This was going to be the block for today...I tried to do something simple and quick because I am busy and I am sure you are busy, too. But once it was finished, I thought it looked a little too familiar.

It is basically the same block as week #1, just a different way of putting it together.
So, I tried again. (oy!) Maybe I can laugh about this tomorrow.
Lets get on with it, shall we?

cut 4 squares 2 7/8" from the background fabric

cut 16 squares 2.5" from the background fabric

cut 5 squares 2.5" from 2 different fabrics, for a total of 10 squares

from a different fabric, cut 2 squares 2 7/8" and one square 2.5"

and from another fabric cut 2 squares 2 7/8" and one square 2.5"

mark all 4 of your 2 7/8" background squares with a pencil on the diagonal on the wrong side of the fabric. pin together one background and one colored square right sides together.

sew on each side of the line a quarter inch. do this for 4 sets of squares....

press open and you should have 4 squares of each fabric,
for a total of 8 half square triangle blocks

layout your block as shown

sew together

and you should have this...repeat for the other block...

now, for the nine patches

layout as shown

sew together

and you should have 2 nine patch blocks
(that was easier than the first two, wasn't it?)

layout as shown

sew together

and here is your completed should measure 12.5".
as always, any questions will be answered in the comments.
if you have joined in and I haven't added your name in the sidebar, send me a quick email and I will add it. :)
Extra points for me then. I love doing this because these are so quick to make and get my sense of accomplishment for the day. (Or am I just easy to please?)
Really? Week 5 already? I've only just started after finishing off Christmas gifts and am new to quiltmaking so this is going to take me ages!!! Maybe I'll be caught up by January!
I just found your blog late last week. I spent yesterday evening cutting out the pieces for the 1st 4 blocks and am printing off this one now. If the ice storm doesn't take my electricity, maybe I can start sewing tomorrow night. Or..I guess if it does I could sew them by hand with candle light :-( At least then I would have an excuse if they don't all fit together right.
CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! I can't wait to get started.
squee! This one is SO awesome!
Le Sigh, my machine is STILL in the shop! ARGH!
I'm just cutting out week 4, so then I can go and languish as I pour over my stash to figure out the 4 fabrics for this week!
Ooh, this one is really cute! Thanks for working so hard on this for us!!
Thanks again Amandajean, this looks like a real challenge! I assume the little 2,5" blocks have to be cut on the line after sewing like in block 4?
I finally got caught up by Sunday afternoon. I am on my way downstairs now to begin Week 5. I hope you get a chance to check out the four I have already made.
They are shown at:
Actually, I think I'm going to make BOTH blocks. :-)
How many weeks are there? I'd like to at least start before you end... eek!
Thank you for adding me to your list. Am I the only Norwegian on the list? I'm very curious how this will end up, with sashing and borders, and how big it will be. I enjoy very much to use from my cw repro collection, which is my favourite!! I'll make this new block tonight, if my DD let me use the sewing machine. Read my blog and see why...(project at school).
Looks like this one will keep me busy for a while! I'm ready for the challenge though, having finished block 4 yesterday. Think I'll make the 1st one plus the 4 in 1 block. Now on to the sewing room to "shop" through my stash. Extra points please!
de vliegende koe,
yes, you do cut the pieces apart on the line after sewing, as in block 4.
totally lovin this quilt along thing! and the quilt in the previous post? too awesome for words dear friend!
No shortage of ideas with you! This block packs a punch with all the piecing and the different fabrics. Must go dig thru the stash to see what I can accomplish...
your directions are so clear and easy to follow! When I get some time {ha} I am going to start my own quilt and use your blog as my resource :)
My biggest problem though is cutting fabric totally straight. Those rotary cutters are really hard to work with. Is that what you use? Am I just coo coo?
thanks for another great block. I finished my 2 this morning and am back to working on random blocks to finish things up to pack away before the big back off starts next week. Never fear, my 30's are in rolling cabinets under my sewing table so I can still do my blocks next week and the week after. I still haven't decided on the borders but .......
I was so excited to find your blog and then you started this quilt a long and I am hooked on you!
I have just been printing out your directions waiting on my one weekend off to pop them all out. That weekend was this last one, when the ice storm hit and left us in the dark...
Maybe by the time my next weekend off rolls around I will get to play catch up.
Thank you so much for doing this fun project and including all of us.
I hope you will consider keeping it going.
You're good! I would have tried to explain the first square away as a reinterpreted version of the earlier one. Way for you to post another!
I am really enjoying this, and would love to be added to your list. Thanks for the clear directions- great for sewing newbies like myself. :)
Muito lindo seu Blog...
Am I tooooo late to join in??? I found your blog and I LOVE this. Your Quilt-a-long is just wonderful. I'm going to get busy even if it's too late to get in with the rest. How fun is this!!!?? And how nice of you to do this for everyone.......thank you!!
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