So this is what Amy Jo and I were working on the other day in my sweatshop. We made 9 striped boxes and 2 white and green boxes. These are so much fun! We basically used this pattern, but made all pieces 6" x 6". And instead of adding the timtex for the sides, we used 5.25" squares of thin cardboard, one for each side and one for the bottom. We used all the cereal boxes that I had in my cupboard, and we still ran out. We almost had to dig in the neighbor's recycling buckets at the curb, but we held back. :) The striped fabric is a remnant that I picked up at JoAnn's. It's actually fabric made for outdoor use, like on the patio, but I saw the stripe and knew I needed to make something out of it. It worked out perfectly for this because it is a medium to heavy weight fabric.
I sent several home with her, and right now I am using mine to store my tiny fabric scraps and selvege edges from my fabric on my desk. They make me so happy! I have a feeling that there are many more of these to come.
Carolyn went to Japan last month and she brought back fabric just for me! Isn't that sweet?

I love it!!! It couldn't be more perfect.
And I had mentioned that I had a setback in my fabric diet...
that sounds like so much fun! those boxes are so nice!
I love the boxes. Was it easy to get the cardboard in there? When I made mine I used Timtex and I really had to squish it, so now the box is kind of floppy. Cardboard seems like a more sturdy idea.
I wouldn't have been able to resist the fabric at 40% off either.
The boxes are great! I have that pattern printed and waiting to make some. Someday! That Japanese fabric is sooo happy!!! Really cool. Glad you got to have such fun with your pal!!
Those are CUTE!
When you shop for fabric, how do you decide howmuch to buy? Much like my regular diet, my fabric diet fluctuates about 70 times while I am in the store. I think a fabric will be good for blocks, then I think I should be 10 meters just in case I love it so much when I get home that I decide I want to make the back out of it too, as well as matching accessories. So should I get 10? or 11 so that I can also make some blocks? And should I just buy the cherry pie or will my regret at having not also gotten the apple be so great that I have to drive back to the store later????? :p
You are brilliant! I've spied that pattern several times but decided I couldn't make it without Timtex. Cardboard cereal boxes! Who woulda thunk it!
Guess what one of my next projects is going to be?
the amount of fabric that I buy varies quite a bit. for awhile I would buy a half or a full yard, but now I usually buy a quarter of a yard of most things, because I like scrappy looking quilts. if it is really good or a great sale I will get either a half yard, a full yard, or else the rest of the bolt. no rhyme or reason at all. :)
The boxes are great! I love the striped fabric - and the fabric from Japan. When I was there 5 years ago I couldn't resist - luckily I had enough space for a few yards.
the cardboard isn't too bad to work with. you need to leave a pretty big opening on one side-I think we sewed down an inch, backstitched and started again about 1 inch from the bottom, leaving about a 4" opening. that seemed to work pretty well.
I LOVE your fabric boxes! You are so creative and your drive to create is inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with all of us. I really enjoy reading your blog.
You never cease to amaze me with your talents! Beautiful boxes, beautiful fabric!
Hey! Some of that fabric is the same as what I used in my "happy hour" quilt. :) The turquoise with the pink and yellow in it. And, yes 40% off is hard to resist!
What are you planning to store in your pretty new boxes?
cereal boxes...giggle giggle...love it! So creative and resourceful
Falling off the wagon never looked so good! :) Love your new stash additions! I've been wanting to make those boxes for a long time too - and I have the striped fabric from Jo-Anns too!
the boxes are adorable! And so green of you to reuse the cereal boxes. I love your fabric splurge -- lots o dots and stripes!!
gorgeous boxes, can't wait to see what you make with that fabric!
This stash stuff is an incurable sickness....Our shop the hop will be starting soon....Lord, give me strength! The boxes are great, and how much fun you two must have had making them. Love the cardboard idea-hate to work with timitex..
those boxes are adorable! And I'm totally jealous of all of your new fabric : )
your boxes are great!
i broke my fabric diet, too. oops.
OMG I have that SAME box project sitting on my desk waiting for me to finish for a swap! lol.
Love the boxes, but I have to say I am having a love affair with your Japanese fabric. I have to find it online somewhere. It is the best!! What a terrific friend!
I always love seeing what you are up to! It always looks like you are so productive! What's your secret?
Look at all those yummy fabrics! I don't think I could have resisted a sale like that either. :)
Ooh! Nice boxes. What a great idea.
Great fabrics! (I spy polka dots.) Love the Japanese print! Yummy.
Those boxes even make me want to cry in the pictures, too! :-) Thanks again for a wonderful trip - we had a ball. The fabrics look all pretty together!
Great boxes! Love all the fabrics...I wouldn't have been able to resist them either. Japanese fabric is pretty.
What a great idea to make those boxes to store scraps... I just might have to do that myself. :)
Those boxes are adorable, and look like a project that even I could tackle. Nice.
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