First off, thanks for all the fabric love in my last post! I'm so excited about it and I appreciate your kind response and excitement more than I can say!
Well, believe it or not, I THINK I have too many scraps! I can almost hear a collective "What??!"
As much as I would like to be able to sew them all, it's just not realistic. My craft room is getting crowded, so I'm putting these up for adoption. Most, if not all, of these scraps are from various lines by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda. If you would like a chance to win these scraps, please leave me a comment in this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what is on the top of your bucket list (quilted or non-quilt related is great!) OR what is one thing that you would do if you knew you wouldn't fail? (I'm turning 40 later this year, thus the introspective questions!) It's so much fun to read your responses!
The scrap drawing will be open to the US only, due to shipping costs. Since I don't want to leave out my international readers, this will be a dual giveaway. For the international readers, I will pick one winner as well. For that winner, I'd be happy to send any 5 (of my) PDF patterns of their choice.
I'll pick winners later this week!
Happy Monday to you!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 506 Newer› Newest»I am waiting on a chance to get started on my new craft room! I've always had to use our dining room but now in our new house I'll have an assigned room to sew/craft in!!!
Oh my..fig tree scraps...delightful thought... Bucket list wishes....retrace the journey of my ancestors that were part of the westward movement in the early 1800s.
A Dresden is at the top of my quilt bucket list. Love anything a Fig Tree, thanks for the chance!
At the top of my quilty bucket list is to get some of my quilt tops, quilted and done by the end of Summer. I'd also like to finish one for my husband.
If I could do anything knowing I would be successful, I'd love to lose weight.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I need to get some tops quilted. I think the creating process is more fun than the completing so I have many tops to quilt. I am trying to make myself load a quilt on the longarm one day, quilt it the next and then immediately load another one. It's working so far, but your scraps are calling me to create something else! LOL!
Diannia in Iowa
I would love to do my own quilt design, completely my own. So far I obly done varations of other's designs.
Top of my bucket list is to finish a 4 patch quilt top! It's been on my list for too long!
I would buy a longarm, that I could finish all the beutiful tops I've done and to bring all the ideas in my had to real quilts! Love your fabric line!
sunny greetings
I have scraps galore too so I'd be happy to win your Birch trees pattern - it might help me bust some of my own scraps! Thank you!
At the top of my list of things to do would be to just sew. And to sew anything! Finding the time is an issue :-(
I would like to visit Prince Edward Island in Canada, the setting for Anne of Green gables which is my all time favourite book. I am an international visitor and would love some of your patterns. Thanks for a great giveaway. x
On top of my list is finishing all my wipe so that I can move on to more improv works. I'm looking forward to trying improv curves and more "free" patchwork. Thanks from Spain!
I would love to successfully grow a vegie garden and mini citrus orchard for our family. Fresh produce is so delicious compared to store bought { Turning 40 is a great milestone. Have fun! I'm 43 in a few months! }
At the top of our bucket list is RETIREMENT! My husband is retiring the end of this year and we plan to travel the US. Quilt bucket list is to finish my checkerboard quilt and start a postage stamp quilt top. These scraps would be just perfect for it! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful fabrics.
One of the top things on my bucket list would be to learn to play the cello.
On the top of my list is to organize my sewing area. I plan to organize my scraps separately from my larger pieces so that I can be more efficient (like you!)
I would like to win the scrap giveaway for my mother. Although she is 87, she is still piecing together baby quilts to give away to the needy. She tends to stick with scrappy style quilts because it is easier for her. She LOVES fabric of all kinds and winning this giveaway would delight her to no end!! Her current quilt project is a stacked coin quilt and enjoying that so much that I imagine she'll be doing more of those in the near future! Thanks for this opportunity!!
Right now I moved my sewing room to the cellar.
Now I have to put it back together!
Firstly, can you have too many scraps? I didn't know it was possible! I guess my husband could be right. My bucket list would be something like getting to leave my job and sew beautiful things to sell. I try not to envy folks with successful sewing businesses or etsy shops. My daughter thinks I should try but alas I am afraid. I am 56 and beginning to believe I won't ever get everything finished, trying to use up a lot of older fabric so I can work with newer stuff soon. Thank you for your inspiration. Your Sunday Morning Quilts sits by my bed!
