cut 4 squares 4.5" from the background fabric

cut 5 squares 2.5" from a printed fabric

cut 5 squares 2.5" from a contrast fabric
cut 5 rectangles 2.5" x 4.5" from the same contrast fabric

layout as shown

sew together with a 1/4" seam allowance

and your block is done.

It should measure 12.5" square.
I think this is my favorite block so far.
What is your favorite block?
I hope you all are enjoying this as much as I am.
As always, thanks for quilting along with me!
oooo. i like it already! gonna get started now. thank you so much for doing this. are you gonna do another one? (hint, hint ;) )
That's definitely my fav so far,too! Very pretty!
Thanks for another winner. I think my favorite block is week 4. Think that would make neat extra pinwheels if used as a one block quilt.
This one is really cute. My fav is block 3. My first triangles and I'm so proud of it! Thanks again for the quilt-along. I've learned sooo much.
I think this may be my favorite block too! So cute. And I'm happy to see a two-color block because I have to work one of my single color fabrics into another block to "tie together" the whole thing. I can't believe it's week 10 already!
it's SO cute! I like it alot!
I must admit, I'm not as scared or afraid of triangles anymore - so that's something, right? :)
I think I like this one most of all!! I love your fabric choices. Will get going on mine soon - don't know if it will be done this week, or may have to wait until we get home next week.
I got caught up today by doing weeks 7, 8 and 9. Now I have another!! Yahoo! I couldn't tell you which one I like best. They are all so nice. I am beginning to try and think of finishing ideas now!!
Thanks sooooo much for sharing the quilt along, I have saved this for a future time. Heather is awesome as a newby quilter. I cannot believe you do all your quilting on a sewing machine and not a longarm, you are very clever, makes me believe I can do the same. Thanks for your inspiration.
Happy Stitching
This is fresh and interesting. I can picture it looking effective in a variety of colourways.
I would have to say that weeks 5 or 6 are my favorite but I love them all. I can't thank you enough for doing this. I was just thinking I will have enough to do my borders in the pink floral with a small inner border and sashings from the soft green. This is gonna be a beautiful quilt and I have you to thank for the patterns. JoyB
Thanks so much, I am up to date again (at least with my black and white set). I think my favourite block so far is No. 7, why I don't know! Maybe it just went together well.
today I sew no9 and 10 and will be uptodate :-))too, no.10 would make a great baby quilt block with "I spy" pieces, will try.....
I really like this one too. And hooray for no triangles!
I think this is my favorite block. Just by the looks of it. Although I really did like block 3 I think that's the right one. Anyway, thanks for doing this it really is alot of fun.
Heathe .. Take that back LOl Block 3 was the pinwheel and the only one I had to do twice LOl JoyB
I like them all, but I have never seen this block before. I can't wait to work on it this evening.
As soon as I opened this and started scrolling down I said to myself "I think this is my favorite block so far, I wonder what it is called." Really. I love this and I love the fabric choices you made for it. Very pretty!
Yay! I love the fabrics you used for this block and the simple design, Amandajean. Hmmm... Block 10 and Block 8 are my favourites so far.
Thanks so much for doing the quilt-a-long, I really hope you'll consider leading another one.
As I was scrolling and reading I thought, "this might be my favorite square/block" I love seeing what you come up with.
This block is lovely
I think my favourite block was week 4 and week 7
Will get this done this evening
I am doing two of each block
I love the colors in this one...
I love this block!
Wow!!! I am so happy about finding this blog!!! I'm a pretty new quilter & have recently gotten crazy interested in 1930's fabrics. I really want to make the quilt-along you have been posting. Also, I don't have very many 1930's prints so if you ever have scraps you aren't using I'd love for you to fling them my way!! :)
I have the perfect fabric to go make this block, I must have been reading your mind. Making the block now!
I like the colors that you used in this block.
It´s difficult to choose the favourite, because I like all of them. Perhaps I like the 6th blck. Thanks again.
OM Goodness! I'm caught up before the next block is posted :)
I love week 4's block the best. But they've all been so much fun to make. I've been playing with layouts to see what colors I need to add in the last 2 weeks :)
AManda Jean thanks so much for doing this for us - I really enjoy this weekly blocks......
I think fav so far is #8. I love the look of the pinwheels but since I haven't made that one yet I won't pick it! :)
#10 is very pretty too! I completed it today and posted a pick on my blog!
I will be soooooo sad when this quilt along is over!!!
Karen T.
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