The closing was this afternoon and some lovely couple in their 50's bought their first home today. Or so I hear. We didn't have to travel to Michigan to close, we did it all through the wonders of Fed-Ex. For that I am so thankful. The traveling we did over the Thanksgiving weekend nearly did me in.
Anyway, the selling of our home is reason to celebrate, don't you think? (Especially in this market.) What better way to celebrate, than to have a give away?

I sewed up this purse today in honor of this oh-so-very joyous occasion.
You know the drill.
Leave me a comment and I will pick a name on Sunday morning, December 2, 2007.
Congrats on the house!! :)
Woohoo!!!!! Jumping up and down!
Lovely bag!
Congrats on selling the house - what a great holiday gift!
Wow! Congrats on selling your house! That is a huge YAY! And of course that bag is to die for!
Congrats! Cute bag too.
Wow... all that sewing and selling a house too?
Congratulations. It must be a weight off your mind.
Fantastic looking bag. (I linked to you in my last post... I'm just beginning quilting and I was blown away by your work.)
congratulations on the sell. What a lovely purse. I certainly hope I win it.
yeah on the house! There can't be anything more stressful than trying to sell a home
Congratulations! What a great fingers are crossed :)
Congratulations on the sale! Now begins the 'fun' part.
What a great giveaway too. The model really puts it over the edge for me. SUPER CUTE.
Congrats on selling your house! We are currently in the process still.
oh, hooray! so glad about the house.
Like you said, especially in this market. Good for you! Congratulations .
Nothing in my life has made me stress out as much as selling houses so I am very very happy for you!
COngratulations! I'm sure that's a huge weight lifted from your shoulders. Selling a house is so stressful.
Congrats on the sale of your house. Now you can relax and enjoy the Holidays much better in your home.
congrats on selling your house! Closing is such a stressful thing! And how fun that its their first house!!
Doing the SOLD the house dance of Joy! What a relief to be done. Hope the new residents enjoy their very first house, too. How nice for them!
You know this giveaway sure would take the chill off my days to have that cool bag you are giving away. Count me in!
I may need to consider making one myself, lol, as soon as MN thaws! Lazy Girl pattern is hanging over my cutting table. Staring me down. Daring me to sew one! Sigh...
I just want to smooch that little purse model. Hooray for selling the house!
Congratulations on the house sale. I love the bag its great ^_^
congratulations on the sale of your home (I know the feeling 2 times over in the past 6 yrs) the purse is so pretty! I think basic grey is my favorite right now! I got a pair of pants, a shirt with grey in it, a headband and I just got my basic grey c/s from SU! tonight!
It's lovely! Yes, please. And congrats on the sale of your home!
What a perfect day... you sold your house and even got some crafting in. Congrats!
Congrats on the sale. The purse looks so cool- and the model is fabulous!
Congrats on selling the house, in this market that is fantastic!
I love that bag, and the model is so darned cute! I'd love to be entered in the drawing please!
every time I look at your blog, I am inspired to start quilting SOMETHING again. Hasn't happened yet but there's still December. I love fabric purses!
Congratulations!! ......and I love the bag!!
That's one cute purse model! Congrats on the sale of your house!
YAY!! What a great thing to have that house off your mind. It needs to be clear to think up all the quilty, crafty, melty projects!! I agree, your model is adorable. Her dad must not be too bad looking... Hey count me in on the drawing too, being the Christmas holiday (would it be wrong to regift it)?
it's gorgeous! and congratulations on selling your house, that's an achievement!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you. It's hard to be up in the air for so long.
Congratulations! I'm so very happy for you! Happy! Happy! Early Christmas for you!! Love the bag!!
Congrats on the sale of your house. What a great way to start the weekend and the new month.
Congratulations on the sale!
Wonderful news for you - I'm sure they will love it as much as you did. And the bag is as delightful as its model!
Congrats to you. My best friend's closing fell through today. :(
Congratulations on selling your house! I hope you have a wonderful stress free weekend! :)
Just in time for the holidays! And to sell a house in Michigan - that's great!
