Thursday, July 11, 2013

bits of progress

My kids have been at camp this week...and boy do I miss them! I thought I would have gobs of sewing time, but I didn't finish all my WIPs like I had hoped. Are you laughing along with me? Yes, that is a ridiculous notion, but it is nice to day dream once in awhile.
I am getting mighty close to a finish....just a few more feet of binding to go. Good tomorrow is Friday! The binding is from the fabric line Mama Said Sew by Sweetwater. I actually bought it at Mama Said Sew (the shop) when I was out in Fort Collins on a teaching trip last November. I KNEW it would make a great binding some day. This could quite possibly be my favorite binding. Ever. (I SHOULD have bought more!)
Since I can't work on just one project at a time, I also started quilting my mystery quilt. I chose to go with a wavy grid over the entire piece. No marking is required, as I am following the strips as they were pieced. I'm using a darning foot with the feed dogs down and quilting the squiggles free hand. It is so much fun! I don't think that I could ever tire seeing crosshatching emerge, whether it be a straight line or a wavy one. It's like a little bit of magic!

Thanks for all of you who entered into the draw for the Splash cutter. (if you haven't yet, you still have a bit of time.) I plan to pick a winner later today. I LOVED reading what you are looking forward to this week!


Paula said...

I quilted some wavy lines recently too. I'm going to pretend they were supposed to be wavy lines. :-)

And I love that binding fabric too! I'm going to have to learn to think 'outside the box' on my fabric selections. I would have never thought of mixing stripes with florals, but that is perfect! (I will have to ask the 4-yr old for advise, she is very adventurous in her fashion choices!)

Di~ said...

WHY? do I love everything you do? :) I feel the same about crosshatching. It's so fun and has personality.

Jessica Christensen said...

I love that binding too -- and the backing. And I love the colors in your mystery quilt. So bright and cheery!

Barb said...

I'm looking forward to my daughter dancing in her first ever highland games!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Love the binding! I've started making bowtie blocks. I'm not in a hurry so it'll probably take 10 years to make an entire quilt! ;)

Svetlana said...

fantastic projects, AmandaJean. I do love that binding fabric, it's so perfect.

Mary Ellen said...

I would love to win the Splash! cutter. Sign me up.

terrieannie said...

When you buy a fabric that you know will be a great binding someday, how much yardage do you typically purchase?

ipatchandquilt said...

I love that binding fabric too!!! It is gorgeous!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

sarahmacnificent said...

I love the colors and that binding!

Trisch said...

I just finished quilting a project the same way. In some spots I vary the width of the lines. I love how this looks and was so tickled to see someone else does that too!!! Love the binding. I am always on the lookout for stripes that would make a good bonding. I really enjoy your blog. I am in the process of starting a blog and just can't seem to get there.

Annalia said...

Ha! I just backed a quilt with the same fabric - in green! Wish I had the red. It's lovely. Seems to me you're getting quite a bit done! :)

Marianne said...

Hiya, guess what? I won the ebay item, and for a great price! I love it when a plan comes together.

Vicki said...

I am going to have to make a red/white quilt! I am a stripe binding nut. That is perfect fabric!

Mama Pea said...

That is a fantastic binding!!!!

thea said...

love the red backing and binding!!

Threeundertwo said...

I can relate to the kids at camp. I thought I would get so much more done. But I can't resist cleaning and doing extra things around my empty house.

LOVE that binding fabric!

Paula@TheSassyQuilter said...

Love the wavy line quilting! Do you do any marking or just go for it??? Worried my lines won't stay very parallel.

Potter Family said...

I have a you always use binding clips when you are finishing up binding? do you find them more of a hassle than they are worth? or should I jump on that bandwagon??