I am (very) behind in thanking the wonderful ladies that sent me goodies, so here goes:

I won a give away awhile back on Glenna's blog. She let me choose one of her patterns, and I loved this one because I can make quilts for both my boys and my girl. It's two patterns in one. Thanks Glenna!

Carolyn sent me a package of fabric months ago. Here is just a portion of it. She is my all time most generous fabric supplier. EVER. Thanks dude. ;)

Today at the Post Office I picked up this fabulous package from Frieda. It's a thank you for doing the quilt along. Look at all those delicious fabrics....

and this super sweet pin cushion. Thanks so much Frieda! I love it all.

Katherine sent me a package for my birthday....wonderful vintage fabric....

and this cute embroidered zip pouch, which happens to match my needlebook. It will become my little portable sewing caddy for when I am hand stitching the binding on my quilts. Katherine, it's a joy to use such beautiful and well made gifts from you.

Here is a wonderful assortment of vintage sheets from Lina as a thank you for helping her with some quilting questions. Lina, you've got great taste and thanks for sharing with me!

Erin sent me this adorable moleskin just for sending her some vintage sheet scraps. I have got to be one of her biggest fans. I love everything she makes. The moleskin is almost too nice to use...but I did (aren't you proud of me?) start filling it with ideas. I love it, Erin. Thank you.

Beth and I did a swap a few weeks ago. She sent me a lot of fabulous scraps, including a bunch of pre-cut triangles (!!!) and I sent her some red fabric. Thanks Beth, for such a fun assortment of fabrics.

And last but not least, Jodie sent me this adorable little bird cage for her retrospective give away. It cost a pretty penny to send the little package, but I appreciate it so much. My kids asked if they could have it and I politely declined. Thanks Jodie!

Thanks so much, to each and every one of you very kind and generous ladies!
Now, on to the rest of the reason I am so happy today. My daughter (2 yrs and 4 months) started potty training on her own this week! After almost 8 years of constant diapering in this house (and 2 in diapers at one time for about a year of that) we are seeing the end!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There's been a lot of yelling and carrying on (in the best possible way) when she is successful. Good times. Good times.
So in honor of all the good mail and all the potty training excitement I'd like to give away a bundle of fabric. Between my new purchases and my generous friends, I have plenty to share. Leave me a comment stating your favorite color or color combination and I'll put your name in a virtual hat. I'll draw a name on Saturday. And thanks so much for reading my little blog. I appreciate it sooooooooo much.
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»Greens are a favorite of mine. And add a little pink to make it a little more girlie.
that is some good mail you lucky girl!!
I'd love to win some fabrics from your stash :) I'm working on a red and aqua quilt now and I'm needing to find some more fabrics!
Wow, that is some seriously awesome mail!! I would have to say my favorite color is brown, but red comes in pretty close behind.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... you get more good mail than anyone I know! LOL
Those quilt patterns are really cute!
Oh, and my favorites these days seem to be aquas and pinks, although I'm not terribly picky. :)
Lucky, lucky you! I love getting goodies in the mail.
how wonderful to share...as they say "good things come to those that give". Hmmm....favorites have to be pink and pink (G)!!!! Annie in San Diego
Normally I would automatically say pink, but.. I have been loving orange lately! Orange and green, brown, turquoise.
Thanks for the giveaway!
It's so hard to choose a color or combination! I've been eyeing red and aqua creations lately, but I love anything with pink also.
I've never met a color I didn't like, but my favorite is red. I came to blogland a little late for your star-a-long so I hope you do another something soon!
Reds absolutely! With yellow a close second. Reds scream "look at me, look at me!" And nothing like yellow to make a quilt sing.
Loved all your show and tell. Aren't friends great for a pick-me-up? :o)
I've loved green since I was a little girl. Combine it with yellow and blue and I'm in heaven.
Oh, you are such a sweetheart! I stumbled on your blog a few months ago (google search for free motion quilting came up with your video tutorial very high in the list)... and I blame you my newfound interest in lurking quilty blogs. :)
I'm interested in a rainbow of colors - something that will work for following your quilt-a-longs...
Thanks for the inspiration!
I've had a hankering for orange lately.
Green is my favorite color, but I've been attracted to aquas and pinks lately.
