Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i'm in deep

My husband has a phase that he uses whenever we are in the midst of a big project. "It's got to get worse before it gets better." That's how I'm feeling about my WIP's. I signed up for Jacquie's challenge with 19. As it stands now, I have 18 wips. I finished 3 since the sign ups but started two more this week. They both have a deadline. (Which is soon.)

Here's the breakdown.

2 quilts to hand bind

1 that's in my machine about half quilted

2 basted and ready to quilt

2 waiting to be basted (i ran out of pins)

and 11 tops (gasp!) to finish piecing.

If all goes well over the Thanksgiving holiday, I'll be able to finish up a few bindings. And maybe then I can start to breathe a little easier. :) For those of you here in the States, Happy Thanksgiving! See you next week.


RosaMarĂ­a said...

i thing you are very fast! (i'm still with one since 2 weeks!)... have a great thanksgiving!

szkornelia said...

WOw, what a stack! I am sure they will keep you busy for a while. Hope you will show the results.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

WOW! That's quite a list. Good luck with it!

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Enjoy the holiday.

Anonymous said...

You can do it!!!

Thimbleanna said...

"gasp!" is an understatement LOL! Good Luck! And Happy Thanksgiving ... Again!

Cheryl Arkison said...

True honesty - finishing some but starting more.

Nancy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Amanda, Cant wait to see all those WIP's when they are done.

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Exact same feeling over here I'm attempting to finish 3 table toppers by tomorrow at 11am! Doubtful... Very Doubtful..

beth said...

you can do it! and then you'll be saying...I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could! And we ALL know you CAN!

Kelly O. said...

just pile them up by importance and do one thing at a time. you can do it!

Dee said...

Breathe deep and keep lots of chocolate on hand! With that...all things are possible!

Happy Thanksgiving!

CitricSugar said...

Oh AmandaJean! You make me laugh - but I laugh in solidarity. I'm forever starting things, especially when I've got other things on the go. Plus, can you imagine if you only had one WIP? It would drive me crazy. :-)

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i admitted to 14 & i thought that was bad!... good luck!!

Libby said...

Go Girl! You can do it! and Happy Thanksgiving!

lera said...

You amaze me. But you already know that. Happy Thanksgiving if I don't talk with you again. (Oh, and I have a pumpkin roll in the oven ...)

Anonymous said...

I can use that tutorial from yesterday. That is neat, I think I can do that. Happy turkey day to you and your family.

Erika said...

Breathe and relax. I firmly believe stress only occurs when we create it, so breathe deep...and push forward. We craft for enjoyment, don't lost sight of that. Enjoy the Holiday and don't work too hard. :-) The end result is a beautiful thing, enjoy the journey to get there as well.

Jenn Boerger said...

Enjoy your holiday and your sewing! I'm thankful for you in sharing your knowledge and experience on your blog! You continue to be an inspiration to me and many others!

dolores said...

I feel ya AJ!! I have 8 runners and toppers pinbasted and 6 quilts pinbasted and 7 waiting to be pin basted but I too ran out of pins....guess I need to get with it and finish some stuff!:)

The Mellos said...

Can't wait to see the final products that come out all of your WIPs. My first bout with hand binding was almost theraputic. If you think the same, maybe it will help bring you down from the holiday rushes! Happy Turkey Day!

Annie said...

I just have 22 school reports to complete, then I can start quilting again. Good luck to you.

Tara said...

You know--you don't have to finish them all! I'm not sure that Jaquie meant for you to buckle down and not enjoy the process. You have to ask yourself if you're a process or product quilter. Regardless of the answer--if you get half or even a quarter done--that's WAY better than most of us! And many more quilts than most of us will make in our lifetimes!

--On a side note, my sewing machine went into the shop right after the retreat--don't know why but it just kept binding up, and they said that I don't use it enough, which made my husband roll with laughter, since it's in use almost every day! Back good as new! And it got a workout last night!!! I'll show them "using it enough!"

Brioni Greenberg said...

Wow - i thought I was in deep!! It would help if i had some motivation but it all seems to have upped and left. But a couple finished is better than none!

carol said...

Too bad I'm not closer. I love to hand bind and would do yours with no complaints. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Mama Urchin said...

If you don't get to 50 I'm not sure you can claim the name "crazy" anymore. You are in deep indeed.

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

Just remember that even if you don't finish all 18 wips by the deadline, you'll still have probably accomplished more than you would of if you hadn't signed up.

Although, I have another idea, sounds like you need a quilt finishing party?!

Janet said...

There's nothing like a goal or deadline to get you going. Whew what a list. All the best for getting to the finish line.

Anonymous said...

That's an ambitious list. I'm sure you will get it done. Nothing like a deadline to make you work.

I've finished 2 out of 6 on my list, but seem to have stalled. Someone stole my mojo.

Needled Mom said...

And....a happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Good luck with the projects.

Karen said...

That is one nice pile of quilts! I have faith that you will meet the can do it!

Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!

Unknown said...

cripes!!!! Your pile makes me feel much better!!!!

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

My Mum always used to say...... "You've got to get into a mess to get out of a mess" :-) Well, all I can say is that I must be getting out pretty soon, as my sewing room is tragic!! Your "get it done" list is amazing - I have one quilt now hanging over the door on my sewing cabinet and I think it's ready to start quilting itself if it is left there much longer - I keep working on other things and this poor lonely quilt just sits there!
You have inspired me to at least move the quilt UP onto the actual table, maybe then it will jump onto the machine!! Happy Sewing Thanksgiving from Australia:-)

chris baker said...