If I knew I'd never fail, I would open a fabric store. I would be in heaven, surrounded by my love and like minded folks. Fig Tree is what I used to make my first quilt, so it holds a special place in my heart. Thank you for sharing your scraps!
My bucket overfloweth. Too many "want to dos" Too little time.
Well... I live in New Zealand so the top of my bucket list is to do the cruise from Seattle to Alaska - funny how we always want to go halfway around the world!. I do love the new fabric - what fun that must be! thanks - Isabel
I want to make my business, Seamingly Sarah, into a real venture that can help support our family. I'm getting there little by little.
Hmmm.... sail the world for year - that would be fun!
Actually getting to do a bucket list trip to Europe this summer with a group of old college friends- celebrating hubby's 60th birthday and our 4th and last child's graduation from college! Quilting- want to finish up wip's and make a Judy Niemeyer quilt. Thanks for chance at scraps.
If I couldn't fail? Move all our kids closer. Bucket list? Metro twisted by sew kind of wonderful
I have a wedding quilt to make! Thanks for the chance!
Top of my bucket list is to spend a weekend somewhere glamorous with my best girlfriend who I have known from long ago school days to have a double celebration of our respective 70th birthdays. Yikes - where did all those years go to! And we will take our hubbys too, of course.
Thanks for the chance to win some of your scraps.
Jenny from New Zealand
Bucket List #1 - finish the Judy Niemeyer quilt I started last fall! Thanks for a chance!174
Since i'm 37, married and don't have any children yet, I would say that having a child would be the top goal until I turn 40. I am thankful of my supportive family, my job and colleagues, but i trully believe the baby time has come. I would love to keep a workout routine, so that i can keep balance between everyday things, so i will try to keep my pilates lessons going. Sewing, quilting and knitting are my everyday relaxing moments, so keep them in my list also. Apart from that, thank you for this opportunity, wish i could win the scraps, but since im international (Greece) i will have to go for the PDF's which are more than welcome,im always happy to follow a new pattern!!! Thank you ver much again.
If I knew I wouldn't fail, I would quit my full time job to do my tshirt quilt business. I'm going down to 4 days a week so it's a baby step in the right direction.
One of my bucket list items for the year is to finish at least one quilt where I've ordered the fabric/pattern and now it is just taking up space in my sewing room.
I just purchased a pattern for a Union Jack Block which has now become my next big project. I've sort of forgotten about my resolution to finish all my ufo's as soon as I saw this. I spent 4 months in my home country, England over the end of last year and I hope I can recall some of the wonderful memories when I sew this quilt together. What I would do if I knew I couldnt fail? Find every lonely person someone to connect with. Through friendship groups and sewing and craft of course. xx
On top of my bucket list is to one day go to Quilt Market in Houston. Enjoy turning 40. X
I turned 40 last year. Turning 40 was hard, but being 40 really isn't a big deal. I started bucket list items last year. I just accomplished a big one - I lost 145 pounds. Which is allowing me to work in my next bucket list item - runNing a 5k. I'm traiNing now. Thanks for the fabric giveaway contest.
Top of my bucket list = finish the projects I have! Those scraps would be great to include! Thanks!
I would love to win your Fig Tree scraps, but I live in New Zealand. Bucket List- all of the things I would aspire to do revolve around travel- Venice, the Grand Canyon, New York, Prague. I am also keen to learn to speak Italian.
Oh my what a lovely buncha fabrics! I'd make a "big Girl bed" quilt for my littlest granddaughter with those pretties 💗 Fig Tree is one I've admired for so long but believe it or not, never stitched! Thx for the opportunity!
I would love to make a scrap quilt. I have some scraps but my stash is small. Scraps from another collection would bring happiness to my meager pitiful pile and make a more interesting quilt!
I love love love your blog, it's probably my favorite! I am a 'too young' heart attack survivor of an 'uncommon' type and I am trying to decrease the stress in my life.
Quilting has been a wonderful thing for me to do. If I could do anything I wanted knowing I would succeed, I would quit my (part-time) day job and do quilting and sewing for others. I am actually working on my bucket list of UFOs but I am also going to knit some thrummed mittens (never done). And I eventually want to go horseback riding again.
I just finished to pillows for a friend and now it's on to monogrammed burp cloths for a shower this saturday.
