I'll give you instructions on how to make a quilt block each week.
At the end of 12 weeks you will have enough blocks for a great start on a quilt top. I was going to do a block of the month thingy with some friends back in Michigan, but before I got around to it, I moved away. So it has turned into a virtual quilt along, and you all are invited.
I chose some 30's prints from my stash and a cream tone on tone fabric.

Cut one square 4.5" from your print fabric

Cut 8 squares 2.5" from your print fabric

Cut 4 rectangles 2.5" x 4.5" from your background fabric

Cut 4 rectangles 2.5" x 8.5" from your background fabric

Sew together as shown

And there you have your first finished block.

So, who's in? I'll add a list to my sidebar linking to your blog (if you have one), assuming that anyone wants to join me.
edit: this would be a great stash buster quilt-definitely use what you have-I know I am. :) The one thing that I will be doing, (but you don't have to) is use the same background fabric for each block. You can make this as scrappy as you want. The accent fabric will use little pieces. For instance, I had a fat eighth of the red, and I still had some scraps leftover. This of course will vary with each block. Any further questions I will answer in the comments. (yay, I'm excited that you are joining in!)
Me! Me! Me!
You are so full of bright ideas! (and I need to do some more stash reduction)
I would love to join in. Hopefully I can make it a sampler/scrappy, as I didn't know this was going on, and have no $$ right now for NEW fabrics. I'm trying to do some stash busin anyways :) Niki
I cant this week but I do want to join in! This will be fun and exciting to see what color combos and such people come up with!
I'm in!
I love your quilts and I love quilt-a-longs!
OOOOOH, a Quilt-A-Long! This sounds like so much fun- I've never done one before! I can sure handle one block per week, too. Great idea!!
Oh yes, this is great! Should I be picking a new fabric for each week/block??
This sounds like fun, but how much fabric do I need to have? I don't have much of a stash, so I will need to buy.
Ditto the above question....
count me in!!! using some Bohemian from Anna Marie Horner!
I can totally do THIS pattern! I'm in.
So at the end of 12 weeks, do we do some swappies of blocks? or are we quilting our own?
I'm in! I never got around to doing the block of the month thingy on my blog, so thanks for the nudge! I have the perfect set of fat quarters for this project!
I have NEVER quilted before but have always wanted to try. This will be a great motivator for me. Thanks for the suggestion and the tutorial - this should be so much fun!
This would be good for me to do-- but my question is how do I begin to select fabrics? This is while quilting scares me. I'm afraid my colors and prints would look butt ugly and then I'd be annoyed at myself. Any tips?
shelli-this is not a swap, we are quilting our own.
Count me in! You know I'm up for some stash dwindling projects!! I can't wait to see what everyone does!
This is a HARD question to answer, but I am going to try. ;)
1. I would recommend buying fabric that you LOVE. if you don't love it, it won't be fun to work with-trust me!
2. you could try to pick out some 30's fabrics like I did here-they are VERY easy to match. you could go with all pinks for the accent colors with a white or cream background, or go with all greens, etc. or you could go with my standby color combination...pink and green and yellow. :) it all depends on what you like. or you could do a fall theme and use fall fabrics. or christmas. or all fabrics from one line-like denyse schmidt katie jump rope fabric. then you know that they all match and you just pick out a background color and you will be set.
3. don't get anything with a huge print on it for this quilt, since a lot of the pieces are going to be smaller scale.
does this help?
Sounds like fun!! You know my lack of quilting experience, but I think I might be ready to learn. Might as well learn from the best! :) And the stash busting...well, you know. It needs to happen!
Alright, I have a question already. I plan to do all the accent fabrics from the stash, but I think I want the neutral to all be the same fabric. How much neutral fabric do you think we will need to have for this project?
I'd love to do the quilt along. Thanks for offering!
it sounds like a great idea, count me in! I need an plan to make me sew and this will do perfectly, thankyou!
I can't believe I am saying this, but please count me in! Mine will end up "interesting" I am sure, but this seems manageable.
I love this idea, and one block every week is within reach! So I’m in, I need stash reduction too!!
i'd love to join this. what a great idea! :)
Count me in!
I am going to join. I'm behind already but will get busy now to catch up. Mine may be scrappy...haven't thought that far yet. Thanks for organizing this for us.
Connie W
I am not sure how much neutral fabric you will need, but I can tell you that the piece I am using is about 4 yards. It should be plenty. (you see, this is variable too, depending on how you want to finish your quilt.)
I would love to join. Thanks for hosting. I might need to get to the store to buy the background fabric, but I'll make the rest out of my stash!