Really enjoying your blog since I found it a few weeks ago. You're such an inspiration with all your beautiful work!
oooooh! Pink and brown! classy, casual, but girly!!
I am totally envious of all the goodies you recieve in the mail. I'd have to say my fave colour is purple or maybe pink or red, my stash is pretty pitiful so all fabrics are welcome.
pink and brown for certain.
How fun!
Hi Amandajean
I am glad you got the package. I love greens and reds. Hope you have a great week. Yea for potty training.
i feel lame, because i've never commented before even though i read faithfully on my google reader. but you got some incredibly fabulous mail, there, and i am enormously jealous. also, i like greens, yellows, blues, pinks, and purples. :) i'm trying desperately to learn how to quilt but can't build up the courage to actually make my scissors cut the fabric.
I'm finding reds, black and creams to be extremely delicious color combos! I love pinks and browns as well!
Let me see...
My favorite color? Right now it's red.
Favorite color combination? Right now it's brown and red.
Followed by:
pink and brown
red and aqua
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love your blog! My favorite color scheme right now is purple and yellow :)
what great gifts. Horray for no more diapers. I will join in the give away. My favorite color- orange and anything that goes with it. LOve your blog.
What wonderful mail ~ I'm smiling with you! Oooooooh I've seen your creations and would love to have some of your extras! :c] Favorite color or combination? That has always been a difficult question for me. I TRULY like it all!!
Wow! I love oranges and yellows and greens together. But really I'm still learning and open to most anything. Looks like you've received some great packages! Enjoy!
I think I like all colors for the most part. Pink is not a favorite unless it's paired with brown, then it's kind cool. I am a little more partial to the fall spectrum, dusty oranges, red, greens and mustard though.
Red and aqua are my current favorites-- that's how my kitchen is decorated, and I think it looks fresh and clean. Kind of like Aquafresh toothpaste, only prettier.
what lovely packages...aqua is my favorite color...i love blue and green, red, orange and green...pink is the new black...hmmmm guess i just love color. Seriously...congrats on the potty training! that's wonderful...you're entering a new phase.
Oh my goodness! Lot of goodies. I love blue and white. Congrats on the potty training. I do not miss those days at all. LOL
Love your Bento Box, will have to start savings plains. Wow what awesome mail you got. My favourite colour is green. Well done on the potty training, go girl. Happy stitching
Wow, you have alot going on. AND sharing the love. Thank you. I'm a big fan of the black/white/red color scheme for quilts. Favorite color is blue, though. ~jen~
Such wonderful mail!! You are one lucky lady. And congrats on the potty training, I can imagine that's quite a relief. To answer your question, I'd say orange and pink is my favorite color combo right now (though I'm loving the blue/green/purple of your bento box quilt). Oh, and go check out my blog, I have a little "blog award" for you!
I love that little birdcage and all your wonderful mail! My new fave color is orange. My all time fave color is blue. And I like both with brown! I enjoy your blog!
Way to go A! I wish you'd talk to EM a put on a little "Peer Pressure"!:)
I'm making quilts for my 3 sisters-in-law for Christmas (which is VERY ambitious, since I'm a beginner), and one needs to be aqua-themed, and I'm trying to decide what to mix with that. I love your aqua and red one, so maybe I'll do red with it! Any other suggestions? :)
It's been years since my 'baby' was first out of nappies, but after having 4 kids in 5 years I still remember the joy I felt at NEVER having to stop in the nappy aisle of the supermarket anymore!!!
Greens and blues here!! I finished the fourth quilt for the last son, so now each son has one. Now it's time for me!!!!
Well, apparently, Malka thinks the potty is made of fire and glass. She'll hold it in all night, REFUSE to use the potty, demand a diaper, and let loose 5 minutes later. We sigh, and just hope when she's ready, she'll impress us by doing it in 3 days or less! ;) (she's 2 years 8 months)
colors? I'm still collecting my greens for the star quilt along, and have found some fun ones, including some good vintage sheets, too! (squee!) I did get a bit side tracked, as I have THREE friends all due to give birth in September, so i've been busy busy busy with baby quilts these days, but I CANNOT WAIT to start the star quilt a long.
I would love to get some fabrics in reds, oranges, yellows - nice and bright. Thanks for the giveaway - I love checking out your blog for new ideas.
