Denyse Schmidt-style scarf
I recycled a few pieces of clothing to make this: one being my favorite pair of Gap pants that got some white lacquer on during a dumpster diving episode. (Remember, Roxanne?) The backing is brown corduroy.
This was one of those projects that I thought would be simple, but gave me fits a time or two. Now I just need to figure out how to soften it up a bit so that it doesn't look like I am wearing a table runner.
nice! way to recycle, man!
i think it looks great!
Yea for patchwork obsession posts! The scarf is beautiful, and I love that dumpster diving played a role in its making. A girl after my own heart.
Really nice! You rock!!
I like it - the colors are so you!
I love the colors for fall. Maybe you could put a little pom-pom trim on the ends.
It looks really lovely! Perfect for fall weather!
I love it! Especially because you will think of me when you wear it! ;) I do feel really bad about your pants but I think maybe it was meant to be, they look perfect as a scarf!
Great scarf!! Just the right time of year for it!
I have often wondered about that... (Both the execution of the project & the possible stiffness.) I like your composition... (I also wonder how dorky & homemade mine would look...)
gorgeous color choices, dude. you are going to have people coming up to you on the street asking where you bought that!!!! :)
Beautiful! I love the colors!!!
Your scarf looks great! I love your patchwork obsession posts. You have a great eye for combining fabrics.
i too think it is beautiful!
love the whole recycling bit!
Love the colors. You can never go wrong with brown corduroy in my opinion.
And, table runner? Ha ha ha!
I've always wondered about how stiff or bulky something like this would be. But I love the colors you picked, and hope you'll figure it out - since its too pretty to not be worn.
If I were you, I would add a big gorgeous flower applique on one end, or embroider an outline of one (by the way-great job! I want to make one of those too) Love your blog!
I LOVE that scarf. I'm going to try one of these someday. It it sooo cute!! I love the colors it is perfect for fall!! Winter too, I can just picture it with a brown sweater. I think I've seen it somewhere before! Ha ha
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