Tuesday, May 06, 2008

enough is enough

This afternoon I was sitting here trying to decide what to blog about. Then I thought, boy, I wish I was getting something done around here, quilt wise. I only finished sewing the quilt top together and basted it today. Only. Good grief.

I don't know if I should laugh at myself, cry or to check myself into therapy.

(For those of you who suggest therapy, please be gentle in your comments.)


Amy Jo said...

I only wish that I could "only" get things done quite as good and quickly as you. No therapy needed. Just some good time to play fabric, or something fun. I wish I was there to help!:-)

QuiltedSimple said...

As fast as you work - you DO NOT need therapy - have a good laugh and pat yourself on the back. I wonder how you do it with little ones running around....


Unknown said...

Therapy! *teasing* That is a wonderful accomplishment for one day--more than enough. It is looking lovely. I can't wait to see it in all its glory. Thanks for sharing.

Cindra said...

Your work is always so clean, crisp and colorful! Three C's = an A+!
(Can't get rid of the teacher in me.)

jacquie said...

I'm with Kris...shout HOO RAY, have a glass of wine (if that's your style) and celebrate your accomplishment! Celebrating the little things helps us keep our heads above water. By the way is this an hourglass pattern? I have this pattern on the list of things to do.

Heather said...

I transferred my need for productive, visible results from my job to my crafting when I became a stay at home mom. The work we do raising the kids and taking care of everything is invisible to the naked eye; most of it not apparent for many years(and never really finished). Your post makes total sense to those of us who craft.

Bloom said...

Your productivity is unbelievable, and your standards for yourself far too high! Just think of the rest of us, getting absolutely nothing done, because we are too busy keeping up with your posts!! We love it Amandajean - keep those beautiful quilts coming - so much cheaper than therapy!

Linda said...

LOL, have a good laugh and know that the rest of us only WISH we could accomplish what you seem to accomplish in a day! :)

Rebekah said...

too funny! I often feel the same way and get down on myself for not creating enough "content" all the while living my own life and attending to other non-crafting areas. Crafters are a strange breed!

Your quilt looks so cute! It's too bad you only sewed the top together and basted it today...geez! Hurry up and get something finished!

Emily Cole said...

Good Grief! I wish I could get so many quilts done! I'm working on your seeing stars block #2 tonight, I'll be happy if I can 'only' get that done! Ha!

Andy said...

Sheesh! At 37 weeks pregnant, I'm lucky if I ONLY get a nap and a meal made. I tried basting a queen size quilt the other day and it was way too difficult. I'm sure I was quite the funny spectacle on my hands and knees pinning like a mad woman.

Lissa Jane said...

laugh cry and try therapy.. can't hurt! LOL

My idea of therapy though is QUILTING!!!! (that and fabric shopping)


Tracy said...

I think I need therapy too. The quilt looks like spring :)

cookie said...

sew funny! you sound just like me..
i have done quite a lot, and still think i have done nothing..
well said heather!
p.s. this quilt is amazing.

Gretchen said...

Lovely as always!

How about a laugh and a cry? That's usually what I end up doing...

Mama Urchin said...

The quilting probably keeps you from needing therapy!

Philigry said...

I do the same thing to myself a lot, then i put it into perspective and tell myself that if this is my bigggest worry of the day, then i have a nice life!

Sarah said...

If you need therapy, I worry about the rest of us. :) I do the same thing! Hmm, I should finish such-and-such, but I need to do it before dusk or I can't get a picture for my blog! Maybe I shouldn't be admitting that...

Beth said...

You are too much! I love this quilt. What is the size on it? I'm dying to be finished pulling staples out of my floor and get back to pulling stitches out of my quilts. I'll just live vicariously through you for now...

Heidijayhawk said...

can i have your onlys please?

erica e said...

oh my goodness this is cute! can't wait to see it finished.

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Laugh, cry whatever you feel like but in the end just try to be happy. You do make amazing quilts!

Jane said...

Such a beautiful quilt and so nicely basted too.

Anonymous said...

No, no therapy needed, just a big pat on your back for yourself. Like so many others have said, you make it difficult for the rest of us to keep up, and most of us don't have little ones at our feet.

Molly's Muse said...

This quilt top, like the others is beautiful. I only wish I could be as productive as you are in one day, in a week.

AllisonK said...

stumbled upon your blog today and have to tell you how much I enjoyed your blog. Thank you.

Roxanne said...

ha! You have to just laugh I think! I adore this quilt top! It is beautiful. I'm just about to re-read your basting tutorial before I attempt to sandwich! Wish me luck!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Quilting is therapy...the best money can buy...

