Monica left a question on my last post, "honestly, how many quilts do you have in your home?"
To that I say, what a good question. (I immediately went to count.)
I will give you the answer, but first, I thought it might be fun to let you guess.
I am counting baby quilts, lap quilts and bed quilts. Doll quilts and wall hangings were not included in the final tally. Only finished quilts are counted.
The person who guesses the closest or correctly will win this stack of 10 fat quarters.
No anonymous comments and only one guess per person please. Also, make sure that there is a way for me to contact you in the event that you should win.
My son said that the number was quite a surprise and I had to agree.
I'll close the contest sometime on Thursday.
Now give it your best shot! I can't wait to see what you guess.
edit: the contest is now closed.
1 – 200 of 262 Newer› Newest»Ooh, tough one. And there is good incentive, that's a gorgeous stack of fabric... That should be the next question: how big is your stash?
To the question at hand, my answer is 51.
I came out during the quilt-a-long (that I still haven't finished) and here I am again... my guess is 42. I am curious though - with 2 little ones in the house, how do you find TIME to get so much sewing done??? :-) amy
I'm going to guess 54! :)
You give so many away that I'm guessing the surprise is how low the number is. I guess 12.
I'm going to guess 72.
I'm going to guess 26...
Probably way off here, but I'm going to go with 33. I've never been good at guessing numbers and would never make it to a showcase on the price is right. But it sounds like just enough to be a little crazy, but not enough for your family to be considering an intervention.
I'm going to guess 22... :o)
I'll give it a shot...25! Although I know you've made millions more!!
I am going to guess 55.
I really have no idea how you manage to get so much done - everytime I visit your blog I feel so *unproductive* :) Maybe as my kiddos get older....
Anyway, my guess is going to be 18
87 is my guess.
More the merry I say.
My guess is 65, huge number. I'll be interested to know what the final count actually is.
Beautiful fat quarters!
I'm thinking you give many away...so how about 24?
Argh. All of my guesses were taken LOL. My guess will be 27.
I'm guessing 44...
My guess is 13. =)
13 is my guess. Enough for each bed and a few to snuggle. I think you gifted the rest
My first guess was taken but now I am sure the count is 56!!!!
My guess is 68!
Ok if you are anything like me you have A LOT. I probably have (yikes!) 70. So I'll guess maybe you have more than me so I'll say 82.
I'm going to go ridiculously high and say 86.
I had a very elaborate equation going in my head...the years you've been quilting times a constant progression of quilts per year divided by the percentage you give away...alright I'm confused now. I say 23. I hope no one else said that, I lost track of that too. :)
35 is my guess. :)
I am always impressed with how quick you can do one so I am guessing 40.
oh well I have no idea lol
your quilts are beautiful I will say 7
hugs Beth
I'll guess 48.
I'm going to guess 19 (mostly because that quantity hasn't been claimed yet!).
My guess is 36.
I'm going to say 28
I'm going with 73... I think that number hasn't been guessed yet. Fun!!
My guess is 28!
Okay, someone already guessed my number before me so I'm going to change it and say 14. I'm guessing that you gave a lot away and that's why your son was surprised by the number you actually have, since you make so many. I'm anxious to see the real number because my initial thought was much higher, but then I thought you probably don't have all of them that you've made. Hmmmmm. So, my guess is 14. (If I win I'll send you my address.)
I am going to say 38, someone got in before me for the # I had thought of first (and the second and third #).. why 38? thats how old I'll be next month and I figure a quilt a year is achievable...
I'm guessing 42. Because it's usually the answer to anything. :)
I am going to have to say 70!!! I have no idea but I think I would have that many if I had your talent.
My guess is 21.
I like the number 21.
Let's go with 66. :)
I am the 42 commenter so I'm going to guess 42.
I'm going to guess 47
i guess 8.
I'm going to go with 29.
I say 82. keep posting them. I love to see them.
Oooo...someone else said 42 already so I'm going to say *One Hundred* and Forty Two!
(I'm totally going to loose with this guess.)
I'm guessing 43?
I'm going with 31 - and they are all beautiful!!!
OK I'm going to say 10.
My guess is 86. Sounds like a good number to me and they add quicker than one thinks.