Bucket list: Make a fleece-lined raincoat. And world peace of course!
SCRAPS! Giving away scraps! I so much want these. I always admire all of the fabrics you use in your quilts they come out so beautiful and remind me of a fresh spring day! I need some fig tree Its calling my name. Mary.....can't you hear it????lol
I'm approaching 75 yrs., and married for 54 yrs to the same man. Would like to finish quilts for all 7 of our children, 28 grands, and 10 great-grands . Would also like to go to Scotland and England . Love the line of material, also scrappy quilts . I'm from Southwestern NM .
Truly on my bucket list is to get over my fear of water and learn to I am in my sixties!
I would love to travel to the British Isles. Quilt-wise, I want to make a Cathedral Window quilt - I've always been fascinated by them.Thank you!
I am trying to cut the blocks for a scrappy baby quilt. Hope to finish this week.
The top of my quilting bucket list is a Swoon quilt. I'm terrified to start one.
If knew I wouldn't fail I would hike the Appalachian Trail - it is so beautiful! I have only done short parts of it.
Thank you for this generous offer! If I could overcome my fear, I'd LOVE to try zip lining. Imagining the freedom, the wind rushing past me, the beauty...but then I start thinking about that tiny cable supporting me and being so high up!!!
I just read where 60 is the new 40, Don't sweat a big
Birthday, Amanda! My bucket list includes many more finishes.
I have 3 quilt tops that need to be finished up. Been delaying in hopes that I could have them professionally quilted but looks that's not going to happen. I love scrappy quilts so your giveaway is terrific. Thanks!
Scraps? Did you say scraps? I LOVE scraps!!!! I LOVE making scrap quilts of all kinds! Thanks for the chance to win.
Jonnie in SC
dbrit89828 at aol dot com
Top of bucket list . .. improv scrappy quilts . ...these scraps will do perfectly !
To finish all of my long ago started quilty projects! Ha, who am I kidding? There would always be more! Your scraps would make a wonderful hexie project. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am in England and the patterns would be perfect as I am trying to stash bust!
So awesome!!! I am hopefully, eventually going to try and tackle a cathedral window. I am scared to death to mess up!
I am trying to finish UFOs and detach.
I just checked Paducah off my bucket list, next is making a king-size quilt for our bed...finally one for us, and possibly Houston...really too many things to name. Would love your scraps, they would be just the right thing to use with my autograph squares from the girls who made the Paducah trip with me.
On the top of my bucket list is going to Paducah for the quilt show. Hopefully next year I will get to!
Oh man. These scraps will help me finish a quilt. I am trying to stretch a charm pack from this same company and it's been lamenting in my WIP pile because it needs "more".
And I'm stepping out and doing the one thing I wanted to do! And I might fail (I hope not). But I'm doing it! I'm staying at home with my daughter and started my own fresh cut flower business. Farmer/florist type of thing. Heavy on the farming. Light on the florist. :) wish me luck!
If I knew I wouldn't fail I would probably write a novel!
I would love to win! I'm trying to do 5 to 10 projects a month. Right now I have 2 mondo bags in progress and 4 quilts. I like to switch it up!
As I get older my bucket list gets longer! I'll be 54 this year and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! I'd love to work/own some sort of company where creativity is the job requirement. Fabric design, little shop owner for fabric and yarn, to be an artist. I don't want much do I??? Oh and I'd love to go to London or Ireland. Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous scraps. They would look great in the scrap vomit quilt I'm working on right now ;c) shopgirl7232 at yahoo dot com
If I knew I could do it, I'd love to run an organic farm.... So instead, I grow my own veggies. :). Would love some Fig Tree fabrics - thanks!
I am working on organizing my quilting fabric. I have one file cabinet all done, and now on to the second!!
A very long list, but I'd like to focus on machine quilting my Judy Niemeyer Feathered Star on my Bernina.
Congratulations on your Neighours fabric line. It is beautiful.
I have really enjoyed using your pattern to put together your bright birch tree quilt top. I am still working on a scrap sash to go around the edges of the quilt.
I would love to have another pattern to continue using up my scraps.
