Welcome to week 5 of the star quilt along.
For this week's block (I'm not sure of the name) I have changed colors because my photos from the first time around were pretty poor. I made this block last night and it didn't go that well. I wasn't in a mood to be quilting (which I didn't know was possible) so that must have been part of it. Anyway, when I sew my block in a quilt top I am going to lose every one of my little points around the outside edge. Oh, well. At least it looks good squared up.

cut each of those squares on the diagonal twice to make 4 quarter square triangles from each square, for a total of 16 triangles from the medium fabric

Once it is all sewn up, square up to 12.5".
Any questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments.
Love the fabrics on this block in particular... Oh, man I have got to get some fabric together to get going on this because I'm missing out on the fun.
I really appreciate your quilt a longs, Amandajean. Gives me something lovely to anticipate each week. Hope you had a great long weekend.
not in the mood to quilt? YIKES!!
No, seriously, this is a great block!!
This is a great block! I'm looking forward to getting it done.
I love your blog! How could I have missed all your great sew alongs???? The Seeing Stars quilt is positively gorgeous.
I wish I could remember the name of that block, too. It's really pretty made into a full quilt; you get all these secondary reads on the design when there are a bunch of them.
I love it in the blue. It's gorgeous!
I can't wait to get this one done. Maybe this afternoon.
ooh this is quite complicated. I'll try to finish it today, but most likely it will be done tomorrow. I've lots of cooking to do for baby's birthday!
It is going to be the most complicated block I have ever tried, but I am excited. You have an eye for pretty fabric combinations.
I think it looks great!
Okay, those bottom square corners - with the triangles sewn onto them - how you line up the triangles to sew them on?
And the block in the middle too - how do you line up those triangles to sew on?
Sorry for the multiple posts!
Thanks Amandajean! The block looks great in the two blue’s!
to line up the triangles, I try to center them so there is an equal amount hanging over each side of the square. I just eyeball it. I never learned the "right way" to do it, if there is a right way. let me know if that helps.
these blocks are all so cool. It's so neat to see how everything comes together!
Great colors. I should join the quilt along. I'm lovin your blog! ~jen~
When I saw how many points this block has, I almost went screaming in the opposite direction. But it turned out to be pretty fun, and I didn't even have to do it twice!
Thanks for your work!
Fabulous block! Can't wait to try it out! Would be a super center medallion for a little preemie quilt, just built out with a few borders. Thanks so much!
I love the fabrics you chose for this block, my next quilt is going to be a blue and white one for my SIL, she loves blue. I am on my second quilt top (I figure I'm going to make a bunch of tops and then quilt them all at the same time. When I get in a groove I like to stay there!) and I'm loving it! I'm already planning a ton more! Who knows, maybe after a few I may get brave and try following one of your quilt-along quilts. Right now I'm sticking with easy ones. :-)
Wow... the squares are getting complicated!
I just joined your quilt-along! What a neat idea. You can check out my blocks at www.taraderricott.blogspot.com. Thanks for the instructions!
I have a neat trick on how to cenetr the triangles on the center square and the squares in the corners. I will takes some pics and describe it in a tutorial in the morning. It has been a busy day today and I am wiped. I will let you know when it is posted.
BTW I really love the look of this block and the blue colors are great.
Thanks for posting this even though you weren't in the mood to quilt. It is exactly the block I needed.
Are you making tje same quilt in a different color? Maybe you didn't feel like quilting, because it is this particular quilt? Did you work out a solution for the batting-spots on the pink star quilt?
I LOVE this block!! Going to try to get it done today. I just posted a picture of the first 4 on my blog. I am just loving this quilt a long! Thank you so much!!
I've finally caught up. I've posted photos of my last three blocks on my blog. This is so much fun. Thanks. Renée
I just posted a picture of this block along with a tip on how to easily center those triangles on the squares. I didn't come up with it myself, someone else showed it to me. It is just so slick I thought I would share.
Love to watch this virtual quilt come to life! Since I'm 1 handed for awhile, surgery on my right hand, its nice to be virtually quilting. Thanks for the great photos!
Ooh I love these blues!
whoa, this block is a whopper. I'm glad it's the fifth one. I finally started today. Yippee. I'm on 3 and hope to finish it and 4 tonight. Then technically I'm caught up. I may need the rest of the week for 5. Glad i finally got my you know what in gear!
what is the white material you use on your quilts, like the improvisationally pieced scrap one? i purchased some bleached muslin today at a fabric store which is closing and am hoping to be able to use it to make throws with my scraps.
I've been meaning to drop by and say hi for some time now. You see my name is Emma Jean, but my sister's name is Amanda! So whenever I see Amanda Jean I always look twice!
While I'm not working on this particular quilt, I still am amazed/love the way you photo each step. You make it so easy. Thanks
I like this block a lot. It looks very similar to the hunter's star that I started working on a bit ago. I really like the blue fabrics you used!
I just found your blog and I LOVE it! Love your tutorials, love all the quilt pictures, and love your quilt-a-longs. Your blog is very inspiring and makes me want to quilt even more. When my blog grows up it wants to be just like yours!
At first, I thought this would be a complicated block to make. What a pleasant surprise...it went together well with NO ripping. Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing all your blocks and tips with us! It looks like fun!
If you want the triangles to really line up well, you can make the flying geese units the traditional way. It wastes a bit of fabric, but is quite accurate.
This is a good tutorial:
I just finished this one tonight... It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... of course my block isn't perfect though. The hardest part for me was sewing both of those bias edges together!!! The fabric kept slipping around and getting sucked into the hole the needle goes into! Frustrating! I didn't rip anything though, and I like it fine the way it is! (it will fit in nicely with all my other 'wonky' blocks! I'm posting a picture tonight!
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