Each of these stacks of fabric represent a quilt that I have planned...and most of the fabric for already. See how the pile of pink fabric in the upper right hand corner towers over the rest? I love that. (There is plenty more stash where that came from and at least 5 more quilt projects planned that don't photograph well. That doesn't even count any scrap quilts!)
I joined the summer stash challenge in order to help me, but I haven't really started on one yet, because I am trying to get some WIP's finished up first.
In the mean time, I made my block for Erin for the Virtual Quilting Bee.

I love the fabrics she chose. She sent the green floral. I added the yellow and the stripe.
I'm totally with you. My stash is somewhat embarassing. However, I have bought some fabric this month, despite my resolve. I'll have to come clean on my blog about it. But I've bought far less than I normally would have. So, yeah, baby steps.
I understand your fabric buying dilemma. It's the story of my life. And I love the quilting bee block. Very crisp!
i'm trying to resist the urge, myself! and i did for the vqb - all out of the stash. speaking of which, i love, love, love that block. it's perfect. thank you.
Look at your neat little piles.
I'm trying to de-stash. I'm beyond help. I find myself hiding fabric from my husband! (Like he'd care! lol)
Very pretty quilt block. I like the center stripe.
It's been a week since I last bought fabric. :-)
Your stash looks great though. You should be able to do something great, especially with the pinks.
Erin's block looks great.
I'm with you...each time I go to the fabric store, I buy the materials for 2-3 projects...then I finish one and go back to the fabric store. One step forward, two steps back...(or is it vice versa??)
I totally need to go 46(+) days without buying any fabric...I'm going to try!
Can't wait to see what these stacks become...
That stack of fabric is a great teaser for what is to made from it. You always come up with the neatest ideas.
The virtual bee block is so pretty.
I'm trying so hard also. My whole blog is about letting go of things, but I'm just making room for new stuff. ;-) I LOVE the frog fabric!!
Is "good for you" the right thing to say? I'll admit I'm a fabric junkie and I just buy without a plan. That sabotages me sometimes. It's great that you have plans for yours, at least for part of yours. My head is spinning a bit looking at all that fabric.
that virtual quilting bee is a super great idea! I love your square.
I am impressed with you not buying more fabric... I know it's tough!
fabric. total addiction. hard to resist the urge isn't it!
Because I am just starting to quilt I am just now growing my fabric stash and it's still quite small. But I must say... I have stash envy!! I love all of your fabrics, all of them that I can see anyway are just perfect. I have only made one quilt so far but I do have fabric for 2 more and I'm always on the lookout for more! It is really an addiction, isn't it?! But I LOVE it!
Love that green and yellow block! So pretty. I wanted to have a No Buy July. Yeah. Sounds great. It didn't work out too well for me though.
46 days? Wow!! I bet you would get a coin or something in AA! ;) We might need to start our own FA. Looks like you've got lots of fun projects planned!
Funny how that Leaning Tower of Pieces stack (pardon my lame attempt at a pun) is all pink...
I'm on a strict no-bead-buying diet until I get my stash whittled down a bit myself. You can do it, girl!
I'm in that challenge too, and haven't started a quilt from my stash yet either. But I think if it just keeps me from buying more fabric, it'll be a huge success :-)
I love that square!
I love the block, I love the piles - what's not to love?
You are going to be one busy mama with all those quilts planned. I'm going fabric shopping this afternoon (I have to drive right by it to pick kids up from day camp - might as well support a local business, right?). Love the block - it's so eyecatching.
Are those Daydreams charm packs on the top left of your picture? I've been eyeing those fabrics on a few sites lately. I think it's on its way out, and I don't know how I missed it. I should grab some before they're even harder to find. What are you planning with it?
I'm swooning upon seeing all that beautiful fabric you have plans for... and I'm looking forward to seeing each project you've planned!
Congratulations on making it 46 days of resisting the temptation. I understand the strength needed to accomplish this. ;o)
Great fabrics for that block, Amandajean!
pssst...I am going to be the bad guy here...You- Need- Fabric! Give in and go crazy! (insert evil laugh here)
the square you made for Erin is lovely, so bright and cheerful. but wow, look at that stack of fabric you have already. i know what you mean about resisting the urge to buy more fabric. i'm trying to clean out/organize my fabric stash, and i'm really overwhelmed. mostly by the amount of stuff i have that i no longer really care for. what to do? really LOVE that striped piece you have middle row, far right.
I love the square you made for Erin. Nice combo of colors. She's gonna love it.
i just love the yellow and green together. so fresh and summery.
I hear you on buying fabric! I am trying very, very, hard to only make things with the yarn and fabric I already have....for a bit anyway. it is just way too fun to buy in, look at and match it up together!
I am drooling....
there is no way I could go that long without buying fabric. (plus I work at my local quklt shop so I see ALL the new fabric come it). Good luck.
I am not even going to show you my piles, let alone the shelves of coveted fabrics with no plans!!!!
Sleepover sleepover at Dragonfly Crafts, check it out.
Oh, you have been good ..46 days! I'm trying to cut my stash right down but I did go to the patchwork shop to add a few new colours to my stashbusting project I am working on. Oh well...
Hello, my name is Kristin, K-R-I-S-T-I-N and I am addicted to fabric. and notions. and patterns. and quilt magazines. and quilt books. and quilt blogs. and quilt shows.
CUE the Intervention theme song.
I have given up trying to control myself. Myself always wins. She has the debit card. Dang!
I love the yellow and green block!!
Working in one of the best quilt shops around there is absolutely no way in the world I could go that long without buying fabric. Every week there is something new and gorgeous - it's way too hard to resist!
I love Erin's quilt block -another beautiful quilt in the making.
Hi Amanda,
What a great strategy to reduce your fabric buying- alas I figure that there is no hope for me- I have boxes of fabric just waiting to be used- Like others- hi my name is Anna and I am a fabric addict... I guess there could be worse vices... and there are so many beautiful fabrics just waiting to have...
Enjoy your quilting...
Regards from a Western Quilter,
Those are some gorgeous stacks! And I see quite an amazing list of tutorials on your side bar that I need to check out. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing with us!
I love your stacks of fabric :) I really need to work on using my stash up a bit, but then I see all these beautiful fabrics that I just can't resist :)
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