I finished up my quilt along quilt last week and I've been sleeping under it every night since. Fall is here and it's officially "two quilt weather". Yahoo! The arrival of fall also means that my feet will be perpetually cold for the next 8-9 months, which is far less exciting.
As you know, this quilt ended up being more than I bargained for. Had I made the quilt before hand, there is no way I would have put all you "quilt along-ers" through all that trouble. But it ended well....I have a summery twin sized quilt out of the deal.

I quilted this one with my walking foot, as planned, right after I quilted my spiderweb. I had a marathon quilting weekend and I did both of these in a few days. It was pretty ambitious, but I was on a roll. (And hey, look, I'm not the only one who is getting sick of stippling!) I love the grid quilting on this pattern. It was handy to have such small squares, because I didn't have to mark anything.

The backing ended up being PERFECT for this quilt. The binding came from my stash and I LOVE how that matches, too. In the end, a very coordinated quilt, but still not too matchy-matchy.
But the thing I am most proud of is that I bought the fabric at Spring Quilt Market and I have a completed quilt before Fall Quilt Market arrived. THAT may be a once in a lifetime event.
I love your backing! This turned out great! Now I need to get going and finish up mine! Thanks so much for doing this quilt along. I will look forward to your next one!
My Lord, that's a lot of work right there. Came out beautifully, though!
love the quilting, i was already thinking of doing that (because i am a non-stippler...at least for now), and it looks great. right now, i'm still stuck on week 7. hoping to get more done on it this weekend.
Love love love! And that diagonal quilting is perfect, but man those straight lines can feel like they take forever!
Must unearth mine. Haven't touched it since early July. Kids start preschool next week, though, so that should help. :-)
Wow, this turned out amazing! I love all the movement the print and white squares give this quilt. Love that backing fabric too - perfect for this quilt. Love the grid of quilting lines, especially on the diagonal. I can't believe you quilted TWO quilts in one weekend. My arms would have fallen off, especially with my lil machine.
One day I will make a quilt with tons of teeny tiny blocks :)
It is beautiful.
holy-moly...that looks like tons of work! super cute though, worth every hand-cramp I'm sure!
Love it!!! The backing is perfect and the quilting really suits the quilt.
It has turned out absolutely beautiful! I love all those fabrics together!
Very, very nice! I love the binding, no, I love the whole Quilt! Best wishes from Munich!
Sehr sehr schön! ich liebe das Binding, nein, ich liebe den ganzen Quilt! Liebe Grüße aus München!
It is a beautiful quilt!! Yay for Fall!! Boo!! It is still in the 90's here in Georgia!
Very nice. I just put mine back on our table to start working on it again last night. At 3:30 a.m. I decided to quilt it in the grid pattern you just finished - I too am tired of stippling. Well done! :)
It's a beauty and I love that fabric for the backing.
Way to tough it out on the straight line quilting on a home machine. It's a workout, isn't it?
Hmmm... you're only putting 2 quilts on your bed? I'm already at 3 and winter is still to come. MUST make more quilts. SOON. ;o)
so pretty and ordered...
we just added a quilt to a bed too. :)
Cold feet... isn't that what warm husbands are for?
And the quilt looks amazing! Let me know if you ever get tired of it!
i love it! i just finished up my last "round" last night, I am so behind. I think I have two weeks left. It has been somewhat of a headache--nothing major, but I still like it. Personally all quilts this large are a headache to me.
Your quilt is beautiful. Sure wish it were two quilt weather here - we won't see that until maybe the end of December. I, too, have trouble with cold feet. Have you every tried Toasty Toes? They are like hand warmers but for the feet. They are fantastic and are always on my Christmas wish list - lol!
this is gorgeous...isn't it wonderful to be able to enjoy some cool weather quilts now that the heat has gone down?
I finished the top of this quilt, but have yet to find the perfect back fabric. I love how you quilted it, thoughI don't hate stippling, I wasn't looking foward to stippling a larger quilt like this one.
yuMMmmmmmmmmmY!!! i lOVE it :)
LOVE it! i think this one and the spiderweb might be my favorites of all of your quilts ... at least until the next one comes along :)
Yes it is definitely fall quilt weather. It is good to have an extra quilt to sleep under.
And last night I was just thinking that it was definitely two quilt weather. Okay, it has been for at least a week, but last night I noticed that.
Lovely finish.
Lovely finish! The backing worked nicely and the simple diagonal quilting finishes it perfectly! Thanks for sharing!
Love the quilt... but did I read it right??? Are you going to be at fall market?? If so, we must meet up!
