Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm ready to call myself a quilter now

spiderweb quilt-complete
Yes, all because my spiderweb quilt is finished! This quilt is about as close to an heirloom as I'll ever make, I would imagine. I generally love simple quilts, but I love the intricacy of this one. LOVE it!
It was in progress less than 2 years, (started Oct. 2008) but it sure feels like it took longer than that. I thoroughly enjoyed piecing this quilt. Every single bit of it. All the colored pieces are scraps. It's hard to believe I've used that many different fabrics in my day! Most of the white pieces were scraps as well. That's not as hard for me to believe. :)

The quilting had me intimidated to no end. I thought it was going to be ridiculously hard because the quilt top itself didn't lay flat. Starting out at a deficit in that area isn't a good sign. Besides, some of the intersections have 8 layers of fabric in them. Just look at all those seams! So I basted this quilt heavily, using 9 or 10 pins in each block. In the end, the quilting went super duper smooth. It was amazing. I felt a little foolish because I was so intimidated by it for so long. I have grown to LOVE my walking foot in the process. Immensely.
Here's a shot with the backing and binding. My local quilt shop owner did a fabulous job at picking out these fabrics. Fabulous! Do you wonder why I love her taste? Polka dots and stripes! They are the perfect compliment to the quilt top.
Here is a shot of the back where the quilting lines form a star. What a fun little surprise!
It measures 66" x 88", so a perfect twin size.
The tutorial can be found here.

I'm pleased as punch that it is done!
You can bet that I'll be sleeping under this one tonight.


Mishka said...

AmandaJean, It is magnificent. What a wonderful quilt. I too love scrappy quilts, just seeing all the bits and remembering where each one came from, or what project it was used in, is a treasure. Great idea on the quilting!

Staci K. said...

Beautiful! I gave a spider web quilt on my "someday quilts" list.

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Amazingly beautiful. that's a lot of different fabrics!

Liz Jimenez said...

Wow, wow, wow. Heirloom, for sure! What a treat to have that quilt. Congrats on the MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR finish!

Linda said...

WooHoo!!!! It's done! I LOVE IT!!!!! I have been waiting for this one. My spiderweb is one of my favorites, too, but mine isn't nearly this large. Well done, my friend!

Suburban Stitcher said...

that is unbelievable! congratulations on a fantastic finish ;)

Kimberly Roy said...

Your quilt is stunning! I've never been a big fan of scrappy pieced quilts but this quilt has completely changed my mind about trying one. Love!

Teresa Rawson said...

Well done on your finish!! I love your version of this quilt. Making one of these is on my quilting bucket list. Thanks for the link to the tutorial...I will take a peek...

In stitches,
Teresa :o)

Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

It *is* an intricate quilt, and quite nice at that. Congratulatons on a beautiful heirloom :o)

Unknown said...

Wow, that is super impressive, great job! Love all the color!

Georgia said...

Woweeee! It's just gorgeous!!! I don't know about it being your only heirloom quilt though - i think any handmade quilt is heirloom-worthy. :-) I love to think about that when I am sewing one...imagining someone in the future running their hands over a quilt and thinking that Great Great Granny Georgia made this. Hehe!

Dree said...

I can't believe you are done already! I think the dots and stripes are perfectly understated for this top--so glad you kept your stash piece for your quilt-a-long.

What an all-around impressive piece of work. Love the surprise stars, too :)

JariJari said...

congrats, Amanda! It's totally awesome. Great work!
This spiderweb quilt has been on my TO-DO list for a long time.

Pat Sloan said...

so totally love it!!!! yeah you!

C. Jaeger said...

Your quilt is absolutely beautiful!!!! I love it, and I am so glad that you love it, too. Great job!

Denise :) said...

Congratulations -- it's awesome! I'm ready to call you a *marvelous quilter*! :)

Unknown said...

So beautiful! But you have been a quilter all along, this just affirms that!

Jill said...

I love it! What a wonderful quilt-I love dots and stripes myself.

Sherry said...

Hi AmandaJean. I just love your quilt. Congrats on such an awesome finish. Great job!

Tamera said...

Congratulations! It's so fun to finish a quilt.

Christine said...

Amazing and beautiful! I agree, an quilt should be an heirloom.

Can you say more about how you quilted it? I just finished a top that has a geometric pattern out of strips and I wanted to quilt it in straight lines, somewhat similar to this. This will be the first time I didn't do a meandering free motion pattern. Are you saying you used a walking foot, not a free motion foot? How does that work?

Spice said...

Wonderful quilt. I love it!

DianeY said...

