First off, thanks for all the fabric love in my last post! I'm so excited about it and I appreciate your kind response and excitement more than I can say!
Well, believe it or not, I THINK I have too many scraps! I can almost hear a collective "What??!"
As much as I would like to be able to sew them all, it's just not realistic. My craft room is getting crowded, so I'm putting these up for adoption. Most, if not all, of these scraps are from various lines by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda. If you would like a chance to win these scraps, please leave me a comment in this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what is on the top of your bucket list (quilted or non-quilt related is great!) OR what is one thing that you would do if you knew you wouldn't fail? (I'm turning 40 later this year, thus the introspective questions!) It's so much fun to read your responses!
The scrap drawing will be open to the US only, due to shipping costs. Since I don't want to leave out my international readers, this will be a dual giveaway. For the international readers, I will pick one winner as well. For that winner, I'd be happy to send any 5 (of my) PDF patterns of their choice.
I'll pick winners later this week!
Happy Monday to you!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 506 of 506I am wanting to start my Snapshots Quilt. I have all of my fabric, now to find the time. I love Fig Tree fabrics.
Since I'm a newer quilter and totally obsessed, I can only think along those lines. lol So, I want to learn how to paper piece (not English). I have zero spatial awareness, so after seam #1, it all goes down the drain. lol
I really want to enter a quilt in a big quilt show like Paducah or Houston. Just being juried in would be a dream come true!
I have so many ideas for quilts from scraps and would love to take yours!
I would go pick lottery numbers. (assuming not fail means I would automatically win)
I would love to set up my own quilting's definitely on my bucket list. I'd love to have a special place for all my fig tree projects that I have. LOVE LOVE LOVE Fig Tree!!
I am new to quilting and do not have a stash. I do so love Fig Tree and would be thrilled with scraps. Thank you.
I can kill two birds with one stone by becoming an International Sign Language interpreter. I could continue my work as an interpreter and travel the world as I do so! Thanks for the giveaway!
I can kill two birds with one stone by becoming an International Sign Language interpreter. I could continue my work as an interpreter and travel the world as I do so! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have so many scraps and couple of ideas to use them.
Thanks for the giveaway.
My top on the list is a quilt for my dad, I have yet to find a pattern that I think will be wonderful like him.
Thanks for the extremely generous offer to include international readers in your giveaway. If I had heaps of money I would buy a country estate and turn the acreage into a gorgeous garden. i think I would hire famous garden designer, Paul Bangay, to set it out for me. Maybe I could hire him to work in it with his shirt off, ;).
Who knew scraps would excite so many people? LOL I loved your questions. On my bucket list is a cruise to Australia and back - with a room that has a balcony. Or maybe that's a dream. ;)
dezertsuz at gmail
I've made one baby quilt back in 2005 for my daughter's teacher. On the top of my bucket list is to complete a beautiful bed sized quilt.
I would like to finish my Dear Jane quilt. Hopefully in this lifetime...
The top on my bucket list is to learn to sail! I hope I win!!!
If I knew I'd succeed, I would write a book. Thanks for the giveaway!
At the top of my sewing bucket list is to finally make my first lap size quilt....I am a new quilter. I am also looking forward to changing my youngest sons bedroom into my sewing room when he moves out on his own in July.
I love Fig Tree fabrics! Bucket finish up WIP before starting anymore. Also, to become better at Free Motion Quilting. Love your blog.
One of 'someday' projects is an EPP hexagon quilt - I've been collecting fabrics and cutting paper hexies out for three years now. Some day I will get it started!
Love, love, love the new fabric line. I missed your postings when you took you break but completely understand the need to unplug. On my to do list is to make a scrappy, quilt as you go quilt. Your give away would be perfect for that. Thanks for the chance to win
If I knew I couldn't fail I would buy a long arm. Thanks for sharing.
At the top of my quilting bucket list is to finish my granddaughter's baby quilt before she starts walking! My personal bucket list goals are all travels. If I knew I wouldn't fail, I'd love to own a quilt shop. :) thanks for a fun giveaway.