That's awesome Amanda Jean! That must be some sort of record. And it should certainly keep your toes warm this winter!
It's a beauty Amanda! Yup, feet have been cold for the past week.
Nice finish! That's a lot of quilting in a little bit of time!!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Love the grid quilting on this one! Nice job!
Your quilt is beautiful!!! I have something special with little squares and white backgrounds. I haven´t start it but I already have all my fabrics and hopefully will start it next weekend. He are having a very long weekend, 5 days ( 200 years of celebrating Independence and 100 years of celebrating Civil War ). Hope to show you very soon
OH WOW! That is beautiful...and I love all the colors! I still have some time to finish up my quilts here in HOUSTON...it won't be cool until JANUARY...if we are lucky.
dang it!
So fresh and lovely!
Hugs - Lurline♥
The quilt looks awesome and I love the way you have quilted it!
just had to admit - I love it!
Love, love, love this quilt! Looks like you're ready for that cold Wisconsin weather. :o)
Your quilt has turned out wonderful. The backing is perfect. For us winter is 3 quilts and summer 1 quilt. I just love sleeping under my quilts. I am slowing converting my extended family.
Delish!! Well done!
Drop dead gorgeous quilt!! And I know what you mean about the feet!! Mine will be bricks of ice from the knee down until April or May!! I have been sleeping with two quilts already, and wonder if of three or four might be needed by winter. I will need a forklift to get out of bed in the mornings!!
I love the entire thing! I couldn't do the quilt along but i'll be going back and working this pattern on my own time, for sure. :)
Wow. What a beauty. So glad you finished it up and can enjoy it!
I've got some grid quilting on my horizon. I like seeing how yours turned out. :)
I LOVE it! I am planning to grid quilt mine as well. With the small squares like that, it is just begging for it. It looks so great. Very impressive, quick finish. Usually I am so behind (uh, yeah) that my fabric purchases sit around for a good while before I get to them.
Gorgeous quilt!! But as for those cold feet, I have a word of advice for you - "heated mattress pad"!! Oooh, it is lovely to get into a nice warm bed!!
turned out beautiful!
It all turned out so nice! I might have to copy how you quilted it when mine is done (still working on week 7...doh!).
Oh how lovely!!!!
This is one of the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen!
Congratulations! your quilt is absolutely beautiful! It's been great watching your progress on this quilt-along :)
It looks fabulous - I can't wait to get mine pinned for quilting!
Wow its beautiful! As always your an inspiration!
Oh I do not like matchy matchy either. I find it so tempting but then I walk away because it just isnt the kind of finished project I will want to have. Too factory line-ish.
THis quilt is just perfect!
It is beautiful. This will get me to finish my quilt along quilt!
Your quilt is gorgeous. I have to admit that I started one, but not as part of the quilt-along because I am not working on it real steady, and it will be a loooong time before I have it finished, but you are definitely an inspiration!
I'm so glad you did jump in and make it because now that I've seen yours I really want to make myself one! I've already done just the center bit as a baby quilt.
This is beautiful! Nice job.
I am your newest follower-Hoping you will come by my blog and return the favor and follow.
I notice you use a lot of white in your quilts and it looks great. I'm going to incorporate more of it in my quilts (and add a bunch to my stash!). Love your blog.
That is one beautiful and fresh quilt.
Yahoo! It's finished! Piecing that is, what a lot of work but the finished project is gorgeous. I'll post a pic on Flikr. Thanks for a great pattern, lots of fun!
I love the way your quilt turned out. I have been watching it grow for months and while I've not been able to quilt-a-long, I will be making this quilt. It will also be one that I think I'll make as a baby quilt gift. Very pretty and all your quilters photos give me wonderful ideas for the future ones I might make. Thanks so much for a wonderful blog!
I was looking for a simple design for a quilt for a 12 year old. I think this fits the bill.
I just finished piecing the quilt top for a disappearing nine patch but I hand quilt so it will take time.
I know you are extremely busy but do you think this is shades of blue and cream is ok for a 12 year old boy?
I just finished my quilt! I had a knee surgery that kept me from crawling around on the floor to baste it. I'm not a flickr gal... but here is my link to my blog post of the finished quilt. Some dark pictures, but I couldn't wait until morning to photograph it!
Thanks so much for leading this! This is my first non-baby quilt and I'm am so happy!
I love it! Would have loved to be in on this quilt along.
I just love the way this can be made with a Jelly Roll! Thank you so much for sharing.
did you do this using jelly rolls? if so how many did it take? I'm curious as to the fabric requirments and if you followed a pattern - it is absolutely beautiful.
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