I would love to join, even though I have a million projects going on! I don't have a blog, but have been reading and enjoying yours for some time. My 30's stash is calling me, too!
OK dude, you have dragged me into the mud with you, i'll do it. but i have to go find a piece of contrast fabric so i may be a week behind...
Oooh- Ooohh - I want to join in! I don't have 30's stash, but I can do it anyway with some misc stuff right? I have soooo many projects going on right now - let's throw one more in the mix, why don't we?! Ha ha! My blog is www.emandthegang.blogspot.com
YES!!!! How much background fabric do you suggest?
Sorry, just saw your comment about 4 yards, Thanks!
I'll have to think about this. December in my house is very hectic with three birthdays. It's a great idea though!
Aw, Man ... I'm with Lera -- I have to think about this -- I'm already behind on Christmas projects! ;-)
Like I don't have enough to do! :)
I will quilt along with you. Sounds like fun!
I would love too but I already made a quilt with these blocks unless you are going to change them. Let me know. sounds like fun.
Such a fabulous idea!!! I wish I could join in, but I am one who is able to admit my weaknesses, and sewing is certainly not my strong suit. I will be happily following the group's progress, though. I really love that you came up with this.
I'll join in virtually but don't think I should start another thing until my holiday sewing is done.
I'm piecing together squares for my mom's quilt today!
Sounds fun! Count me in!
I'm in, too! Thanks for the motivation.... I've been staring at my stash for months now. :)
I wanna! Thanks for doing this!
Me too, me too!
Ooh me too! What a great idea. I can sew patchwork but have never actually done the quilting bit.
I'm in too !!!!
Happy to star a new quilting project !!!
One square at a time isn't too intimidating. I think I can do it!! Thanks for your help!
Count me in!
I'm in too. Lead us well Amanda, lead us well... Great idea, thank you.
ooh, please count me in! what a great way to try out some new blocks!!
Kelly H
I'm totally in! So much fun.
this is a great idea!
Ooooh, I love this idea. I am trying to be really sensible & resist the temptation to accompany you as the weeks before Christmas are hideously busy. Very tempting. Hmmm, think I might talk my mum into doing it. She has just finished a 1930s quilt top & this would be a lovely way to use the left overs. Thank you for being so generous with your time in sharing this with everyone & answering all those questions! I will put a link to your post on our quilting group site.
Ooh, count me in. I can totally manage a block a week. Yay!
count me in,
if this quilt turns out as cute as the ones that you have shown us I am one lucky girl.
thanks julie
Thanks to Bloom I have found your blog and would like very much to join in your quilt-a-long as well but am not a blogger myself just like to catch up on what you wonderful ladies get up to so would it be alright if a non blogger joined in. waiting with held breath for answer Gai P
the block each week will be different, so you will have a sampler type quilt.
Gai P,
you may definitely join in, even though you don't have a blog. I'd be happy to have you quilt a long!
ok I totally am going to do this!! It sounds like so much fun!
Me too :) I need a new quilt to put on the sofa!
I would love to participate! thanks for the inspiration to use up some more of the stash!
You are so fabulous!!!! :)
Definitely put me down for participating. I want to go through more of my scraps!
Count me in.
How fun. :) I'll be watching for a bit... I have some other quilts to finish first! :)
Thank you for doing this amandajean! How fun will this be. I appreciate you taking the time to explain and take pictures for those of us who are directionally challenged. I'm excited to take this a step at a time.
What seam allowance are you using?
the seam allowance is 1/4".
Hi, I love to quilt together with all of you. Greetings from Finland.
Still in!
Yea! Looking forward to seeing everyone's blocks.
Oh what the hey?!!! I knew those prints were staring at me for a reason yesterday, and then I see this- meant to be.
I've been wondering what to do with my Katie Jump Rope fabric - this quilt-a-long will be perfect! Thanks for coming up with such a great idea. I'm off to quilt.......
Oh I want to play- pretty please.
Here's my blog and I'll put a link to this one- love your fabric choice and the quilt looks great :)
I'll join! ... like I need one more project to work on....
Me too:))
I think I will join along but I may have to wait a few weeks to get started. I was just looking at a pile of 30s pinks and reds that I don't know what to do with. Now I know!
Someone may have mentioned this already but maybe you should start a flickr group so everyone can post their squares.
Such a lovely idea! I will be watching from the sidelines - I have never quilted and have very limited sewing experience, but I just ordered a couple of books because I'd love to learn.
I saw an article about this over at Craft Magazine & would love to join in too! Such an amazing idea ... thanks for sharing! :)
Very excited to try this out!
Will you be going beyond the 12 blocks (ie putting all 12 together, backing, quilting, binding)? I'd love to do this, but I'm new to quilting.
