Last week when I was in Michigan, the ever-so-generous Amy Jo passed along more upholstery samples to me. I finally started sewing with some and they are great! This is the first thing I made in my new studio, and I am happy to report that the studio and I are going to be a great fit. It's not completely organized, but I couldn't wait to sew.

Amy is not a big fan of florals, (?) but who am I to complain, when that pretty fabric lands in my hands. Thanks Amy.
I don't have a specific person in mind for this purse yet, so it just may go in my stash of ready made gifts.
I have come to the conclusion that whomever thought up daylight saving time must have wanted to torture parents with young children. It works every time. That one hour shift is enough to keep my children howling for a week straight. Like I need that!
Glad you've settled into your studio!! Nice purses.
I'm so with you on the time change. INSANE... Even our dog is nuts!
Sewing again - that is wonderful! You are definitely settling in then. So good to hear!
love the bags!
and i agree with you about the time change! my kids were all up at 6:30 this morning *sob*
Hope you will enjoy your new sewing room. I guess we'll get some photos when you're settled. Back to sewing feels good doesn't it?
Glad you have your sewing room set up - love seeing your newest projects.
I kinda like the time change :)
Love getting up earlier!
Howling here too... especially the "Mama" at 5AM.
Hate the daylight savings. Hate it. Jack is now up at 5 am again, when I had *just* gotten that all sorted out.
Great bags.
Yes, we are screwed up with sleeping, too. At least my boys were up bright and early for school this morning, though.
The bags look great!! Love them! Glad you were able to use the fabric - I've got to get working on that!
Cute bags!
Yes, the time change sucks! I just potty trained my 2 year old and it didn't even occur to me to take that into consideration. At 4:55 this morning she was awake saying "Potty time mommy!". UGH!
Cute purse, is it one or two bags. It looks like that is the front and back, right?
Lovely bag! (Or is it 2 bags, I can't tell for sure... It looks like front & back, right?)
Um, Amy Jo I could use some upholstery samples ;) Just kidding:)
Glad you are settled into your new studio! (Doesn't that sound so cool!)
Love it! I can imaging the daylight savings thing messing with young children. Even my teenager felt he needed a nap yesterday afternoon, which was very out of character for him.
oh yes, mine too. They get really grumpy. And then I get grumpy. And it goes down hill from there.
(Pretty bags by the way)
Those are sweet bags and glad to hear that you are sewing again in your new studio. We need to see photos of your new set-up.
Nice! The top tote is my fave.
Loving the bag! Very cute way to use your new found fabric scraps! Ok so I was ready to throw my 2 year old in her bed at 7:30! But then I remembered she wuold get up that much earlier tomorrow morning! You know Terre Haute, Indianna has it right- that little town does not change time-but can imagine working outside your town? Yikes that would be awful too
Bags! They are so great, I keep getting ideas from blogs but I can't sew everything. I can't sew everything. I can't sew everything. Maybe someday I'll convince myself....
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