May I ask how long you have been sewing?? Maybe it's just because I JUST started being interested in sewing, but this bag looks like it should be in a store! It is gorgeous! Also, your blog got me started on my newest obsession...reading quilting blogs! So thank you!!! :) Love the idea of a quilt-a-long, and once I learn how to quilt, I'd love to do one! But for now, I don't even know where to start....
Thanks again for the inspiration!
That is a gorgeous purse!
Congratulations on selling your house! I've been reading your blog for a while after following a link here, and really enjoy it!
Can you put my name in the draw?
Congratulations on selling your house, it is such a stressfull time. Have a lovely weekend.
Many congratulations on the house sale, are you moving far?
I have been following quietly from the sidelines all your quilt making activities, I will have a go, one day, you make it look so easy!
Woo Hoo and congrats to you!!! My sister has been trying to sell her house for several months and you're right, a difficult market for sellers. Would love to win that gorgeous bag from you!!!!
Congratulations on selling the house. This will mean a lot less stress to you all. You made a gorgeous bag!
Wow! I am so envious of your Realtor in Michigan! Not only am I a quilter, but a Realtor as well, and hardly anything is selling here in Michigan! Congrats to you! Love the purse... does the child come with it?
Caron in Michigan
Lovely bag congrats on selling your house.
congrats for selling your home. What a relief this must be.
OH I just love that bag , the fabric is wonderful and the model is just adorable :)
I've been lurking for awhile collecting your Quilt-A-Long patterns that I plan on working on in the New Year.
DH and I have been placing offers on two different condos this week and would love if one of the buyers would say "SOLD". Can you come to NH and give one of them a lesson of accepting in offer in a down real estate market?
Oh! How fun!
Congrats on selling your home! I'm also from Michigan so I know that is a huge feat! Where in MI did you live?
Such good holiday cheer to get your house sold-- congratulations!
You are lucky, house sold, bag sewn, ready for a giveaway! I will do the quiltalong blocks today, after writing, I love the bag fabric combo and hope you pick me....if not, I have three new blocks and had fun:-)
wahoo!! i am so happy for you guys!
Oh that is awesome for you guys!!!! Congrats!!!!
oh my goodness what wonderful news! congratulations!
Yipee!! You don't have to enter me into the contest, I just want you to know that I am glad for you.
What a relief! Congratulations. Beautiful bag too!
Congrats!! And I love that bag! :)
YEAH!! Congrats!! I was still hoping that they were going to make you come to Michigan to sign something, but oh, well.... I can always hope!
LOVE. the. bag.
Love your model! Cute bag to boot!
*sits quietly with hand up*
Love the purse and the little model is so cute!
Yeah for you! I love the bag! You do wonders on short notice!
Congratulations on selling your house. I have recently found your blog and love it.
Congrats on selling your house, and great purse!!
congrats on selling your house!
cute purse.
Congratulations on the house sale! In this market,I know it is an arduous process. Best to you and your family. BTW - love the purse. I am convinced you never sleep!!
Yay!!! Congrats on selling your house! Also congrats on not having to travel back to MI to sell it! Very cool:)
I love that purse! :) I am actually doing a giveaway on my blog this weekend too. Kind of funny:)
Congratulations! It must feel like a huge weight is lifted. We are seriously considering selling our house, but are afraid of 2 morgages for months... or years. Yikes. Could seriously use some good house selling kharma over here. Love the bag!
Yea on selling your house! I've been lurking here for a month or two. Fascinating blogging you do.
P.S. pick me!
Congrats on selling your house. What a wonderful weight to have off of your shoulders for the holidays! I've been following your blog for a few months & am a beginner quilter so I appreciate your posts & encouragement. - Jenn
Pst... Cute purse!
Congrats on selling your house! What a relief! :)
Congratulations on selling your house...that is wonderful news.
Congratulations on the sale of your house!! I agree with you about the market right now! Love the purse!
Congrats Amanda! Is that your little A? She is getting so big! She must have changed a lot since this last spring.
Congratulations on selling your house and thanks for taking time out to make something for one lucky reader!!!!!
LOL, as usual I had to scroll for pages to get to the bottom of the comments here, but congratulations.
Congrats! That's got to be a huge relief. Now...onto the packing! :)
Congrats on selling the house! And that purse is so cool!