Love these fabric scraps- so many options! Thank you!
I would love to win this great collection! One thing n my bucket list for this year is to finally get my sewing off of the kitchen table and into a sewing room. Fingers crossed! :)
Being from New Zealand, I am MORE than happy to take you up on the offer of free "Crazy Mom" patterns! They are gorgeous!
I feel like I'm leaving my run a bit late...but I still really want to do a cross quilt! I also want to hand quilt again, I did handquilt a quilt once, but feel I might know a bit more now. Thanks for your gorgeous blog, and the chance to win a lovely prize. Sue (New Zealand)
Good morning. I would love to have a better range of scraps to work on more 'made fabric" a la Victoria Findlay Wolfe.
Top of my list is a quilt for my husband's surgery recovery in July. Second is a quilt for our tent as soon as I can get him recovered and out into the forest for real healing.
We've moved so many times lately that I want to get my love of quilting back. I think I lost it in the moves!
I would like to visit the Pacific Northwest again.
Thanks for the chance to win some Fig Tree scraps.
If I knew I wouldn't fail, I would, uh, um, perform more piano music publicly. I get so nervous! I play beautifully at home...
I am sewing much faster than I used to now that I am more organized in my life. I still have yet to keep one quilt I have made. Hopefully, with the Moda Block finish coming up this fall, that plan changes. That quilt I am keeping for moi!
You are so wonderful! I really miss you in March! I can see why you need the time, though.
If I knew I would not fail, I would love to open my own quilting business. How much fun would it be to quilt for others every day?! Thanks for this super generous giveaway - I LOVE Fig Tree Fabrics!
sorting through all my books
Hi! I would love to play with your scraps. I, too, have a lot, but I intend to work my way through them. I am part of a group that makes quilts for Hospice patients, so they would be put to good use. Thanks for thinking of us! Happy Quilting!
My bucket list for this year has an improv quilt on it. Solids. I am excited to see Sherri Lynn Wood's new book about improv.
I would like to make a double wedding ring quilt. I have made table runners that size, but not a full size quilt!
I so want to make a scrappy Dresden quilt, of course its on a list a mile long of want to do's.
I would love to enter a quilt in the AQS show in Paducah. Those quilts just leave me awestruck.
A new dress for daughter's high school graduation.
I'm trying to finish my first queen-size quilt. I've returned to quilting this last year by following all the amazing designers.
It just sucks you right in!
Slowly building my scrap stash. This is my third attempt at leaving a comment, hopefully it works this time! :0)
My bucket list has a wish to spend time with my grandchildren. The only problem is I have no grandchildren and none in sight. I hope that changes eventually.
The top of my bucket list would be:
To be creative every day, thats when I am the most happy.
Also spending time with family :)
Thanks for being so generous
Laurie Jean
Learning to hand quilt is on my bucket list. What a great giveaway.
Yes, I would love to win! I'm working on three scrap quilts and I would love some Fig Tree scraps. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com
If I knew i would be sucessful I would try to make quilting my job full time. The scraps are amazing, I would finish a scrappy trip quilt!
Love Fig Tree... my big May task is getting MT Paper under control at my house. I've been procrastinating on filing & organizing paper for far too long!
I really want to make a crazy quilt where I hand stitch the blocks in the style that is traditional to Fogo Island quilts. These quilts are beautiful and I would love to have this traditional skill and knowledge. I have made a crazy quilt but done the decorative stitching by machine. I love to take scraps and turn them into colorful quilts that have no order but yet are cohesive in their disorder.
I am trying hard to finish a mystery quilt, and then I have some quilt tops I would like to try quilting myself. I am attempting to better utilize my scraps, too!
Is it too late to enter? I love love love scraps, of course, I do have a "FEW" of my own, but diversity is the spice of quilting.
Unfortunately there are so many quilts I'd like to make, but the one I would really truly like to do is a double wedding ring quilt. After that would be a grandmother's flower garden.
Did you really say you have to many scrapes???
