Friday, April 20, 2012

finish it up Friday, week 24

Welcome to finish it up Friday!
I finished my rainbow log cabin quilt!!!! It was started over 2 years ago and it was to be included in the book. When we needed to cut projects, I happily chose this one. (I wasn't loving it, as you may recall.) After some quilt surgery and a perfect backing, not to mention some very special quilting, I'm pleased as punch to have it done. I LOVE how it turned out!!!!! I really, really do!
Here's a shot of the back. This was THE perfect fabric to use (if you ask me) blended with any color of quilting thread. Pretty fun, isn't it? I got the fabric last summer on clearance for $3/yard. LOVE that kind of deal! (the print is Remix by Ann Kelle for Robert Kaufman.)
A huge thank you to my lovely friend, Suzanne, for suggesting scallop quilting. It was perfect treatment for the borders. The scallops turned out better than I could have hoped and it was fun to do, too! I'm adding this idea to my bag of quilting tricks.

The quilt measures 61" x 70".

Oh! I'd be remiss if I didn't thank my lovely neighbors Linda and Martha for being my quilt holders yesterday. Thanks, ladies!

Now it's your turn. Please link up your finishes from the past week so we can cheer you on! Happy Friday to you!

finish it up Friday, week 24

1. Alisa @ Sew So Cuts  50. Andy @ A Bright Corner  
2. Jamie Lee  51. Marcia @ Little Pink Rose  
3. SoSarahSews  52. syglad  
4. Pieces of Cotton  53. Augustsnow  
5. Kim@mygogolife  54. Jean in MN (Quiltawhile)  
6. Megan @ MiaDolce  55. Jenn at The Little Shop of Stitches  
7. svetlana  56. Sharon @ Nana's Button Jar  
8. Kerstin@sunset sewing  57. Heidi @ Fabric Mutt  
9. Little Brown Bags  58. Kate @katiemaequilts  
10. Barbara Galloway  59. April - Little mama Hen  
11. Not a quilt!  60. Lucy @ Charm About You  
12. Dolls from the Loft  61. Dora - Dora Quilts  
13. çheveron quilt  62. April @ Sugar and Fun  
14. zakka pincushion  63. Cathy Tomm  
15. Carla's Drunkard's Path  64. Tunde  
16. Nicole @ Mama Love Quilts  65. Carme  
17. Beth @ PlumandJune  66. Karen @ Sew Peachey  
18. zippered pouches  67. Cathy in Ontario  
19. Austin's quilt  68. Duke Says Sew What  
20. Debbie@AQuiltersTable  69. Miki @ Sparrow Quilt Co.  
21. vinyl zippered pouch  70. Debby Brown  
22. Quilt it out  71. charming chameleon  
23. cathy@blueberry patch  72. Jessica  
24. Freddie  73. Carolyn  
25. Kelly @ Blue Bird Sews  74. Quilt Barn Lorax Quilt  
26. Suzanne @ Claas Creations  75. kris  
27. Carin @ Margaret's Hope Chest  76. Amanda | My Sewcial Hour  
28. snack for quilting@sewmuchwithme  77. Rebecca @ Sew Festive Handmade  
29. alidiza  78. Karen capitolaquilter  
30. Karolina  79. Amy in UK  
31. Rachel @ The Life of Riley Hexagon Quilt  80. Scrapendipity Designs  
32. Little Island Quilting  81. Unconventional Katie  
33. Betty @Anything goes  82. Jubilee Blocks Started  
34. a maiden hair fern  83. Becky @ it's sew immaterial  
35. elizabeth@piecefullife  84. Lindsey's ruffle quilt (pb knockoff)  
36. Michelle @ CityHouseStudio  85. Alia  
37. QuiltnMama  86. Mary's Butterfly Garden  
38. Shannyn  87. Sarah & Robin  
39. beth  88. Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting  
40. Jeanette@StampStitchCreate  89. rachel@fourwisemonkeys  
41. Janeese Olsson  90. Jackie @ Fred & Cissy  
42. Happy Sewing House Pillow  91. Lily  
43. Kendra @ missknitta's studio  92. Alycia in CO  
44. two.hippos  93. Peggy in Mo.  
45. Maja  94. Amanda  
46. Jennifer  95. I dream in fuchsia  
47. Lucky Summer  96. Claire Jain @Sewing Over Pins  
48. katie z. (hand-dyed yarn!)  97. Cheerful Homemaker  
49. Positively Perfect with Cape Ann Fabrics  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


SoSarahSews said...

I love that scalloped quilting. I'm adding it to my bag, too!

Go-Go Kim said...

I love that quilt and the quilting is perfect!!!!! Very nice :o)

Svetlana said...

this is one amazingly gorgeous quilt. Love it! The quilting is just so perfect, as usual!

Di~ said...

I really like this quilt. Hey! Last night I tried the straight line quilting with the darning foot. It went pretty well, except I'm a little wobbly and wavey on the going back rows. Will have to practice more! Thanks.-

Quilting Grannie said...

I won't be finishing up. I started a Log Cabin quilt, but it is no where near finished.

Rachel said...

Love that quilt! The scallops are fantastic!

Shawn said...

I love how it turned out too Amanda, so modern and pretty!!

Emily said...

That quilt (and quilting!) is all kinds of AWESOME!!

Nicole said...

It's gorgeous! Love the background color you chose - it accents the log cabins so nicely! Well done!

Katrina said...

I want that quilt! It is so, so me! If you ever decide to sell it... :D

Debbie said...

very nice! The scallops are great. and you're right - perfect backing!

Christine L said...

