Friday, January 02, 2015

happy new year!

Happy New Year to you! I hope 2015 is off to a great start! I love looking back at the past year and making plans for the new year ahead. It's so nice to have it recorded here on the blog, too! This isn't a normal finish it up Friday post, but please bear with me. I'll give you a chance to link up at the end of the post as usual.
So, 2014 was a big year! I finished 26 quilts. I gave away 11! I released one pattern (only one) but I did revamp several of my older patterns and got them printed. That was huge! I also completed my 101 scrap challenge! I had so much fun with that! As you can see from the photo above, I had a very scrappy year all around. It was a good year!

My goals for 2014 were:

-I would like to make some quilts for family. I have 4 in mind for my in-laws and a quilt for my older brother. One for my dad, too! (That's 6!)

 I made and gave away 2.

-I'd like to make/give more charity quilts. (I'm thinking at least 6.)

I gave 4. I have two set aside to give, but never got around to shipping them. Typical.

-I need to do some serious stash busting (always!). To be specific, it would be great if ALL my quilting fabric could be contained in my cutting table.  (That's a lofty one!) I'll need to do some fast sewing and not much buying!

 I did this! And I did this well! I didn't buy fabric for 5 consecutive months! It took that long to make a dent in my stash and I'm going to attempt to go for one more month to make it an even 6 months. It felt so amazing to be able to accomplish this goal.

 -I'd like to keep working on patterns. Print and PDF. Wholesale. Maybe even distributors this year!

My patterns are now being distributed through United Notions (Moda) and I'm currently working with Checker to get set up as a vendor. I'm so thankful for these big (exciting and scary) steps!

 -And, I'd like to continue to try to work on the family life vs. work life balance. It's always a struggle to balance the two, but it's definitely worth working on!

This will always be a work in progress, but I think I did ok!

Now, for 2015. My goals....

1. This is the year I make a quilt for my dad. He's about to turn 71 and he needs one...even it if will just sit on the back of his sofa.

2. Teach a craftsy class. This one was on my list last year and I didn't "out" myself. I should have and maybe it would have gotten done? To be honest, this terrifies me to no end, but I'm determined to do it anyway.

3. Write-or start writing-another book. Again, I hoped to do this last year, but I didn't publically announce it. This is a TON of work and it's scary, too, but as my husband says, no risk, no reward.

4. This one will be very hard for me, but it's the only way I can accomplish the previous goals, is to blog LESS! And be ok with blogging less. I've been posting an average 3 times a week and I am going to try to cut it down to two. We will see how that goes. I'm going to give it a try in January and then I'll reassess.

Oh, man. I can't believe I'm putting this all out there...but here's to a BIG year ahead! I'd better get stitching! Ha!

