Thursday, September 29, 2011

straight and narrow

Back in March, when Cheryl came to visit, we brainstormed a bunch of quilt ideas. One of them was for an almost whole cloth quilt. We split two pieces of neutral solids and we challenged each other to make a quilt that really focused on the quilting. It was a fun challenge.  
In my original vision for this quilt, I pictured something loud and colorful for the backing. But I had the ochre solid in my stash, and I thought it would be a good choice IF I could find that "just right" binding fabric. Some rummaging through my stash yielded this great squiggle fabric that matched the backing and went well with the front. Thrilled (and a little bit shocked) with my discovery, I pulled thread colors to match and I was all set!
Enter basting an a ton of straight line quilting, and here you have my straight and narrow quilt! [I reserve the right to call it that, even if very few of my lines are straight! :)] I started by marking quilting lines every 6", but then I went back and marked every 3". The rest I eyeballed as I quilted lines 1/4"-1/3" apart. A TON of lines. I changed thread colors randomly throughout the quilt. There was some (much) frustration with the quilting, but I worked through it. It's good to learn something with every quilt you make!
The quilt fell and landed beautifully when I was taking photos. I love seeing the contrast from the front to the back with the binding all at once.
The backing is fabric is an organic cotton that I found for $1/yard (!!!) at Hancock Fabrics. When I bought it I couldn't decide if it was ugly or so, so good. I decided it was deliciously ugly. :) I bought 5 yards that day and knew that someday I would use it for something! I'm so glad I did! My husband couldn't see my vision for it at the time (he thought it was straight up ugly!) but now he sees that it's not bad at all. The color scheme gives this quilt a decidedly fall feeling. Perfect timing! It was so fun to work in colors out of my normal color scheme.
This fabric is from my dear friend Linda. (Thanks, Linda!) I love, love, LOVE it as the binding. I attached it with my machine on both sides. That top stitching sure makes me happy. :) It matches the machine quilting so nicely.
I will admit that my quilt turned out quite different than I had originally anticipated, but the results are something I LOVE. I think it will be an instant favorite in our family. I wish you feel the quilt, because the texture is incredible! It measures 50" x 63".

Make sure to check out what Cheryl did with her quilt here. It's stunning!


Heather Joy said...

Love the idea of the loud binding! I also appreciate the simple quilting, I thought you might have done more elaborate quilting to show it off, but I think this is a great choice! :)

audreypawdrey said...

It turned out so beautifully! I am inspired to try some dense straight line quilting of my own after seeing how wonderfully yours did turn out in the end. I love how serene it is.

Aimee said...

Very cool Amanda Jean! It's really nice to focus on the quilting for a change. Glad you worked out your quilting issues!

Jeanne said...

I really love this! Love all the quilting lines with coordinating thread.

Joanne said...

I can't wait to show this to my husband. I've been saying for a couple of months that I wanted to make a quilt similar to this, but he just couldn't grasp how it would look. I think he'll get it now. Thanks! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Kleep said...

That looks awesome. I really like that everything is solid except for the binding. It really adds a neat dimension to it. The quilting looks awesome!

Pétra said...

Your color choices are wonderful and what a good instinct to find the right patterned binding!!

Michelle in NH said...

What an elegant, seemingly simple quilt. I'm in awe of its minimal design & colors. Thanks for sharing it!

Lori said...

Gorgeous. I love it. I've been working on a straight line quilt for literally months. I started out with my lines 1/4" apart, but lacked the patience it took to stick with it and I ended up varying the spacing as I went--sometimes up to 2". Now I really, really wish I'd kept at it. Yours is phenomenal.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I have to agree that binding is amazing! I love the quilt. What a great concept :)

Josie McRazie said...

isn't it amazing how the perfect pairing can take an otherwise 'ugly' piece and make it perfect! I think the combo of the binding just makes that orange beautiful!

Melissa said...

This turned out great, so simple and elegant!

Suzanne said...

Wow! I think changing colors for the quilting is such a good idea. I need to do more whole cloth quilts so I can practice my FMQ. As always, you have inspired me.

Kimberly Whispell said...

I love the texture straight line quilting gives a quilt. It sounds weird but it reminds me a lot of a rug!
The quilt is gorgeous, congrats!

Courtney said...

I love it - simply beautiful!

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is some dense quilting! I love it! So neat to see our differences.

sammyjo said...

Wow i must admit that colour would be hard to make look good, but you've done it :)

Tennjenny said...

I really like it!

KendasCrafts said...

love this!! you guys did such a great job, and its such a fun idea.

Dedra C said...

Beautiful! You inspire me.

Stacy Lindblom said...

I've always wanted to make one of these quilts also......too many ideas, too little time. Your quilt is just beautiful. The colors are perfect and so is the quilting!

Karen said...

Wow! What a great quilt, especially the binding. Your straight line quilting looks good.

