Yesterday was a dreary day and it felt like an applique day, so I thought I would get out this quilt and see how big my quilt would end up being.

Well, it's a pretty good size (42" x 53.5") considering the block construction and considering that this is my first applique project. However, it's not large enough to wrap up in, and it would be a shame to never be able to do so.

Well, it's a pretty good size (42" x 53.5") considering the block construction and considering that this is my first applique project. However, it's not large enough to wrap up in, and it would be a shame to never be able to do so.
This morning I did a little math to see how many more blocks I would need to make it a decent sized lap quilt. Part of me REALLY wants to finish this right now. Part of me knows I'll be forever kicking myself if I don't make it just a little bit (107 blocks, to be precise) larger. Oh, the trials of a quilter.
It is really looking gorgeous.
Keep going! You can't put that much work into something that beautiful only to not use it.
Are they something you could do while waiting for the kids at school, or practice, or whatever? Maybe then you could keep doing them without guilt? Not that you need to feel guilty for not finishing it now but I know how it can be sometimes.
I love how this is looking! Could there be a compromise by adding some borders or sashing so you could make it bigger without all the handwork?
Maybe you could just add some borders to it to make it larger and save you some time!
Gorgeous !
go big or go home
you'll regret it later if you don't.
It's so beautiful! I say go for it or regret it! You can do it.
Keep going! It will be so worth it! And you can always add some chunky borders for a little extra girth. :)
that quilt is amazingly beautiful and fun! i LOVE it! keep going!! id be a shame if it was never snuggled with!
I like this. I agree with maybe adding a border or two...maybe some sashing. That way it would be done quicker. I really like the colors.
I'm so glad you started blogging again. I'm a newby quilter, but your site is getting me more inspired.
I agree with Kris--borders!
Or maybe mix in some blocks that are only partially appliqued (like 1 of the 4 corners) to play with the pattern a bit
surely you will still be 'on the go' and can continue..... just don't work on it AT HOME, though..... (that would appease my conscience...) besides, it's summer somewhere, right??
What about sashing or some borders? Or just enjoy the process and sew away. Looks beautiful!
keep going- it's so pretty! you've already put so much into it.
I agree with sashing or adding borders.
I have to know what the bunny fabric on the top of the pictured pile is! My 2 year old loves bunnies, but i've had a difficult time finding bunny fabric i love...
It looks so wonderful! I know what you mean about wanting to wrap up in it - and it will be so cozy when it's done!
Whether you keep going with more blocks or adding sashing and borders I think you should go with what your gut is saying, and make it bigger :0)
Yes! I know the problem! Never too early to sew it up, but then, when you finish it, never enough big!
kimberly owens,
the bunny fabric is a few years old. i believe it's by holly holderman (lakehouse dry goods). i don't have the selvage anymore so i can't be more precise than that, unfortunately. good luck!
That's lovely!
Jaybird cracked me up: go big or go home. HAHA. Don't kick yourself, but do make it the larger size, whether you have to make extra blocks or add a border or whatever. You'll always be glad you did that. (Ha! I'm a big talker--I don't even DO applique...)
And your answer to Kimbelry Owens kind of cracked me up too, because since cutting off the selvage of nearly every fabric I own, it DOES make it hard to identify at a later date. Oh well...the selvages look so pretty in other projects.
It's a beautiful quilt, whatever you do - but what if you changed the proportions to make it a square, then bordered it? If my calculations are right, you could make 20 more of the appliqued leaf blocks, then put another row on the left hand side (a row being 7 sets of four leaf blocks; then you would have a 49" square block. Add a 6" border all the way around, and you've got about 60" of square sofa-cuddling goodness!
just a little bit bigger is going to be looks so great already
It's looking fantastic alreay, but a little larger will make it just perfect for you! Love it :)
Whata great idea to do those little ones throughout the summer. I love the look of this quilt. Don't stop now!
Of course, I vote bigger, but you probably knew I would. Bigger is better!
definitely make it bigger!
You could add borders, including one of a "zig-zag" of leaves in between borders? Then you make it bigger but balanced.
It's absolutely beautiful. It would be a shame not to make it larger, but then again, applique quilts always seem to wear worse when used. You could always make it a wall hanging quilt, there it would be beautiful and a little less likely to wear out.
