I just finished up two baby bibs that I started back in Nov. I needed to add the binding and the snaps. I am glad to have that off my in progress list. (This blog helps keep me on track.) They are 2 sided.
My not so willing little model.
The back of this one is just a solid blue.
(Why is it that diapers are the best toy???)
My dear friend Linda is looking for some quilt block swap participants. Read her Jan. 24th posts-there are 2 about the swap . I think this is in the very beginning stages, but if you are interested, leave her a comment. I am looking forward to this, my very first on-line swap.
Both of my little ones are taking naps and my older boy is at school. The house is quiet! This rarely happens anymore around here, and I am enjoying each and every minute of it. Ahhhh.
I haven't shown this baby in awhile....my stripey crochet blanket. I am on the 59th row. I haven't been working on it much lately, but will be returning to it soon. I don't know if I really like it that much. I would like to have someone else help me pick the colors of yarn next time. (I can't believe that I am planning my next one already!) Or maybe I should have tried the random stripe generator that I have been reading so much about. Anyway, I am enjoying the process of making this blanket. It is monotonous, but I enjoy that....(another weird thing about me, I guess) and it is a great TV watching activity. If I really don't like it when I am finished, I know who I will give it to. (Someone who isn't as much of a color snob as I am.) So there, no worries. :)
1. Friends who are coming over just to hang out tonight.
2. My husband getting home from work earlier than usual.
3. Craft blogs...where else can one get the wealth of inspiration that one can get here? I love it!
Cute bibs, and very cute baby!! Wish you guys lived closer, her and Sydney would have fun. Plus, I have a ton of clothes she could borrow. Seriously though, I tried to make a bib once, it seemed like a lot of work!
Nap time rocks doesn't it! And two at the same time, that takes some extra special mom skills I bet.
I love your blanket. I have a whole bag FULL of thrifted yarn (the yucky acrylic stuff like the grandmas use) that I got to make a blanket like this...someday! My crochet skills are not ready for it just yet.
have a great weekend!
What a sweet baby! I haven't done a swap yet either...so exciting!!!
Thanks for the plug about the swap, we're very close to having enough people with some that I know are interested at another forum that I belong to.
I can't believe how big your baby is getting! Is her hair a little reddish? It looks so in the pictures. When I saw her last summer I thought she'd be a blondie like Parker! The bibs are cute, too, by the way!
I think the colors in your blanket are just fine, it is supposed to have that sort of "use up your leftover yarn" sort of look. Nice work!
I do order my fabric online. I usually go to fatquartershop.com and was going to purchase my Heather Bailey fabric there, but they sold out of the collection of fat quarters, so I bought it at fabric.com and saved $20 on it which was great!! Both sites have great fabrics to choose from. Hope that helps!
Cute baby bibs. If you lived closer or I had thought about it sooner, I would have had you make some bibs for a shower that I should go to tomorrow.
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