scrappy log cabin (again)
Here's how I made it:

cut one square 2.5" and one rectangle 2" x 2.5"....sew together, press seam (repeat this after each step)

add a rectangle that measures 2" x 4"

add another rectangle 2" x 4"

add a rectangle that measures 2" x 5.5"

add another rectangle 2" x 5.5"

add a rectangle that measures 2" x 7"

add another rectangle that measures 2" x 7"

add a rectangle that measures 2" x 8.5"

and block A is complete.

make another block using steps 1-4

then add white for the last 4 logs....

and you will have block B.

Assemble the quilt alternating blocks A and B. Each block measures 8.5" unfinished and 8" finished.
For the baby quilt I made 30 blocks...15 block A and 15 block B. It measures approximately 40" x 48".
If you make a quilt using this tutorial, please let me know. I'd love to see it.
thanks for posting these directions! I love this pattern.
Wow. I love this. I think I will start one tonight. I am amazed that you are making a quilt top per day. You are so inspiring! I've got to go dig through scraps now...
Wow, this one is definitely more labor intensive than the previous one. Very pretty!
This one is definitely going on my list. Love it! (Maybe in pink and orange?)
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing how to make it!
Wow a cute little baby quilt and a tutorial. I need some of your energy please.
Pink, green and white blocks look so effective - perfect for a baby quilt!
I cannot believe how much you crank out in a day!! Unbelievable! Love this quilt top. I'm a little bit obsessed with the log cabin block, so I might need to make this one soon!
ooooo! I just love these colors, and in the scrappy log cabin it is just adorable!
this is so gorgeous...i can not believe that you are making these so fast. Amazing. But if i wanted to make this, about how much fabric would i need?
It's SO pretty! You're like a quilting super hero...I think you should quilt yourself a cape :)
That is *sew* pretty. I love the colors and fabrics. Sweet.
so beautiful! i love it.
so pretty. i love all of that freshcut fabric. I will probably make a scrap quilt using this tutorial...someday.
what a beautiful quilt! thanks for posting the directions, too.
How pretty!!! It reminds me of peppermint ice-cream! Great job!!
I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this color combination and this block pattern and arrangement! :)
I love this quilt!! Another amazing job. It is incredible how many wonderful quilts you are able to get done. I wish I had half your energy!! Thank you for the inspiration.
I love the pink and green.
You're tutorials are always inspiring. I think this is so fresh and fun. I love those pinks and greens. Makes me want to run out and buy fabric to make a pink and green version.
Ooh I love this tutorial! I'm jotting down those measurements cause I've been wanting to make one of these quilts for a long time!
So simple, so cute!
I agree that you are a superhero. And, while I can almost sort of wrap my head around how much quilting you accomplish while also being a Mommy, I really have a hard time understanding how you also have the time and energy to share this with the rest of us with such clear pictures and directions. You rock
I love this logcabin! It is on my to-do list ;-)
I love how the white work like a sashing between the blocks.
hi amanda jean
this has to be one of my favorite quilts ever. are the blocks in the baby log cabin the same size as those in the lap log cabin from march 18? thanks for the tutorial
your quilt is just adorable I love your colors are so fresh and cute
The babyquilt is adorable!
Would love to make one.
Did you use scraps or FQ... do you have any idea how much?
You are an inspiring lady in my quiltworld. Thank you for sharing the tutorial.
The alternating white border blocks is very clever! I love that the log cabins are not half light/half dark.
So beautiful Quilt!!
What a lovely quilt. Good tutorial as well; thanks!
My favorite pink and green!! I have always loved the log cabin pattern. There is so much you can do with it. The scrappy look in those colors is beautiful! Great job as usual!
I love this! I just organized all my scraps yesterday -- unbelievable how many scraps I have!! I think I might try to make this :) Thanks for the directions on how to do it!
I just recently found your blog and I am just absolutely LOVING it. Thank you so much for the awesome step by step on this quilt. I cannot wait to try it. :D
