I have lots and lots. I have put myself on a fabric buying ban, seriously. And my husband is in firm agreement. Nothing like moving your stuff to take stock of all the stuff that you have. A LOT of supplies (and not just fabric) in this household. So, while it may not be in effect for the rest of the year, I will not be buying (many) supplies in the near future. Just to finish a project. That's it. (Are you all going to hold me to it?)
G is for grapes, guacamole. Yum. But not together.
H is for home. It's not a house, but it's where your family is. Cliche, sure, but it's a hard lesson I am in the midst of learning. (I'm trying to be content living in an apartment. It's a stretch, but I am getting there.)
I is for ice cream. It tastes especially great with warm peach cobbler. (I was baking with my boys today.)
J is for JUKI.

I love my sewing machine. I had never heard of the Juki brand until I started shopping around for a new machine. I would buy another one tomorrow if needed. This baby is great. It sews like a dream. Worth every penny. And then some. A decent machine does make a difference.
K is for Kevin. My wonderful husband. I won't get too mushy here, but he is so good for me. I love him. LOTS. I joke with my sister, "Is it possible to be infatuated with someone after 10 years?" He and I had a great get away this past weekend. We enjoyed some much needed alone time. First time in years. It was wonderful. Thanks for all the anniversary wishes.
More alphabet madness tomorrow. Thanks for reading and for your comments. I appreciate each and every one.
Welcome back! Nice post. The apartment life in between houses is such a trial. Just keep sewing to get yourself through it! Glad to hear your get-away was nice.
Welcome Back....missed you. Was great to see you and thanks again for the goodies!
Great post. I'm glad you guys had a fun getaway.
No wjust make sure you don't tell Anina who won So You Think You Can Dance. That was you last year, right?
Glad to see you back! So very happy that you and Kevin had a nice weekend away! I understand the fabric thing. Why is it that we still want to buy more when we have a whole closet full? I need to stop, too. We'll see how that goes....
Hang in there, your house is going to sell, it may just take some time. It is a nice place and there will be that someone who loves it as much as you do.
Your fabric stash is lovely! So nice to have nice things to choose from!
i have found that a fabric "diet" is wise...a fabric fast or ban is not. i always binge. and buy buy far too much fabric when the fast is over!! small pieces of the perfect fabric can go a long way!
Welcome back! This is a wonderful post:)
I'm glad you had a nice time away with your husband! And I liked reading all of your alphabet items.
isn't a getaway nice? love your list...glad you are combining letters, too.
Glad to hear you had a wonderful getaway with your husband :) we all need that!
Good luck with that fabric ban :) I know that will be tough~
It's definitely possible to be infatuated after 10 years, I am after 20.
Good luck with the fabric ban, I should do the same, but I'd never stick to it. I've come to accept I'm a junkie.
I am on a fabric ban to as of Tuesday. Let me know if you falter! Or we could trade some fabric if you like too! I was thinking that would be a fun idea to get something new without spending money.
I for ice cream. Good one. I had an ice cream cone at McDonalds yesterday.
I also bought some fabric. How can you not when you are at Mill End?
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