zealand
I love this quilt. It so soft in color, my favorite. Do you think it's too late to start? How many blocks have you done?
Yes, I would love to join, but I can't start until Monday. Hopefully, I can get the first block done on Monday and I will post it. Thank you so much . You are so talented.
I finished my first block, I will post it on my blog.
I finished my first block, a little late, but done nonetheless. I posted it on my blog as well.
I didn't know you were doing another quiltalong!! I'm joining you. A little late I know and I have been bit behind in blogging but that's ok. I only have the last block to still stitch of the last quiltalong and then I plan to put it together next month. I will look forward to starting this one with lots of greens that I have in my stash!!
Thanks for doing this quilt along. I have really had fun!
Photos are on my blog of first 2 blocks & filler blocks.
Love Leanne
Hi, i would love to join in the beginning. Also on your other quilt along, how long will you leave that up? I can print off those also, so just wondering. Thanks. I have so much started, but I am going to try and keep up.
Hi! I've just found this now!! Add my name to the list... shall have to do a few late nights to catch up! Thanks for spending the time to do this for everyone!! I have a blog too... I'll add you to my list.
Thank you for the lovely star design. I would like to join you even though I am getting a very late start. Thanks in advance.
very nice quilt, thank you for doing this...I think the colors you chose are just wonderful!
Oh goodness! I suppose it's waaaaaay too late to join but I may make this anyway and just finish way later than everyone else. (I discovered your blog recently.) This is a lovely quilt. Thanks for sharing!
Down Under
I recently came across you blog and I love it, I am very much a beginner quilter but your tutorials are so easy to follow.
I have just finished the first block!
Kate x
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