Karen said...

Wish I was as productive as you are. Your quilts are amazing!

Annelein said...

Hello Amanda,

I've found your quilt along by a blog of a friend. I've tried for two days to resist the temptation. But... I couldn't. Sorry if my English isn't always right. I'm from the Netherlands. Thank you for your effort to let us enjoy.

Nice greetings, Willeke

Dawn said...

Woo hoo!!! A raspberry and custard quilt with a little cream thrown in (well - that's how it looks on my screen). Just up my alley! Looks great - wish I could produce as much :-) (green with envy).
Kind regards - Dawn

Anonymous said...

it's gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished!

Annie said...

I think sewing is your therapy as is mine!

Tine said...

Everything is relative! I would be tremendously proud of doing a quilttop (one needing much less sewing) in a month! But you're much more productive than I am, and if you're frustrated, you should certainly not let anyone tell you, you're wrong to feel that way ;-)
I'm frustrated if my house is not vacuumed 4 times a week!

Unknown said...

You're amazing. You need to keep it up so I can keep looking at your beautiful creations - maybe I should stop drooling over your quilts for hours a day and work on my quilt :)

beki said...

woman, you are a quilting machine!!!

Karen said...

Only? HA HA HA! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Actually, I consider quilting to be therapy! Works for me. I only wish that I had as much energy and determination as you! Love this quilt!

Nikki Kimboko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
house on hill road said...

glad i'm not the only one who thinks like that! if only i could clean the house, though. that would be good.

Shelli said...

OK seriously? WHEN do you find the time? Because if you are a SAHM, then you are busy chasing after the 2 and 5 year old all day. If you work out of the home, life is insane until they go to bed. And then it's cocktail hour! ;)

So seriously? WHEN do you do it? And can I borrow some of your extra time? PLEASE? I only have one toddler right now, let alone, 2, and darnit if the evening doesn't slip away from me after she goes to bed, what with all of the dishes, and litter box scooping, and American Idol to be had...

Kristin said...

Funny how we set such lofty goals for ourselves. I hope you are reassured by reading these posts that you are a Superwoman to all of us! Of course, if you feel like you need some more to do, I have some half-quilted projects I could send you. LOL

Anina said...

Well...I do think you may need to go on a little quilt diet. Like narrow it down to maybe one quilt a day? :-)
I love that quilt by the way.

~*Sarah*~ said...

Ooh! Ooh! I know! GROUP therapy! :D Let's all sit around and quilt and talk about our "problem" :)

Liana said...

My vote goes for therapy....Chocolate covered, sunshinefilled therapy! ;)

We've all days where inspiration just went pbbbbbbbbbbbbt! at us. Just remember that you're not an automaton and even your posts about how your day was filled with kiddies is wonderful.

Blakely said...

I love the colors in this quilt. They are so bright.

You complete your projects in record time, if only I could get mine done as fast as you.

Kristi said...

oh, I love this quilt. stop. stop making me want to make all of these wonderful quilts! okay, don't stop. I do love it- the inspiration. aren't we so bad to ourselves. sometimes getting a little bit done is a great thing! you must work so hard- to get all these cute quilts done! love it.

Thriftin and Craftin said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and looking at my latest quilt. I appreciate your kind words. Yes-you are a quilting dynamo. I have no idea how you get so much done so quickly. You're our quilting heroine. We love to see all your beautiful quilts.

Oiyi said...

You are a quilting machine! You don't need therapy.

Anonymous said...

wow, your quilt looks delicious! can hardly wait to see it in all it's finished glory :-)

MichelleB said...

What a woman! Way to go.

lera said...

I think you're totally nuts. But only in the BEST possible way!!! :-)

Michelle Payne said...

I would love to know the size of these blocks pretty please


sulu-design said...

Oh, enough is enough - don't I know it! I wish I could stop by with a treat for you and make you put your feet up for a minute. You deserve a break, friend, and I hope you allow yourself one.

Katherine said...

Wow. It seems hard to believe that you don't think you're getting something done, quilt wise. I'm always thinking that if only I was as fast as Amandajean with making a quilt! You are my quilting hero.

QuiltNut Creations said...

i would laugh! another beauty

Dorothee said...

Can I just ask: do you use those safety pins to keep the sandwich together for quilting? If so, what are they officially called? Any recommendations on which ones to get?

I'll be going to the US, Northern Michigan to be exact, and plan on stocking up on these difficult to find items!

MelissaS said...

I here ya sista! After hours of working on a quilt, I'll take a break sip some iced tea and think to myself,"You really need to get back to work...."

If it's a sickness, I don't want to be cured!