Wow. The thought of no diapers is just crazy! Congrats on potty training goodness! And all that wonderful mail! :)
I would love to get some fabrics in greens, browns, yellows... those earthy tones.
I know how you feel! I have been diapering constantly for 9 years now with a few more to go (my youngest is only 2 months). I cannot wait for that day LOL I love most colors, reds, pinks, turquoise, browns etc.
I look forward to when my youngest is finally toilet trained. At 18 months it won't be long now, I hope!
Anyway, my current favourite colour combination is dark chocolate brown with duck egg blue and raspberry red. Perhaps throw in some vanilla there, too!
Sounds yum (except for the egg).
My youngest turns two in October - I cannot WAIT to be rid of diapers for good!!
My favorite color combination is pink and brown, but I love everything.
By the way - it was really weird to see your post in July that your birthday was July 4th - mine is also July 4th and my name is Amanda Jeanne!! Thank goodness our middle names are spelled differently or that would be really creepy!
Looks like my red-and-aqua love is shared by a lot of folks! :) (I'm also loving orange and gray at the moment, too)
a great mail day indeed! not to mention some great color combo suggestions in the comments. i've been wanting to make a quilt for the bedroom, which has apple green walls. i've been thinking of greens and oranges, but i love reds too....thoughts?
Wow-Wee!!!! You really recieved some nice gifts!!!! Don't you just love quilters?? They are so unselfish!!!
Please put me in for your giveaway. I just love reds, blues and greens...
I'd say congratulations are in order! It is a big deal and I can't wait for the day; my son is 11 months old now
I love reds and greens - can't have enough of those! Thanks!
Ohhh you have been a very lucky lady. Hmmm, a color combo? How about brown and blue! I have had blue on the brain since we found out we a re having a boy!
You so deserve every one of those gifts!
My favorite combo - earth tones with pops of bright colors - like turquoise.
You got some fabulous gifts - love all that fabric. My favorite colors are aqua and red (after seeing your picnic quilt) or greens/blues.
I have recently discovered your blog and it's reigniting my passion for quilting as it has recently taken a back seat for sewing clothes for my kids. I'm into pinks.
Thanks for asking!
Congrats on the potty training! WhatEVER will you do with yourself now? lol
My favorite color combos are still blue and green, blue and purple, and red and TURQUOISE, not aqua.
Then again, I like green and brown, and magenta and orange, and red and black, and--can you tell I'm into brights?
Hi, I love all of your beautiful work and go to your blog daily to be inspired ! I love blues, greens, reds, yellows, pretty much all colors except maybe brown, but than I frequently find myself needing a bit of it so...
Thanks for having the giveaway!
Cool, I'd love to win. I've been subscribed to your blog for a couple weeks and am amazed by your productivity. I'm in the market for girlie fabric :).
My favorite combination is blue and green! Awesome "stuff"!
Hooray for potty training. We're working on it here too. Lots of happy dances going on around the toilet.
As for the colors, I like green and pink I think.
Love your skills!
I have a different combination of colors in my head for each person in my family:
Baby girl: pinks, turquiose, greens, browns
"Big boy": Americana, red, white, blue, beige
Me: Greens, mauves, icey blues
Hubby: um... right now, he kind of gets the fabric color combination shaft, poor guy!
Good luck with the potty training. Hope it is over quickly without too many messes
to clean up!
That's a lot of mail goodies!
Favorite color combo? Blue and yellow.
thanks for the giveaway!
love the birdcage
I've really been getting into pinks and browns lately. And of course my favorite color combination is blues and greens.
What wonderful mail!! And I love a give away to celebrate potty training! Ha! Color combo I'm currently obsessing over is aqua/orange/chocolate brown but I love reds with aqua too!
Favorite color? Pink! I am planning a scrappy quilt in pinks and pastels for myself to keep me cozy while my husband is away for 3 months during the winter months.
Oh, your mail is wonderful.
I think my favorites right now would be yellow/gold.
What a fun bunch of mail you've gotten! My favorite color combo right now is turquoise and orange. I bought a piece of fabric in these colors to recover my ironing board.
No wonder you love the mail ~ look at all of those goodies! :). I don't really have a favorite color, I love all brights. I think my next quilt that I'm going to make for myself is going to be pinks/chocolates.