Best wishes,
Sarah from Ontario, Canada
Ohhh, I would love to open a quilt shop if i knew it would not fail. I love scraps!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Congratulations on your new fabric line Amanda! It's just beautiful! On my bucket list for quilting is a long arm quilting machine, and my "fun" bucket list would be a trip to Holland too see all of their beautiful tulips.
Beautiful scraps!! Right now my top of my bucket list is finishing my first quilt. I just started in January but I'm so hesitant about doing a large bed quilt on my home machine.
I want to go to Maine and England. I am about 30 blocks away from completing A Farmers Wife Quilt using Fig Tree Fabrics. Would love more fabrics to add to what I have used so far. Thanks for the opportunity.
My big thing is trying to use what I have, take as many classes as possible in all things I am interested in, and just make my world the best it can be so I can in turn be the best I can be to those I love. Sewing helps a lot in that sense. Thanks for the chance at this wonderful giveaway!
I would like to make a red and white quilt someday. Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful Fig Tree scraps. Joanna is one of my favorite designers. Janita
I'm dying to sew myself a dress!
Thanks for your international PDF giveaway,
Your patterns would help me use up my old fabric and get me motivated to destash my fabric closet. Thanks
My big thing is trying to use what I have, take as many classes as possible
in all things I am interested in, and just make my world the best it can be
so I can in turn be the best I can be to those I love. Sewing helps a lot
in that sense. Thanks for the chance at this wonderful giveaway!
(I hope this goes through this time - it didn't the first time as a "permanent delivery failure?")
Top of my bucket list is Egypt! 2nd on my list is Macchu Picchu, which we are going to next May. Since you are turning 40, I would suggest sky diving!! I did it and it is the most liberating feeling. You will never be afraid to do anything once you do it!!!
Just retired and loving the time to do new projects. Don't really have a "stash" though, so this looks like a great way to start one! Thanks for the chance!
The top of my bucket list includes the Test Your Skills Sampler and Skill Builder Sampler Quilt Alongs. I know they are long over, but I really want to expand my quilting knowledge and skills.
I want to do a paper pieced project. I am a little afraid.
i am new to sewing so my bucket list right now consists of simple projects: zipper pouches (did my first two last week), fabric baskets (to organize my crafting room) and any other small things to build my skills and confidence - it is intimidating to me right now.
At the top of my bucket list is getting my sewing area cleaned and organized.
What gorgeous scraps! Teaching my niece to quilt is at the top of my bucket list this summer! Thanks for this fun giveaway!
On the top of my list is finishing quilts for both of my sons who are getting married in less than 2 months, 13 days apart! After that (and a few days to recover with a glass of wine or 2)I am tackling some of my UFO's..I LOVE scraps, ty for the chance to win.
I would start a quilt blog. I would also make a double wedding ring quilt. Thank you for the giveaway, I'd love to have your scraps.😊
These look like they would make a beautiful quilt for a baby girl or scrappy make-up bags for the girl friends!
I have always wanted to go on one of those "quilting cruises".The best of both worlds...quilting and traveling to new places!
Hi! On my bucket list is to hike Big Bend National Park!
I need to get some quilts finished. Love the scraps. Thanks for the giveaway. Hugs
I so want to make a quilt for my daughter to take with her when she goes off to college in the fall. I'd like to have it ready to be quilted when we go on out family vacation so that her aunts and cousin can all work on it - I think it would be so special. (Canadian but I have a US mailing address)
I always feel like getting scraps from someone else energizes my imagination. It brings a new voice into my scrap selection, so it would be fun to have your fabric be a part of that conversation.
Can you share the back story about how you and connecting threads came together to design a fabric line? Did you have a background in graphic design? I'm sure others would join me in hearing more about how this happened.
I am working on two projects right now. I am making a twin sized I Spy quilt for our youngest grandson using 2 inch hexagons and triangles. I am using the English paper piecing method. I also have 20 reversible bibs cut out and am stitching them with my machine. In one week we are leaving on a 6 week road trip. The quilt I is ready to go, and soon the bibs will be ready to clip, turn, and baste. The bibs have sleeves, and I like to have a lot on hand to choose from for baby gifts. Anyway, between the quilt and the bibs, I will have plenty of handwork to do as we travel:). Nancy A:
right now I am working on all kinds of little things....I am expecting my first grandchild!! I am so excited! My DIL might have to tell me to stop soon..they have a small house LOL
thank you for treating us non-US followers with a very special prize, I would LOVE to win some of your patterns!
