Monday, November 04, 2013

migration quilt

Over the weekend my blog turned 7 (SEVEN!!!!) years old. It's kind of unbelievable to me that I've been at it that long. Then again, I barely remember life before blogging. It has brought along some amazing opportunities that I never dreamed I would have, and for that I'm very grateful. I'd like to take the time to say thanks to each and every one of YOU who stops by, reads and follows along. I appreciate your kind comments more than I can say!

It was a gorgeous weekend here. I finally took the time to properly photograph my migration quilt. I made it last year and it was even published in a magazine, but my photography was soooo horrible that I couldn't bring myself to share it publically. Nice, huh? (It was really bad.)
The idea of this quilt popped into my head all at once-title and all-as some quilt ideas do. I can still remember where I was walking when it came to me. I love it when the name comes to me at that time as well. It saves me the trouble of trying to be clever! :P I'm glad that I was able to translate it into fabric....because not all ideas see the light of day. There just isn't enough time!
The geese are fused to a solid background, then the whole thing is quilted. I buried the knots on each individual one of the geese. It took awhile. The quilting (which was done on my Juki) took a long time, too. It was a new-to-me quilting design at the time, and I really had to focus on what I was doing. I bet I looked a lot like Charlie Brown did (with his tongue hanging out in concentration) when he was writing to his pencil pal. I am pretty comfortable with the design now, after doing a whole quilt's worth. I revisited it on this and this mini quilt.
I love this photo because it shows the texture of the quilting and it almost looks embossed.
I didn't have any idea what to do with this quilt (I know, I know, the problems I have!) but I discovered that it makes GREAT entryway wall art. I love, love, LOVE it hanging here. So crisp and clean and welcoming. (It also points the way to the bathroom. Hahahaha!!!)
This was an out take from the photo shoot, but this may be my favorite of all of them!
The quilt measures 42" x 60".
Happy Monday to you!


Unknown said...

Very cool quilt! What magazine was it in? Your machine quilting is so smooth and perfect.

Tracybug Creative said...

Love it! yes what magazine! Also, I might have to make one to show the way to my bathroom too! brilliant quilt!

Anonymous said...

Love it as a wall hanging!

Tracybug Creative said...

Also, This quilt a backwards 7! sort of serendipitous don't ya think...

Menton quilter said...

Happy 7th birthday blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! And I love, love, love that your quilt points the way to the bathroom. Heehee. It just couldn't get any better than that!

Janet M said...

Super! I love it!

Jayne said...

Wow, seven years! I'm just in to my second month! Congratulations! I love your blog and love the quilt!

Toni Macomb said...

Thank you AmandaJean! Yours was the first quilt blog I ever saw and because of you I've learned so much from so many and had a wonderful time. Even tho' I've quilted since the '70ies there was so much energy and love out there in blogland, that it jump started my enthusiasm for quilting again. Love to you and all our fellow quilters!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful quilt. So glad you do what you do. Thank you for sharing your quilts and life with us.

Jan said...

Love the quilt. Congrats on your blogiversary. Wow, seven years.

Jan said...

Love the quilt. Congrats on your blogiversary. Wow, seven years.

S Staum said...

Happy 7th Anniversary! Your blog was one of the first I followed and so enjoy all of your posts! Your warm personality certainly show through!

Patti said...

Have loved your blog since the first time I happened upon it. And I love your migration quilt! And hilarious about pointing the way to the bathroom! lol! Congrats and hope there are many more years of blogging in you! :)

Lynn said...

Wow! 7 years! Think of all the people you've inspired and helped over the years, me included!! Thanks!

Leanne said...

This is such a fun quilt, I love the quilting and the colours. Happy blog birthday. Your blog is one of the very first quilting blogs I ever started reading, and has been a source of inspiration to me for several years now. I sure hope to be reading it for several more.

Wens said...

What a lovely quilt! It's really beautiful. Congrats on 7 years of blogging, that's massive!

Lorna McMahon said...

Congrats on a wonderful 7 years! And here's to many, many more. I seen those geese pass by overhead while I was driving into town late this afternoon. Glad to see they made it home. Picture perfect!

Debbie said...

Beautiful, and I' m stealing your idea! Just elegant ~

Debbie said...

Beautiful, and I' m stealing your idea! Just elegant ~

Beth said...

Congratulations on your 7 years! How did you hang that beautiful quilt?

Carla said...