I hate to break the news, but I think a lot of us out here have known you as a quilter, a genious quilter, for a long time!
It's a real beauty

Sherry said...

Amazing job. Very well done. You should be proud of yourself.

Char said...

I love the quilt! The binding is absolutely perfect.

Erica said...


Megan said...

Hooray! What an accomplishment! It is absolutely beautiful!
I started a spiderweb a few months ago and lost steam, had to put it away for awhile because it was driving me crazy! But I think I'm ready to get it back out soon. You've inspired me!

Anonymous said... gorgeous!!! And your straight line quilting adds so much to it...just brilliant!


Jacque. said...

ohhhhhh, Amanda Jean...this is absolutely gorgeous! The pattern, the fabrics AND the quilting. YAY! A job well should be very proud...and, of COURSE, you are a quilter! Never a doubt here!

By the way, you are right...your shop owner chose the perfect binding and backing!

jabeybaby said...

Congrats on finishing such a beautiful quilt!

susan@tickledpaisley said...

I've considered you an amazing quilter for quite some time now so that's not news to me! This quilt is absolutely amazing and what makes it even better is that you love it and loved making it. It definitely shows! Just gorgeous!!!

Katie said...

This is beautiful! I especially love how the intersecting lines created the stars in the quilting. I'm always inspired when I read your blog!

Lina said...

Magnificent Amanda Jean. It sounds like it was a labour of love and I'm not surprised you'll be sleeping under it tonight. Enjoy!

Elena said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! An heirloom, for sure, but enjoy it yourself for now.

Leslie said...

i am pretty sure you could have called yourself a quilter before are so amazing at whatever you do! this is lovely. i love the straight quilting and that cute little star in the stitching.

Marg said...

It's absolutely stunning. Congratulations.

Karen said...

Congratulations on such a wonderful finish! It is really gorgeous. Yes, you really ARE a quilter....well, in my opinion you were already tops!

A spider quilt will go on my list, but at the botton and it will be much smaller than this.

Hugs, Karen

nettie said...

it's amazing! i love it too.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

There isn't anything I can say that hasn't been said already above about this quilt Amanda! Enjoy it forever!

Quilt Doodles said...

Congratulations!!! It is absolutely beautiful. I am so glad your sleeping with it tonight. :)

Keriann said...

Wow! That is amazing!

Terriaw said...

You crack me up - as if you haven't already been an official quilter! This one, though, is just stunning! I love everything about it, from the scraps, to the backing and binding, to the quilting. Love how that quilting turned out on the back too. So gorgeous!

Shell said...

amazing quilt! i love the colourful effect and playfulness of all those scraps, the white just makes it look fresh and fun. great work!!

Trisha said...

It is gorgeous! What an accomplishment!

The Paisley Abbey said...

Wow, I am so impressed! It is beautiful. The quilting adds visual interest as well as all the fun fabrics!

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Love it! LOVE the quilting! Everything about it is perfect. Congrats!

Mama Urchin said...

It's gorgeous Amanda. It really is.

Marie said...

'tis amazing !!! enjoy your heirloom .....

Leigh said...

how amazingly beautiful! Congratulations - what a treasure!

Everyday Quilter said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite! I just made a baby quilt with 123 different fabrics. I can't wait to start one of these! You're scrap quilts have been a real inspiration and I refer to your blog all the time! Thanks for sharing - this quilt is just beautiful!

Kristie said...

Isn't it amazing when a heap of leftovers can become so beautiful all on their own? Great, great job!

Robyn said...

It came out beautifully! I've been tuned in for posts about this quilt ever since you started it, and am in the process of my own as well. It's been worrying me in the back of my mind how to quilt it, but I love your solution and am so much less daunted and more excited to work on mine again! Not looking forward to all those pins though!

Shelly said...

Gorgeous! What an accomplishment, and for the record, you WERE a quilter before . . .

April Mae said...

My favorite quilt so far!!! I absolutely love how it's quilted.

Teresa said...

Absolutely beautiful! I definitely have to add this to my "someday" list.

Cheryl Arkison said...

Incredible! And fascinating that you now call yourself a quilter. You need to give yourself more credit, but I totally get that too.

Amy Jo said...

Amanda, this quilt is gorgeous!!! You did a marvelous job on it!! Congrats on a job well done!

Amy said...

This quilt makes me want to never ever throw ouy any tiny small itsy bitsy piece of fabric ever again! Love it to death!!!

kmodich said...

When I first saw this quilt, I didn't think I liked it. Now that it is done it maybe, in my opinion, the best quilt you've done. I like how quilts transform until the last second you are done with them. Everytime I finish a quilt I sleep under it the same night! I like waking up and seeing it first thing.

