I stitched up this vintage hexagon pin cushion yesterday just so I'd have something to share today. This is my very first hexagon project ever, which is kind of hard to believe.
About a year or so ago someone from a quilting group that I belong to gave me a bag of pre-cut vintage hexagons. What a treasure! Many many years ago someone had painstakingly cut out each one of these pieces of fabric by hand. (there are a LOT of them!) I even found a sand paper template and a hand drawn cardboard template amid the fabric pieces. Super fun!
I made my own hexagon templates from card stock so I could English paper piece the flower shape. Then I appliqued the hexagon flower onto a linen background. I love the vintage bits on the linen...it's like they were made for each other!
It is filled with crushed walnut shells, so it has a lovely weight to it. (Crushed walnut shells can be found in the reptile section of pet stores.) To finish I usually just whip stitch the opening closed and it's sufficient. This time I used a ladder stitch and silk thread to close the opening instead. The combination of the two made the final seam nearly invisible!! I'm pleased as punch!
The pin cushion is 4 1/2" finished. And you guessed it....I LOVE it!!!
Now it's your turn! Please link up your finishes for the week. Happy Friday!
finish it up Friday, 3/1/13
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I love your little pin cushion! Vintage hexagons are so darling! Have a great weekend!
Your pin cushion is darling! I'm impressed with your first time hexi's. I haven't had the courage to do so yet. Love the weight of walnut shells for pincushions! I've discovered adding a bit of cotton stuffing in the corners for a nicer fill and weight. Thanks for sharing your talents.
Such a sweet little pin cushion. hexagons are such fun, aren't they.
Love your pincushion, what a heavenly combination of vintage hexagons and linen, simply perfect.
Cute pincushion. I have just become a convert to crushed walnut shells after receiving a pincushion full of them in a swap!
You're so brave for hexis. While I'm completely fond of how they look, I am not yet fond of what it takes to produce them!
That pincushion is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE it!!
I have some vintage hexagons that are teeny tiny (1/2 inch?) that I've been thinking about making into a pin cushion, but I couldn't bear to stick them with a pin! Maybe I'll do it anyway...better than them sitting in a box. You've inspired me. :)
the vintage fabrics are beautiful! very cute pin cushion and I agree they look so lovely with the linen!
Cute! What a great idea.
Sew Cute! Love it... I have some hexies I started years ago and thought they were fun... I'll get back to them one day.
You've made me "need" another pin cushion!
Just a very cute pin cushion, thanks for the idéa!
I love those vintagefabrics, so cute!
Love the vintage hexagons! And I love the ladder stitch, it's like magic!
That is adorable. I'm trying to find a neutral linen I like. What is the linen you used? Thank you. :)
Ladder stitch + silk thread = AMAZING, literally invisible! Will have to give this a try!
Cute pincushion! I have never worked with hexagons either. Maybe some day! :)
Cute! I have some hexies languishing in a box. This is the perfect project for them.
Love it! Thanks for hosting the link party :)
Your finish wins the prize in my opinion. It's stunning. I am only now beginning my love affair with linen. It's taken me a while to appreciate its innate goodness but I am coming along quickly. I may have to give this project a whirl; thanks for inspiring.
Wow! That's so cute!
Could I please share your pincushion on The Hexie Blog? thehexieblog.blogspot.com
What a sweet pincushion. I love the ladder stitch for closures. Sometimes I have a hard time because I stuff too many walnut shells in there--yours looks perfect!
Hexagons and pincushions are interesting, and I love this combination of the two.
I literally just finished the exact same pincushion just in different fabrics! Yours looks fabulous, and your ladder stitching is so beautifully done. Mine is not as perfect, lol!
You can never have too many pincushions! And that one is so cute.
Thanks for hosting finish it up Fridays. I don't always have a finish but it sure does give me incentive to be working on things.
I'm just slightly envious of your adorable little vintage hexagons. They really are too wonderful! And, of course, so is your pin cushion.
I love it! You always come up with the cutest looking stuff! :)
It's very sweet!
I LOVE this pincushion! So sweet, and vintage fabrics are just the best. Love it!
It's really beautiful.
Your stitching/sewing skills amaze me (as one who can't sew for nuts!)
WOW super cute!
Thinking about you today! Hope y'all are doing well! - Glynis
GREAT! pincushion! I love it. Now let's see a whole quilt like it, linen squares with the hex flowers soooo cute, or maybe just a pillow?!
Love your pincushion - very sweet!
Beautiful pincushion, I appreciate your attention to detail! Silk thread, huh? I'll have to look into that! I've got a bunch of old antique/vintage scraps that I would love to do something with one day, when I find the perfect project. Like you, mine were given to me, by another quilter who'd gotten them from another quilter...
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