We designed it together and he even got to help with the sewing. I guided the fabric, he pressed the foot pedal. That is very exciting stuff for a little guy. There was lots and lots of stick-your-tongue-out concentration going on...it was adorable. My sewing machine will sew 1500 stitches per minute - luckily he didn't find that out. :)

Anyway, I finished hand stitching the binding last night, so he could see it before he went to school this morning. He told me that he really likes it a lot, the only thing he didn't care for is the fact that you really can't see the star quilted in the center of it so well.

My son had definite ideas for this quilt-right down to the quilting. Normally, I am not the most patient person when it comes to crafting with kids (terrible, I know), but it was very enjoyable to work on this project with him.
How nice of you to think of Spot. He looks really cozy under that cute little quilt.
Spot's a lucky pup!
Spot looks very cozy. What a gift for you to have a son who enjoys the creative process!
Oh my! I don't know which one I like more, the quilt or Spot. They both look fantastic.
Thanks for your well wishes. Still no baby yet. She is really taking her time.
I've made a quilt with my son too! Same thing, I guided the fabric, he pushed the pedal...I needed to put the pedal on a bucket though, so he could reach it. My problem with crafting with my kids is that I'm so precise, and they are, of course, not. I am learning to 'let go'.
Lucky Spot to have a quilt made specially for him/her? Your son will always remember this special moment with you, making a quilt for his puppy! A new crazy quilter is born!
Spot looks so sweet under his special new quilt!
What a cute idea. And, how great that your son wanted to help make the quilt! Spot will enjoy his new quilt! BTW, did you also make Spot???
oh how cute!
And your son has got very good taste!! must be in the genes...
Love it! Great job to you and your son!
tell him i said he did a great job! you are a great teacher!
Spot looks so cute with his quilt! I'll bet Z is so proud of himself! (and you of him, too) Tell him he did a fantastic job!
That's how we're sewing too, I steer, Katrina does the gas. Of course she's using her little Janome so we don't have quite the same speed.
I call it 'monkey see, monkey do." Everything I've taken up, the kids (particularly the younger two) have also tried their hand at.
My youngest son (11) has his own photo blog, can knit, writes poetry, takes "art" photography, loves cooking and is now hovering over my shoulder as I learn to quilt. Just finished my first quilt, a double sized one for him.
(I start cutting out the quilt-along squares today. A quilt for my 14 year old. Yippee!)
I think that one of the best things about parenting is that we can open up their lives to all sorts of possibilities. Then they can try them on for size. I've got 4 boys, and it's endlessly fascinating seeing which things each one will adopt, and which they don't.
His quilt is adorable, just what a blue puppy needs.
Spot looks like a very happy little pup! As well he should be - he's got a ver adoreable quilt to lay under!
How wonderful to quilt with your son! And I'm glad to see that the quilter's family (softies included) is not without quilts. My mom is still waiting for my dad (a cabinetmaker) to finish her kitchen cabinets...
nothing like putting the pedal to the metal! my kids love that too. the quilt is so sweet - i love that your son had his own ideas about it.
You two did a great job!
I was a nanny for a long time and the little girl I took care of helped me make a quilt for one of her dolls when she was about 8. She was hooked! Now she is 20 and majoring in theatre and is the only one who can be counted on to design and sew her own costumes. It all started with a doll quilt!
One of your sweetest posts ever. I love imagining you and your son working on this. He's going to treasure it!
Oh this is definitely something my little guys would like to do. I'm not sure why boys don't sew more, especially with all the cool things sewing machines can do today. I mean, it's like operating a starship or something, right? :o)
It's very nice that he took part in the creative process, cute stuffed animal as well.
Oh, how cute!
awwww! how cute!
How neat to spend that time together! Very cute quilt for spot! :)
Such a sweet time with your son. Please tell him he should be very proud of his work and that he is a lucky boy to have a mommy who helps him make quilts for his buddy. :)
That is so sweet! My son (4-1/2) has been very interested in sewing too, I have been trying to figure out the best way to get him involved.
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