How wonderful! I remember when you took a break for glad that you came back to us! You are a favorite for sure!

Vicki said...

What a great quilt! The bright 'birds' against the white. What a great place to have it hanging. Congrats on 7 great years!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Congratulations on seven years of blogging and a fabulous finish of a great idea!

DeniseClaire said...

All bathroos should have a beautiful quilt pointing the way!

Congrats on seven years!

Sarah @ mila+cuatro said...

Stunning quilt, I love it. Happy 7th birthday.

margaret said...

congratulations on your 7th anniversary, afraid I have not been following you all that time, should take some time and look back at your early days. What a great quilt, reminded me straight away of seeing the Canadian geese flying across the sky. Good idea when out of wall space to start hanging on the doors too, where to after that I wonder.

Suzanne said...

I like how the swirls remind me of the swirling wind. Thank you for sharing yourself here with us for seven years. I consider myself deeply blessed by our friendship.

Quilting Dee said...

Love your quilt, the photos are great! Happy 7th anniversary.

Cheryl Arkison said...

Happy Anniversary!

Cheryl said...

Happy Anniversary and I love the quilt. Great use of color and open space.

Karen said...

Great post, great quilt!! Congrats on 7 years. I so enjoy your enthusiasm and your love of quilting.

Heather said...

Oooh, I LOVE that! So clean and modern. Happy Anniversary--I adore your blog and you continually inspire me!

Di~ said...

What a GREAT! quilt!

Diane said...

great quilt! love where you've displayed it too.
Congrats on the anniversary!

elizabeth said...

this is beautiful! and congrats on your 7 year anniversary, quite the accomplishment.

SeeLifeMarvels said...

Love the quilt (as usual)! Congrats on 7 years. I am one of those faithful readers. You always inspire me. Thank you.

rappy said...

It really is a beautiful quilt and I love all that negative space. Congratulations on your 7th anniversary!

Nikki Rutland said...

That quilt would look great on my wall... love it!

Hollie @ Just a Mom who Sews said...

Congrats on 7 years! Hope you have many more years of blogging!

mailergoat said...

Congratulations on 7 great years! Like others above, I started reading quilting blogs with yours. You really set a tone for what to look for and expect from the online community! Thank you oh so much.

Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

LOL! Points to the bathroom!!

Happy 7th anniversary! You have always been and continue to be such an inspiration to me! Thank you so much for continuing to share your work in this space. I love it every time a new blog post pops up. Here's to many, many more!!! xx

bethanndodd said...

I love when quilts find the perfect home! Looks fabulous there and also serves a great purpose ;) Smiles~Beth

Love Of Quilts said...

I do like reading you blog. I love quilts. Every Friday I read the entry to see all the quilts. This quilt works well as wall art. Looks like you had the prefect spot to hang it. Have a great week. said...

Congratulations. Your blog helped me get started with quilting a year ago, so thank you for all you post about.

I love the migration the quilt it is fantastic.

Vicki Lou said...

Hi Amanda,

Your quilting friends in RF miss you!!

I love the welcoming quilt in the foyer, but HOW DID YOU DO IT? How did you get it on the wall without any visible sign of a quilt hanger, rack, rod, etc.?

Would you consider spending a blog entry telling us your process for hanging the quilt? I'd appreciate it!


Unknown said...

Your quilt reminds me of this story, Funny how I just used this in an article I wrote for my school newsletter and then saw your quilt! It must be the time of year. I feel like geese are the harbinger of winter, how cool that they inspired your quilt!

Ellen said...

Hi Amanda-
I still so much enjoy what you do and your beautiful work. Each time I see a new post from you, I like something that you have done. You do inspire me. Thanks for being my inspiration, Ellen

Samantha said...

Happy blogiversary! What a stunning quilt, so glad you shared it. And LOVE the double duty as bathroom way finder!

Annie said...

Love love love and congrats on the longevity of your wonderful blog

Anna said...

wohoo!!! 7 years, you are epic! Love the quilt! here's to another 7!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for 7 years of constancy, generosity and hard work! I also love the quilt!

eva said...

that'll teach me for just looking at the pictures, over and over...... i've been puzzling, trying to figure how you patched those geese in there....... and then i looked at them yet again, AND READ what you wrote.....

absolutely gorgeous!!!
love it!!

Kanoelani said...

I love the use of white space and the floating flying geese on this quilt. Terrific!!!

Kathy S. said...