Tuesday, July 08, 2008

branching out

Those of you who have read this blog for awhile may already know this, just the thought of sewing clothes with a pattern is enough to make me break out in hives. But with my limited sewing time this summer, the promise of a quick project lured me in. This post by Erin was the final straw. Thanks to Linda, I had a few patterns on hand that were labeled very easy. The one I used didn't disappoint.

The shorts are Butterick 4966. I used size 1 for my 2T girl. She is pretty little, but it seems like the pattern runs big. Aren't they so cute? I was squealing in delight as I was making these. Never mind that white shorts for a 2 year old are totally impractical. I love them.

For the top, I made up my own pattern. I modified the dress that I made a few weeks ago. This time I omitted the snaps on the shoulders and shortened it. I didn't want to hide those cute shorts. I also tapered it to add some shape. Since elastic is used to gather the top, fitting her little arms in the sleeve holes is no problem.

Once I got the top perfected (it took some stitch ripping and resewing) I had to make another....
to match her thrifted capris and clearance sandals....
to make one very cute and thrifty outfit.
I am having so much fun sewing for my little girl! (As if you couldn't tell.)
More to come, I'm sure.


Unknown said...

What darling tops and shorts, Amandajean! Sewing clothes for little ones is immediate gratification in my books. Looking forward to seeing what else you sew up for your little sweetheart.

Happy sewing!

Frieda said...

She really is a cutie. Little girl clothes are so much fun to sew because they do not have to fit exactly. Hope you sew many more. I am having soooooo much fun with my blocks. I will post pictures on my blog this week.

Karen said...

Oh, these are really cute clothes! Love all the colors you used. One of these days, I'll post a pic of the tiered, ruffled skirt I made my grand-dau. I found the pattern on a blog and will try to locate it. Keep on sewin'!

Danetta said...

These are adorable. I had 3 girls and 1 boy and I made all of there summer clothes and a lot of their winter things. It is so much fun when you get an easy pattern that can be changed up a bit to make each thing individual. They loved that I made their stuff and always wanted to help pick out fabric.
Good for you Amanda Jean!

Chara Michele said...

Such cute outfits! I love that second top, the aqua & red go so lovely together!

Karen said...

P.S. to my earlier post......
Amandajean, I posted the link to pic and tutorial for the skirt I mentioned. You may need to make it smaller for your little one. This is a fun one to make.
Hugs, Karen

Tina said...

wow! you did a great job! love the cherries.


So very cute! I especially love the cherry top with the gingham pants and sandals. I love sewing for my little one. So cute and easy!

dutchcomfort said...

It must be a thrill to make clothes for your little girl. It’s obvious! Love the outfits!
I’m with you on the patterns.
I bought some patterns for bags, but reading them already scares me of!

nikko said...

They all turned out so cute!

Emily Cole said...

How adorable! I love the tops you made - that paisley is so cute, and the cherries with the red gingham is just sweet! Great job - I really want to make my daughter some simple things now too!

Anonymous said...

And with no hives! :) You did a great job. I love the fabric you picked out for the tops.

Philigry said...

oh, sh eis so sweet! the outfits are to die for!

Anonymous said...

You did such a great job! So sweet! Your daughter's hair is so adorable as well, I love short bobs on little girls. I am scared of following patterns too but you have inspired me to try. My daughter loves wearing simple dresses and I always look at them and think, I could probably do that. But so far I've been too chicken to try it. Maybe I'll give it a go!

Blondie said...

Oh, those clothes are so cute! Great job, Amandajean!

Mama Urchin said...

sewing for little girls is fun, especially when they aren't quite big enough to have an opinion yet.

beki said...

It's all adorable!!

Tine said...

Those clothes are so incredibly cute! You don't ever need to be intimidated by sewing clothes, not when you can do that!!

angharad handmade said...

Such pretty little outfits - she looks so sweet!

Roxanne said...

Eek! So stinking cute! I can't believe how big she is!! Way to go on these adorable outfits!

Anina said...

So cute! Congratulations on conquering your fear.

*~hj~* said...

Very cute! I have been thinking about making a few of those tops myself! :)

Thimbleanna said...

Ha! Now you're hooked!!! So, so cute!

Di~ said...

Oh my word! cute cute cute!

Anonymous said...

it's all so cute, now you need to sew something for yourself!

Unknown said...

So cute! Little girl clothing is so fun and cute, especially in the summer :)

Berber said...

Very sweet... especially the second outfit!

Lina said...

Just darling Amanda Jean! The cherries and the gingham are just perfect together! Well done you!

V and Co. said...

the thought of making clothes makes me have the gag reflex, but i've decided that this summer is the summer to branch out also! thanks for the inspiration

jacquie said...

Nice job! The outfits are so cute. I wish I had a little girl to sew for.

Lily Boot said...

Lovely, lovely sewing! Your little outfits are beautiful. Sewing for little girls IS so fun, I agree, because you get to use the prettiest fabrics, and such sweet and simple designs. Hope you have more fun soon!

* elizabeth * said...

I'm jealous of the gorgeousness. great job!

lera said...