yes, I think I will give some basic directions for the quilt process until the very end. for some of the steps I may link to tutorials that are already out there. and some may be a bit tricky without having done it before, but it is attainable.
hope that helps.
Sounds fun...I'm in!
I LOVE this idea!
Here's to hoping we see many beautiful quilts in 12 short weeks.
of course I'm late. but count me in. i've been meaning to get going on a few comfy quilts for my kids. this should do it!
I finished 2 of the blocks tonight :) I'm thinking I want something about 4x6 blocks with borders, no sashing ( but that could change). I posted them on my blog this evening- thanks for the push to use some of these 30's-
Almost a week late but I will catch up!! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm tired of making strings and need a change.
How big is the final quilt going to be? And how much background fabric will we need if we are going to use one background throughout?
amandajean, this is amandajane :-) i am going to do this! i've been needing a project to cut away at my fabrics.....thankyou
What a great idea...I'm in!
Okay, I finished my first square and posted it to my blog. I can't wait to see everyone's work.
I will think about it. A good idea, though. I have some other projects that I should finish. And I think that I want to start sewing clothes because I am tired of shopping for things that probably do not exist.
I'm in too! Thanks for doing this.
I'd like to sign up if it's not too late.
the quilt can be any size when you are finished...it just depends on how you choose to set the blocks. at the end of 12 weeks you will have 12 12.5" unfinished blocks. I am going to give some guidance on how to complete the quilt...or you can choose how to complete it with your own design. I think I have 4 yards of fabric for the background and borders and I am fairly certain that I will have extras when I am done with my nearly twin size quilt. hope that helps. if you have further questions, please let me know. thanks.
I'm coming in a little late in the game on this, but I want in!!! I have been wanting to do a block of the month, but they are never times I can go, so this is PERFECT!! YAY!!
I am late, just read your blog, realized what a cute idea it is, so count me in. I do mine in Kaffe Fassett scraps with taupe background fabric.
Better late than never--right? I want to do this in Christmas fabrics, sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing this idea and the block instructions!
I'd like to join! I've got some fun kiddie fabrics I can use... would you say that this complete project would be easy for a novice?
I'm a novice quilter and don't have a stash yet, but I think I can do this. I'm a bit late but count me in please!
one more question. I was getting started and was doing some measurements.....am I right in seeing that one fat quarter will make 1 piece of each needed for this weeks project? so that if I bought one in contrasting colors, I'd have two blocks?
I would love to participate. I am dying to start quilting and this will give me a great chance to start. So excited!
Just call me miss unconventional.
I just realized that I used 3 colors! Is that horrible?
I'm in. I wanted to do a square before committing. I came across the quilt-a-long through craft addictions. Thanks for doing this.
I don't know if I would say that this project would be easy for a novice. It may be a bit challenging, but it is a good way to start, since there will be step by step instructions for the assembly of each block. And I am going to try to stick to fairly simple blocks.
as far as your question about the fabric, I am not clear on what you meant. I am using one main background throughout (I have 4 yards, and it should be plenty) and then I am just using smaller pieces for the accent colors, so I haven't calculated any yardage measurements. sorry, this is just the way I work. :)
I would love to quilt-along!
I'll join too. I get wonderful idea to make a quilt-along for my niece's baby who will born soon. I use some fabrics from Doggie Delight collection by Loralie Harris.
Satu Y
I would love to join!
There is so much talent on this site, the photos are almost romantic imagery of history being made in fabric
I know I'm a little late, but I'd love to join your quilt a long as well. I'll just have to do 3 blocks this week.
I came across your quilt along last night. I did week 1 and 2 now to figure out how to send you the pictures. eddye in Florida great idea
I'm going to try and join in. My daughter is always wanting to quilt so I'll have her join me too! You can post my blog in the sidebar as those participating if you're still doing that. How fun! Thanks for hosting this. I've only made a few quilts, so I'm always trying to learn new quilting techniques.
This is great, my boyfriend is getting a big flannel quilt for Christmas.
I'll keep photos posted on scarlettdesign.blogger.com
Can I still join your quilt along?? What a fabulous idea. I have so much fabric just calling out to be used!! I'll post photos on my blog and do the first ones that I missed this weekend coming up!
I would love to join your quilt-a-long! BUT, after Christmas would be best....as I have too many projects ongoing.
Can I joint (late)? :)