I found some on ebay :-) Thank you so much!
Beautiful! I agree, I have the same problem that I want to make everything big enough to snuggle under on the couch. Don't want to go thru all that work and end up with something that's not useful! :)
I'm sure you'll be glad you continued. I'm glad you're enjoying adventures in applique - I love it.
Put a great BORDER around it, then you can finish in no time! Borders always look great.
The story of my life. *wink*
If you'll be kicking yourself forever then you know you have to do it! It's beautiful. It'll be worth it.
Only 107???? No problem, a quilter's life is not measured by the the amount of quilts we make, but by the amount of times they take our breath away!
I love this quilt!! You must finish it...maybe add some borders to make it bigger?!
It is really lovely!
You have made SO much progress on this project since you first began! I know what you mean about being torn, wanting to finish right now, but knowing in your heart you will want to curl up in this beauty later. Keep pushing on - it will be so worth your extra efforts!
It its beautiful, and I think you should keep going!!
it's amazing to see how many blocks you finished throughout the summer; plus super woman with the amazing speed and zip like you; needn't worry about a 'measily' 107 more blocks. in your world and speed; you can have them finished by tomorrow! :)
Don't stress about it - it can be next summer's on-the-go project too! :)
it's cute! i definitely agree that it needs to be big enough to wrap up in, so those 107 squares are necessary. maybe you keep it as your on the go project and finish it in the winter or something!
i decided to extend my grandmother's flower garden by many many hexagons and didn't regret that either; now i have a huge, beautiful quilt to wrap up in.
It's beautiful!
Keep going! You can do it!
LOL, you're singing my song.
Make it bigger.
Beautiful! I read a few of the comments that suggested sashing and borders. If you want to save time, that sounds like the way to go to me!
You'll be done in no time and we'll all wonder..."how'd she do that?"...
I agree with that last line too...
Oooh, the trials we endure! ;)
I know what you mean. I say make it bigger while you can. It is just gorgeous.
kimberly owens,
i'm SO EXCITED that you found some bunny fabric on ebay. wahoo!!! it's SUCH nice fabric. i love it!
beautiful!! keep on keepin' on!!
In my opinion, finish that bottom row , put a border on it then make a few more blocks to make an outside border. Doing so would cover all the bases. It shouldnt feel like you are 'cheating' ,keeps it unique and pretty, and most importaint makes that last mile fly.
Keep on truckin'!! Maybe you could make it your "out the door in a baggie" project and do just a few more. You'll be so proud while you're sitting pretty, all wrapped up in it some day. It's looking FABULOUS!!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
I love the way this quilt is coming together. It is wonderful. It’s going to be beautiful when finished.
Jaybird said exactly what I was going to say. Plus, I think you should throw in some dark blues/purples.
I agree, make it bigger. I have a few quilts that I didn't make as big as I should have, and regret it now. With something that pretty you can't stop until your gut tells you it's right!!
I really like that you varied your background fabrics.....I don't think I have seen that before with this pattern. Very nice !
And, yes, I'm like would be nice to finish it now, but what would you have. You'd forever be wishing it were larger, or starting another one eventually !
It's worth the extra work and the wait !
WOW - this is beautiful - I would audition some sashing fabrics - a great way to make it bigger - sort of instant gratification :-)
no matter what you do it will be great!!
super quilt... go for bigger... or add a border!
Oh I love that quilt and now I want to make one. You can do it! You'll be done in no time I'm sure. Good luck!
It's gorgeous. Bigger would be better.
Be a happy tortoise and keep going
It is worth it.
it's beautiful, you did a great job! but you should really keep going, you'll be glad that you did!
It is gasp aloud gorgeous! Definitely make it bigger- it will be even more beautiful!
It's beautiful! Keep going or you will regret it later! Ask me how I know?? :)
Keep going! You're doing'll love it when it's done. Heck, I love it now!
Gorgeous! Keep going!
I love that quilt. Make it big enough to cuddle in under or you will never forgive yourself. It is stunning and will be well worth the extra effort. Says someone who hasn't even finished her first quilting project in life. However, I love yours!
oh I hear you baby!!!!
Nice job. I really like your designs, they are always an inspiration.
Have a happy day, from Barcelona(Spain).
