Friday, September 16, 2011

half way done

I. am. smitten.


dutchcomfort said...

Wow, instant love! Keep on going Amandajean, it can only get better and better!

Jocelyn said...

wow how cool is that. You've inspired me to start sewing my little bits of fabric together ;-)

JanetK said...

That is so terrific! I love it.

Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

This is fantastic! Scrappy and colorful. I just love it!! : )

Brenda said...

so. am. I!

Brooke said...

Me. Too.

You know what it reminds me of? Strings of paper chains! The all time BEST children's project! :-)

Keep're on a roll!!! Looks great!

Tif said...

so am I!!! <3

Liz Jimenez said...

Oh my, this is going to be nothing short of fabulous. WOW.

Dan R said...


Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

I'm smitten too. This is sew fun!

Amy Friend said...

Oh, I like what I see!

Megan said...

This immediately reminded me of birch trees in the fall. How perfectly timely!

audreypawdrey said...

It is so beautiful! I love the little pieces of fabric, and it reminds me of the fall. Keep going!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

That's funny I was just about to say what MeganAnne said! Birch trees are beautiful and that is looking gorgeous. love it

Libby said...


Impera Magna said...

Also made me think of birch trees... a pop-art type of birch trees.... VERY nice blocks!

oversewn (Raven) said...

I love it so much!!

deebriese said...

Love it! Its so contemporary!

MariQuilts said...

All of the above....I love it.

Taya@TypeB said...

I love this! It is going to be fantastic when it's finished. Beautiful palette!

Luv 2 Kreate said...

It is gorgeous!

Debbie said...

as am I! That is very cool!

Alli said...

That's so pretty! It makes me think of happy rainbow birch(? I have no idea about tree species) trees!

Stevens Family said...

That's so pretty! My first thought was aspen trees.

Kara said...

I am, too! Just beautiful.

Gari in AL said...

wow, that is really terrific. I think I might like to try something like that, too.

nettie said...

very cool!

Tamara Hampton said...

cant wait to see the finish! love the background colors and anything scrappy has my heart!

Alisa said...

Me too! I love that all the background colours are different.

Sarah said...

Fantastic! For some reason it makes me think of birch trees. No?

SewSara said...

oh i love it. will you show us how you make one block?? pleaaaase? :)

Hannah said...

Love this! Need to try it myself :-). Great work, as usual!

Evelyn said...

Awesome!! I would love an up close of the block and/or a how-to! ;)

Kelly said...

smitten. too!

vervlogen dagen said... And I want a place like that to hang the blocks that are ready!

Di~ said...

Oh My Word, you are the woman! They look kind of easy...are they???

Gwendolyn said...

I.see.birches! Wow!nonscelo

Little Island Quilting said...

Deb said...

Add me to the others that thought "Birch Trees!" right away too! (And here I thought I was being all original in having that thought!!)

Karen said...

I also saw birch trees! This is fantastic!


Sara said...


Lauren Phelps said...

OoOo Cool! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Oh wow! This is so cool.

Shawn said...

Birch Trees was the first thing that popped into my mind too, love it!1

Diane said...

Smitten! Yes you are right to be.

beth said...

Me. too.

Katherine said...

I'm head over heels for this. Great colours and wonderful use of scraps!

Anonymous said...

Too Cool. These blocks rock!!! How did you get some of the scrap-strips to match up with the next block of scrap-strips, was it random or intentional? Anyhow, love, love, love it----you're dah-bomb!!! :)

Lynn said...

Such a clever use of scraps, really love this one! Makes me feel guilty about ever throwing even the smallest scraps away.

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

I like!

tarabu said...

count me smitten'ed as well!

Betsy said...

This is lovely! Good work!

Quiltn Mama said...

I like...they make me think of technicolor birch tree trunks. Or maybe I'm just really tired...but I still LIKE!!

Anonymous said...

