Tuesday, December 18, 2007

sprucing up the house, part 1

We have family coming in a few days after Christmas and then for New Year's Eve, so we are scrambling to get the house in order before our guests arrive. It's good to have company coming to light that fire under your rear, as Mama Urchin put it in this post. We moved at the beginning of November and are still trying to settle in.

Last summer when I was walking with the kids we stopped into a thrift store and scored this fabulous metal bed for $20. (I talked them down from $25.) My husband wasn't quite as thrilled as I was at my fantastic deal. And that is putting it mildly. But how cute is it for my little girls room?

My original intent was to assemble the bed today so I could measure how large to make this quilt for her bed.
But lo and behold my pretty moda quilt, which is a queen size, works perfectly on this bed. I love it when things work out like that.

My little girl won't be using this bed for awhile, but at least it will be an extra bed ready for when our company arrives. And it can sit there and be pretty in the meantime.

More sprucing up the house tomorrow. Nothing like starting a blog series (and company coming) to keep ya' going. :)


Danetta said...

I love it when things just work out. Your quilts are beautiful

Sara said...

I love that bed! And, your quilt on it makes it look awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great buy on the bed and the quilt looks beautiful on it.

Amanda said...

i am on the hunt for a twin bed, this one is great!

Anina said...

Well, I like the bed.
We have company coming after Christmas too, but I haven't really thought about sprucing...

Oiyi said...

What a pretty quilt for such a lovely bed. It's definitely a score!

lera said...

I'm sure all of your houseguests will be fighting to sleep under that quilt!

Mama Urchin said...

We don't have any overnight company coming for Christmas so I'm shoving all my junk into the guest room.

Elizabeth said...


Chicago Sarah said...

That looks lovely (good score on the bed). I so look forward to the day when my spare bed isn't the couch made up in the living room! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cozy looking. I love the quilt.

Linda said...

It looks really pretty. I'm sure your guests will love it! I don't have guests coming, so I didn't do much decorating this year. Just the tree. I usually do more, but I just didn't feel like dragging it all out this year. Maybe because I got kind of a late start on it and it seemed like a lot of work for just me and J. Hope you are having a great holiday season!

a friend to knit with said...

love them both together. bed/quilt. and wow! that quilt!

Heidijayhawk said...

that bed is kinda awesome! and the quilt is perfect. and what a deal!

Katherine said...

Meant to be. Your quilt looks perfect on this bed (which was a great find, I'd say). I love the colours in this quilt, Amandajean.

Philigry said...

that quilt is to die for! i know your husband will be glad when she is ready for her big bed, and look...it already ready, already! and for only twenty bucks! you have to love that. all of my kids beds have been thrifted. it is the best way to go!

Amy Jo said...

Looks great!! What a great deal on the bed!

Amy Jo said...

Looks great!! What a great deal on the bed!

sulu-design said...

That bed frame is beautiful. How serendipitous that the quilt fit it (have you told your husband yet that it was obviously meant to be?). It really looks wonderful - I can't wait to see more of this series.

Roxanne said...

Pish-posh, what do husbands know anyway! :) Mine would have had a holy fit as well. But look how great it turned out! I love it!!

Sherry said...

I love that metal bed and it looks great with that Moda quilt. The log cabin scrappy squares quilt is going to be another awesome quilt, love the colors. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!

Chara Michele said...

Oh that quilt looks lovely on that bed! (Have you showed your husband this post, so he can see we all love the bed:)