Quilt related - grandmothers flower garden. Other- hot air balloon! Thanks for the chance. I love scraps!
Oh having a quilting weekend with granddaughter and these would be wonderful! At the top of my bucket list is to walk the Camino!
If I knew I wouldn't fail, I'd move to New York City and perform in Broadway plays. Second dream would be...and a little more bring quilting workshops here to Mexico, and open a quilt shop with some decent fabrics!
Never can gave too many. Would love to receive your scraps.
The top of my bucket list - well, that is to finish all my UFOs in this lifetime. And I have many UFOs.
Thank you for this great giveaway.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
They main thing on my bucket list is to get a passport and obtain a stamp in it!!! Someday...
At the top of my bucket list is to make a Irish chain quilt. The fig tree scraps would make the perfect baby quilt in that design. Thank you for sharing.
I have two top bucket list items. I would like to go on a camera safari in Africa. I would also like to see the Northern Lights in person.
I'm trying to finish up a bookcase quilt for my brother. I love the scraps and would love to win.
I also am loving your fabric line. Beautiful colors!!
Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. A swoon quilt is on my bucket list, quilt wise, however on my TO DO bucket list, is a visit to Niagra Falls which I am hoping to do next year.
If I knew I couldn't fail? I would open the quilt shop of my dreams and go to work every day to teach and share my love of quilting with others!
I would like to get my sewing room clean and organized so I could walk in, sit down and sew. And finish all my UFOs.
I'd love to have your scraps, I really don't have too many. I am looking forward to one day having enough to make a string quilt, modern style. Thanks for the great giveaway.
they are beautiful, they look so girly they would be perfect for something for my granddaughter
If I knew I wouldn't fail I would open a quilt shop. I have wanted to for a long time, just don't have the nerve to do it.
Thanks for the chance to win. On my bucket list is learning to long arm quilt!!! All I need is lots of time and tons of money! I'll settle for an applique quilt!!!
I'd love to find the time(and space) to finish up several tops I have pieced! That would involve cleaning up a lot and then cleaning up the shed, the closet ......
I have several UFO's. Just got my right arm out of a cast and soooooo ready to get into all. My very favorite quilts to make are scrappy quilts. Should I mention that Fig Tree fabrics are one of my favs!
Carol Flaherty
I want to travel the world! Learn about all the different cultures that there is.
Thanks for the chance to win! It's not a matter of failing, it's more of logistics. My mother is 79 and really enjoys wearing dresses to church but the styles now are too short for her or they are sleeveless. I'd love to be close to her so I could (learn to) make her dresses.
If I knew I wouldn't fail, I would go back to riding horses, because then my parents would be able to stop worrying that I'd fall off and hurt myself ;)
Please DO NOT fret being 40! I think you'll find as we age we feel more liberated, doubt yourself less and just enjoy being who you are. I'm 61 and my most difficult birthday was, for some unknown reason, was 37. Hated the thought of being 37.Forty was a breeze and,well, here I am.
I need to finish hand quilting this baby quilt then I want to use some of your scraps to make my 3 children quilts, a giant undertaking for me!
I too have been busting some scraps with small projects and stuffing them in an envelope and sending them off! I have made another quilter happy and my sewing room a lot tidier.
Would love to see what the winner from the USA does with scraps!
Hugs and greetings from Europe!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
I regards to quilting, I'm afraid that when the latest quilt magazine comes out, then at least one of the patterns gets on my bucket list. And so it grows. Happy birthday Amandajean.
Thanks for the chance to win your fig tree scraps. Fig Tree + Scraps = JOY!
Non-quilt bucket list: walking the Camino de Santiago with my Spanish-speaking son.
Quilt bucket list: a king-sized quilt for my bed. Too intimidated.
I love Fig Tree fabrics but I would love to win one or more of your pdf patterns even more. Which is good since I am in England. Top of my non-quilt bucket list would be a trip to Scandinavia with my husband once our youngest has fledged (university this autumn) - though the house is ready for a makeover after 26 years of kids around the place... Thanks for your lovely blog and cheerful enthusiasm: it's a breath of fresh air reading your posts.
To go on a cruise w/fellow quilters from all over.