Cute quilt!
Wow! Thanks so much! I will most definately make this quilt, but need to figure out the fabric first! Hmm...maybe I need to buy more ;-)
I'll post a comment when I'm done!
Thanks again for all you do! It's fun to read everyday and be inspired over your dedication to quilting.
Really cute! I love what adding white to a block does :)
Great tutorial! Did you do all of this in ONE day? You live up to your blog name - crazy! That's amazing. Your quilts are stunning!
Thanks for the tutorial!! This is such a great quilt - love the scrappy log cabin look and wouldn't have thought to do the white border on every other block!
What a great tutorial. I love this quilt!! it reminds me of the character "Strawberry Shortcake" :)
I have no idea how much fabric you will need. I used scraps. For the white I used about a half yard.
janine (in oz)
yes, the blocks are the same size as in the lap quilt from March 18.
I used almost all scraps for the colors and I think I used about 1/2 yard for the white.
I did NOT make this all in one day. I had this one finished last week, it just took me awhile to post about it. :) I'm not THAT fast.
Absolutely wonderful! :) I wish I had a scrap pile big enough for that ... maybe I should pick up a jelly roll instead.
I think this one is my ABSOLUTE Favorite!!!!
WOW! WOW! I love it! The pattern is so fab, so is the tutorial! Thanks for that!
I love the colours in this one! I think I will have to try this pattern out once I finish my other WIPs
oh i love this! so pretty!
In. love. with. this.
So pretty and cheerful!
I love the way you showed the progression.
This baby quilt is sweet and luscious. The colors blend beautifully.
I was so inspired by this quilt, I got out my scraps and made 21 blocks and then instead of the 21 blocks with white borders, I used a solid block of a child's print. I am backing it with a polar fleece instead of using a wadding and backing. Thank you. As I donate a lot of my quilts to charity, this is another way to use up scraps.
I love this quilt. The colors are gorgeous.
thanks for posting these directions! I've been wanting to do a patchwork log cabin and this breaks it down into a manageable size for me :)
Thank you!
I am addicted to your wonderful tutorials. They inspire me like nothing else.
Off to try a few squares!
Awesome Tutorial! I've listed it on my favs. ;o)
Beautiful and fresh colour combination. I will try this soon!
I made one!!! Come over to my blog and see what you helped me to do!!!
I really love it and it was so much fun to do!!
Thanks Amanda!
That was such an easy tute to follow. Thanks so much!! I made a quilt for my niece's naming day using only block A.
It's here if you want to see it.
Thanks again!
Many Thank!!
Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial. You made doing a log cabin quilt doable and easy to understand. I made a Christmas quilt and I blogged about it here: http://livingroom.robertmcnary.com/2008/11/its-time-for-christmas-quilt.html
I've been following your blog for a couple of months now, and I just have to say that you are my quilting idol!
Thanks again for your blog,
I must have missed the seam allowance part. Whatever increment I choose was whrong & everything was off by abit. After the 1st 2, all the other pieces were too short.....
I will send a pic when I finish it. The top is done, just need to assemble. Its only my 2nd quilt, Ever....
Thanks so much for posting the details on these great log cabin blocks! I used the dimensions to make a Christmas tree skirt. [http://dellastella.blogspot.com/2009/01/christmas-miscellany.html] Your blog is great, I'm totally hooked. :)
Hi Amanda, I love this pattern! I made a quilt for a little girl - blogged here:
Thanks for all the inspiration!
Cheers, Maya
I made one in Christmas fabric and love it! Thank you for sharing the pattern!
I made my first log cabin block. Not from this tutorial but a friend showed me. I'm glad to have found this tutorial now so I can use it as reference to make another one.
PS... I'm in wisconsin also
I grew up loving quilts, and always wanted to make one.. your blog was the inspiration I needed.. I went out and bought a sewing machine the same day! My best friend showed me how to your it. I love the user friendly tutorials!! thank you so much! Please check out the work you've inspired! =)
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