Wow! What nice mail you receive! Wish I got mail like that! I mostly get bills with an occasional postcard in the mix. Pretty boring.
My favorite colors are lime green and either blues or pinks depending on what mood I'm in. But lime green is my all time favorite. So cheery and fun.
Thanks for sharing your blog with us all. It has been very inspiring to say the least! You are awesome! And because of you I am finishing up my 5th quilt at the moment. :-)
Love all your mail goodies! It must feel like Christmas as your place.
I love blues and browns at the moment!
Wow ,so many comments. I don't have much of a chance, but any way I love all colors but yellow and blue are my current faves.
What lovely goodies you've gotten! I'd love to win some fabric, but I'd like you to choose the colors. I am colorphobic... if I win just choose something for me that works togehter. Thanks.
Don't count me in for the giveaway - I've gotten so many treats from you in the past. I just wanted to let you know that I had a huge smile on my face while reading this for a few reasons:
1. Look at all the love!
2. You used the book Erin sent you (I'd be tempted not to write in it either).
3. Potty training - YES!
Hope you're relishing all the goodness!
I'm on a red kick at the moment. Before long I'm going to start work on a quilt for my girl's transition to a "big girl bed". I can't wait to find lots of great red and white!
I've recently stumbled across your blog and am so inspired by your beautiful creations. I'm a new mom and beginning quilter so I am looking forward to the time I can make my daughter some quilts/playmats of her own! I have to say my favorite colour combinations are orange, pink and red. I love your aqua and red quilt as well!
Thank you for the opportunity to win some fabic goodies!
I'm in a red and aqua mode myself- or chocolate. You can never go wrong there either.
Yay for potty training!!
First of all, I offer congrats on the potty training! We are also seeing the end of that road and it is a wonderful thing!! I love all the pinks, especially the strips! They are beautiful. Of course all of your fabrics are lovely! You have great taste and so do the ladies you received them from :o)
congrats on the potty training! we're seeing the light at the end of the potty tunnel as well and it feels soooo good! I'm in love with red right now (and love reading your blog, btw!)
you have no idea how much i appreciate you!! i visit your blog daily, several times a day. you inspire me. i really appreciate it. i think i love the colors turquoise and lime green. it is the same pattern as the pants you made your little girl, in orange and pink. have a great one. maggie - maggienstamps@comcast.net
Hi - thanks for this opportunity. Your quilts and the ease with which you put them together (so it seems) is a fantastic inspiration.
I am a red, grey, black kind of girl but also love a bit of purple and teal thrown in as well!
Thanks so much for sharing so much with us. It is so sweet that you are ofering up a giveaway.
My favorite color is rosy pink, and with it green, yellow or purple. I actually love all colors so choosing is hard.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
LOVE your blog - thanks for the quilty inspiration!
p.s. i love blues and greens!
You lucky ducky!
I am reading back through your blog at the moment and loving everything you do.
I'd have to say red and aqua, I am also doing a quilt in those colours. :)
Your blog is one of the first I started reading. I just love your quilts - you are such an inspiration. I am just learning to quilt - starting with a doll quilt or two for my girls. My goal is to make a quilt for my girls' room - colors are purples and blues.
Wow, lots of nice mail you've received lately! Yippee on the successful potty training too. I love most all colors, brights, pastels but I have to say I love pink & green or pink & brown for my favorite combinations. Love following your blog!
I'm green not with envy, unless I don't win!!!
I'm loving the red and aqua thing goin' on! Hoping to win in Idaho!!!!
Brown and blue together-it's growing on me! Found your site when i saw some wonderful blocks on someones blog and they said it was a quilt along on your blog.
I love green but yesterday when I was making a block for a sick friend in black and red I was surprised how great the two colours looked together. In the summer I love blue... well I love a lot of colours.
I love your blog and teal fabrics!
I love your blog and I like blues.
Do you by chance have any information/instructions on how you attach the binding? Do you hand sew all of your bindings? I try to use the machine, and they are HORRIBLE. I tried to hand sew the last one and it took me forever, and honestly, it didn't seem that durable.
So, that's probably a stupid question. I looked around but I couldn't find anything on binding.
Thanks again for your blog, I'm not even sure how I got here, but I love it!