I'm double gasping for you...11! I hope Starbucks is close by and a good snack supply. Happy Thanksgiving! You can do it!!!

One Flew Over said...

May the sewing force be with you!

Michelle said...

Well some of us are just little over achiever' Quite a list of to do's. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.

Alice said...

Happy Thanksgiving and Good Luck!!! I think I would panic and not get anything done!

Janet said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I think I see a QOV or 2 in the stack. How are they coming? Could you show some pics when finished?

sania said...

You can do it! You're such an inspiration!

What Comes Next? said...

Here's hoping that all goes well for you over the weekend - no turkey disasters or trouble of any kind! 'Course, don't drive yourself crazy over this - 'cause as has been said, you're way a head of most of us in the Get It Done department, anyway! Do take time to enjoy the weekend.

Suzanne said...

I'm right there with you, Amanda Jean. I have thought to myself on more than one occasion this week, "What was I thinking...committing to finish 10 quilts by January 1st?" And then I think of how much more I have done with the deadline than I would have without it. I hope to finish quilting one tomorrow so I can hand-bind in the car on our long drive on Friday.

Though we are only "friends" through your blog, I'm really grateful to know you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Katherine said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good luck with your wips... I'm rather excited knowing that we'll soon be treated to seeing each one as you complete them. hee hee

Lisabee said...

My number of WIPs has ALSO gone up since I posted for the challenge. But despite that, there has been progress. I did finish one of the projects and I moved somewhat forward on another. And I finished a project that I hadn't even thought about when I posted to that list.

Renee said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

Wow! I have so much more than you! It is so scary! Also, I'm not in the states but am American so I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones and family! This is my favorite holiday!!

Leslie said...

good luck with all those finishes

eva said...

I have a jar of pins..... I could send you!!!

You always amaze me.... There's no doubt in my mind that you will meet the deadlines.

hm..... the two you started this week.....well they don't REALLY count for the deadlines do they??? you started those AFTER the challenge???? (trying to help you out) haha

as always ...... an inspiration!!!


:o) mg said...

Though I am not as backed up as you are, I "knowwhatchamean".
Happy Thanksgiving!

linda said...

...and Happy Thanksgiving to you, Amandajean!!

Sara said...

With the volume of quilts you make, I think you'd benefit greatly from machine sewing the binding. It's so quick and turns out quite neat. Red Pepper Quilts had a nice tutorial about it recently.

rosie/the fabric shopper said...

Madame, You astound me! That is some prolific work :-)

Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

Just wanted to let you know that you're quilting inspires me! :)

thank you!
a self taught VERY beginner ;)

Margaret said...

You inspire us all. I can't wait to see te finished quilts and hear the stories behind them. Do take time today to relax and smile with your family.

Rene' said...

You'll do fine. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Duyvken said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see you posting photos of the finished wips.

Jessica Christensen said...

I feel a little panicked myself about all the things I have to finish. I only told Jacquie 15, because to tell her 70 would be ridiculous. I have finished 3, but I'm nowhere near as fast as you, so I think you have a better chance of finishing than I do. Good luck -- oh, let's be real. It's not luck. It's hard work. You are awesome! You'll get it done!

SEWButterfly said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING...and, I hope your sewing plans work!

Anonymous said...

That's quite the list. Good luck getting it all done. I just finished my first ever stippled quilt. It feels great to get one done.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I have one WIP that I really want to finish by Christmas. I bought the stuff several months ago, but with school + work, it's been tough. I now have TONS more time than I did, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Fara said...

¡Que bonito tu blog!Haces unas colchas preciosas.Soy seguidora de tu trabajo ya que visito tu blog siempre que puedo.
Saludos desde las Islas Canarias España.

Rebekah said...

I hope you had a happy and productive Thanksgiving weekend!

Melissa said...

Wow! That actually seems like quite an accomplishment to have that many WIP. Enjoy the process.

Karen said...

That sounds like a lot of projects. Maybe I should make a list of my WIPs and get some done!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you just need a new project to make you feel better.

Erika Mulvenna said...

Whoa, and I thought I had a pretty good project pile going! Good luck, and I hope you got lots of sewing done over the holiday weekend! said...

I think you are doing very good!!! Hugs, Mary

Ann said...

You can do it! Well, then again, don't force yourself into a frenzy of work and then not enjoy the process!

On another note, I am heading to Ikea tomorrow. Oh, yes I pass right though your town. Wanna meet? I will have two or maybe three of the kiddos in tow :)


Shelina said...

Those are some ambitious goals - but you can do it. Just imagine the joy you feel when you see a finished project. Yeah, and don't stress out, like I do. Stressing out just makes the job harder and causes me to make more mistakes.

jacquie said...

it's kind of fun to be in deep's one of the things i love about you...lots of projects, lots of finished is one off the list. that's how i'm looking at it.

Anita said...

Ok, I admit I'm a little behind on my blog reading. This post of yours makes me feel SO much better. I am not counting my WIP's, UFO's or what ever we might want to call them. But I'm sure I have nearly as many as you. (I only counted 6 for Jacquie's challenge) I think ignorance is bliss sometimes! ;) Good luck in finishing some of those! It does feel good to cross them off the list!