To have all my granddaughters quilting as well.
I want to finish the batik quilt I started for myself several years ago!
This one is a biggie. Teach people to care for each other.
I am doing a reversible guilt.
Don't worry about a bucket list. Enjoy every day with your children. They will soon be grown and then you can start a very long bucket list. If I win the scraps I will make a spider web quilt. Not as small as the one you made! Carol
Spring is here and it is time to do some major spring cleaning. Windows, power wash the siding on the house, etc.....
Lovely scraps! What a thoughtful giveaway. My quilting bucket list includes a Farmer's Wife quilt. As for non-quilting--if I knew I couldn't fail (which means I would ultimately be able to pay off more student loans), then I would quit my job at the library, return to college for an engineering degree, and enter the surveying field as a CAD operator and/or surveying field technician.
Would love so many fig tree fabrics all on one place. Thanks for the opportunity. So generous of you!
Oh how lovely! If I could do anything and not fail, I would RV full time and see the country while still supporting my family. :)
The top of my list is to relocate closer to my daughter. Maybe this year. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. Love, love, love scraps. (
After surviving major surgery a few weeks ago, at the top of my new bucket list is to just enjoy life one day at a time!!! (first bucket list was to visit every state in this great Country with my hubby and we finished that last year…yeah!!!) Thanks for the sweet giveaway…love Fig Tree :)
At the top of my list of quilty things is to finish all the quilts I have in progress (4) before we move again. I'm actually hoping to have them all finished by the end of June.
Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win. We are currently back in Canada for a while but I have a US mailing address if I should be lucky enough to win.
One of my favorite designers - I'd love these scraps!
As far as bucket list - my quilty one is so full and random. But one thing is to make a selvage spiderweb quilt inspired by your spiderweb quilt. Love that thing. It's amazing.
Or, something I'd do if I knew I couldn't fail - I'd quit my job and start selling quilts/patterns. It's a dream, and so far fetched for my current situation. And kind of terrifying given the business aspect.
First of all even though your birthday hasn't arrived yet, Happy 40th Birthday.
I'll share what motivates me. I'll be turning 65 this year, which truly only seems like a number with no heavy duty punch to it. I get into movies cheaper and discounts, wisdom, knowing what is important in life and making conscious decisions to livte from a deeper inner freedom.
Thus, as I face my inner limitations,knowing who I Truly Am is not that, my perspective changes on what is before me changes. I am freed up. As I am freer within, my creativity is freed up, my life is freed up and I know that I am becoming more like the inner child, playful with more wisdom.
I love scraps!
I'd love to make an artful wall hanging with various colors and fabric textures. Something interesting enough to look at on a regular basis. I've always been scared it will just look like a mess of fabric.
I would love to finish up the quilts on my 2014 Goals card - good intentions but . . . . .
Thanks for the chance to win.
At the top of my list is to start a quilt for my granddaughter. I have the fabric, but I'm trying to find just the right pattern. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! Love Fig Tree and Moda!!
One item on my bucket list is a NC state Quilt - I have the pattern just need to start on it one block at a time. and I'd love to retire to craft, garden and volunteer full time:).
Beautiful fabric scraps! At the top of my bucket list is to make a quilt for each of our 37 grandchildren. I've only had time to do two so far. Perhaps I could use these scraps for the next one. Thanks for the chance to win. :)
I hope to get to Amish country one day to see the quilts and how they live.
The top of my bucket list is an American Eagle quilt that I plan to donate for a raffle at my American Legion Post . Thanks for the giveaway.
Since it's rainy today, I'm working inside, so my bucket list reads "quilt 2 baby quilts" I need to finish for my H2H Challenge. After that, there's work to do on a wallhanging for our fall quilt is 6 yrs in the making. Is this the year it gets done? Stay tuned.
Retro Flowers with all those curves is top of my list!
I'm in the UK
I need to get back to a Kaffe Fassett quilt I'm making. I made a HUGE mistake and didn't want to use the brainpower that it's going to take to get back on track, so it's been in time out for a couple of weeks.
I am making quilts for each of my family members this year (so far I am about to finish the 4th and 5th of them. 5 more to go afterwards). For actual "bucket list" though I'd like to sing in a band with my husband. He has been in so many bands but I would really like to be a part of them with him and go on the road with our children while doing so. It would be fun.