Oh, you must keep making more squares. Don't settle for a border, don't make it small...You have a nice long cold winter ahead of you to cuddle on the couch and make 107 more. -- Ann
Keep going! (Here I am cheering for you to applique until it seems like the right size!!)
Looking good! I also would want it a little bigger...maybe a border?
What size are your blocks and the leaf? Did you have a template or did you just make it up? Looks like something I need to do!!!!
Cheers Geniene
Gosh! Your my hero! Just beautiful...
What about an inner border and then some more blocks on a larger scale? It looks great so far!
It looks beautiful, like the other quilts you show. I just found your blog and I Love it ;)
Kisses from Spain. Andrea
A lot of people use hexagons for a take-along project. Yours is a great idea. I'm doing a Kaffe quilt, and I may just start saving the scraps that I thought were too small to do anything with. I'd love to know how big each of your melon sections is.
It really is beautiful...either way you go, it will be a treasured quilt!
Oh gee we all understand this battle. Persevere if you can for the long term... if not, put some lovely borders and on and snuggle!
It's lovely :-)
I was sitting in Church this morning thinking about your quilt (while I listened to the sermon OF COURSE) and I thought I must tell you that you need to make the quilts bigger as the kids get bigger. Honestly my teenagers are constantly nagging me to make the quilts bigger!
Go for'll be glad you did...looks beautiful!
Hahaha -- the trials indeed. Applique projects take YEARS for me and lots of patience. Keep plugging away -- it will be done before you know it. I really love how it's looking!
Or a really nice couple of borders and call it done :0)
You've done a great job so far!
Is it talking to you and letting you know what it wants to be done?
Happy Sewing
What a gorgeous quilt....just keep going! It will be so satisfying to snuggle up under that beauty when it is done!!
Do keep going. This is a beautiful quilt top so far.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Beautiful! Gasp! ANOTHER quilt you make me want to make. STOP IT!
Ah, but it will be so ridiculously gorgeous (and snuggle-able!) once it is done! Sometimes knowing something in advance doesn't always seem like a good thing...!
I would do a border maybe solid border followed by a scrappy pieced border. I think it is just gorgeous!
Stick with your gut. It it says bigger=lots more loving...go for it. Delayed gratification. Looks fabulous!
Have I mentioned how glad I am you're back? Not that I like hearing you suffer about your art, but it's so refreshing to hear someone else talk about how plans change partway through the process. Also, now that you've finished the spiderweb (that gorgeous piece!) you really need something big hanging around being the elephant in the corner, don't you?
Oh, but you must persevere. It is such a beauty. Love your choice of colors. You WILL be happy when you're all wrapped up in it. And you will look smashing, too!
Greta H.
I am so glad you returned to blog about your quilting. You are a bright spot in my days. Thank you.
Man AJ, what in the heck is Liberty tana lawn??? ~red in the face...
Wow!! I love it!! I love the scrappy look to it too. Gorgeous!!!!
it's beautiful! Could you link me to how to make one myself please?
Your blocks are beautiful ..... keep on going and pretty soon you will be so thankful that you kept at it.
Your blocks look wonderful. If the thought of doing 107 more blocks is too much perhaps you could work out some interesting borders to make the quilt the size you would like?
oh you definitely need to keep going. It's too fantastic not to have it in a usable size.
Looks great! I agree with you--you'll be so grateful you kept going once it is done.
This is going to be a beautiful quilt and bright and cheery for our dreary northern winters! Makes me wish I had the patience for this kind of quilting.
wow! Your applique is beautiful! I have wanted to make one of these orange peel quilts, but the applique always caused me to find a different project
How about some nice borders, finishing with a lovely scalloped border.
Wow! That is beautiful!! :) I think I would definitely make it a little larger. I totally know how frustrating it can be when you want a project to be finished, but it's always worth it in the end to take the time to make it just right. :) Good luck! And even if it is smaller, you could use it as a car blanket or something (That's my next quilting project I want to do: make some quilts for the car so there is always something to snuggle up in during the winter.) Best of luck!! :)
LOVE the colors of the fabric!
It's a beautiful quilt, would look great on the wall. But I agree, a beautiful quilt you can't snuggle in is a missed opportunity. Good luck finishing it!
your non-border quilts are stunning, keep going!
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