I want to join, even though its late. Will try to get caught up with you all soon! Mine will be scrappy as I have a lot of nice scraps.
I found you via the Whip Up site ...
would love to join in!
Hi, I'm also in even I'm a bit late. How should I inform you my blog address ?
I would love to play too!
I've been printing out the weeks until I decided on what I wanted to do. I finally got tired of trying to make a decision and just pulled some stuff out of my little stash. Here's my first block.
Please count me in! I have borrowed my DD's lap top so I can follow the instructions instantly in my sewing room, that way I won't get side tracked as I leave my study to begin the cutting!!!
Is it too late to start this? I would love to start after the first of the year. I love your blog. I am just learning to blog. Thanks for sharing.
Count me in! I will begin tomorrow, and work hard to catch up. What fun this will be! I love your blog!
Hi Alice Grace ~ The more the merrier. I'm sure you won't be sorry for joining this quilt-a-long. Its my first and I'm having fun. Catching up won't be a problem...I began mid-stream too.
If you do something like this again, I will definately be IN! I am just starting a crazy quilt for my little one and have fabric picked out from that! And I am way behind this one. So, I will read along and look at everyone's progress, but if you do another quilt along...count me IN!
Please count me in!
I know I am really behind, but I am so excited. I just did my first quilt block in this quilt a long. Check it out! I am proud! Thank you for the easy to follow instructions. I can't wait to do the next one.
I think that I might be able to do this! doesn't look like it would be too much to do!
Was having a scout round the internet for project ideas to use up some scraps I have. This is a fabulous idea! Will you be leaving the 12 week tutorials up for a while 'cos I'm thinking of having a go even though I have never quilted or patched a thing in my life! Best wishes...
Think I'm ready to join in now, I've done a "trial" ...so, please count me in...:)
I'm loving these. I know the quilt along is over but i'm going to do one block a week anyhow. I've been wanting to try a sampler quilt so this is perfect. Thanks for doing it!
Just found your fabulous blog, learning to quilt and unsure of everything. Your explanation and visuals are perfect. Thank you so much
whoo hoo, my first quiltalong!! thanx for the awesome pix and info =)
Ooo... COunt me in! I have just started quilting and would love to get some tips and a project to work on. :) Thank you so much for this!
Thank you for your tutorial. Is great¡¡¡.
Excuse me, I am from Spain and I dont know english but I love pachwork. I am doing a quilt but the blocks they doesn't fit properly, although I mesured them.
Please write me in mjoser@telepolis.com
I will join too.
Looks like fun. Lots of tutorials that will help. Many Thanks
I will be taking a beginners class in the next month too.
I will have fun doing you blocks do you mind if I share this with my church quilt group? Most of the older ladys don't have computers.
I am just setting up my blog spot, and will be checking out yours.
that is just fine if you would like to share this with your church group. thanks for asking!
I want to....count me in....not sure if I can stay up with you ladies...but I'll try...
Amanda...........just found your site....really like it....my question is.......do we do one block a week......I see week one and then week 10.............have I missed out on the weeks in between.......please explain for I really want to join in.........thanks Cathy Jo
i would like to get in
Thanks so much for you quilt-a-long. I want to start but had to find some information that I could follow. Again, my thanks.
I want to join the quilt group. I am a quilter but have always wanted to do a i block at a time quilt with other people. Do we only do 1 block of each week? I'm glad I found this blog. Thank you.
So I know that I am like... 3+ years behind but... I am going to do this. I did week one this last weekend. Looking forward to week 2 this Saturday. I have NEVER done any kind of piece work at all. Wish me luck and thanks for the blog... even if I am quite a bit late.
I am a little late for this, but I would be very interested if you do it again. I have added you to my blog list so I will be watching! I love the blocks.
I would love to try this...new at quilting so hope i can do this.
Hi I am new to your blog and want to do the block a week to help reduce my stash and increase my skills. I have been quilting about 2 yrs now and am enjoying it very much. I will post my completed blocks to my blog "CreativeLady's Enthusiastic Thoughts" @ www.dianeswett.blogspot.com
How fun! I just found this site and can't wait to start the quilt!
I was looking for some inspiration for a quilt for our bed when I came across your tutorial. These blocks are perfect. And as a newbie I'm extra glad it is a tutorial so I can learn how to make them. one block done - 11 to go. Thanks :)
i will definitely be trying this. It was so nice to meet you in Fargo this past weekend. You are truly an inspiration. I can't wait to get my stash built up to be able to make a few scrap quilts.
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