Friday, April 18, 2008

I can't think of a name for this quilt.

In my sidebar I called it baby bricks. Anyone want to help me give it a better name? I tell you, when it comes to naming quilts, I pretty much stink.

This is a little baby quilt...made for 3 reasons:

1. I had extra strips cut, I think there were still some leftover from this quilt.

2. I wanted to do a trial run of a brick quilt, mainly to figure out the size that I need to make the 1/2 size bricks on the end of each row, which I never did figure out. There is a free pattern to download here called Amy's Lotus brick path quilt that just has you cut off the extra length, but I don't like doing that because then when sewing the strips together, there is nothing to keep you honest. My seams end up getting skewed and I end up with a trapezoid shaped quilt rather than a rectangle. Not good.

3. And most importantly, I wanted to make some cute quilts to help disguise the ugly ones that I will be donating to the Linus Connection.

Here's the back....

and a closer shot of the fabulously cute binding.

The quilt measures 35.5" x 41.5".

Each brick was cut 4" x 7" can anyone tell me how big to cut that alternate half brick? It's absolutely driving me crazy.


Anonymous said...

I can't help you with the math problem, but my name suggestion is Raspberry Slice. It reminds me of a lovely summer slice we used to have when I was a kid growing up in New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Assuming you use a 1/4" seam allowance, cut the half brick
4 1/2" x 3 7/8". This is based upon the full brick size on the AB site that tells you to cut the full bricks 4 1/2" x 7 1/2". Give it a try.

Ginger said...

You said the bricks are cut at 4x7, so the finished size is 3.5 x 6.5

Half that finished length is 3.25, and then you add half an inch for seams allowances (1/4 each side, so 3.75), which gives you a new cutting dimension of 4 x 3.75

Hope that helps. I love your blog... so many great quilts!

Deb C. said...

I liked the raspberry slice name. I also came up with Raspberry Cheesecake.
Very pretty quilt.

Three Birds Inspired said...

Math - schmath...all I can tell you is that I think it is really cute. (I am also horrible at naming quilts!)

LeeAnn said...

Raspberry slice is a good name. I thought of strawberry lemonade at first.

Donna said...

Since you say you want to make some cute quilts to disguise ugly ones how about "Brick Trick".

By the way I love your blog and haven't seen any "ugly" quilts.


Belvie said...

Hmmmm! Looking at it and seeing the randomly placed yellow bricks made me think..."Skipping Down the Yellow Brick Road". It's a lovely quilt!

Anonymous said...

I like Pink Lemonade for a name.

Anonymous said...

Since it reminds me of a brick pathway I would suggest calling it Strawberry Path.

Gretchen said...

I believe the alternate half brick would need to be 4" x 3 1/2".

That is assuming your 1/4" seam allowance is included, and your finished size of a regular brick is 3.5" x 6.5".

The height wouldn't change, only the width.

A beauty, as always!

lera said...

Another lovely quilt, Amandajean. The colors remind me of bubble gum or cotton candy, but not the shape. I can't help any further.

camillaknits said...

It looks like you got a good answer of 4"x3.75" for the bricks at the end... and I think the quilt looks like Pez...the pink and yellow ones were always my favorites. Cami

Kate said...

I'm with the others who say cut 4"x3.75" ... and I too thought of Pink Lemonade, but also love the name Raspberry Slice. So pretty and how fun to use up precut strips in such a great way!

SandyQuilts said...

Very cute.

Katherine said...

How about Baby Steps? Somehow the bricks make me think of a baby's first steps...

This is a beautiful quilt, Amandajean! You know you hook me everytime with all those scrappy blocks and then the kicker is when you include polka dots... sigh... Love it!

dutchcomfort said...

Ugly ones to hide? Where?
Maybe Girl in Disguise would be a proper name then?
Can’t help with the math problem, sorry!

Roxanne said...

This is so sweet! And what a great charity to give it to!! I especially love the binding too!

Chara Michele said...

I am not even going to attempt the math and I am terrible when it comes to naming finished projects/photos/blog entries. :)

jacquie said...

I agree with the 3.75 x 4. I like Nicolette's suggestion. She is a creative name wizard.

Anina said...

So cute! I can't help you with the math but maybe you could call it "Strawberry Trifle". It has the colors of strawberries and vanilla pudding. :-)

Linda said...

so... if these were cut at 4x7, then I half of the length would be 3.5. Then add seam allowance, only you already have the seam allowance for 1 end figured from the original 4x7, so I would cut them at 4x 3.75. In other words you only have to add the seam allowance to one end of the "length" of the brick.

Very cute quilt! I'm terrible with names, but the pink makes me think of bubble gum for some reason. :0)

beki said...

I'm terrible with names, but it sure is a cute quilt!

John said...

How about Bric-a-Brac? Or Hard Candy? Candy Dish? Cotton Candy? Or Sweet Sorbet? 70 Scoops? (Sorry, I work in the branding field, and once I get started ... )

Mary Sarah said...

It's a cute quilt! I think I like strawberry lemonade too! BTW, great contest!

Anonymous said...

How about Strawberry Lane?

Or Raspberry Lane?

Either one would work nicely.

kawagamanana said...

Ok, when I saw it I thought, two things, "In the Pink" and then "Raspberry Jam"
knowing so well that they are lovely once again. I am still on my third quilt and you have finished another one. You must have a laser cutter...

Sara said...

That is a very cute quilt. I keep forgetting how pretty a simple quilt like that can be...gotta keep that in mind....

Kristin said...

