Welcome to week 3 of the star quilt along.
This week's block is called Ohio Star.
cut 2 squares 5 1/4" from a medium or dark fabric
cut the 2 squares that measure 5 1/4" in half on the diagonal twice to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles

cut 4 squares 4 1/2" from the background fabric
cut the 2 squares that measure 5 1/4" in half on the diagonal twice to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles

and once it is sewn together, square it up to measure 12.5".
Any questions, I'll try to answer them in the comments.
Happy Quilting!
Another cute block! I'm definitely starting on this today.
I'm just so excited about this quilt! It's fabulous. But you are fabulous!! Thanks for doing another quilt along. They are so much fun. And a great way to learn. You do a GREAT job explaining.
I have a question! Well, it's more like a confession. I am officially stupid. My perfect 1/4" seam turned out to be not so perfect. I was looking at the wrong line on my sewing foot :-( So anyway, that's why my blocks ended up to be about 11" in total.
My question is, do you think I should just leave them and it will somehow work out ok at the end or should I re-do them?
I keep wanting to stop what I am doing and make these as you go.
Fortunately it is often too late at night, so it has to go back in the queue.
I would recommend remaking the blocks. I think you will be happier with the end result if you do.
Thanks Amandajean, I love your Ohio Star block!
I was led to your quilt-along by Renee, with whom I have just swapped some fabrics. I've got lots of very complex projects underway, but I'm going to make both these quilts because they are so charming, and you've kindly done all the thinking for me. It's nice to have a pleasant and joyful project to work on and produce a beautiful result without re-inventing the wheel! Thanks so much for your efforts!
By the way, Z, I concur with Amanda Jean. Put those blocks aside to make another project. If your seam allowances have been consistent in those, they should fit together perfectly. Make yourself a little "sewing fence" with masking tape, or post-it-notes, or moleskin. Simple put your ruler under the presser foot, and gently hand crank the needle down. It should be positioned just barely to the right of the 1/4 inch mark on the ruler. Then, put your "fence" in place before removing the ruler. It's amazing how much help this is!
Thanks again, Amanda Jean . . . this is going to be so much fun!
Yipeeeeee!!! Block #3! Blocks 1 and 2 are awaiting their setting blocks, but #3 comes first and I'll do the setting blocks later in the week. This is a blast!
I am so enjoying this quilt-a-long. This block is beautiful! Thank you for preparing this for us. It's been a nice stree-relief for me.
Another beautiful block. 1 & 2 are complete, as are 1-5 of the first quilt along. I will definitely get to this block this week. I won't be able to post pics for awhile, flooded basement = no place to store photos from digital. Thank you for being an awesome leader and a great teacher!!!
Yea! Mine's done. I noticed the second two are an itty-bitty (1/8th inch) too small. I've decided it's not enough to re-do them for if they all turn out the same amount small. My first it too big - so I'll remake that one.
Thanks for the great pictures - they really help!
I wouldn't re-do the blocks if they are only 1/8 inch off, either. that is a small enough amount to be able to ease in.
This is almost too much fun. I finished #3 and will post pictures later. I love your blocks.
Block # 1 is done. I am almost through with the other quilt along also. I posted pictures on my blog. Again, as always, thank you, thank you, thank you!
I've wanted to make this star, but other directions I read were too confusing. Thanks for making it easy.
Just visited your blog for the first time and my mouth fell open. One quilttop a day and doing laundry too....
Your day must be twice as long.
Looks good! Will get right on it!
I can't believe it - I've already completed #1 & #2 - cutting out #3 - i'm on schedule and once i've finished #3 i'm posting them on my blog... Can't tell you how much i'm enjoying this. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity.
I've made all three blocks now, unfortunately they are different sizes. The first one was too small at 12". The second was too large at 13". Then the third one was just right, 12.5". Sounds like it came out of a story book, I'll probably go back and redo the first two now that I seem to have figured it out.
It's beautiful! Thank you for another great block.
Oooo - Ohio Star! I love the name (being born and bred there). I'm curious about it... off to Google it now. I imagine this isn't your name for it, but a traditional one?
I am joining in late, but better late than never!!! Just got my schedule a little bit more cleaned up, so hopefully I can begin on this quilt-a-long. Watched you through the end of the first one, and so badly wanted to join. Got my fabric, so here I go!!! Thanks!
I would love to join! I have made the first three blocks and I am going to start the setting blocks this weekend. Thank you for doing this!
Help -How much fabric does a person need to buy for a king size bed, for the Ohio star pattern for a 2 color pattern.
count me in! ... only two years late! i fell in love with nettie's colours (from a quilt is nice) and have been trying to find some oranges that i like ever since... this weekend the heat got to me and i finally started it!
thanks for leaving up these directions... so good to have you back!
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