Debbie Cook said...

Great job! You should definitely be proud of yourself. Very impressive and pretty.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

That is absolutely gorgeous and you have every right to feel so accomplished! It takes a lot of determination to see a project like this one through to the very end. Bravo!

LHA said...

That is seriously impressive!! Congrats!

MWalker said...

Breathtaking. That needs to be hanging on a wall for show.

Michelle said...

i love this quilt! it inspires me to attempt a spider web quilt one day!

KulaMom said...

Absolutely beautiful quilt! ...and I have to admit, even though I voted for the other backing, the polka dot is perfect. And I love the striped binding too!! Good job.

Anonymous said...

That is one amazingly fabulous quilt!! Hooray for you! :D

Anonymous said...

Amazing! You are truly talented :)

mandbrid said...

WOW! I love it!

Emily said...

I remember when you showed your first blocks way back when. Now that it's done, it is fantastic! I think you could call yourself a quilter WAY before this one! :)

Collette said...

It is simply gorgeous! Of course, I would've called you a quilter way before now but I totally get it.

Malinda said...

Congratulations, it's beautiful!

Leeanne said...

Really stunning...that will be a heirloom. Pat yourself on the back as you deserve it.

eva said...

as always!!


Laurel H. said...

Yay! You did it! I was wondering when you'd finish this; I'd been eyeing this on your sidebar (last year) for awhile...

Once again, congratulations! It looks fabulous. :)

Wonky Girl said...

Oh my, oh my! Just beautiful! Makes me want to get back to the one I started last year.
Congrats on finishing yours!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this quilt! LOVE.IT. I And the dots on the back and the stripes on the binding. Genius.

I'm pretty sure you were already an official quilter before this quilt was finished!

Janet said...

This is absolutely fabulous!

Annessa said...

Beautiful! Something you should be very proud of and enjoy.

Unknown said...

This quilt is amazing! It *almost* makes me want to try a string quilt. ;)

And I love your straight line quilting. I've seen several string quilts with custom free motion quilting or meandering, but I think I like your quilting the best! (Another idea to file away for the string quilt that I'll never make! haha!)

It's always nice when you can "quilt away" those waves in quilts, isn't it? :) Been there, done that!

Alexis said...

Beautiful! I love the quilting you did on it, too. Congratulations on a beautiful finish!

Laurence said...

Very beautiful quilt. I like your quilting design.

Beth said...

This is an absolute work of art and love. And it's wonderful that you used scraps, so each "web" will remind you of so many other quilts, some of which you probably gave away. You've inspired me to think about making a scrap quilt for that very reason.

Yay for you! And thanks.

Manda said...

Fantastic quilt!

Jenny said...

That's fabulous, well done indeed!

Kathrin said...

Great job, wonderful quilt, you're really a quilter!

Contented Caroline said...

It's gorgeous and I'll bet you slept peacefully knowing that your little beauty is complete. A bright, colourful heirloom - what a joy.

Marit said...

Congratulations, AmandaJean! It is beautiful and I love the way you quilted it! Thank you for sharing. I want to make myself a big (twin) spiderweb, too!
Did you piece this one on paper?

; )

Sue said...

Amazingly beautiful quilt. I love all the brights against the white and you are right about how great the spots and stripes look. Well done!

Fulvia said...

Very well done indeed; no wonder you are so very pleased--you have every right to be ... and you tackled those pesky seam intersections beautifully. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

SzycieUli / UlaSewing said...

Congratulatons! it is incredible!

deebriese said...


Diane said...

Congratulations! It's awesome. A string spider web is on my to do list...
I love the quilted star surprise on the back as well.

Chris {frecklemama} said...

This is a testament to commitment! Well done. I love the quilting and especially the surprise stars. You have a great ability to remind us that quilt projects can be broken into bite-sized pieces to make them less overwhelming. Almost two years in the making and look how worth it! Congrats.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

You quilt is beautiful! You should be very proud. I love the quilting you did - simple and not over done!

Thimbleanna said...

Holeee Cow! Ya know, I never much cared for these spider web quilts, but YOU have changed that -- yours is beautiful! This isn't the first time you've done that either -- you have the most amazing eye Ms. Crazy. Love it. It's GORGEOUS. Congratulations on yet ANOTHER fabulous finish!!!

Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

Absolutely FANTASTIC! I don't know if I'd have the patience for this one.

Akobell said...


PunkiePie (Jen) said...

It's BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations to you for getting it done.

pinsandneedles said...