Tracey D
That is some great mail!
Congratulations on the potty training! I completely understand how wonderful that news is. Potty training has been a major source of excitement (and frustration) at our house for several months, and I think we're almost there. I expect to have a good three weeks of no diapers before we start all over again. :)
Favorite color...that's hard. No, not really. Blue. I love blue. Blue and red, blue and white, blue and yellow...I'll just say blue.
Ok, forget my stupid question. After posting it I thought I should just try to google, and lo and behold I found several sites that told me exactly how to do it-geez, I'm an idiot!
Thanks anyhow. Oh yeah, congrats on all the awesome mail, and potty training!
Tracey D
I love reading your blog. Every time you post a quilt you give me inspiration. I am also a mama that likes to sew, so its fun to see someone like me doing what they like.
If I had to pick a color it would be purple, but I really have a love for all colors.
I'm not sure if I've commented here before, but if not, I love seeing all your projects! Great inspiration . . . .
My favorite colors are those I think God likes best--blue & green--the colors of nature!
(Our two-year-old self trained as well--such a joy! Keep cheering her on!)
what fun packages...i think my favorite colors are blues and greens..bold colors. There are so many that i love it is hard to narrow it down.
I am looking at doing a black and white quilt and have very little of those. I must say you received some absolutely wonderful goodies in the mail...yummy!
Yeah for no more diapers!!!! We had a really hard time with my second daughter. Hope it continues to go good for you. I would love a package from you. I would love pink or purple. Thanks for sharing.
I have a 2 1/2 year old son ... we're all about carrying on for potty time! :)
I'm a fairly new quilter ... my stash is pretty bare! I just love color.... but I need boy'ish colors for a big boy quilt for my son!
Love your blog!!!
Great mail! I have one of Jodies birdcages and they are just the sweetest. Now, if I am lucky with the fabrics... I like anything that is a bit pretty, with spots and I like reds too. Thanks for being so generous Amandajean!
I am loving any brights at the moment--greens, oranges, hot pinks, reds, etc. I love your website and love seeing all your projects!
Congratulations on the potty training! That is really great!! Can't wait until that happens at my house. LOL!
And what a fun giveaway :-)
I have so many favourite colors... Hmm... I'm planning a quilt for my son, and am missing some navy-colored fabric! And for soem reason I am always missing light colors!
What a great bunch of friends and mail! And congrats to your daughter for potty-training!! My 4 year old just started 2 days after he turned four (finally!!!).
I'm really into blues lately. And I'm loving that Bento box quilt you made on yesterday's post.
Congrats on the wonderful beginnings of potty training! And those gifts you got in the mail were so much fun- thanks for sharing them with us. Currently my favorite fabric combination seems to be pinks and greens. I love anything with those two colors. Thanks for doing a giveaway!
I don't know what's more exciting. All those lovely gifts and fabric or you daughter potty training. Sounds like your on a winner in every department...vbg.
Favorite colours - ohhh the possibilities but I confess I find myself buying more greens, blues and yellows than anything else lately. Could it be cause I'm waiting for spring to finally arrive.
Love your blog. Keep up the good work - it's a daily read.
How generous of you! I love pink with anything, orange, brown, read - anything goes :)
Potty training - yeah! I now have 1 left in diapers, but had 2 in for almost three years - I feel your pain, glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! I just love the sense of accomplishment that comes over the little ones when they know how proud you are of them.
Isn't it great when the potty train! Our house is a nappy free zone these days. What great mail you have received. You are being very generous with your giveaway! I would love to be included in the drawer. I am a green girl! I also love black and white with some orange and lime.
Wow, thats a great load of mail!
Some of my favorite color combinations are: pink and brown,
purple and green, and pink and orange.
I love your blog! Thank you!
My color is orange.
What a wonderful array of great gifts! That's awesome! And yay to toilet training! We are walking that same road in our house after having two in nappies together for 18 months!! It's been a glorious week!! Best of luck!
Well, my favorite color is purple and my favorite combo is pink and green. Go figure! Of course, purple goes with ANYTHING -- it is a neutral, after all. ;-)
My little daughter and I are totally pink and purple at the moment, have been for a while, can't see it changing just yet!
Thank you for all the lovely inspiration.