Assuming you make a lot of quilts to give away and not to keep, I will guess 19.
56 is one of my favorite numbers so that's my guess!
Ohh I shall go out on a limb and say 99 - cause it always seems to me to be a number to aspire too...vbg. Love your quilts and I especially love the blue log cabin one - simply stunning.
My guess is 47. I absolutely love seeing the beautiful quilts you create. It is quite an inspiration. Shannon (shannon.godfrey@hotmail.com)
I am going to guess 75. I don't think I saw that number in the comments.
How about 35?
Hmm....not really sure to guess high or low on this one...I'm going to say 32!
34 methinks!
I love the raspberry lemonade one! Howabout 48?
I'd say 17.
oops, just read through the posts,
new answer: around 25 quilts
I'm going to guess around 43 quilts.
I can't even imagine how many you've made over the last eight years!!!
YEAH! I'm so inspired!!!
hmmm how about 93?
Well, you always seem to give quilts away so I do not think you have very many in the house. So, my guess is going to be 13.
I say probably 78 quilts. You have quite a variety and keep a good record of them. Please let us see more.
I'll guess 51.
Well I want to say 100s but I reckon you give most of them away, so I'll go for 30.
57 is my guess...
I will guess 44. I agree that you give a great number away.
Fun game! I'm guessing 15. Tax day.
I'm going to guess 66.
Since a couple of my guesses are taken, and you were really surpirsed, I'm going to go really low and guess FIVE.
Because you give most of 'em away. :D
I'll guess 64. You should do a photo shoot of all of them when you post the answer!
Oy, lots of comments to read through! I would have guessed 8, but since someone took it, I will guess 7.
(I dont think you have a lot of old ones lying around. I havent made a lot, but I sure do have a lot of old ones lying around here.)
Hi Amaanda!
Well, here goes my guess... 63. I don't think anyone else guessed that number!
PS- I saw the stripped boxes at AJ's last weekend- they are so cute!
With 8 currently in progress - I would imagine you have piles on every surface! I know lots are gifts =) How about 47?!
It will be fun to know!!
Just posting one more time, since I made a typo in my URL in my original comment. Sorry! Still guessing 64.
My gut said 36, but that seems to be taken. Do I need to go against my gut to pick one that hasn't been picked? If so, I pick 39. But for the record, 36 is what my belly said.
I have to say 11... I know it sounds low... but that's my number and I'm sticking to it! I have no idea if someone else picked it - I can't sit and read through all of the comments tonight - trying really hard to get the quilt along quilt done! Great idea for the contest - I LOVE Those fat quarters!!!
okay, my guess is 18. I know your cabinet is not full yet, and you are very generous, so i say 18.
My guess is 46.
66 is my guess :)
Well all my guesses have been taken, but I didn't see a 49 in there. Maybe??? I know you give many away, but I still think you have plenty of quilts hanging out at home! :)
I'll go crazy and guess 105! I know you quilt like crazy! Fun contest!
I give it a try and think 17!
Thanks for the fun, the FQ's are njammie!
I guess 16 quilts. However many there are, thanks for sharing them with us. It is awfully inspiring to see your work and how much you get accomplished!
Nichole P.
Ooops sorry, 17 has been taken already ...
My guess is 39.
Sylvia :)
26 And, that's my final answer. (lol) Can't wait to find out the real answer.
The math teacher in me LOVES Roxanne's guess! 11 and 10 were taken so I am going with 9... You are very generous...
I guess there are 100.
I'm going to guess 16 :-)
31 quilts
I'm going to say 23, and that's a low ball guess, because I know you give a lot away....
45 is my guess & no one has used that # yet.
I love your blog. . . .wish I could be half as productive as you are!!!
I'm sure that's low ... I'd love to see the quilt you'd make with that beautiful fabric!
My guess is 35. :-)
Hmmmmmm......I think 44.
Hope nobody said that yet :)
I'll guess 76 (only because that's how many trombones you need apparently - and it is the only number under 80 that hasn't been picked yet - LOL)
Thanks for such a fun contest!