Victoria -
My top bucket list item is non-sewing: I would love to travel europe for a whole summer and see all the amazing sites. My realistic goal is to get started (and finish) the baby quilt I'm planning for my new niece/nephew to be born at the end of this year.
Top of my bucket list is to a make a quilt for each of my children.
On my list of quilty goals is the single girl quilt & learning to FMQ. On the things to do if I knew I wouldn't fail would be quitting my job to become a motivational speaker & life coach. Big Dreams! ;) Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
The top of this year's list is to make quilts for both my nephews and my niece. If I knew I wouldn't fail or end up in the poorhouse I would love to stay home and make quilts and things all day long.
I am looking for a new sewing machine. Got to get out to the stores and look.
Thanks for the giveaway...
on my bucket list is a quilt for each child and each grandchild, right now i'm sewing for our unborn grandbaby--our 5th. how lucky can one woman be? if i knew i wouldn't fail, i would start a business sewing baby and doll things. it's something i have always had in the back of my mind to do, but circumstances just were never right. now would be the perfect time if i had the confidence. thanks for the chance. i can just see those scraps in a few doll quilts
My ultimate quilting bucket list project is the Halloween Baltimore Album Quilt! I am enamored by this beautiful and fun quilt! Love, love, love it!
I'd love some of your scraps. My next charity project is making up baby care kits for new moms and I'll be making baby swaddling blankets to include in my kits.
I have a son graduating from college so that is on my bucket list as well as preparing him to move away from home. I hope to see a quilt for my daughter.
My top bucket list item happens to be quilting related - get a quilt done for each of my eight children. I thought this was the year I was going to make serious progress but not looking good so far : (
If I knew I would not fail I would open a Shop and live on my creative ideas. May be I do that one day....
#1 on my bucket list is for us to take a family vacation to Disney. My girls are 8 and 5. We haven't been able to afford it yet. But I hope we can get there while they are still young enough for it to be magical.
Please count me in for 5 of your patterns as I am from sunny southern Alberta! (south of Calgary).
I have been one of your peeps for a very long time.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
The bucket list includes going to Wales this summer, until it happens, it's on the bucket list.
Quilty bucket list is never ending....being able to see the top of my sewing machine cabinet? Lol.
Bucket list? Sail from Florida to the Galapagos. Probably never going to happen, but maybe!
I would love to add fig try fabrics to my fabric stash.
I just got tension problems worked out on my long arm so I guess I will start getting some quilting done. And when tired of standing will be working on adding machine tape scrappy blocks!
I have bought some sea themed fabrics and will do a quilt for my 7 years old son.
I'm international reader and would love to try to make your birch tree quilt.
My sewing goal is to put a back on a sheep blanket I knitted for my daughter; my life goal is to go to pay off my student loans and celebrate by going to the Bahamas with my huaband!
This is a hard one for me! I had cancer three years ago, so I've already entered that if you wouldn't fail what would you do mindset. A brush with death centered my perspective beautifully! As for my bucket list, I'm working on my #1 project right now .... Jen Kingwell's Circle Game. I saw other people making it while I was sick and I lived vicariously. :) Now I'm living it myself, and so far, so good! Thanks for the giveaway!
Fig Tree's is one of my *favorite* fabric lines. :)
A trip to Finland. And a cathedral windows quilt in 30s repros.
I am in Love with Fig Tree Fabrics....I am a Cancer Winner....Tests, Meds. Surgery.. And the Tangerine color is perfect for for the quilt I am working on...I look for scrap Fig Tree fabric at 2nd Hand Stores, Yard Sales, Freecycle and Craigslist...I want to be able to complete this scrap quilt on my 1 year date of being free of that old cancer in August 2015....Thank you for a lovely giveaway and your quilts to let us dream of.....
Many things on my bucket list, but I would say that currently I would love to complete my quilting projects that have been patiently waiting for me for a couple of years now. And I want to start something fresh, and see it through to completion!
Love Fig Tree Quilts, would love to adopt your scraps!
Thank you so much!
if i were healthier, i would love to hike. i have a friend that is hiking the pacific coast runs from canada to south america, but she is only doing the u.s. portion. wouldnt that be a hoot?