Char said...

I love it, so clean and simple.

JG said...

Your squiggly fabric's pattern reminded me of the Missoni brand clothing that Target is now selling. Amazing what one can locate in a stash pile! :) Such a pretty color combination!

Debbie said...

oh, I really love what you have created here! Just lovely!!

Sarah said...

I feel your straight line quilting pain. It is beautiful and worth the effort!

Go-Go Kim said...

It is beautifully simple! Very pleasing to the eye and the detail of the different thread is straight up YUMMY! Awesome quilt!

patty a. said...

I now have to go home and dig out my linens and make one of these. I have some Prarie Gothic that may look good on the back. Thanks for sharing!

Mrsblocko said...

I love how the quilting seems to match up with the pattern on the binding. And that "Weird" colored fabric turned out great. Great eye!

donna said...

Did you start in the center and work out? Did you sew all in one direction? It is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

love it, feels fresh and clean. thanks for yet another addition to my wish list amanda jean. beautiful job!

Leslie said...

this is beautiful

Linda said...

lol, I thought that fabric looked familiar. :) Always welcome, my friend! Love, the quilt, too. Love the simplicity and the subtle change in the thread colors. You don't really notice it from a distance, but up close it gives it nice detail.

Thimbleanna said...

Hey -- it's the baby poop paint in my kitchen LOL!!! I've always thought that some of the most ugly fabric makes the most beautiful quilts -- it's amazing. Great job CrazyMom!!!

Brooke said...

Well, there you go.

You can take TWO pieces of fabric and turn them into fabric art that I adore.

Wouldn't have ever guessed it.

You truly are the quilting bomb. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love this simple texture.

Daisy, of Lazy Daisy Quilts Podcast

Jill Chapman said...

It's gorgeous. So simple and I can almost feel the crinkly goodness.

Quiltn Mama said...

LOVE Thimbleanna's 'baby poop' comment. I didn't think anyone used the term 'ochre' anymore LOL! Three cheers for taking something 'ugly' and making it spectacular!

Anonymous said...

What a great challenge! Your quilting is so dense - it must have taken a mile of thread :) Love the results from both of you.

Cindy H. said...

Another winner!

Sara said...

Love, love, love it! Oh, I think it is awesome...I just might have to try that ...

You reallly do inspire me!!!!

tarabu said...

I love the strong graphic binding with the neutral front and backing.

Denice said...

Wow, what a great project! The quilting lines look great. If you hadn't shared that you had a problem, I would never have noticed. Love that there is a similar one out there somewhere. maybe you can show us a pic someday of what your friend did with the same fabrics.

Kelly said...

Love the quilt, especially love the binding. The effect of changing thread colors in the quilting is great. More inspiration from you, thank you!
oshnpashn at gmail dot com

Connie said...

I love how good your quilt looks and that you didn't have to use any fancy, named fabric. Not that fancy, named fabric isn't good, but you illustrate how inexpensive fabric with the proper treatment can result in a good looking quilt. Thanks for that.

Fabricmom said...

I din't read the comments so this may already be asked, When you quilted it did you sew all in one direction or turn it and go back the way you came? The quilt is beautiful.

tusen said...

It looks beautiful and elegant. I love the binding,too.

Susan Jonsson said...

I have fallen in love with your quilt. Someone used the word serene....Exactly. Like a meditation to follow the lines...the soft color...with a spark for a contain it. Thank you so much for the inspiration....One more thing to add to my "I want to try that too" list!


Ullan tilkut said...

Hi! Greetings from Finland! I love the quilt! It looks fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters from other countries! :)

quirky granola girl said...

i love the ripples and the subtle changes caused by the change in thread colors. lovely work.

Lori A said...

Simple beauty! What a great design!

Margaret said...

L.O.V.E. it!

Judith said...

This is a really beautiful quilt and I would never hav believed that using just solids would work. The binding is great an I always say that the rightbinding can really mak all the difference.

Anonymous said...

I've made one quilt and I'm hooked. I found your blog with all the beautiful quilts photos, info and tutorials--they're really helpful. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading your blog.

Charlene in MD

Lettyb said...

Stunning- love whole cloth quilts, and this is modern and lovely.

Unknown said...

I don't know how to quilt but i love your blog. one day i will learn.

Deven said...

Ooooooo, what a great idea! I love, love, love hand quilting. It's the tops that bog me down.

Shhhh, I have cuting/measuring issues. I'm trying to come to terms with them. ;-P

Deborah said...


Live a Colorful Life said...

There is so much to love about this quilt. Everything you chose went together to make something very special.

Nicky said...

Love all that quilting and the colours - I think that mustard colour is a great one for the autumn season!

Rineke said...

I love this quilt. As I see the pictures I want to feel it!

eileensideways said...

love the binding fabric. makes it interesting.