Beautiful work! A great finish!

~dawn~ said...

Wow! That's absolutely beautiful. Lots of hard work that you will really enjoy. Very nice.

KateKwiltz said...

OMG, it's beautiful!

I hope you have it someplace where you can just look at it and pat yourself on the back whenever you walk by.

Congratulations on the finish!

sweetbabies00 said...

It's beautiful!

Nancy said...

What an absolutely wonderful quilt. I just love all the colors. You did an amazing job.

Maryjonono said...

Gorgeous! Congratulations on completing it!

Suzanne said...

Congratulations on getting this one done and quilted! It's amazing! I love the stars on the back too - so much fun.

Amy said...

I'm so glad you conquered your fears and ended up with a beautiful heirloom quilt! It's fantastic!!!

TaraB said...

This is amazing!!! I hope to make one of these one day! Maybe I will start it at my next quilt retreat. That is only 6 weeks away...

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

It's gorgeous! It definitely has that heirloom quilt feel. I love the star that the quilting made. You're definitely a great quilter. It's funny you said that, as I was cleaning thread out of my vacuum I was thinking about the time we had company over and there were threads on the floor in various parts of the house. My husband said that's what happens when you live with a quilter. Who me? After so many quilts it's funny how I still didn't feel worthy of that title. You are a quilter!!!

Lisa H. said...

Supremely beautiful! Just lovely. I'm in awe.

Heather G. said...

Absolutely other way to describe it!

Dolly said...

Hooray, hooray........a job well done and happily FINISHED !

Just wonderful !

Meg said...

That is truly a masterpiece--you should be proud as all get out!!

Jessica Christensen said...

You rock, girl! Congrats on an AMAZING finish. I do love it, thinking about making one, but there's no way I can start something new. Right? This is just the sort of intricate quilt I am drawn to -- and never finish. Love, love, LOVE yours. I have a ton of scraps.

Di~ said...

Wow, you go girl! It is great! I'm impressed that you can remember when you began. I can't recall what year I started mine...

Anonymous said...

Love how your quilt turned out; I'm making the same one with a yellow center, but am only about half way through the piecing. Pls tell me how you quilted it so that you had a stars on the back. Did you just stitch quarter inch in from each seam?
Always so much inspiration in your blog.
thanks, Jam

Hannah said...

Wow. You'd better be mighty happy with this one!!! I think it'd take me a lot longer than two years to complete one :-). It's awesome.

satsumababy said...

Gorgeous! I have a spiderweb WIP, too, and you have inspired me to work on it tonight!

Clair said...

Splendiferous! And a quilter is one who quilts, so you have been one for 10 years.

Anonymous said...

WOW - that's one beautiful quilt. You did a wonderful job on this. I love scrap quilts. I have this one on my bucket list. And I know the feeling of having a top done and then I am afraid of quilting it, don't want to ruin it. Thanks for sharing.

Dandelion Quilts said...

I love this. It is so cheerful, and great choice in quilting, too.

Anonymous said...

It is just lovely. yes, you can proudly call yourself a real quilter.

peaknits said...

Wow, Amanda Jean, another beauty! But if you are just calling yourself a quilter now - egads, what am I?:) You are amazing!

Denice said...

that is an amazing quilt. heirloom quality for sure. i love the way you quilted it! i love the fabrics! i love everything about this quilt! thanks for the inspiration. im saving my scraps for this one too. ill get back to you about it in probably 5 years, lol!

amy smart said...

I remember when you started this quilt - right about the time I started reading quilting blogs. And I bookmarked that tutorial because I was so in love with your blocks.

Well, I have yet to start that project, but I've sure enjoyed looking at yours. Congratulations on a very fine accomplishment. :)

Rustic Barnyard said...

Wow, I love it

Rachel said...

That is a beautiful quilt!!! The time and work that went into it were well worth it!

Jenny said...

It's so beautiful! I love to come to your blog to see what you're working on. Congrats on finishing it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - it really is gorgeous!

supergoof said...

I *L*O*V*E* it!!!

WendyLou said...

Truly stunning! Maybe the quilting went so smoothly because you pinned so well :)

Shev said...

Personally, I thought you were already a quilter! Gorgeous quilt - congratulations on making it and finishing it :)

Andrea said...

Wow! It looks great. Did you work on it consistently--daily, weekly, monthly-- from the time you started to the time you finished?

Someday said...

Wow. And wow again looking at the stars formed on the back! And yes, great picks from your friend at the quilt store, but this is a masterpiece that you get the credit for!

Meagan said...

