Sunday, June 10, 2012

scrappy Sundays

photos from Sunday Morning Quilts
all photos taken by and property of C&T Publishing
Welcome to scrappy Sundays, a new series that Cheryl and I are going to be writing over the next several weeks to highlight our book Sunday Morning Quilts. We thought it would be fun to share some behind the scenes of writing the book, tell stories about some of the quilts and share alternate ideas that we've sewn up. We also plan to highlight the work that our awesome pattern testers did and more. At the end we will have a link up party where you can share your work and give your scrappy testimonials. We think it will be a lot of fun! Of course there will be prizes, too. 

We've started a flickr group where you can share photos of your quilts or projects that you made based on the book Sunday Morning Quilts. We want to see what you are making..and we want to see your scraps! Perhaps a pile of unsorted scraps to start with, then show off your organizational progress. We love seeing scraps in action!

We aren't making any promises, but if you have a question that you would like answered in regards to the book or the writing of the book, we will try to work that in, too. So ask away!


Angela Nash said...

I am so excited! What an amazingly perfect way to post each Sunday. It will be like quilt comfort food. I already joined up your flickr group and posted my green slabs!

I also have a good sized stack of small triangle scraps and 2.5" random squares. Trying to decide what I may do with them. I'm considering the thought of scrappy/imperfectly shaped bowties with them.

MariQuilts said...

Fabulous idea...I really enjoyed seeing some of the quilts in real life at Cheryl's book signing and I so enjoyed meeting Cheryl. I'm in complete scrap organization overdrive as we speak and also did a post on your book. It's wonderful.

Lee said...

What a great idea! Looking forward to this!

Linda said...

Fun idea! :)

Aliceart said...

I love my book! I'll look forward to this new adventure!

Katie Bishop said...

I love the book! I can't wait to start working... first I have to sort my scraps!

Debbie J said...

I was pleased to find your book at my small town library. Its on hold for me right now and I hope to pick it up tomorrow. It was a surprize because my library doesn't have too many quilt books. So you really ARE famous now. LOL

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about writing your book.

CapitolaQuilter said...

The perfect addition to my weekend - thanks for sharing.

bethanndodd said...

What fun! I will try to keep up between baseball tournament games ;) Smiles~Beth

Cherie said...

That sounds like a great idea. I'll have to look into buying the book =D

Di~ said...

Sounds good. (just don't get too busy1:)) I've really enjoyed your book.

Karen @ Confessions of a Home Ec Dropout said...

I love Sundays, and I love scraps, so that sounds

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! I'll be here every Sunday :)

Beth said...

Excited to see your post and Cheryl's. It was so great to see the quilts in person at market. I have the book, I have the scraps, I want to make everything in your book.

Mama Pea said...

What a fun idea. I did "make my own fabric today." Used some scraps to make a piece of fabric to make something else with. You have inspired me.

Greenstylemom said...

I just tried to order your book on amazon but they are saying it won't be available until July/aug?? Haven't looked elsewhere yet but I will.

Unknown said...

This is a book I must buy. And your posts a must read :-)

Annie said...

Great idea, I'm off to flicker to have a look and try to join. I've just made my first box in red and given your wonderful book another plug.

Suzanne said...

Yippee! I love behind the scenes stories and getting to learn more about how you two collaborated.