Sorry to all my northern dwelling friends, but do you know how nice Florida is in January?
So very nice. It's 80 degrees, sunny, and I spent a good part of the morning sitting by the pool knitting. It feels so good. My husband had to come down for some meetings and the boys and I tagged along. We are headed to Disney World tomorrow afternoon.
I'm soooooo jealous! Have a ton of fun and think of us cold people.
Have loads of fun...and enjoy the time at Disney!!!
Hey! You're enjoying Australian weather! Looking at the photo, you could be in Queensland right now.(Come to think of it, I wish I was .... )
I was wondering what happened to you. Enjoy your warm weather!
Oooh, I am so jealous!! It is so cold here. I hope you guys have a great time! We'll try to warm things up for you before you head home! ;)
blah blah blah...we are getting 8 inches of snow!
have fun!
I am so happy for you....can't wait to hear all about it. Relax, enjoy, and have TONS of fun!! I'll be thinking of you!! Say "hi" to Mickey for me:-)
Have fun! It looks green and beautiful.
i am so jealous! good to hear from you and i am so glad you are having fun!
I'm living vicariously through your picture and comment. Baby it's COLD outside!
I'm soo jealous! Yes, I DO know how nice Florida is in January. We spent lots of time there during the cold months when we were traveling with CTI. Last time I was there was Feb of 1998, on our honeymoon.
I am SO glad that you're finally getting some of the rest and relaxation that you deserve! Florida seems like the perfect remedy to cabin fever. Enjoy it.
Oh, lucky you. Have a wonderful warm time. We're having blizzardy weather here in MI again. Yesterday was another snow day and maybe tomorrow will be again. Oh, well, it is winter in the north!!
I'm so HAPPY for you guys!! You deserve it!! Have a GREAT trip!!
i have been to florida in january before and it is pure bliss...
so glad that you are having a vacation, have fun at Disney world. Just don't tell my 4 year old she will be so jealous. She has been 2x and would go again in a minute
i'm definitely jealous considering the projected 10 inches of snow and subzero windchills we have here! i hope all of you enjoy your vacation! :)
The perfect time for florida!!!
have a fabulous time!
look forward to seeing what you created poolside! :)
I wish you a wonderful time!
Very nice. Of course at our house we are sick of warm and fed up with hot because we are doing summer here in Australia. We wish it was cold (Okay, not cold enough for snow! We never get snow.)
Have a great time! Soak up some Sunshine for me. Only gray skys and cold weather here.
Wow! Lucky you, we woke up to gray skies, ice and snow :( Hope you have a great time at Disney World, and take in a little extra sunshine for me :cD
Enjoy the blanket of warmth! Poolside with your boys sounds wonderful. Enjoy.
Oh lucky you! I am incredibly jealous! :) Enjoy your vacation & the warm weather!
have a wonderful time! (I think it's impossible not to at disney!} I wish I was somewhere warm. Sitting my the pool sounds sooo nice! Enjoy it!
Sitting by the pool sounds wonderful.
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