Now it's your turn to link up your finishes! Thanks for joining me for finish it up Friday! Happy New Year to you and yours!
finish it up Friday, 1/2/15
1. Eva-Bambi-Johansson  65. The Crafty Nomad  
2. Heather @ Modern Parti Quilts  66. Reusable/Washable Grocery Bag  
3. Happy Cottage Quilter  67. Caterpillar Applique Quilt Top  
4. Mari  68. Baby Turtle Applique Quilt Top  
5. Grown-Up 241 Tote  69. In Loving Memory Quilts  
6. Val's Christmas Quilt  70. Alice @Blossomquilts  
7. Katy @KatyQuilts  71. last finish of the year @ Sewfrench  
8. MOLLYB Signature Quilt & Stars&Stripes  72. JanineMarie: New finish for a New Year  
9. Karen @ Badlands Quilts  73. Colby @ sew. quilt. explore.  
10. Snowcatcher  74. Vicki Sews - Pixel Heart Quilt  
11. Janeen@Quilt Art Designs  75. sally from Sally's Angelworks  
12. Julie @ WannaBeQuilter  76. Jenny Benton  
13. Huntspatch Quilts: Wee Wander baby quilt  77. Terri Faust Quilts  
14. The Little Red Hen  78. Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts  
15. Space for the Butterflies: Kaleidoscope  79. Karen  
16. Julia in Mississippi  80. Small Finishes  
17. Melissa @ Happy Quilting  81. allison pogany  
18. Alycia @ Quiltygirl  82. Shannon @ The Finished Garment  
19. Pam @Mama Spark's World  83. Patch the Giraffe  
20. Little Letters with a Pieced Border  84. Kim @ MegSueDesigns  
21. Kate @ Thread Everywhere - Cargo Duffle  85. QuiltnMama  
22. Simple Sewendipity  86. kokaquilts: mei tai wrap finished  
23. Judy@Quilt Paradigm  87. karenbbsnow  
24. Shelley @The Carpenters Daughter who Quilts  88. Nakeytoes Quilting  
25. Jess @ Quilty Habit  89. Maria Shell @ Tales of a Stitcher  
26. Vera @ Negligent style  90. Crafty Ashley B - Block Swapping  
27. Rachel@Let's Begin Sewing  91. Stitched Selfie  
28. Ryden's Baby Quilt  92. Quilts Finishes 2014  
29. Rainbow Quilt @snugharborquilts  93. Matching jammies  
30. strings for my daughter  94. Marla  
31. Modern Maple in the Snow  95. Nancy at joy for grace  
32. pat in wisco  96. Sherri @ A Quilting Life  
33. Hattie's Quilt  97. Mini Quilt - The (not so) Dramatic Life  
34. pack rat with a plan  98. Rene' Creates  
35. Mary Stori  99. Carol Quilts Sometimes - Pillows  
36. Lisa  100. Winter Trees Finished Mini  
37. Maartje Quilt  101. Janice @ dreaded applique done  
38. Angie in SoCal  102. Unpretentious quilter  
39. Gail  103. Kitchen Quilts  
40. Terri Ann @ Childlike Fascination  104. QAL and Table Runner @ LoGo Quilts  
41. Deana @ Dreamworthyquilts  105. Deb @ Farmhouse Quilter  
42. Lovelli Quilts  106. 2014 Finishes  
43. Ruth @Stitching Impressions  107. Jennifer @ The Days Dewings  
44. Susie at ProsperityStuff  108. Hollie @ Just a Mom who Sews  
45. Hilary Florence @ Quilting Workshop  109. Sarah Goer @ Things I Make  
46. Dana @ WaterPenny  110. Big Finish - Life's Little Junkets  
47. Pieces of Cotton  111. Frankie Carson  
48. Paula  112. Space for the Butterflies: Xmas Trees  
49. Cynthia Brunz Designs  113. 2 More - Life's Little Junkets  
50. Quilting is more fun than Housework  114. Chris  
51. 2014 at Busy Hands Quilts  115. Patricia @ Quilting Lines  
52. Sarah @ Georgia Girl Quilts  116. Quilting Feathers  
53. Christine's Folklore Quilt  117. tubakk, Norway  
54. Fabric Covered Mini Notebook Tutorial  118. 2014 finishes @snugharborquilts  
55. Pink Doxies  119. Rachek @Around The Blocks  
56. Johnna @ Yellow Bird Stitches  120. Kathy@KayakQuilting  
57. karen @CapitolaQuilter  121. Beth: Second set of socks  
58. Cheryl Jaeger  122. Kim @PersimonDreams  
59. Andrea R  123. Miss Alissa Creates  
60. Kat & Cat Quilts  124. Jennifer @ Glinda Quilts  
61. Stacey @SLOstudio - Orange Peel mini  125. wazoo  
62. Patchwork Polly  126. Pamela @  
63. Tanya Quilts in CO  127. Bernie @ Needle and Foot  
64. Sue @ lappteknik  128. Scrappy Sewing  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


evaj said...

Thank sew the year 2014!!Hug Bambi

Mari said...

Wow! ambitious goals, but look at all you did in 2014! Here's hoping 2015 is the best year yet. Happy January!

Sandra W said...

Re cutting down on blogging--I usually only read bloggers that post Mon. to Friday or who have a well established schedule. I don't want to waste my time checking out a blogger only to find they haven't posted anything new.
Be cautious about reducing your number of blogs--you may lose readers--readers that you will be glad to have when your book comes out.

molly b quilts said...

What an impressive photo with them all lined up! Beautiful work. Congrats on a wonderful year! Thanks for sharing what you do. Do it on your own terms! :)

Anonymous said...

You are on a 5-month no-fabric-buying spree? Amazing! I mad it 2 and was proud of myself....but then I caught back up with all of the November and December fabric deals! DOH!

Cheers to a New Year!

Carie @ Space for the Butterflies said...

