You may have noticed this month I have been making quilt tops like crazy. I can't help it. It goes well with my no fabric buying month.

Here is the latest completed top. Inspired by this flickr group.
This has been a work in progress since June or earlier.
Wouldn't this be a cute pattern to use for a keepsake quilt made from a child's clothing?

I love the quilt top!! Goregous! I am working on my next one- inspired by your House of Girls quilt.
beautiful! I love the colors!
That's an awesome quilt. I too love the colors. Man, where is my sewing machine!
It's very pretty! I love the colors you've used. I think scrappy quilts are my favorite.
I'm amazed and jealous that you have so many scraps that you can coordinate a scrap quilt! It's really pretty.
How weird... I just discovered that flickr group last night and started my own scrappy log cabin blocks!
I love it - it's, as usual, gorgeous!
Wow! That really is beautiful. Can we have some more close up photos?
I'm glad you posted that Flikr group. I've had a lovely time browsing.
I FINALLY started the quilt a long yesterday. I did the first two blocks. They look fantastic, and I'm so excited. Thank you for your ultra-clear instructions. I just set the laptop up next to the sewing machine and went for it. This is only my 3rd quilt top, so I'm on a steep learning curve. But so far so good!
Gorgeous as usual, I agree can we have some close up's please. We can't enlarge the current photo.
that is a FABOO quilt.
You have a keen eye, and I appreciate it.
We're in the process of working on adoption #2, but once we are done using up kids clothes? You can bet your bottom dollar, I'll be employing this strategy!
I love this quilt. The colors that you chose are wonderful. It would be great if it were a pattern!!
This quilt is wonderful! And I am so inspired by your productivity...
Wonderful - I love all the light edged squares alternating with the colour squares - just beautiful!! I have all of these scrap fabrics - another project!!
Oh that is an awesome pattern...love it! What a great idea for all those baby clothes we keep!
I love this one. So nice.
Love the colours!
What a great looking quilt... and look at what you can make out of scraps. Who would have guessed?
I love log cabin quilts. I really like your scrappy version. I will have to check the flickr group to see as I might have to make one!!!! thanks!
Very pretty! I am thinking of trying this with some of my scraps.
Wow, you quilt-making machine you! This is absolutely one of my favorite favorites!
I wish I had your discipline in getting things done! You inspire me daily. Thank you!
Oh I love this one! I think this might be one of my favorites by you so far! :)
That is so pretty, I love the colors a lot!
great fabrics and layout, I love it!!
That is a gorgeous quilt! I love the colours!
Love it, love it, love it! There are so many exciting patterns. How am I to decide where to start?!
My favorite thing about your quilts is your great eye for color combinations and balance. When I start my blanket, you will definitely see where you influenced me.
Fabulous top indeed. It reminds me of spring.
oh my god! again, i just love it! beautiful colors!
It's wonderful! It would be great with kids things or a loved ones things dispersed throughout. Where do you find all this time?
I'm so inspired by your piecing this month. I check back each day and you have done another quilt top. Oh, this week's block is wonderful...It might be my favorite also.
It's beautiful - do you make the blocks and then decide on the layout?
gorgeous. I think the squares with the white border just make it... perfect!
Yes, another beautiful quilt top. You are an inspiration and I can prove it. I'm just about to go photograph and blog about what I have been doing today. (and it's all your fault!)
What a great quilt!
this quilt top is so darling! It's definitely inspiring me to use my scraps and make a log cabin quilt!
That is absolutely lovely. You must really have a lot of fabric. :)
it's just gorgeous, I love the white borders! xx
I really like this one amanda!
I absolutely love this quilt! beautiful!
This one is really cute Amanda! Such small pieces, I bet this one did a number on the scrap box! :) Another beauty!
You've combined two of my favourites - the log cabin pattern and scraps. Love it. Very beautiful and inspiring! The colours have me yearning for spring.
It certainly is,-rummaging through my scraps- I love the colours, you are definitely in the mood for spring, and the spring quilt bug is catching!
You are a GENIUS!!!!That's what I'm going to do for my mom's 60th. I wanted to talk to you about using some clothes from my kids and this is the perfect quilt to do it. I might get my sister and sister-in-law to send some of thier kids clothes and it will be a grandkids quilt. She will LOVE IT!!!! You're the BEST
What a lovely quilt, the colours just jump out at you...
Ahhh... one of my favorite square patterns ever - nice and basic, but pieced together with an interesting twist. Lovely!
oh, i LOVE this!.....and yes, it would be perfect out of children's old clothing. i have saved all of libby's lilly dresses for a quilt. (one day) :)
Lovely quilt top - I want to start one too :-)
Striking quilt! Bet each block could tell its own story.
Love that quilt!!!! Just love it!!!
Gorgeous colors, I love it!
Absolutely beautiful! I love your version. I have made about 10 of their version blocks and made them into lavender pincushion/sachets.
It looks like yours are bigger? What size is each section (piece)? Thank you for such an inspiring blog :)
That's the most beautiful log cabin I've ever seen! Love how the block alternate with the white logs. So very stunning AJ!
the colors are gorgeous! this is such a lovely top.
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