Wednesday, October 23, 2013

alternatives to hibernating

Fall is here and it's definitely quilt weather in Minnesooooota. It's so dreary outside and it makes me want to hibernate! I've resisted so far, but who knows how long that will last. Instead of hibernating...
I've been distributing quilts throughout the house. (Yay!) I so enjoy picking out quilts to go into every room, even though I usually drag my current favorite all over. I am curled up in one almost all the time. Even when I'm sewing! Or blogging. Not cooking, though. :)
I'm enjoying my newly painted quilt ladder. Previously it had an oak finish and I love the aqua upgrade. I give my husband a LOT of credit for not even batting an eye when I painted it. He's quite a guy! (I made sure to let the paint cure for a few weeks before using it for quilt storage. It wasn't easy!)
I have been working on binding this little baby quilt. I love to sit and hand bind. I have this dream of stacking up my quilts from an entire year and having a pile of 20 or so to bind throughout the winter. (What can I say? I'm a little crazy!)

And I have been enjoying watching the change of seasons in my back yard/park....
...all the while trying not to think about how much work it will be to clean up all those leaves! (It's a good thing I have 3 kiddos! Ha!)
Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!


Angie said...

I love your quilt ladder and it's lovely new dress of aqua. :) And your new yard and view are gorgeous. Yup, good thing you have some youngun's to help with the leaves... LOL

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous colour for a quilt ladder. I have bookmarked this page and subtly sent it to my husband, with a note I want mine in pink!

Tina Craig said...

That's one of the downsides of an empty nest. No kids around to do yard work!

Liz said...

Those quilts look beautiful on the teal ladder! Enjoy your hand binding... Thats one of my favorite parts too

Ingrid - min Rägeboge said...

I really love the colors of your quilts! So beautyful and fresh! The idea with the aqua ladder is great.

Unknown said...

I am from VA and went to St Bens- the winters were quite a shock! I like the reliability of Minnesota winters, though- you always know what to wear!

Lisa said...

Your quilt ladder looks absolutely stunning - the close up pick with the quilts hanging on it absolutely drew me in. What a gorgeous way to display handmade love.

Jayne said...

Great color for a quilt ladder! I use my quilts year round. Hot weather, cold weather, it doesn't matter!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I know exactly what ya mean about binding in the winter....I LOVE IT!!! and the leaves, well my little ones are that is up to me! LOL!!! It's okay, I appreciate the exercise.

Di~ said...

What!? you don't putter around the kitchen with a quilt wrapped around you???? common :) Love the pink and gray binding/backing. Where'd ya git that there ladder????

Vicki said...

Your quilt ladder is the bomb! Love the aqua. Changing seasons are so much fun and cozy.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Your ladder is gorgeous. I really enjoy binding by hand. I can see the benefit of machine binding, from a production perspective, but binding by hand is so relaxing.

Annie said...

Yes, come to Australia to teach..heck come to Ballarat and you can stay at my there's an Offer!

Schulz Family said...

Your backyard looks amazing. I would just mow the lawn and that mows the leaves up at the same time

Glinda ♥ said...

Can your hubby please have a word with mine? I'm desperate to chalk paint an old bureau of his Aunt's but he's resisting me at every turn! Love to hand sew the binding too - it's my favourite part :)

Jeneta said...

What a beautiful back yard you have! And won't those leaves blow away during the autumn/winter months?

margaret said...

a lovely way to display your quilts, still have not finished my first yet so will not be needing a ladder for a while. Can just picture you curled up under one of the quilts doing your binding, so cosy.

Clare Mansell said...

Love your turquoise quilt ladder. Something similar is on my wish list for our house renovation!

Unknown said...

I have fully leafed yard too. A few years ago I finally broke down and bought a professional grade leaf blower. I look like a character out of Ghost Busters when I use it but it beats raking!

Beautiful quilts and the ladder looks great!

Lorna McMahon said...

Apparently, it is time to hibernate here, too. It's been snowing! Love the aqua ladder. It is a nice calming colour with some punch!

Marie said...

aqua -- the new black! love it ... leaves will blow away or compost eventually -- just hibernate and sew ...

JG said...

What a great home for your beautiful quilts - a bright ladder.

jabeybaby said...

I love your aqua quilt ladder! Where do you find quilt ladders, I may need one :-)

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Love your aqua ladder. It's inspiring me to drag in the old old one in the yard and paint it up before it gets too too cold. As for the leaves, with a nice back yard like that why bother . . . just go play in them. : )

Anonymous said...

uau! nice back yard you have! Here in Barcelona it's too hot today..! ... I really like how you combine colors!.. good job whith the aqua ladder!

Katherine said...

Loving your aqua ladder for quilt display! Very pretty.

Wow. What a backyard! Gorgeous and oh so inviting. Looks like a great opportunity to rake huge piles of leaves to jump in. ;o)

MellieWo said...

That ladder is such a great idea! Great color, too. I used a looping design on the last quilt I did and love the look and the ease of it. Cute quilt :)

Alisha Hemmingson said...

I LOVE your quilt ladder. It's such a beautiful way to display your gorgeous quilts. You're so talented. <3

sonia said...

Love your ladder, but i love best the quilts displayed On it. You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to display completed quilts...and a wonderful colour choice too!

Qltr89 said...

I love your aqua ladder! My sister uses one in the bathroom as a towel hanger. Her powder room is the size of a full bathroom so it fits in it nicely.
I also wait until it gets "cold" in California before hand quilting my quilts. Thank you for sharing your ladder.

Anonymous said...

Cute post! After my recent quilt finish my daughter asked..."what chair is that quilt for?" Best regards from Northern MN,

Stacy Olson said...

Gorgeous view/backyard, but yeah, good luck with the leaf clean up. It's so cold now too.

Anonymous said...

The aqua is very spring-like. =) Surely you weren't going to *rake* those leaves? I just blow them into our woods, or other people blow them out to the curb and Knox comes by with this amazing sucker truck and sucks them all up! Well, actually, *I* don't blow them, the guy who mows the lawn does. =)

MariQuilts said...

I seriously neeed to paint something that colour,,,,,not sure what yet, The ladder looks amazing!!!

ECKDesign said...

So jealous about your fall colors. I'm here in Florida so I would need to drive up quite a bit to see any leaves color change.... =o(

Suzanne said...

As I see it, 20 quilts to hand bind is only 20% of your scrappy goal. You will be there before you know it if you continue making baby quilts and living life as you are. said...

i think i need one of those quilt ladders. what a great way to display your quilts

Cheryl Arkison said...

That ladder is so you now.