So glad you were able to finally close on the house and that that is all settled for you before Christmas!
Please don't include me in the drawing since I won last time, I just wanted to let you know I was happy for you!
Congrats on your home sale!
And that is a LOVELY purse :)
Have a great weekend.
very nice. congrats! pick me! pick me!
Congrats on selling the house! Looks like a great purse, hope I win.
Congrats on selling your home!
What a happy christmas it will be huh! relax and enjoy!
Congrats on the house selling!!!! Little A isn't quite so little anymore! What a QT. Love the purse!
Congratulations on selling your home! The bag and the baby are adorable!
Oh congrats on selling the house- you are so right this is not the market for the seller....alot of houses have been on the market forever here-
enjoy your weekend- I'm debating starting some 9 patch for our quilt along blocks- maybe 2 in each color I've used so far- I'll have to remember to do that when we get the new blocks so I won't have a ton at the end :D
Oh, congratulations! What a great way to start Advent. I am so happy for you!
Congratulations. What a relief! And what a fantastic give a way! How very generous. It is really beautiful.
woo hoo! what an accomplishment in this market. doing the happy dance for you.
luv, luv, luv the purse. can i have the model too as much wanted granddaughter? lol
That is so great to hear! What a blessing to have your home sold before the holidays.
The purse looks fantastic!
Congrats on the house! Cute purse!
Congrats on your house. Love the bag.
Loving the purse!! :o)
Enjoy your blog!
TamaraP. North Carolina
Congratulations on the sell of your house. What a load off your back:)
congrats amanda jean! i am sure that you are very relieved! what a wonderful way to enter the holidays.
congratulations. What a great day.
Congratulations on the sale of the house! And to think, I just came along looking for a quilt-a-long (because obviously I need one more thing to do) and was gobsmacked by your lovely purse.
Mazal Tov on selling the house. PHEW, that must be SUCH a relief!
Can I ask where you moved TO?
Great news on the sale of your house.
Love the bag and what great fabric.
Congrat's on the house selling! It's so much easier to do it long distance, at least once they buyer if found! We sold our house without having to go to the closing too, it was in a different city, and just not conveniant for us. I think the bag is almost as cute as the model! Em
SOLD just magic words......they can make you sooo happy........
Congrats on selling your house! We are wanting to build again but between selling this house and finding a reasonably price lot, we have decided to sit still for a while!
Cute purse!
Congrats! Great purse!
103 comments!!! I guess you don't need me to tell you it's a gorgeous bag. I think the 103 comments do that nicely!!!
I Love the fabric you showed in the post below too.
I am so happy for you! We were selling our house last year at this time of the year and I can tell you that it was a royal pain during the holiday season trying to keep the house straightened up during the holidays in case someone wanted to come by. I love, love, love the purse and the colors that you picked. Green is my very favorite color.
Congratulations! Not an easy time to sell a house--you have every right to be happy.
What a beautiful bag, gongrats on the house sale!
Woo-hoo! You are the Giveaway Queen!
congrats on selling your house! love the purse; you have the bestest giveaways!
OH oh oh oh oh!! I need some of your luck! Our house goes on the market DH starts his new job in NC on the 17th...we have yet to find a house there, but my life is in upheaval as you can imagine! And I love love love the purse (I could use a pick me up!) Is this whiney enough to get chosen? *LOL*
Congrats! (no need to put my name in the hat, I use my back pack.)
can you believe it? a weekend away from the computer and i miss your fabulous news?
congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!
and nicole is one lucky girl. that bag is beautiful. and so is the model!
Congrats! What a load of stress lifted off your shoulders I'm sure!
Love the purse! And the model... :o)
Alison at "My Little Stitching Corner" left bread crumbs that led to your door. I really owe her big time too.
What a blessing to have your home sold...
What a blessing you are to share such great things with the rest of the world.
I will be working on my block a week and trying to catch up.
You know I love the bag, and I'm smiling from ear to ear about the closing. Congratulations!
Congrats on your house being sold. I love your blog and look forward to seeing a lot more post from you. I am a new blogger and loving looking at what everyone has to share.
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