I want to make a quilt using circles, but so far I am intimidated. I plan to make one for the first greatgrandchild due in October. These scraps woould help immensely. I love reading all your blogs.
on my list are a few classic blocks with scraps, which i have never been doing, classic....
so far i'm a free floater or you could call it modern?
i'm international, though will visit my friend in the us, so please, if i win, send it to her, i will provide her address, thank you
I have been collecting Fig Tree Scraps for a while. I want to make ME a quilt. If I build my pile large enough for a king size quilt I want to make the quilt on Bonnie Hunters header to her blog. I can not see me leaving a perfectly good airplane to sail through the air. I'm just not brave enough.
please use this contact info: skeetersawatcomcastdotnet
If I honestly knew that gravity wouldnt glance my way and cause me to plummet to my squishy death, I would love to take a trip in a glider over some exotic places... africa? New Zealand? The quiet and view would be such a spectacular memory!!
Working on a tshirt quilt for my nephew graduating now in May. I'm actually tired of working on it and want to get it done so I can move on to something else. Thank you,
Oh, I think I'd just like to get unpacked from my move.
On my bucket list is a triangle quilt.
You can skip me for the scrap give-away, but I'd still like to say what's on the top of my 'bucket list.'
I'd like to learn to make really good pad Thai and I'd love to crochet myself a vest that I'd actually wear.
So many great ideas in these comments; I want to add them all to my bucket list! Tackling one right now: applying to go back to college! And I'm in my 50s!
Top of my bucket list? Get a long arm quilt machine and frame.
Thanks for offering the terrific give away, even if I don't win.
It sounds like a small thing, but at the top of my bucket list is a trip to the western states. I'm from the East coast and I would love to put my feet in the Pacific ocean!
what i would do if i knew i wouldn't fail.... is to move to the other side of the country.
US address... check!!
Thanks for thinking of us here in Australia. We so often miss out on giveaways. Would so love to make some of your clever patterns.
Hi, top of my quilting bucket list is a mountain themed wall hanging to remind me of my favourite place in the mountains, using scraps, of course. I'd also like more time - I get so distracted along the way when I make things. Every scrap holds a memory, and I am often lost in thought when I start rummaging in the scraps box. 40 is fine, by the way!
I would love to be able to quit my job and just sew full time. There are many other things I want to do as well. too many! I look forward to each post on your blog. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
Dancing classes! I want to dance like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers!! Love your scraps!!
Ah....the bucket list! I'm teaching 3 classes at a local community college and I am up to my eyeballs in grading! One more week and my semester is over! So as soon as grades are entered, I am going to get quilts on my long-arm and go to town!
I would love to win.
I'd lose weight once and for all if I knew I wouldn't gain it back!
Top of my bucket list would be to grow some balls! Here am I... A 66 year old Kiwi...and still too shy to put my goods up for sale...
Get my longarm machine set up in a well lit studio and finish my tops! Thanks for the chance
Bucket list project: a king size quilt that I want to quilt on my domestic machine...this is a bit daunting since I haven't worked on one this big before
I love Fig Tree fabric! At the top of my quilting list is a lonestar quilt. It scares me! Thanks for the chance to win. Scraps is such a harsh word for beauties like these.........♡♡♡
I want to complete the swaps I've committed to do and say no to other swaps until I'm caught up. I need time to sew for myself. Thanks!!!
Oh what a fun giveaway! Next up on my bucket list is a quilt for my husband out of his Dad's extensive Hawaiian shirt collection. Looking forward to it! Especially since my husband can then stop asking me when I'm going to make a quilt for him!
If I knew I could be successful at it, I would like to do watercolor painting.
I'd love to win these great scraps! I'd like to finish quilting some projects I have lined up.
Hi, top of my bucket list is to go to Antarctica. I'm hopeful that I will get there one day! Thanks so much, Melanie [I'm an international reader]
Just redoing my sewing room after 25 years of the same old style. Now, I will be able to find that one piecenter of fabric that I need for my new project. I Believe it could be in a scrape bin! What do you think?
On the top of my Bucket List is travel!
I love fig tree fabrics. This year I am resisting all quilt alongs and just working on stuff I have been wanting to make. I also am working on quilting some of the stuff I have already made. I am 3/4's of the way done with the quilt for my bed.
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