I did not think that was possible!! but now that i think about my scrapes, i too have too many. But I would still love to win some of yours!!!
As for what I am working on, i am in desperate need of cutting out a quilt for a new grand baby that is due in a couple of weeks. And just can't seem to get motivated to do it. :(( might help if i could get of this computer!! hahaha
thanks for the chance to win!!
If I knew I wouldn't fail, I'd make that double wedding ring quilt--maybe with Moda fabrics!
If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd be a surfer or a girl singer in a band or an author or an international spy, oh the possibilities!
Such a generous giveaway. I'm outside the US so would love to have a few of your patterns. :)
One of my bucket list items will be fulfilled this year with a cruise to Australia and New Zealand. At almost 70 I know my time for long distance traveling is getting smaller so I'm glad we're doing it now. Your scraps are lovely.
Both are great questions! Top on the quilting bucket list is to finish a large portion of my WIPS this summer (I should join in on your Finish it up Friday!)so I don't feel so guilty starting new projects.
Wow! What a great book! The smallest scrap I keep are 1.5 inch squares. I cut them as I cut other projects. I'm planning a 100 quilt, which uses a 10x10 of squares that are 1 inch finished, or 1.5 inches unfinished. Any random scrap will do.
I would love to win some of your scraps. Always on my bucket list is to travel somewhere that I have not been.
Greetings from Finland! If I knew I would not fail, I would make a living out of sewing and crafts. I have dozens of ideas and want-to-do's on my list, but not enough time to create them all. Also, If i actually had everything done, I would not have the Place to keep it all, so I'd have to sell. :D
Thanks for the great blog, I love your vibrant colours and endless ideas of using the scraps.
running a marathon
Carolyn in NC
Logcabinquilts @gmail DOT com
New York Beauty quilts inspire me! One day! PS I live in Canada.
At the top of my bucket list is to create enough fabric crafts to be able to sell in this year's quilt faire. I have already started so I'm working on accomplishing this goal. If I weren't afraid to fail I would sell my house and move to Maui where my girls live so I could see them and their children on a regular basis. I so miss them. I'm afraid financially of doing this but it is in my heart's desire to do this soon.
At the top of my bucket list is to create enough fabric crafts to be able to sell in this year's quilt faire. I have already started so I'm working on accomplishing this goal. If I weren't afraid to fail I would sell my house and move to Maui where my girls live so I could see them and their children on a regular basis. I so miss them. I'm afraid financially of doing this but it is in my heart's desire to do this soon.
I'm working on some small give-a-way projects, such as finger thimbles & mug rugs! Definately using a bunch of scraps!!!
Amanda Jean! I am eager to win the scraps to make the purse from the pattern you gave me!!!! :)
On my quilting bucket list is Third Weekend in October - I love autumn leaves and this pattern is so beautiful but it also looks like it could be a daunting puzzle to put together.
On my quilting bucket list is Third Weekend in October - I love autumn leaves and this pattern is so beautiful but it also looks like it could be a daunting puzzle to put together.
I would love your scraps.
My hexie quilt is the top of my bucket list!
Want to use more scraps : ) just finished my first scrap quilt, simple 2.5 inch squares. Bucket list? Wacky web scrap quilt!
I wish I could just finish what's been sitting on my sewing table for the past six months!
If I knew I wouldn't fail I would do all my own long arm quilting! That scares me very much!!
As "beginner with little experience" sewing a curvy pattern is on the top of my bucket list. The "Single Girl" pattern is closest to my heart, so this will probably be the one. But before, I have to clean up the sewing room. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm an "international entry". Love, frau z.
HI, at the top of my patchwork-to do list is a wedding ring quilt!
I love to win your PDF patterns, thanks for the chance,
katelijn, Belgium
If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd open a sewing school/sewing machine repair business/quilt shop. On a personal note, my #1 bucket list item is to learn to hurdle, as in track. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this book.
Getting my home organized and back to "normal" is at the top of my list (we just moved) that I can quilt once again! Happy Early 40th Birthday, AmandaJean!