Every day of the week, I will say "blue & yellow."
congratulations on the potty training!! Well done your little girl!!
My fave colourcombo at the moment is a nice dark pink with chocolate brown and cream. Yummie
Potty training is certainly something to celebrate!!
My favorite color combo is red and pink...sure to freak gran out!!
Janine B
Lately I've been a big fan of brown paired with nearly any color. Brown and blue, brown and red, brown and pink, brown and light green... the wonderful combos never seem to end!
wohoo! who doesn't love more fabrics?
I would love to get some fabrics in reds.
You're a very lucky mom :). About color combo, I love green and pink.
so proud of you! and i think i am blushing...
Oh, those are great packages! My favorite color is definitely green-I like it with blue, brown, purples, oh and orange and pink. Actually, I think green goes with everything. I am working on a pink and black quilt though.
I have lots of favorite colours but the best combination for me is yellow and blue.
These colours are there in my garden in spring and summer - so lovely and it brightens you day.
I love your blog. Hugs from Holland
I just love pink and green. Both of my quilt a long quilts were done in those colors of course. I'm becoming a fan of the aqua and brown combination though. I've seen beautiful fabrics in those colors. Thanks for all you do!
Congrats on starting potty training! Hope she learns very, very fast!
You got some awesome stuff in the mail!
And my fav. colors are blue, green and orange.
Your blog is constant inspiration to me and I love, love everything you make!
Have a great day!
Yay for Potty training. What generous blog friends you have. I'm a yellow, like the sun, girl. I also love pink with brown and pink with green.
What fun you must have checking the mail! Lovely goodies.
I love your blog, I find it very inspiring.
Purple and green popping up alot lately in my fabric combos, also pink and brown (must be the new granddaughters).
Thanks for sharing,
Jody Lynne
Green in any way or form - love it.
I just started potty training my daughter this week too and so far success. I am so with you on the no more diapers thing. Exciting stuff. Hmm favorite color ....probably green but oddly favorite color combination is probably white and blue. I am not sure if I have just disqualified my entry there but there we have it :)
Good luck with the potty training...see you on the other side!
Hi! I just started reading your blog (and quilting) recently. Your ideas are super inspiring! I share you (totally healthy!) obsession for pink and love looking at your projects. Keep up the awesome work!
wow - looks like you really scored with both your mail and your potty-trained child! yay!
my favorite color is - without a doubt - red. i'm REALLY diggin' the combo of red & aqua, too! :o)))
This post is awesome with all the fabric photos. If you draw my name my choice of colors would be pink.
What great goodies. Now to get my 3 yr old to potty train. I am surely hoping that Pre-School is going to help him start going potty soon!!! My favorite color.....hmmmm.....I would have to go with red/burgandy. Loving the warmth that it creates!!
I love all of your new fabrics. I am a new lurker and you are very high on my list to check. I have just started quilting, I used to do home dec sewing for a part time source of income. But I am in love with all that you do. YOU amaze me at how quick you finish things. My favorite color is blue, but right now I would love any colors!
Laura Adams
I really love oranges with blues, but I will always love pink! A pink quilt ALWAYS looks great.
Hooray for potty training! Good luck.
I didn't even know I had a favorite color until I started quilting. I look at my stash and it's a sea of blues. I have other colors, but the blues win out and have the most shelves. Your blog inspires me daily! Thanks!
I love to get mail to! My favorite colors right now are gray, pink and orange...oh and a little bit of green!
Love your quilt along and I hope to join in next time!
Have fun with the loot!
Heather B.
Oh wow! You have some generous friends for sure! I've been loving blues and greens lately, which is funny to me as blue has never been one of my favorites. It's amazing what putting fabric together can do to my love of colors!
That bird cage is so adorable!
I love blues and greens.
Blues and browns.
It's so encouraging to see how generous folks are.
Red and white. Also, pink and brown is lovely. I'm hoping to start the quilt-a-long now that school is back in session and I'll do it in pink and brown.
Look at all your comments and all your wonderful gifts!! You're a lucky girl!!
Miss you, friend.
Your blog inspires me sooo much, thank you! My all time favourite colour is blue - in all its shades.
Wow, that's alot of good mail! And alot of comments! :)
Well, my favorite color is orange, but as you know, yellow has been high on my list lately too!