What a gorgeous photo of all the quilts together! And yay for some ambitious plans for 2015 - now you've written it down you have to go for it!

Snowcatcher said...

Great work on the goals you've accomplished for 2014. I think it's perfectly all right to set high goals and keep shooting for them if you don't get them at first. Without goals, what would we get done?

I also fully support your choice to blog less. I've often said I'm not sure how you do all you do and keep your family running, too. As far as checking on blogs that don't post regularly, that's what any of the blog reading services are for. People can always subscribe via email, too.

You have a very high quality blog, and I think people will keep reading it just because it's you, regardless of how often you post.

Nevertheless, we do miss you when you take a break!!! :) Happy new year!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Congrats on your successes for 2014 - I know you will do well for 2015! This goal setting thing really helps doesn't it!! Happy New YEar!

Anonymous said...

You do have ambitious gouls. I have been wondering how you have been keeping up with the blogging as well as doing everything else. I found it very difficult to keep it up when I was working on my book. I have gone through several months of decompression and am trying to find my new "normal". I missed blogging and am enjoying getting back to it a bit more. Good luck to you on achieving your goals!

Jo Wilsher said...

Gonna miss you...but thanks for the inspiration - I'm taking my first quilting class in February! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to do so! Thank you x

Rachel said...

Great goals and good luck with them.

Melissa Corry said...

What a great year for you. You did amazing on your goals and I am looking forward to a new book and craftsy class. Awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's scary putting your new year goals out there! too scary for me. Thank-you so much for all your inspiration through 2014 and all the best in this brand new year.

Svetlana said...

your quilts look amazing, you definitely had a crazily productive year. Good luck with all the big (and little) plans for 2015. Hope it all comes to fruition. Happy new year!!!

pingraham said...

How wonderful that you are considering teaching a Craftsy class! I hope it will include your use of colors and how you select fabric, and your method of creating slabs with your scraps. I LOVE Sunday Morning Quilts - I have absolutely studied my copy as I have started quilting again! But these are two things I love most about your quilts and projects. You have such a talent for these especially, and I bet that all your readers would flock to a Craftsy class given by you, Amanda Jean! Yeah! Go for it! Hearing you discuss color/fabric selection and seeing you sew some different kinds of slabs would be amazing! Happy 2015!

Unknown said...

Love the display of quilts and love your goals for 2015! You'd be an awesome Craftsy teacher! Also, with 101 scrappy projects in the last year it would translate into a wonderful book! Yay for you! :-)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

You achieved such a lot! I think working on a new book sounds really exciting! Wishing you and your family a very happy 2015 :) xx

Quilting Stories said...

Congratulations on your 2014 achievements! Happy New Year!

CapitolaQuilter said...

That's a staggering number of finished quilts for you. I haven't tallied the final but 2014 is landing at about a dozen while 2013 I finished my own record breaking number of 23, I kept six, gifted eight and donated nine.

eva said...

love the "bridge".... where is that bridge - could they have built it just outside your back yard ....specifically for YOUR convenience??
what a fantastic ready made display!!!

Kim B. said...

I think you'll be just fine blogging less! I'll still be happy to read what you post when it shows up in my Bloglovin' feed. There are so many blogs that there's always something to read . . . it's not like one person has to supply all the posts for everyone! and of course you have to make choices in order to reach goals that are important to you. YOU know what feels right and I think there is a big community of people who supports you. Good luck with your 2015 goals (especially making a quilt for your dad : ) ) .

Linda said...

Your goals are inspirational, as well as evaluating your goals from last year. Now I want to set goals for 2015!

I would take your Craftsy class - your tutorials have helped me in so many ways. And I would purchase your new book - just the name and cover of Sunday Morning Quilts make it my favorite quilting book.

Don't worry about blogging less!

berylthepearl said...

I love all your quilts, and especially enjoyed your quiltalongs. Would love it if doing another one is in your plans! Where did you find a fence long enough to display quilts? Love reading your blog!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you have had a lot of quilts made - good going for you.

Sewing In CT said...

I will miss you if you blog less, but I can appreciate all the work that goes into it. There are several quilter bloggers that have cut back; all for the right reasons. Good luck with your goals. I truly enjoy all that you do. You are an original, but don't let that place any pressure on you! Do what you love and you will be fine!

Penny said...

I admire that you shared your ambitious but straight forward goals!Loved seeing the quilts of 2014. Thank you for sharing both! You go girl for 2015!

