Monday, January 28, 2008

quilt-a-long week 11

Welcome to week 11 of the quilt-a-long! I'd like to thank each and every one of you who sent me a note of thanks or encouragement throughout this process. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for letting me know that you have enjoyed it.

for this weeks block:

cut 2 squares 4 7/8" from a dark fabric
cut 1 square 4 1/2" from the same fabric

cut 4 squares 4 1/2" from a medium fabric

cut 2 squares 4 7/8" from the background fabric

use the 4 7/8" squares to make the triangle blocks

layout as shown and sew together

and here is the completed block
it should measure 12.5" at this point

After week 12 is complete, I am going to provide instructions for one way to complete the quilt top. You may follow the instructions I provide or else you can come up with your own layout. I will attempt to walk you through the process of finishing your quilt-basting, quilting and binding.

Then, after all that is complete, I am planning to host another quilt-a-long where we will be making a star quilt. This one will also be 12 weeks long and will involve many triangles. (just a warning) I would like to make the entire quilt top before starting this time, so there may be a few weeks interim before we commence.

As always, thanks for quilting along with me! :)


Anina said...

And I was just wondering what I was going to do with this day...
Lovely, lovely!
You are so amazing to be doing this.
I can't wait for the stars.

Philigry said...

you inspired me so much with your yellow monocramatic quilt top, i think i might try it. i have lots of whites, and ivorys and a vintage sheet to use as the backing in my stash.
wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

This quilt-a-long has been such fun. Looking forward to seeing the finished product eventually, and starting a new one! Thanks for all your work.

Susan said...

I have enjoyed every moment I spent making my first six blocks. As soon as the cast is off I will make the last six. I might even try another one today if I can get spouse to help me cut fabric.

Thank you for providing the directions. I will be with you for your next one.

Anonymous said...

I've been a late starter, but I've finished the first 6 blocks. This will be my third quilt, and I delayed starting because I was afraid of the scary triangles.
Of course I am an idiot! Your directions are so clear and I'm delighted by the results. More importantly, so is my son. This quilt will be his.

I've used very bright colours/black, so I'm planning to put black borders around each square to space them out a bit so all of the different squares sit apart a bit and don't look too overwhelming. (I posted pictures on my blog a few days ago.) Thanks again for de-scarifying the triangles. I, too, will join you on the next one.

Three Birds Inspired said...

I am plugging away at making my blocks. I had to change a fabric because it just wasn't working for me but I have really enjoyed this process. I am looking forward to the star block quilt and even thinking about using reproduction fabrics (no one in my quilt group will believe it!) Thanks for all your hard work!

Jen said...

Sweet! So glad you'll be doing another round since I missed the first one. Stars, eh? Hope I can keep up. Then again, this will be a nice way to push myself into something new.

Karen said...

This looks like a fun block to do! Thanks for all the work you have put into this project....I for one am enjoying it thoroughly! So, back to the sewing room for me...

Quilting Pirate said...

You are doing such a WONDERFUL job at this for us. I'm unfortunately not keeping up, but know I can come back and catch up on my pace.

Thank you for taking the time to do this for us.

Amy Jo said...

I like this block!! I can't wait to be able to start when I get my machine back!

G'G'ma said...

Just cut the fabric for this new block and will head to the sewing machine after I finish my afternoon tea. It is fun having someone tell me what to do and I just go and do!! This whole process has been fun and I'm looking forward to doing the star quilt. Thank you.

dutchcomfort said...

Such a great block again, Amandajean! Thank you so much. I love your Monday posts and it’s so kind of you to take us on another journey with stars and triangles!

Stefanie said...

Thanks for all your hard work! We are almost there, and this looks like a great block. I am vowing right now to do the stars in the next challenge with my stash, so hold me to it!
Cheers everyone.

Andy said...

I think this is my favorite block so far. Thanks for doing this quilt-a-long, and I can't wait for the next one!

Heidijayhawk said...

this may be my fav so far! you are really making me look like a genious to my friends over here! shhhh...don't tell!

jacquie said...

I'm actually caught up and ready for this one. I LOVE it! I've learned so much. I so appreciate the time and effort you put in to make this happen for all of us. I'm going to be in for the stars! Can't wait to see everyone's finished products.

Anonymous said...

I missed the first one and I'm so happy to know that you are going to start another quilt-along soon.
I have a biggest fear of triangles, hope I'll overcome it with this one.
Thank you so much :o)

Anonymous said...

I caught up with week 10 on the weekend so ready for this one
will get to it today

I will definitely do the stars quilt a long as well though not a fan of triangles lol

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Thanks again and I'm looking forward to the star quilt.

Mama Urchin said...

I really need to catch up before it's over huh?

JoyB said...

I just finished my block and really love what you have done with this quilt. I can't wait to see what next week holds. Thank you sooo much, JOyB

Marcia said...

I'm so amazed at how by doing just a little bit at a time, we've made so much. Thank you so much for taking us through this.

Anonymous said...

I just recently discovered your blog. I just love your style! I can't wait to sew along with you on the next quilt.

Emily Cole said...

I love it! I'm soooo behind but am really looking forward to figuring this whole thing out. I can't wait to see how I'm going to put this together. Please do wait a little between though, I have more projects to finish than the time to do it, and it would be soooo tempting to just ditch all of those for another quilt along with you! Thank you! Em

Anonymous said...

Hello there,
Thank you for letting me join in the quilt a long. I have caught up and eagerly await the next block. You are an inspiration.


jodie said...

This block went together so easily. Are they getting easier or are we getting better?

I am in for the star one. No way near as scared of triangles as i used to be, and at one block at a time I can tackle it!!

I have a pretty firm idea how I will but this one together, but still look forward to your ideas and suggestions.

Thanks, Jodie

jodie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jodie said...

Don't know how, but I managed to post my comment twice! Sorry about that, that is the reason for the deleted comment.

Debbie said...

This has been a great way to make a quilt top--week by week. I was on vacation and yearned to get back to work on my two blocks. I saw them while I was away but had no sewing machine or fabric with me.
Thanks again. I look forward to your expertise on finishing a quilt. I always get the tops pieced but never get any further.

Kari V. said...

This has been so much fun so far! I lost a little steam over the holidays, but am almost caught up now. I'm looking forward to the next block!!

Kim said...

Thanks Amanda Jean for another great block. I even managed to make it before the next / last one is posted. Now the question is, do I make the quilt or wait for the next 12 blocks and continue in
30's hmmmmmmmmm

country mouse said...

I just recently found your blog, so I missed out on this quilt along, but am looking foreward to joining in on the next... I just love star quilts!