Lots and lots of mail you got there... wonderful presents... you are a lucky gal.
My stash is woefully slim... and while my favorite colors are teals and blues and purples.. any colors at all would be welcome.
I hog the mailbox every day too. I love getting mail. Also, I love your blog. So inspirational. So much that even though I never made a quilt I am stashing fabric to make it one day.
Current fav color would be grey or green or navy blue. I can't decide on one. Thank you.
For quilting- Pink.
What great stuff! I love blues and greens together–just finished the top of a Hop, Skip & a Jump quilt!
Yipee for little A. What are you going to do without diapers?
My current favorite color combination are the primary colors-of course I am thinking of the fabric that I am collecting for my next quilt. Fun giveaway.
wow that's a lot of goodies!
my favorite color combo right now are blues and browns.
congrats on the potty training. :-)
Greens and earth tone colors are my favorite.
I am totally drawn to oranges right now! So cheery!
Pinks and blues. I would love to win something from you. there was 145 comments before mine. You are a popular lady.
Hi! I just found you through Philigry's blog and I am amazed at how gorgeous your quilts are! Wonderful! Also, she said you were a Wisconsin girl - me too! :) Oh, and I like all colors...but I guess especially purple, yellow and green. haha...I can't pick just one!
how cute is that birdcage! I just realized that i never blogged about the awesome prize you sent me. Summer got really crazy and it's finally now getting a little better where I can get to some of my craft stuff. I'll post about it soon now that I have the time.
thank you so much for it.
Purple is my all-time favorite color, but right now black, white, and pink are really catching my fancy.
My favorite color is green, and my favorite color combo (at the moment, anyway) is red & aqua.
I love greens, reds, creams, dark blue. Think warm colors. Thanks for offering such a great give away!
I'm thrilled to hear that your daughter is potty training. I can almost feel the excitement. I will start to train Sawyer next spring/summer. I'm giddy about that. By that point, I will have diapered for 12 1/2 years straight.
(I have a dress out of that floral orange/yellow/green vintage fabric.)
i love your blog i read it everyday. my fav colors are pink and brown,
Yeah for potty training! My 2-1/2 year old boy is on and off. Somedays he wants to and some days he doesn't. I'm not forcing it but can't wait for the diapers to be gone (we had 2 in diapers for 3 years).
Pink, pink, pink!
Maybe your 2 yr 4 month old could have a talk with mine on the potty front!! This mama is about to have 2 in diapers....yikes!
I love dark fall colors; brown, orange, yellow...
It's good to have so many friends, virtual or not, right? And good on you on the kids front.
I would love to receive some fabric love and if lady luck smiles at me, than I would love earth tones, with a lot of green in it. :D
I love your blog.. and you are so lucky to get all that great mail. I love getting surprise packages! They are the best. Thank you for inspiring all of us.
My favorite colors are pink and pink.
a bundle of fabric? oh i like anything with orange, orange & aqua, orange & brown, orange & pink, etc.
You have great friends! I sure enjoy reading your blog. It's fun, real, and inspirational.
I love pinks, reds, and yellows.
Can your daughter give my daughter potty training lessons?!
PINK!! I LOVE pink fabric with the fiery passion of a thousand suns! :) Of course, I like reds and greens and blues too!
Brights are my favorite, lately. Red and orange!
I absolutely love your blog!!! and I would love to win some fabric from you :)
I love all colors but am getting ready to make a pink and brown quilt.
Thanks so much for all of your inspiration!
Thanks for all the great inspiration. Although I lurk and generally don't comment, yours is one of my favortie blogs to read. I am inspired by how prolific you are, as well as your designs and color combinations. My favorite color...has to be blues. So serene and peaceful and reminds me of the ocean.
Hoping to win some fun scraps!
I love reds and pinks together in a quilt. Sounds strange, but its really so pretty together. Congratulations on the potty training success!!!
Oh amandajean! I love giveaways - and although I haven't been very crafty recently, I hope when the cooler weather gets here and my chicken saga is over (hopefully soon!!!!- hope-hope-hope), I will get back in the sewing swing of things! I love turquoise and chocolate brown together!
Amandajean ~ Your mail is amazing and you are SO lucky! Congrats to your little girl on the potty training. I'm cheering for her!