Rene' said...

Great post Amanda!! You accomplished most of your 2014 goals and I have no doubt you'll be extremely productive in 2015. I look forward to seeing you reach those goals. Love the picture with all your quilts! Happy New Year!!

Judy said...

Your hubby is right. You have the support of all of us and your family. Just in with both feet. You will be just fine!

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

A new book will be awesome! Good luck in 2015!!!

Nancy said...

Your quilts look so beautiful laying across the fence. I especially like the blue grey one that you made from clothes and the one with the big stars. Thanks for hosting the link-up.

Hollie @ Just a Mom who Sews said...

I love your picture. Most of your hard work through out the year, all spread out. Wonderful! Good luck on accomplishing this year's goals.

Ellomee said...

BRAVO!!! Very impressed with all of your accomplishments! I am particularly proud of you for your 101 challenge!

Annie said...

Wow...lots of big go for it and goal setting is a great way to achieve. I'm still trying to clean up all my school paperwork from last year.

Kris said...

Wow, what a year you have had. I loved following along. I can see you have ambitious !goals for the coming year and I think you can do it all.
Congrats on another wonderful year

Cheryl Arkison said...

Those are most excellent goals. And I am going to be a good friend and keep you to them as well. Making things public goes a long way towards reality.

KathyinMN said...

Blog less for sure! Not because we won't miss you, but because you could do a one post weekly wrap up or something. You must do a Craftsy class though-if this blog is any indication of your teaching skills, the world is waiting! Get er done!

Laurie Broderick-Burr said...

I am always so inspired by you. Although I have been sewing for most of my life I still feel like a new sewer/quilter. This year I made time for sewing, which is hard because I work full time, am the CEO of the household, and I started graduate school (at 52!!!!) However, I finished one quilt top and will send that to be quilted and I am well on my way to finishing the second quilt top. I made lots of bags - one of my favorites.

My goal this year is to look through my closet - a super huge closet stuffed with my sewing debris - and finish the half made projects. If I don't want to finish them, if I am uninspired, then I will donate or dump.

Thank you, always, for the inspiration and the constant amazement you provide for me in terms of how much sewing you can get done!

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed your post!! Thank you for sharing. I almost never have specific quilt goals for the year - my tend to the general "Finish more UFOs than I start, and "shop" more from my stash and only go outside to buy specific borders, backgrounds etc for what I'm working on. Even though you didn't accomplish everything on your list (written and not), I bet you got a lot more done than if you hadn't written it. And your photo is glorious!! Best wishes for the coming year.

Suzanne said...

Three cheers for you for 2014 and 2015. I, for one, will support you on your journey toward a successful 2015. Let me cheer you on to the risky waters and validate you whenever you need a reminder that something has to give. Blogging less but consistently is a great option. You have a lot to share and your wheels are always going. I can't wait to see where the year takes you.

Christine said...

I just want to say thank you for all of your inspiring posts of ideas and the pictures that you share on your blog. It is truly appreciated! Happy New Year!

Anne said...

Way to go! I'm excited for you for all of those goals! They're inspiring! Best wishes with all of them in the new year! I'm excited to see what you come up with for a new book!!

Anonymous said...

My only goal is to finish some more UFO's. Why is it that it is so much easier to start something than finish it???

Little Penpen said...

What a picture! Love all the quilts you made this year. And I love these link up's like a private quilt show from the comfort of my home. thanks

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Wishing you the best for 2015. I've really enjoyed following along on your progress and am motivated by what you got done last year as well as your goals for the 2015. Thanks for the inspiration.

Jacqueline said...

I'd love to do your craftsy class!!! Happy 2015!

Unknown said...

Wow!! Love the quilts!! I will miss your blog posts but twice a week is still wonderful! I will be happy to wait for the Craftsy class! Go for it!! I would love to watch you work and chat. I'm sure there's heaps of others who feel the same way! Whatever you decide to do - have a great year Amanda :)

roxi said...

Love the photo of your 2014 quilt journey. Can't wait to sign up for a Craftsy class taught by you. Happy New Year Amanda Jean.

Anonymous said...

You should mention that one gentleman at the bridge wondered whether there was a quilt sale going on!

Unknown said...

I would love you as a Craftsy teacher :-) Go for it and good luck
Happy New Year from Denmark