Holy cow that's a lot of comments! :) My guess is far more conservative ... 36?!? By the way ... are you still going to do the next quilt-a-long mentioned? I want to start stocking up if you do! :)
OMG, I'm a bit late to this one, but just off the cuff.....how about 29 quilts?......And please count me in for your next quilt-a-long. I need to chew up some of the stash.
I guess 33. I hope I win!!!!
I'm going out on a limb, here, and guessing 103. Because I am the 103'd commenter and I'm thinking you have a TON because on your blog you show several quilts-in-progress a week, and you finish them all so quickly and *surely* you've not given ALL of those away?
And I hope I'm the closest because I want that stack of fat quarters! :)
Given all the categories you chose I will go for 123
No idea how long you have been quilting but when you add all the small ones it, it does mount up
my guess is 32
I'm guessing 109 because my guess and then my back up number were taken. I love every quilt you make. I also feel like a slacker compared to you. Keep up the good work.
I'm going to say 97. I love that monocrohmatic quilt in the previous post!
hmm... I'm going to guess 29. I don't know if that number has been taken yet, I got lost in all these comments. :-)
I really enjoy all your quilts...and for taking the time to answer an email or two from a stranger.
I'm guessing 28. I hope that hasn't been picked yet!
I'm guessing 118. Because 18's my favourite number and that's been taken. I'm guessing that with doll quilts, etc the number should be fairly high...?
Wow, you are such an inspiration! my belly says 54. I REALLY want that prize!
I'm going to say 23. I found 13 in my house and you seem to make quilts way more than I do!
I counted all of mine and I have 44, so this is my guess also.
If you count only the ones in your home and not include the ones you have given away I say 26.
I think 43 will be my guess :-)
Oh I just found out that Marcia allready picked that number. Well I guess I just stick with 26 since so many numbers are allready mentioned.
Your so very productive...I am going to have a bit of a bash at 67...
How about 93. That sounds pretty crazy, but you are awfully prolific. I hope you are counting those that may be stored.
Hola Amandajean !! I think that you have 43 quilts . Hugs from Chile , Vero
my guess is 104
I don't think 62 has been guessed, so that is my guess. whatever the number, it is a beautiful collection not to mention all that you have given away.
80!? My final answer. :)
It's tough to find a number that hasn't been taken. I'll choose 41.
I'm guessing 7. Got to be a low number with how many you give away.
I'll guess 50! :0) I started counting the ones I could think of off the top of my head, and they started adding up pretty fast. Remember, it is how many quilts in the house.... I would guess there are some there that were made by others for you, too....
I didn't read any other comments, so I wouldn't be persuaded....I guess 63!
That is a lot of comments! I'm guessing 15 because the actual number of quilts in our house, is not very big, I tend to give most of them away.
I'll guess 52 That is a lot, but you make great work!
I'll take 6 since I think it's low and that's the last low number that hasn't yet been guessed (i think!)
I am going to say 62. And I love every single one of them.
I'll guess 32.
My guess is 20.
I was just thinking of a quilt with blue, that stack of fabric would be perfect to get me started.
I don't know how you find the time to make all these great quilts, you're my inspiration and I hope to do more this year.
you have such beautiful quilts....i am going to guess 54!
I'll give it a try and guess you have 101 quilts in your home. Counting small and big items.
My first guess was going to be 23, but at least 2 others have chosen that number, soooooooo, I'm going to guess 37. I hope it's lucky for me.
Thanks for sharing with all of us!
Hmm. I know you give a ton of them away, so I think it will be a low number. 8. I'll guess 8.
Has anyone said an even 60 yet? Gosh, however many there are, I'm sure they're all gorgeous. If by some crazy chance I win that yummy stash of fabric, I'll send along my address. For a novice quilter like myself, you inspire me!
I will go with 16!
ok. here is my go.... 29. i think that is enough. i am going to have to go and count mine now, very curious.
I have seen so many completed quilts on your blog, and each one so beautifully made. As you give away quite a few too, my guess will be 25.
It's hard trying to find a number that some one else hasn't chosen, so here goes... 27.
Good luck every one ^_^
Hmmm, so many picked already but I'll take 49 doesn't seem to be picked from all the post I read so far.