I love almost all tone on tone fabrics, even white on white! Generally, my favorite colors are shades of moss green, lavenders and anything sunny looking!
You are SO generous to be doing this!
all that love in the mail is so nice!
I am so happy to hear about the potty training! Our second is totally out of diapers...two down, one to go!
Your friends are very generous. I'd like to thank you for your quilt-alongs. I haven't managed to make one yet but there is still time. Keep on making beautiful quilts.
Congrats on the potty training! Girls are so much easier than boys in that regard. Boys tend to be reluctant to potty train and girls tend to be eager to do so.
I like all colors but my personal favorite is red in just about any shade.
I love your blog. I check it daily and I'm disappointed when there is nothing new to drool over! :) You have inspired me to get my machine out and start quilting again.
I am loving greens and blues right now. But I find that my color preferences change with the seasons. Does that happen to you?
Thanks for all of the time that you put into inspiring us all! And a give away is just icing on the cake!
Wow! You have hit the jackpot lately. LOL My favorite color is purple, but I love working with earth color and fall color fabrics. I like darker fabrics.
I love blue, and green. but pink is nice too.
I would probably have to go with blue as my fave.
you are too sweet!
What a lovely collection of goodies! I haven't met a color or color combination I don't like. If you pick my name, surprise me!
WOW....look at that mail!! And all the comments!! You have quite the following!!:-)
My favorites would be americana colors....deep reds, blues, creams.
Recently I was drawn to purple, purple and yellow. Thank you, Amanda. You're always fun to read.
I know the relief you fell with the success of the potty training. I am a mother of two boys.
I love brown, rich chocolate brown. Brown/Tiffany blue or brown/apple green are my favorite combinations right now.
What a fun bunch of mail.
And my vote is blues!
Red and turquoise my new favorite combo.
Hurray no more diapers! I remember that I did the happy dance when my youngest Munchkin took off her diaper and used the potty!
Yeah for potty training! Can't wait to start that with my son (he's only 15 months, though).
I love orange! I've been on a real orange kick lately. Blue and orange is really pretty together!
I'd love to win some fabric from you! My current kick is blue and green and I've already starting gathering some for a quilt for our bedroom. Your quilts are all beatutiful! Thanks!
I just wanted to say yipeeeee to potty training!!!!!
Hugs to this great transition!
for some reason the pinks and greens are speaking to me. hope i get lots of conversations with your stash! thanks and good luck.
Greens and blues are my favorites! Thanks for all your creativity and sharing it with us. While I'm terribly behind, my journey on the original quilt-a-long is going well. Thanks!
Oh, please add my name to the hat! My favorite combos are browns with blues and greens. BTW, we are doing the potty training thing here, too! Good luck!!!
I love coral right now. Coral and turquoise together are wonderful.
Have a great day.
Hello, love your blog. You're quilts are amazing!
My favorite color is purple, but I love working with earthy colors - browns and greens, etc.
Thanks for the inspiration!
My all time favorite color is purple but lately I have really been into the combination of pink and brown.
Turquoise and Red are my two favorite colors but if I can only choose one I'll go with R*E*D!
You are a generous soul, Amanda!
Sorry but my english is not very well!!!
Hooray for potty-learning!!! After 6.5 years of constant diapering, my youngest has been using the potty for two months now and it's been divine! Certainly a cause for celebration -- and a giveaway! And for a favorite color combination... um... anything ;) I've always dreamed of a quilt in greens and pinks though.
With the summer months being so warm I am really liking cool colors.
wow! It looks like you've hit the mail jackpot lately : )
That birdcage is especially cute! Enjoy your new fabric!
I love soft aqua blue with browns. Such a yummy combination. Wow, you must feel so blessed with all those wonderful people sending gifts. We feel blessed to have a glimpse into all your wonderful creations, thanks.
Purple and green!
Holy cow woman -- I'm thinking you're out of room for comments! I love all colors! Nice goodies btw!
love your quilts. will you do another quilt along for doll quilts?
BTW, pink and purple -- i have two girls here that love pink and purple.
I am currently trying to encourage my little one to start toilet training. It would be soooo nice to have them all out of nappies.
I love most colours but I would love to do a red and white quilt for Christmas!
Congrats on the potty training and thank you for inspiring with your beautiful work!
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