I love the spiderwebs! Thanks for linking to the tutorial. It looks like fun, I will probably add one of these to my list of future projects!

Joanna said...

You have a right to be proud. Your quilt is a masterpiece:)

Lynne said...

Wow. Amazingly beautiful.

PatchCreationen said...

Congratulations ! This quilt ist absolutely great.

Shauna said...

You should be pleased as punch - it's spunky and fun!

sulu-design said...

Oh, so you're a quilter now, huh? What is it you've been doing all these years?
I'm blown away by the work on this one, Amanda Jean. The intricacy of it, the quilting lines, the colors... bravo.

mika in ATL said...

oh my - I would die for something like this. Absolutely gorgeous! Congrats.

Kelly Casanova said...

An amazing quilt!

Kaelin said...

This is so beautiful! I love scrappy quilts because each little piece of fabric reminds you of the specific projects you originally bought them's like a big scrapbook of memories you can sleep under!

You did a fabulous job and those 2 years of hard work really paid off!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Wahoooo! Honey, we've been calling you a quilter for a long time now, so it's about time you did too! :) Love it. The surprise stars are my favorite!!!

Jeanne said...

That turned out beautifully!!

(and if you're not a quilter I'm not sure who is...when quilt designers mention you on their blogs during Market you HAVE to be legit!)

Mama Spark said...

Just now a quilter? HA! Love how it turned out!! Great job.

Mary said...

This is truly an awesome quilt!! I've been wanting to make a spider web quilt and this was definitely inspiration to get the wheels in motion.
Thanks so much for sharing.

fiberdoodles said...

What an amazing quilt! I want one ;0)

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda,

Just wanna know how does it looks after washing? Does it have the crinkly looks like the normal stippling effect?


LuAnn said...

Beautiful quilt, and you did a fantastic job of quilting it.

Threeundertwo said...

Standing ovation. In fact, standing on a chair ovation. Congratulations! I'm especially impressed with the quilting through all those layers! You are my hero.

Kim Brackett said...

I'd say you're definitely a quilter! It's gorgeous!

heidi said...

well done!

Rhonda said...


Ruth said...

The quilt is AWESOME!!! Isn't Bonnie Hunter great for putting all those tutorials in here site?

Amanda said...

It is gorgeous - congratulations on finishing such a beautiful masterpiece!!!

EmileeHope said...

Someday I hope to take on the spiderweb challenge...just not yet! That is such a time consuming project! Great is amazing!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

You should be proud of it, this one is divine. The colours are beautiful and I adore that stripe binding and the dotty backing. The quilting brings it all up a treat. Fabulous quilt. xo

happy zombie said...

GASP AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't decide if I want to use stunning, beautiful, breathtaking, work of art or magnificent. I need to use all of them... what a stunning, beautiful, breathtaking, magnificent work of art!!!

Melissa Price said...

Oh, it's absolutely stunning! I love, love, love it! I am uber-impressed with the end result - the colors, the backing, the binding, the QUILTING! It is fabulous... : )

Eileen said...

Love this quilt!!!!!!!! You did a wonderful job, CONGRATS

Hannah said...

I like the quilting you did! What a fun quilt!

mo said...

That quilt is beyond fantastic!! You are inspiring me to get off my can and get one of those started.

Mary Sunshine said...

This is a breathtakingly stunning quilt. I love, love, love it! Congratulations on completely such an intricate and massive project!

Kimberly Whispell said...

Absolutely Gorgeous! And a wonderful display of scraps. As always I am completely impressed!

Shelina said...

This is a gorgeous quilt! It is definitely on my list of quilts to make!

Tif said...

that's gorgeous!!!!!! and congratulations! now, i always considered you a quilter, you are like, the master of all spiderwebs quilter!!!

Laura said...

What a beautiful quilt!

Anita D. said...

Its size is part of the reason it's so amazing. How big is it?

Annalia said...

I thought you must have planned those little stars - so cute!

Amelia said...

Stunning! I am hoping to quilt my spiderweb quilt the same way :)

deebriese said...

Just Stunning!

Lisa said...

Amanda Jean I just love your blog! I have been following it for a while now. This post inspired me to make my own spider quilt. I have just started my own blog, still trying to get the hang of it. So much to learn, but really fun. Next week I am going to post about the spider quilt and will link back to this post. Thanks for all the inspiration! Lisa

Elisa Black said...

Congratulations on such a wonderful finish!! I absolutely LOVE it and I'm glad you're pleased with it, too and are using it-- ENJOY! Thanks for posting the tutorial for it-- I'll definitely add that one to my future projects list!!