Oh my goodness, Amandajean! Look at you sew! Those outfits are absolutely adorable. The shorts will come clean. Sawyer's little white pair always did (until he ripped them last night).

MichelleB said...

Adorable outfits! I wish I could still sew outfits for my (not so) little girls.

Alice Grace said...

I can totally relate to your joy of sewing for your little girl! I had three little girls many years ago, and it was one of my most favorite things to do. I could hardly wait till morning so I could start again with my sewing! I love what you made for her, so beautiful, and such a gorgeous child!

Susan said...

Very very cute that little model of yours and you made her some darling outfits. I used to sew such girlie things for my daughter when she was a baby (she is 29 now). Enjoy these times.

Dandelion Quilts said...

OH, how adorable is she in her new duds? Great job. I am with you on the scared to sew clothing with patterns.

Rebekah said...

these outfits are so darling! I'm totally intimidated by garment sewing...maybe I'll have to branch out.

Liz said...

So cute! Sewing for little ones is addictive, isn't it?

Tracy said...

Very cute :)

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

Very, very cute! Great job! I used to get anxious about pattern sewing, too, but once you've done it once or twice, its pretty easy. I love the top you made. So adorable!

Anonymous said...

They're so cute! Great work.

QuiltNut Creations said...

too cute! i absolutely adore her painted toes and those adorable sandals!

Marcia said...

Cute outfits! Little girls are so much fun to sew for. Wait till she needs doll clothes too...you can make them out of scraps from her clothes...Oh, so many projects~

Beth said...

Such cute clothes for a gorgeous girl! My only disappointment at having all boys was the clothing. Boys just aren't as fun (except at Trick or Treat time!). Fantastic job.

house on hill road said...

she is so cute in her new clothes!
you make me want to sew more clothes for the girls...time is the only problem!

Mama Spark said...

She is adorable. Just wait till you discover making your own Halloween costumes! She will never have a store bought costume in her lifetime!! They are even more fun as they don't have to be perfect!!

Shanna said...

You are so talented!! I love visiting your blog and reading about your projects...I know you hear this all the time but you are an inspiration!! I always look forward to seeing what you've done...great job!

Robin said...

How fun! There's nothing like a quick project for a nice pick-me-up. :) I love quilting, but sometimes it really is nice to do something that is small and easily finished.

Amy Jo said...

Absolutely precious. You did a great job!!

Anonymous said...

These little outfits are perfect summer clothes for your adorable girl!!! That cherry fabric is too cute! I have some like it and should get it out!
Thank you for the wonderful sewing inspriation!!!

a friend to knit with said...

cuteness overload!!!

Cheryl Arkison said...

I am with you on the sewing clothes. Currently trying to convince myself that I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to drafting patterns so I don't pull my hair out trying to replicate a favourite top! Your little one is adorable!

Di said...

These are great clothes!! So cute!

Anita D. said...

Like, like, like 'em.
Are you going to tackle boy's clothes next?

QuiltedSimple said...

I love the clothes - so much cuter than anything you can buy in the stores nowadays. I especially love the cherries top - adorable!

Sandra said...

You did a great job. Girls are so much fun to sew for,when my girls were little I sewed all their dresses.Have fun sewing for her while she is little.

Melissa said...

Cute and comfy -- great for a toddler.

Thriftin and Craftin said...

You're doing a great job making clothes. I don't sew many clothes either. Too much stress! Love the fabric you used. I finished binding the baby quilt I made and posted it on my blog.


Stacy said...

Her little outfits are darling! I love the cherry top with the gingham pants! What a lucky little girl. Is it bad to want a baby just so I can sew for her? He he. You did a beautiful job. Have a great weekend. Love Stacy

Kathy said...

Those are so cute! Thanks for sharing!

I love sewing for my little girl. It's so fun to watch her run around in my own little creation!

I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

Lisa said...

I love the cherry fabric? where did you find it? very cute little one!!! and her clothes are darling too!

Suzy said...

I love those cute little outfits! My favorite is the checked one. Darling!!!

It reminds me of when I sewed for my little girls. Sadly, now they have grown, so I sew for my dolls and my niece's dolls instead, while waiting for future granddaughters. LOL! :oD

Anonymous said...

wow, good for you!

Anonymous said...

How adorable--the clothes and the girl!

Diane said...

What cute clothes... well done! My daughter is also in 2T right now and I just finished my 2nd pillowcase dress for her (see blog). I, too, have the desire to sew more and using patterns is paralyzing to me. I'll have to try your Butterick shorts pattern. Thanks for the inspiration.

Stephanie D said...

Oh, so cute! Clothes AND the girl! Sewing from patterns makes me sweat, too--and that hasn't changed since high school home ec! Looks like you overcame your phobia--great job!

sulu-design said...

Of course you made your own pattern for the top! I'm telling you, if you ever take some serious time off from quilting, you'll have an entire children's line completed in no time. Especially with such a cute daughter as inspiration.

Anonymous said...

How cute is that!? Maybe, in your free time (HA) you can show how you make your tops. There are so many cute ones out there but I think yours have the best fit! You did a great job! I have 2 vintage pillowcases to use but I'm scared to cut them!! I enjoy your blog and your pix!! Libby