How about Raspberry Lemonade, kind of a combination of the others?

As for the bricks, I agree with Linda. How I figure it out is this: if the cut size is 4 by 7, then finished size of the full brick is 3.5 by 6.5, making the finished size of the half bricks is 3.5 by 3.25. Adding half inch to accomodate a quarter inch seam on each side means that you cut a 4 by 3.75 "half brick", then it will finish to 3.5 by 3.25 inches.

CUTE by any name!

Nanette Merrill said...

I don't know but its darling.

Kristin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thimbleanna said...

Baby rails? Baby fence? Personally, I love Baby Bricks and think it's the perfect name!

Anonymous said...

how about calling the quilt "humpty dumpty's wall" as it is a babies quilt?
janine ( in oz )

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

What a sweet quilt - I love the binding especially. You have some terrific suggestions for names.I was thinking along the lines of "Yellow Brick Road" and then noted it had already been suggested.

Lissa Jane said...

How about Raspberry Sorbet with a Lemon twist?

I am crap at naming quilts.. Mine are usually called 'Lissa's quilt best viewed from afar' or "lissa's quilt best viewed on galloping horseback' LOL

PS have a wonderful weekend and I haven't seen any ugly quilts on your blog either.. do you hide them, or u just funning with us???

Anonymous said...

I love "Raspberry Lane"! When I first saw it I thought of Tetris. However with the wonderful colors I thought it needed a "sweet" twist...It also made me need to google tetris and I found this video about human I think you should name it "Sweet Strawberry Tetris"! Love you Amanda!

Rebekah said...

I made that Amy Butler brick path quilt and just used full blocks on the end and chopped them off when I finished the top (probably not the answer you're looking for, though!)

Philigry said...

beautiful! I must say, i love the name that you already picked for the quilt!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I'm with Giner 4 x 3.75...lovley quilt as soon as I saw it bricks came to stick with 'Baby Bricks'....great quilting.

Oiyi said...

The colors are lovely on this quilt. I stink at math so I can't help you with the calculations.

Karen said...

You amaze me with all of the creative quilts you make. This one reminds me of the Raspberry Sherbert that they serve at The Chicken House in Knott's Berry Farm. My mom used to take my brothers and me out to dinner there when my dad was at school working on his phd--I always had their Raspberry Sherbert--yum yum.
Oh, and just for the record...there are no ugly quilts.


Thriftin and Craftin said...

This quilt is awesome. The pink polka dot material is the exact same one I used to bind the quilt I just made for my daughter. I found 5 yards of it the other day at the thrift store for under $5. Of course I couldn't resist a deal like that! I'm working away on my scrap quilt. I'll let you know when I get the top finished. I did as you suggested, just pulled out my scrap bin, and started sewing scraps together. It was easiest for me to sew long horizontal strips together then just sew those together to make the top. I'm almost finished with the top. YEAH! I like what I have so far. Thanks for all your help! Have a great weekend!

cookie said...

i also thought of humpty dumpty when i saw it..

Abby and Stephanie said...

I was thinking Stepping Stones.

Anonymous said...

my suggestion is "sweet baby steps", brick quilts remind me of stair steps and we always shorten that to just steps.
Love the suggestion of block size, personally I'd just use full size and trim while squaring up the quilt when it's finished.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful quilts, you inspire me :-)

Alice Grace said...

You are so amazing! Love the quilt, love the name suggestion from Linda, Raspberry Slice!

* elizabeth * said...

Ooh, one of the lemonade suggestions. Or I do like the Raspberry Cheesecake. It is adorable. Everyting you do is such an inspiration to me. i want to be a good quilter like you.

sulu-design said...

I came to this discussion late, so I'm sure all of this has been decided by now, but I loved reading the comments on the math and naming issues. So... what was the verdict on both?

Karen said...

I'm glad someone figured out the math for you as I'm no math wizard! LOL. This cute is adorable. The first name that came to my mind was "Lemonberry Path".

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Ginger is correct on the math. I like the word bricks in the name. I have a hard time with the flowery names that don't have anything to do with the quilt. But that's just me.

Needled Mom said...

How about "Berry Road to Oz?" It looks great whatever you name it. I love the backing and the cute binding.

carolyn said...

the drunken bricklayer??!! HA

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought about the name was 'Brick Road' and for the half blocks would be just to chop them in half (probably wouldn't work, but I am naff at Math), but I think that Rebakah has the best idea. Sew them all and just chop the overhang off. This is probably what I would do...
I don't know where your ugly quilts are. I haven't seen any yet ^_^

Heather said...

You are a downright inspiration. I flippin' love everything you do! This quilt is adorable in everyway. How about Sweettarts or Smarties? Because it reminds me of those candies. And I love candy. A lot.

Proverbs3122 said...

It reminds of butter and jam for some reason!

Becky said...

I don't know why but it makes me think of Rainbow Sherbet.

Greenmare said...

it's a stawberry banana smoothie if I ever saw one!

Little Lady Patchwork said...

Thank you for your inspiring blogs! I am new to blogging and I love everything that you have done! Keep up the inspring work!

Jodie said...

Oohhh I'm no good with names either but as soon as I saw this quilt it screamed 'Pink Lemonade' to me... Hope that helps..

Jodie :)

Kristi said...

I highly doubt that any quilts you donate anywhere are ugly!
so totally sweet. you are such an inspiration- make me want to quilt, and quilt, and quilt!

Kim said...

Baby Bricks...nice quilt indeed. A very sweet BB Quilt.