Friday, March 02, 2012

finish it up Friday, week 17

Welcome to finish it up Friday!

What a week I've had!! Today is the first day of the week that everyone in my family has been to school/work. We've had illness, snow/ice day, kindergarten registration day (therefore no school for my kindergartener). It's been....interesting. :)
All that to say, I don't have much to share today. But I did manage to finish my February bee blocks for the Two's Company quilt bee. These flying geese blocks are for Jackie. I've done more paper piecing in this bee than I had anticipated. But that's great! It keeps me from getting rusty. Now I just need to mail them! Why does that seem to be the hardest part of a bee? Or is it just me?

Now it's your turn! Link up your finishes for the week and then go visit some others and cheer them on, too. Thanks for linking up with me. Happy Friday!

finish it up Friday, week 17

1. Carla @ Sew It Up Baby!  46. Karen's Qwillow  
2. Dee  47. Cutie and Co. Game Board design quilt  
3. Nicole @ Mama Love Quilts  48. Kathy@CarpeLanam  
4. Carin@ Margaret's Hope Chest  49. Anna @ Lemon Lime Quilts  
5. I QUILT FOR FUN  50. Double Irish Chain Quilt  
6. Angel Scraps Quiltin  51. Cindy@liveacolorfullife  
7. Homemaking Dreams  52. Cathy @Eagles' Wings  
8. Dr Seuss Quilt!  53. sewmuchwithme  
9. Lina  54. two.hippos  
10. Eileen  55. thequiltedfox  
11. Candace  56. Jill  
12. Alex @ teaginny designs  57. Leanne @ Cottage tails  
13. St Patrick's Day Table Topper  58. Caroline M.  
14. beth  59. Kati  
15. A Crumb QUILT!!  60. Katherine  
16. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  61. From Head To Fabric  
17. Making Birds Tips  62. Carmen @ seaschell quilts  
18. Kim@mygogolife  63. Carme  
19. Sweet Dreams by Sarah  64. jen  
20. Julie @ Julie's Quilts  65. Quilt Barn  
21. Jayme @ finding sweetland  66. Alycia in CO  
22. Michelle @ CityHouseStudio  67. Jenn at The Little Shop of Stitches  
23. elizabeth@piecefullife  68. pat in wi  
24. Sarah C.  69. Karen  
25. Deborah@Simply Miss Luella  70. Barbara Galloway  
26. Christine L in WA  71. SoSarahSews  
27. Debbie@AQuiltersTable  72. Wendy @ hARTylittlepeaces  
28. Katie @swimbikequilt  73. The Beehive Buzz  
29. Sunshiny Day @ Snippets of Sweetness  74. Rachel B.  
30. Double the Luck @ Snippets of Sweetness  75. Belated wedding Present  
31. Godzi  76. Colby-Sew.Quilt.Explore.  
32. Becca @ Bryanhousequilts  77. Brenda@scrapsandstrings  
33. Jennifer D @ The Days Dewings  78. Heather @ Needles and Pens  
34. Rainbow Road Table Runner  79. Karolina  
35. quilt cards  80. Teresa @ Hummingbird Hollow Quilts  
36. Tünde  81. Duke Says Sew What  
37. Our Busy Little Bunch  82. Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting  
38. svetlana  83. a maiden hair fern  
39. Lucy @ Charm About You  84. A Girl in Paradise  
40. Jennie @ Portch Swing Quilts  85. Mary'  
41. CUTEST Purse  86. Katie D @ The Amateur Librarian  
42. Sewing for Girls 2-10 Yrs  87. Pokeytown Kim  
43. Vintage Eva Quilt  88. kate @ asometimesquilter  
44. Rebecca @ Sew Festive Handmade  89. Home Designs by Amanda  
45. Heidi @ Fabric Mutt  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Nicole said...

No it's not just you! Mailing is the hardest part!

beth said...

Love your bee blocks. YES! Mailing IS the hardest part!

Donna said...

Your flying geese blocks look great!! I haven't tried making them yet.


Helen said...

I love your geese all in a row. Wish to be orderly in my life, but alas....

Mama Pea said...

They look great. And I agree....mailing them is half the battle, if not more!

Christine L said...

Thanks Amanda for hosting.. I finished a bee block too.. :) Haven't been able to do too much had hurt my hand. Doing better though now.. :) Happy Friday

Svetlana said...

Love your bee blocks. I love how paper piecing produces such amazingly crisp lines and perfect points.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Great blocks! I totally agree with Svetlana it always looks so incredibly neat! Paper piecing is on the to do list ;)

Live a Colorful Life said...

Great blocks. And I finally had something to link here today! Whoot!!

Anonymous said...

I know all about Kinder registration. I work at a school and I have registered 137 children in the past two weeks. My voice is gone, but quilting gets me out of the routine. I love your projects!!

Katherine said...

Love your Bee blocks! So pretty.

Whew. Good to know that I'm not the only one that struggles with the mailing bit. ;o)

You've had a busy week, my friend. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Carmen said...

For some reason, even though the post office is only about five minutes from my house, it feels like a million miles away when I actually have go to there.

tara said...

Flying Geese are my nemesis. I need to practice more so I am not so intimidated by them and the look as great as yours.

Quilting Grannie said...

Haven't finished anything yet. Been working on a Civil War quilt that has 68 six inch pieced blocks for the border. Have all the blocks pieced and pressed. Have the side strips sewed together and pinned to the quilt. This quilt has been a chore!

Heather said...

Beautiful blocks! :o)

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

I agree whole heartedly - mailing is the hardest part - or should I say getting it in the box and to the post office is! When I'm paying the person at the post office I always think to myself - that was so easy, what was I waiting for?!

Mary said...

I covet that block! Red is my favorite color and I have been working on flying geese. Unfortunately, I am not consistant!

Thanks for the opportunity to link and for posting a block this week. I needed that!

Judy said...

I love your flying geese. Would you consider a small tutorial? I have found there are many ways to make flying geese. I think I settled on the Fons & Porter ruler but this block has me a little intimidated.

Jeanne said...

Love those geese blocks!

Suzanne said...

Good for you! I finished up two cowls this week for the cowl KAL I'm in. Now there is a slight breather until the next pattern comes out on the 6th. So I cast on a preemie hat. A quick fix, I hope.

PS. I always, always, always underestimate how much time it takes to get something mailed. Case in point, I just mailed my parents their Christmas presents yesterday. Those would be the 2011 gifts. I hang my head in shame.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Very cute! My baby had shots Monday and didn't feel well after, do I didn't get much sewing done. I did make sandwiches and have been practicing my FMQ!

Chrissy said...

They look wonderful! And yeah, I agree - mailing is the hardest part.

Annalia said...

I just love flying geese...I guess I'm going to have to learn me some paper piecing eventually!

JLMM said...

I love the variety of red patterns you used together for the flying geese blocks.