Well I don't have a finish to share today, as I have to show them all this monday during a Blog Hop schedule, but I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOUR BOOK! I received it in the mail on Wedsnesday and have been perusing the pages slowly so I can take it all in! Thank you!!

Quiltn Mama said...

love the scallop quilting!

Judy said...

I love the bright cheeriness the quilt has and the quilting just adds to it. Nice!!

Maja said...

I love your quilt!
Since long time ago, when I first read your blog, it was the scrap log cabins that catch my eyse and heart!!!
Now I´m waiting for your book to arrive!

Helby said...

Simply beautiful! Sure, it took a while to make, but it was well worth it!

CityHouseStudio said...

I absolutely LOVE the scallop quilting, how cool!
I might just have to try that!

Anina said...

Love it, love it, love it! I SO need to get me some greyish solids.

Sara said...

Scallop quilting is delightful:)

Love that rainbow number for sure!!

P.S. I listened to you on Pat Sloan's radio show last week--good to put a voice to a pic on your blog:)

Francine said...

Wow, I love this quilt - thanks for sharing! It's simple, but complex. It's truly inspiring. I always want mega sashing, but I've never been able to pull it off. I'll be attempting this one!

Pile O Fabric said...

I really love the backing you chose for this quilt, I think it fits so well! Awesome :)

Anna said...

I love this quilt! I am so glad you pulled it out and changed it so that you love it, too! It is very inspiring...thanks for sharing.

Lily said...

Wow!! the scallop quilting make the quilt so unique and beautiful!

Pile O Fabric said...

So I didn't finish anything this week, so I won't post my link for this friday, but I did finish this quilt last week! :)

One Shabby Chick said...

It's stunning! The quilting is those scallops...will have to try them! And I have your book on order..can't wait to get it!

Cathy Tomm said...

Very lovely quilt. I love the bright colours. I added my link and now to check everyone else's projects out.

Barb said...

great quilt and I love the grey and all the quilting - beautiful!

Your Creative Friends at the Calico House said...

Just gorgeous .Lovin the finished projects from every one.

Lynn said...

Terrific quilt! I love the scallops, have you done scallop quilting before. I'm tempted to try it after seeing yours (you tempt me to try lots of quitly stuff)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Utterly gorgeous! I completely agree the backing is perfect and the scallop quilting is beautiful :)

Suzanne said...

You found the pot at the end of the rainbow! I could stare at that first picture for hours. I love how the big grey border contrasts the log cabin and all of the quilting elevates it to another level of quilty goodness. Such texture! I could go on and on about how much I love it. Would you like me to? I will....

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Lovely quilt! Now I must learn how to do that quilting! Did I miss that part in the book? Off to go check...

Tennjenny said...

It is wonderful! I absolutely love it!

Beth said...

Thanks for hosting another Friday link meet. Your quilt looks great - I agree with you about your backing fabric - its perfect for so many reasons. And I like the scallops - I need to break away from straight lines - that looks like a great pattern to try.

Cheryl Arkison said...

It looks fantastic!

Live a Colorful Life said...

What a beautiful quilt. I'm impressed with the scallops--they look hard and challenging...

Heather Cartwright said...

I looove it. The backing is perfect and the scallops are divine.

Clair said...

Wow! Lots of quilting.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Gorgeous quilt and I truly admire the scallop quilting. Thanks for the link-up :)

Rachel said...

Love the quilt! I am glad that you love it so much now. Nothing more frustrating than getting to the end of a quilt and not really liking it!! :)

Scrapendipity Designs

Cherie said...

The quilt looks great! Love the fabric choice for the back =D

Mary said...

Scallops are a great touch for the border. That backing is really fun!

Nice finish. Congratulations

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

I'm so excited for you to finish your rainbow quilt--and to LOVE it. I do, too. You did a great job. How exciting to rescue something that was languishing.

I love that backing fabric. I got some of it in a brown background and now I don't see it in my store anymore... rats! Good snag!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I love it! I just started a quilt for a quilt-a-long I'm hosting next month and nearly have the top finished.

dottycookie said...

The backing is simply perfect - and I love the way the front piecing sings out against it's beautifully scalloped background. Gorgeous!

Annie said...

I love this quilt - any type of rainbow effect and I'm in, especially if it's to do with scraps as well. Can't wait for the book to arrive.

pasqueflower said...

Love that quilt -- and I am in awe of your scallop quilting.

felicity said...

Super fabulous project. LOVE it.

Michele said...

I really love it!

Maggie said...

What a gorgeous quilt! Love the back too :) Hope you don't mind but I mentioned you and your rag rug tutorial in my latest blog post. I started my rug yesterday and it seems to be going well ;) here's the blog post:
Maggie xx

Everyday Quilter said...

Do you quilt a long arm or your regular machine?

Amanda Jean said...

Everyday Quilter,

I quilt on my home machine...a Juki TL-98Q. (which I love and has been so good to me!!)

Amanda Jean

Thimbleanna said...

It's Beautiful CrazyMom! I LOVE that scalloped quilting too!!!

Lena said...

There is so much to love about this quilt!! Everything from the colors, layout, quilting, to the back!

Mama Pea said...

Oh, Amanda, this is just stunning! I love it! Well done! The backing is perfect and so is everything else about it. Way to go! (I haven't forgotten about the book review. As soon as there is time!)

Point of sale said...

It really nice borders layout are create.It really nice look in the blanket.Such a nice motivations for the creations.

Kelly said...

I love the rainbow log cabin! I particularly like the effect of it being an offset square on such an expanse of background. Nicely done! I've pinned it to my "Quilty Goodness" board on Pinterest (with proper credit, of course!). Feel free to follow me if you'd like: