Monica left a question on my last post, "honestly, how many quilts do you have in your home?"
To that I say, what a good question. (I immediately went to count.)
I will give you the answer, but first, I thought it might be fun to let you guess.
I am counting baby quilts, lap quilts and bed quilts. Doll quilts and wall hangings were not included in the final tally. Only finished quilts are counted.
The person who guesses the closest or correctly will win this stack of 10 fat quarters.
No anonymous comments and only one guess per person please. Also, make sure that there is a way for me to contact you in the event that you should win.
My son said that the number was quite a surprise and I had to agree.
I'll close the contest sometime on Thursday.
Now give it your best shot! I can't wait to see what you guess.
edit: the contest is now closed.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 262 of 262I guess 16. I know that number has been guessed so far, but so have most of the other teen numbers (including some repeats). I don't know why, I just think it's that number and not way more or way less.
10!! as in TEN! I think you make a lot, but I also guess you make lots of quilts for others. That’s why I think your son was surprised. Only ten!
(so many comments already, al those people wanting your fab fabric stash!)
Hi, I'm a new, soon to be quilter, with 2 already in the plans. I've been lurking on your blog for awhile, and my guess is 43!
I will guess to say 10. :) You are a generous giver!
Am I totally in the deep end here? LOL
Hmmm ... I'll say 42. And to me that's a whole lot considering you're not counting wallhangings, doll quilts or any that you've given away. My fingers are crossed. :o)
Since the number is only surprising and not shocking, I am guessing it is less than 100. 117 came to mind, though, when I was reading your blog, so that is my story and I am sticking to it. I was certainly surprised how many I had when I moved, but I never counted for an actual number. Thanks for sharing your work, your thoughts and your world.
Absolutely no clue....102?????
Hmmm...... what number hasn't been taken? I think I'll go with 77!
56 is my guess!
I hope I'm not double guessing on the same number but I'd go with 63.
I guess 38. Amanda Jean, you are the fastest quilter and my mind is running wild imaging how many you have and would have kept. I just love your blog!!
I am guessing - 92
I'm always amazed at how many you feature so I'm guessing high: 101
Oh my gosh, two pages of comments... I was going to guess 5, because if you're surprised, it must be low, but someone already chose that one, so my guess is 4.
It seems you give a way most of your quilts, I'd be interested to know which ones you kept!
147. I know that's a lot, but I'm with everyone else, good numbers have already been guessed. I bet if you don't have that many, you would if you also counted all the ones you've made as gifts! :)
How about 25?
13 - sounds like a lucky number (and I don't think that it has been guessed)!!
I got all the way down to tho bottom & hadn't seen 71 until the last comment... SO I'll now guess 76.
It's Jenn again. 76 was already taken too!! I didn't see 72 so I'll stick with 72!
i have no idea if someone's already said this... since as of this minute in time you have 222 comments :-) but... my guess? if you're anything like my aunt, who seems to complete about the same amount of quilts per year as you do... yet gives a great number of them away...
i'm guessing you have ... 60.
enough to have some "nice" ones... some for guest rooms... some for lounging around the house on a cold winter's day... others for decorations on the walls... others for picnics & summer adventures...
here's hoping i'm right! :-)
88 is my guess - hope I am at least close!
I have often pondered the same question. Just how many quilts does AmandaJean have? My guess is 41. It was the first number that came to my head. At first I thought it was a little excessive. :-) Do tell. How many quilts do you have?
OMG girl you have some comments ot go thru here.........in the last year or 2 you have made 50 quilts.......now to guess what is in you house.....hmmmmm......17
My guess of 26 was taken, so I'll go with my backup guess...22. I'm waiting on pins and needles to find out how many you acutally have haha!
Oh my Lord! I've been without internet for a few days and Wow! I come back to find all this inspiration-goodness! You are truly amazing! I love your blog.
Should I put in a guess while I'm at it? ummmm. how about fifty-two
I'll guess you have around 137! I know that sounds high since you said you are only counting quilts that are finished but I'll stick with it anyway. :)
You are my inspiration - you are so wonderfully prolific.
My guess is 63.
Ummm, 84? That seems high, but it's the only number that wasn't taken :-D
I can't possibly read all the comments to see if this number has been taken, but I have to guess 15.
My guess is 35. I am sure you have made many, many more than that but if you are like me, you give many as gifts to family and friends.
I'm guessing 19. I should of paid more attention last week!!
LOVE your quilts! I'm going to guess 21.
Hmmmm....I am going to say 32:)
My blog is called Fifty-Four so that is going to be my guess!
lol. I just caught your blog the other day and i thought this exact same question! So funny someone asked it. I have 3 and i just started quilting this year so i can't imagine where i'll be years from now. I'm betting you give a lot of them away though. I'm sure all the different numbers have been taken but i'm going to guess 42. Love your quilts and am getting inspired for my next one!
btw, those colors of the fat quarter set are awesome!
Can you sometime (or maybe you already have) advice on choosing colors. I find it easy for my son's quilts but every time i try to choose fabric for a bigger one i get nervous. It's a hurdle i'm hoping i can get over otherwise my son will have a bunch of quilts and us none. :-)
Ok, you are going to have to come up with something different now cause so many people are guessing the same amount...you are in trouble girl...Love your blog and your quilts...43 is my guess. hugs, Linda
I'll guess 69. Do you know how many you have made and given away?
No way I was going to read through all these comments! But my guess is...hmmm...56?
Well it's hard to find a number that isn't taken, I'd have to go back and write them all down. Since I don't want to do that I'll just guess 22, I don't remember seeing that number.
My guess is 89
I am going to guess.... 47. :)
Wow - not sure there are many numbers left, but my favorite number is 8 so I will go with 88.
I don't think there are any numbers left, but just for fun I think 63. I have a lot of baby quilts for my little ones, so I think that will raise your number up. Thank you so much for sharing your work. You are such an inspiration!
I'm guessing just for fun -- 10.
Next contest -- how many quilts have you made to date? (or do you even keep track anymore????)
26 is my guess... I know you have made a lot more than that!
Once my friend had a party at her house and guests played "guess how many lions" from her lion collection displayed. We got over 300. But quilts are bigger and handmade, so I'm going 147.
i'm guessing 101..
i'm guessing 17...
(from oz)
Hmmmmm...My guess is 43! But I can't be sure. My initial reaction was a couple hundred, but I have a feeling that you give a lot away.
Wow, what a number of responses! You have quite a readership (or should we call it a bloggership?). I haven't the foggiest idea how many quilts you actually have but I know you make a lot of them. Who knows how many you made prior to your blog! I know you give away a lot so I'm going to guess a nice neat 25.
I'm working on a quilt that was inspired by one of yours. We have a wedding to go to and I just knew I had to give them a quilt. I think it is a compulsion. Since we're moving over the next two weeks and the wedding is two weeks after that I must be crazy! It is fun, though.
Good luck reading all these comments!
Goodness AmandaJean, I bet you didn't expect that kind of a response!! And I'm guessing you're going to end up with more than one winner. And while the prize is good I'm sure people are just having fun and really genuinely interested in how many quilts someone as enormously productive as you has. I'm guessing it is quite a low number at about 11.
New to your blog, just found it today. New to quilting as well. My guess is going to be 43. Curious to know the answer.
22 is my guess...I'm sure it's much higher, but all the good numbers are taken haha! Can't wait to hear the final count! ~Deb
oops, I didn't see my guess from last night...I didn't mean to put it on twice.
By your prolific crafting/quilting -- I'm going to guess -- 47 !
Love your blog
Love your creativity
Love the inspiration it give me !!
you have 33 quilts. just a random number, but one of my favorites.
49? Yeah, 49 plus or minus 40 covers almost all the guesses. So I guess 49 quilts.
I love your blog and work! It has inspired me to make my first quilt this year. I am going to guess 58.
47, Yep, 47. Fun contest.
My guess is 83. Love the fats.
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