For some reason I decided to try not to buy any new fabric in January.
I just about broke down and bought some about half of the days this month so far. Seriously. I am weak.
But now that this month is half over (already) I am determined to make it through. I could make several quilt tops from my scrap bucket alone. And then several more from my stash.
The quilt top shown above is made up of all scraps, excluding the white borders, which I had in my stash. It is going to be for my little guy whose birthday is in February. He informed me that he would like a new quilt for when he turns 5, because then he will be too big for his current quilt. I couldn't deny that request, even though it is completely untrue. :)
It's beautiful!
where do you come up with the ideas? or are they patterns? this quilt is great! love it.
ps. I am even still caught up with the quilt-a-long! yay!
I love it! Perfect for a little boy! I wouldn't be able to deny such a request either.
I am in awe of the quilts you come up with on such a regular basis!! I found your blog last month, and it is so inspiring (to at least motivate me to finish/start some projects). Do you make these patterns up or use actual patterns? I love them. . .
I love this one! And your right, you can't deny a request like that! I know my heart melts when Sydney asks "Momma make for me?"
I love it.
I'm planning the same kind of thing for my scraps, actually.
it looks great so far, dude!!!
I LOVE this quilt!! I have several baby quilts to make, plus a king size one for my own bed, and I'm tempted to make them all like this I love it so much. :-)
No fabric in Jan?! Why oh WHY would you do that to yourself? I'm glad you got over that. :) The new quilt is a real winner. I love the simple squares and the variety you have in there. Perfect for a 5 year old!
too cute that he's now decided that he's too big for his old quilt. i think the new one will be a perfect "big boy quilt". :)
it's so adorable that your boy asked you for a new quilt. awww.
and what a wonderful quilt! sticking to the fabric you have makes you see things in new ways-- i think it's a worthy challenge!
p.s. sorry if you get this comment repeatedly....blogger is being strange!
i love this! it is perfect, the colors everything! he will love this. how in the heck do you whip these out so fast?
What a charming quilt! Oh, and the fact that you made it all from scraps... be still my beating heart. I *heart* scrappy quilts the most. sigh.
Boy, do I wish I lived close enough to see this magical place of creation, your house, Amandajean. Time and time again you present such beauty from fabric. Like many others, I too wonder how in the world you manage to whip up so many quilts in such short time frames. You must have a magic wand rather than a sewing machine. LOL.
it's lovely.
it's amazing how many quilts you make, how do you do it!!!!
Really cute quilt. Hey, at least he said he wanted a new one! That's some love for sure...
That is adorable! P's request and the quilt, too! Bright and cheery, just like P's personality!
This is such a great way to use up little bits of fabric.
Aaaaaaw, how precious. The quilt's really sweet too. *wink*
You are NOT weak. You love fabric. You use more fabric and complete more projects than me. I really like the white borders to the colorful inner part of the block. It inspires me so-
How cool and loved does that little one feel :)
that is really gorgeous. Isn't it wonderful when kids love the quilts you make them? I made one for my daughter (who is 5) and she just adores it. It is so special to her. I am thrilled especially as it is the only full (ish!) sized one I have made. I'm glad I found your blog - I'll be back to check out more of your wonderful creations
Love the bright colors. P is going to LOVE it!!!
Love it! I think I'm beginning to catch on to your quilt making secret. You probably spend more time in front of your sewing machine than in front of your omputer! (Unlike me!)
Your quilt looks gorgeous. I really like the white boarders and all the different colours.
I admire your strength (I'm on my way out the door to stop by the bead shop). It is so sweet that your son requests a quilt from you for his birthday - I like that he so appreciates your skill and the love you put into your quilts.
such a great quilt top!
That's one lucky boy!
Quick question, when you can get to it.
Do you wash your fabric every time before you cut or sew? It is such a pain, but I have had a quilt ruined from fabric bleeding. What do you do?
Love the quilt, the white with the colors looks great. It is so sweet that your son asked for a new quilt. My birthday is in August and I think I have outgrown mine as well, hint, hint. :)
Any request from a little 5 year old man...mummy must obey, the quilt is just lovely.
AmandaJean,since everyone loves this quilt, could you please, please, please share instructions how to make a block for this quilt? I'd be forever greatful!
oh, it is fantastic!
you are just too good. :)
Love it, love it.
If I were ASKED to make a new quilt by my cheeky love, I would drop all,a nd do it pronto! NO WAY to deny such a request! :)
Great quilt! So clean looking. I really like the white fabric you are using... it has more body than most. What is it?
I love that your son wants a new quilt - adorable!! My poor girls keep pestering me for theirs. I have the fabric for all three but keep starting other projects! The youngest is getting a quilt with white borders - hopefully it will be lovely and colourful like yours. You are really amazing! And I for one cannot put a ban on buying fabric - especially as I'm about to start working in one of Melbourne's best fabric stores!!!
It will be nice quilt for your son.
Because of xmas, rehabilitation and hurry at work I've been after in quilt-a-long. Today I made the three missing blocks, so I'm again eagerly waiting for the next one.
Cool quilt, I like it. Not buying craft materials (my downfall is paper) is sometimes very hard. I know.
I love your creativity! You are such an inspiration to me, you make wonderful quilts and you also photograph them expertly.
I just found your wonderful blog a few days ago and my jaw is still hanging on the floor. You are a quilt genious! I just wanted to encourage you in your no-new-fabric month. I too did this last summer (I also did it in a 31-day month! - duh!). I found it helped to be more creative within my constraints AND I learned "nice to have" vs "need to have". A different fast of sorts, but still effective nonetheless. Keep 'em comin'!!
wow...you are such an inspiration...
I have set myself a challenge to complete a quilt per month thanks to your amazing blog..such a clever cookie!!
Adorable quilt top. I would love to get my hands on the instructions for this quilt.
what a sweet sweet quilt!
I often think that scrap quilts are the best.
Oh I LOVE it! Love scrap quilts in general, but this is great! And uh... you are WAY stronger than me to go an entire month without purchasing fabric ;-)
Thanks for your comment to my blog. Would love to join your quilt along for stars. Let me know when you are ready to begin.
I too am trying to use up the stash I will have to move out of my Marine's room when he gets home this spring. Not sure where it is all going - but do know what you mean about resisting buying fabric. There is no fabric store in this town - that's a postive and a negative - except for walmart - which is not a fabric shop of choice - but sometimes I just walk through their fabric just to get the need to buy out of my system - and then move on to whatever I went there for in the first place. The nearest quilt shop is good, but 30 minutes away - and then there is a fabulous fabric outlet about 1 1/2 hr away....which is huge and a definite wallet breaker. I have tons of fabric already - accumulated from some of the years I worked part-time at JoAnn Fabrics and since....but I always seem to need something else. Not very good at being scrappy I guess!
Maybe I will try no fabric buying next month. After all - it is February - and a short month.
Oh love this new quilt! I really like the white borders, it brings out the other fabrics.
this quilt is beautiful! and it must be so satisfying to use lots of your scraps to make it.
Love is. It has something of the Japanese simplicity in it with lots of white in quilts. Your boy will be happy!
i love this. so so so much.
He's going to be so happy it is for him...
I love this-I recently made something very similar using only scraps and some old thick white sheeting and I am quite pleased, despite lacking a lot in skill. (pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/endlessdrones/) if you would like to see
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