finishing up wee bunnies (or bunny bombs, as we call them) feels good.

finishing up coasters from Christmastime feels (really) good.

finishing the quilting on the charity quilt feels good.

(nearly) finishing the pincushions feels good.
(I ran out of embroidery floss.)

finishing up some packages to send off to friends feels good.

*inspiration for this post came from this book.
yay! I love finishing up loose ends...feels so good! Those coasters, bunnies and pincushions are so darling!
Wow, you did finish a lot this week.
Wow...you weren't kidding when you said this is a finishing week. Is there a pattern for the pincushions. They are so cute...actually everything is cute, but I need one of those.
You were busy! Love the wee bunnies.
Nice work! You've been working hard!
It all looks great. It does feel good to complete projects. Hope you and Amy Jo have a great visit.
Beautiful job on your projects. I would love the link for the pincushion too.
WOW-- you're rockin! lots of fun projects!
oh WOW.. I love what you been finishing!!! I especially love love love those pincushion towers.. how freaking cute are they??? they from the book link???
I love making gifts, problem is I have to make two of everything.. or sometimes three! LOL
hoarding expert
Those pincushions are adorable!!!
you really got a lot done!
did you get any sleep?
i felt good reading your blog, thanx.
p.s. i got a quilt finished.
I love your posts!
Lovely bunnies and pincushions! Do you have a tutorial on the last ones?
Amandajean, I am in AWE of you! You get so much accomplished in record time! How do you do it?????
And, I can't help but be like a broken record, but "everything is lovely." :-)
Wow, you did have a successful week after all. Congratulations! I finished one single quilt.
Looks great, wow- you are a super crafter! It does feel great to get many projects done- I am a happy camper when I accomplish ONE!
The quilt looks beautiful.
Finishing is great, because then you get to start new things.
oh my lord amandajean, you did so much! it must feel really good though. i always stress out so much when i have unfinished projects! those bunnies and pincushions are so sweet! I need to get some of those made! that charity quilt is beautiful! you are so generous!
you should go get a pedi or massage now!
I'm straight off to see the book. I want to feel good too!!
aaah can I be your friend???
That aqua and cherry set is PERFECT for my kitchen! *sigh* so yummy.
Love the bunnies too!
Wow! Good for you - it all looks great, love those bunny bombs! and the pin cushions are great.
Loving everything you finished, now I am feeling good!!
I love Todd Parr too!!!
My favorite is "It's okay to be different".
Keep up the great work.
WOW... you did get a lot done.
Those bunny bombs are so cute, you just want to hug them.
I did work on getting a table runner finished. I got all the machine quilting done and then got stuck when it came to deciding how to do the binding. I hope to get that figured out the first part of next week.
Thanks for the inspiration to just keep working away.
I agree, it does feel good to finish things up. I didn't finish much more this week, although I did get my listings done and up at Etsy. What did I do? Start a new project... So much for FINISHING things... LOL
Good work! I need to have a week like that very soon... Thanks for the link to the thread company in the previous post! I am always looking for cotton thread to a reasonable price, got to check if they ship overseas.
Finishing feels so so good!
What a productive week you have had! Love the pincushions especially - I used to subscribe to BH&G - may have to reconsider getting it again.
I am finally finishing up my quilt-a-long quilt- just need to finish a bit of the binding- that feels so good! thanks!
I've been whirling around with tons of things on my plate and haven't sat in front of the computer in days now... and then I pop over here and see how incredibly productive you've been! I'm so impressed - you just may have inspired me to tackle a few of the unfinished home projects I've been putting off.
Finishing is a great feeling. Such creativity come to life.
finishing does feel amazing. the quilting and the pincushions are great.
Oh my goodnesssss. I LOVE your pincushions! They look like little cookies. How darling!
And the pincushins are my favorite too. Perhaps I should try making some myself. For me, they're just the right size for a project.
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