I think Stardust is my favorite too! I 'save' tiny pieces but I haven't used any of them yet. They are in a box that I am planning on giving away one day. :P
2nd Comment - Amanda Jean - I just read an article in the May 2015 Canadian Living (40th Anniversay Issue) about turning 49 & making a memorial quilt. The main idea of the author's undertaking was to reach out and reconnect with friends and family. She used many different tools - FB, phoning family members, etc. The memorial quilt was an active "log" of what she discovered on the journey. Four key discoveries she made depending on who she contacted: i. People change; ii. People don't change; iii. you've changed; and iv. nothing changes! Wishing you every good thing as you turn 40.
If I knew I wouldn't fail? Wow, that's an amazing question. I'd solo kayak on level 4 whitewater! On the bucket list? Take my family to Washington DC and really have the time to explore. Thank you!
I'd love to go hiking in washington state with my son. Would be at the top of my bucket list. Quilt related - I'd love to get the spider web quilt done I've been working on for a year.
I want to finish sewing the rows of a quilt top, I hope!
I am binding a mystery quilt I did around Christmas time. Pieced and machine quilted by proud of the results
I would love to win this! I have so many things on my list. Right now I'm working on a disappearing 9 patch black, red and white quilt. I have a few bags I would like to try making. I would love to make an ABC quilt for my youngest son.
If I new I would be successful I would open my own business. I would offer pet sitting, house sitting, cooking, cleaning, alterations, sewing, gardening. Just not baby sitting
first, thanks for the chance to win. Next on my bucket list is to see the Packer Hall of Fame and Lambeau (Go! Pack! Go!)
I've never done *anything* knowing I wouldn't fail and I'm 70 and I ruled out learning to ski last year! But I'd love to be more adventurous in my quilt designs. These gorgeous fabrics would be just super to help me! Thank you or such a nice giveaway!
I want to get my sewing room better organized so I can better enjoy a new quilt project. Some new fabric would just be the ticket to get me motivated!
Someday I hope to walk the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James). On my quilting bucket list is to one day tackle an Around the World pattern.
I'm trying to have my space the way I want it, to stop thinking of someday and make it how I want it now, so I can enjoy it. :)
I love collecting scraps and your collection looks adorable! thanks for the chances. if I could without fail, I'd love to write a book. on top of my sewing list is a double wedding ring quilt
I'd love to make a quilt that would win a prize at a quilt show, with very intricate quilting.
One of my bucket list quilt items is to have enough scraps to make some of the wonderful quilts in Sunday Morning Quilts! I've been saving my binding triangles for Up and Away, as well as other pieces for more of the quilts. Also, I just got Quilt Lovely and would love to make most everything in there but all the templates and appliqué are going to be long term projects for me. Either way, scraps definitely fit in! Great giveaway. :)
I would like to be a mom. That is a big one on my bucket list. Also I hope I don't fail so it works for both questions. I currently working on my WIP (I KNOW) and I hope I will never run out of things to make
ADORE the pinks!! well I always love pinks!! My bucket list is to finally finish the 3000 hexy handsewn quilt!! whew!
SO fun!! i have done a triple Irish chain. i'm starting a second one in the next few weeks.
i have also done a trips around the world, took 7 weeks, start to finish.
Love your scraps! Thanks for the chance to win some :)
I've seen so many gorgeous paperpiece patterns, I think now is the time to learn it.
I want to figure out how to have a balance between work and home. I enjoy my job but not when it leaves no time for quilting.
I'd love to be brave and publish some of my quilt patterns that I've designed through the years!
I want to start hand quilting a quilt I finished last year.
Hi from France! On top of my bucket is a great wallhanging quilt I just start, with a lot of green fabrics!
Looks perfect to learn how to do a table runner, wall hanging, pot holders.
I long to see an ocean and snow covered mountains...I've never seen either...and I'd love to take a train all the way across this great country of ours, and back a different route. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @
I really enjoy seeing everything your able to create so quickly each week. The fabric is so beautiful!
Our one-year old is just learning to walk and I want to go camping as a family. Maybe later this summer...
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