This is almost the extent of the crafting I did today...I went out into my yard and cut these branches (they are full of thorns) and threw them in this pitcher. My husband's comment: "That's not wild at all!" I kinda like it. It wasn't exactly what I had envisioned, but it fills up the top of one of my bookcases nicely. And it was free! I don't know anything about this stuff...don't know what kind of berries they are. Researching this is on my mental list of things to do. The only other crafting that I did today was crochet a row and a half on my blanket. I shouldn't have sat down because I felt so tired and wanted to go right to sleep. Today was one of those days that I couldn't slow down too much, otherwise I would have lost my momentum and would have crashed into a heap.
I got a job this week. That added to the craziness of my day as well. I am now officially a seamstress working from the comfort (or discomfort, depending on my children's moods) of my own home. The perfect setup for a mom to 3 young children. I am sewing patches on uniforms for the employees at my husbands workplace. It has been going really well (except about a hundred pin pricks in my fingers and hands). I get paid a flat rate per patch that I sew on. What a deal! Thankfully my husband is helping me with the paperwork end of things. I hate that part of business endeavors, but he is so great at that part. It's fantastic to have his help. I am so excited that I now get paid (really well!) for sewing. My personal crafting time is going to take a hit, but that was coming anyway, with my daughter nearly 8 months old and getting more active. Maybe now that I have more to do, I will become more efficient. That is the hope anyway.
Hope that you are enjoying this holiday season! Only 5 days 'til Christmas....
Had the same kind of day today...felt like I was running around like a chicken with their head cut off. [You know on a sidebar, we all say that phrase alot, but when you actually type it out it sounds pretty gross.] Anyway, I'm sure I will be up half the night finishing stuff up around the house, cooking and cleaning, etc. The whole family is coming this weekend, while we are still gone mind you, so I have to leave for my in-laws with a perfect house...nearly impossible! Unfortunately I have entered the I don't care anymore phase of the holiday season!!
Congrats on the job. I did some part time marketing stuff this summer from home, my mom may have mentioned Trent's new business endeavor. It was a lot of fun, but definetly took some scheduling. You would be surprised how much you can get done during nap time, not to mention how long we can go without washing clothes!! We must have a lot of clothes :)
By the way, I love your berries. I think they look perfect. Thats how God made them grow, who are we to disagree!!!
Enjoy the Christmas countdown!
I finally logged on and got a chance to read your blogging. Wow, I am impressed that you are able to keep up with this.
I tried to log on and comment from work, but you remember our old, out-of-date computers at work from 5 years ago? Well,they're still the same old, out-of-date computers and needless to say, I couldn't send a comment your way (I was able to read some of your blogging, so that was nice) Also, if you remember the weeks before Christmas are always unbearingly SLOW.
I took today off to go help my mom with some last minute Christmas chores (she's 81 this year) because she got behind due to an illness. I was heartbroken to find out we have ice and rain in our forecast making it impossible for me to drive to St. Paul. She was heartbroken too, but neither one of us wanted me to take the risk.
Upside of it, is that I'm hanging at home and John and I actually got to have lunch together with no kids. Sweet!
Love you lots, miss you more and hope you have a very merry Christmas!
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