It is possible that you have only a few and then it is possible that you have a ton both being used and being stored...I will go with 39.
My guess is 89. Wallhangings and table runners done't take up much space. I like the suggestion of a photo slide show with the answer!
Darn and the word verification gave me an order. IT was DIETS
My guess ist 16 - I am really looking forward to the real number.
I think 52!
I'll say 23, but only because it is my lucky number, I'm afraid I couldn't guess.
I'm guessing 42.
delurking to guess 94
Perhaps 31?
Oh my gosh, what is an amazing amount?????
74 ???
this is fun. I'll guess 57.
I have no idea if this number is taken.... Hopefully not :-)
92 popped into my head, don't know why, but I'm sticking with it!
Caron in Michigan
Off the top of my head, I have about 31 sitting around my house, so that is my guess for you.
This is fun. I think I have to start counting my quilts to, that might be interesting. And then there is the difference between quilts made and quilts in the house too.
Anyway, I am a relatively new visitor to your blog, so can't make an educated guess but if your blog title says anything I say:
i'll guess 61.
this was a good idea!
75 sounds like a surprising amount - yet achievable at the rate you finish quilts.
With 165 comments already, I doubt teh number I choose will be available! I'm going to say 37!
My guess is 25 ... there's a lot that you've made to give away.
My guess is 101.
I'm going to guess that the number is 27. You make so many, but you also give so many of them away.
Keep stitching, I love to see your work. How you manage it with kids in the house is beyond me!
I've been wondering how many quilts you have, too. Can't wait to find out how many it is. I'm going to guess 73. That's probably too high, but it's the number that popped into my head. :)
How about 18---
29? You'd think I'd have a better idea-but I don't!
certainly less than the number of comments!
i was going to say 22, but that is taken so i'm not guessing. i'm sure i will be surprised - i think you give a lot of them away.
I guess 9.
I'll go the Price-Is-Right route and vote 1.
I'm commenter #176 but I think you have 46 quilts in your home :)
I'm gonna guess 76.
This is CRAZY! Oh, so appropriate for CRAZY Mom Quilts LOL!
OK...my guess is 52. How I came up with that number I will never know!!
I'm going to say 19, right?!?!:)
Love your blog!
I guess 26.
I'm going to say 33.....because while you have made many more than that, I'm sure, I am also thinking many of them were given away and not kept by you.....and I'm thinking you mean for us to guess how many completed quilts you actually have kept at your house and have there now.
HMM I'm going to say 45 can't wait to see what the final count is.
I'm going to say 55!
39 and all of them beautiful! I just love the colors you choose.
I think it is easily higher than we all think. And I don't think we are including all the ones not in your home, then it would be quadruple this number!
I say 37.
I can't wait to find out.
i think that all of the numbers under 100 have been taken. i'll make my true guess and say 9.
I'm going with 24.
hmm- tough one. 51?
LOL!! This is fun! I figure even though I am new to your blog I will make a guess since I love blue fabric...my guess is 58...I had to go through all 184 comments and make sure my guess was not taken! But yes 58 is my final answer! Can't wait to actually know the number!
I also have small children but i am amazed at how much more you get done (what's your secret :) ) Beautiful quilts by the way!
Ummm... I'm gonna guess 34. :cD
Gee Amanda, You have quite a following!! I mean you all ready have 192 commments/guesses. Mine is 45.
I lost track of all the guesses, but I say 38....purely because I don't remember that number yet.
Wow! I scrolled down to the bottom as fast as I could because I wanted to keep my guess "pure." I really have no idea--and this being comment #195, I'm sure someone has already guessed it. That said, I'll go with my age: 37.
I've been lurking for a while--I love your work!
I'll say 32. I know you've made a ton and given them away ... I love your blog!
I am certain you have only 19 quilts in your home.
i quit looking what everyone else said cause my eyes got blurry with all the comments so if 39 isnt already guessed then that's my guess! i love what you do!
there are any numbers left! I'll try 69 I don't think that's been picked!
71 is my guess. Although if I had 71 quilts, I have no idea where I'd put them all! I'm very interested to see what the official count is.
I will guess 52 quilts.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your quilts are beautiful!
My guess is 72.
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