REALLY like how this is coming together! And the bold solids are just the perfect background! Great job...and I must say that I totally agree with QuiltinMama-my first thought was 'birch trees!'

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Fantastic Amanda Jean! What a wonderful use of scraps.

Karee said...

your artistic mind knew dense solids were needed to make your birch bark sticks sing.

Most excellent. A lesson in a pic!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Live a Colorful Life said...

Haha. I.thought.I.was.being.clever. until I read all the other comments and saw that everyone is smitten.too.

Mama Urchin said...

It looks like birch or aspen trees, I might have to copy you!

Heather A said...

I'm smitten, too! This is fabulous! Good on YOU!!

Sarah said...

Yep smitten here too!

Heather A said...

I should say, too, that these remind of rainbow birch trees. The white background looks like rainbow birch trees in the snow. The black one ... at night. The blue ones ... birch trees by the lake. The bright coloured backgrounds reminding me of various sunset colours or the harvest moon.


Nova said...

also smitten.

Anonymous said...

Cool, very cool! Wig.

Anonymous said...

This is FABULOUS!!!!

Cary Verona Wi

MB in MI said...

OHHHHH! So clever and great to look at!! I hope there's a turorial in our future..... Really love this!

Tonni said...

Yes! A tutorial would be nice for a new quilter like myself! I can see this being a great way to use all those tiny scraps. Can't wait to see it finished.

Annalia said...


Kelli said...

How funny--my immediate thought was birch trees and as I scrolled down through the comments, I see I was not alone. This one will be great. Can't wait to see it finished!

Chancy said...

I'm so loving this!

WillowBean said...

whoa. i am in love! FANtastic :)

KellyS said...

Amazing! Love it! Can't wait to see more!

Amanda Conger said...

Reminds me of birch trees. Suddenly, I have a vision of amazing birch tree curtains. And/or a baby quilt for my nonexistent child. LOVE this so much!

Julierose said...

I am a new blogger that has been following your blog for a while and I have to tell you: I LUV this quilt--so happy!! Julierose

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Smitten here also-wow.

Leila said...

Love it! It reminds me of birch or aspen trees.

Allison said...

It's beautiful, like funky colored birch trees :) I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Lauren said...

Oh, I LOVE it!

Nichole said...

this quilt is so fun! i can't wait to see it completed!

Margaret said...

Where is the 'Like' button? I agree w/ a previous commenter--it reminds me of birch trees.

Sewjournal said...

And rightly so! It's lovely!

Georgia said...

Oh! You've done it again Amanda Jean! LOVE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too see "Birch Trees"! Amazing how many people see the same thing! I think it is beautiful! You amaze me! And inspire me! Thank you!

Anita said...

This is SO FanTAStic! I can see why you are smitten.

allsewnup said...

I can easily see why you would be smitten! Fun & Funky.


April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

That's so cute! Thanks for the eye candy! :)

Mama Said Sew said...

Oh, I love it! If you don't already have a name for this quilt, from the comments, I'd say it's either Birch or Smitten. ;)

Ariane said...

Oh this is looking amazing!!! I love it!!!

Briana said...

Me too! That is fabulous!

Nancy said...

I love this. I thought birch trees right away too!

Suzanne said...

They have multiplied before my eyes!

ali.ramin said...

Hi crazy mom! I just wanted to leave a quick encouraging comment...I just started reading your blog recently and I love it. You have wonderfully detailed tutorials, and so colorful! I am sort of new to quilting (just finished college so haven't had a lot of time, but finished my first quilt about six years ago), and I have looked to your tutorials first when I want to try something new. Thank you so much for them and for your vigil in blogging. I love seeing your progress and new projects. Thank you so much for all your work!

Anonymous said...

I don't usually comment on your blog, but I read it all the time. I just had to comment on this one though because I LOVE it! Wow! Really cool! :) Enjoy the process and the beautiful result!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, me too! Loving this :)

Andrea said...

they are really beautiful. I love the birch tree effect like some people have commented on. It's true....I could see this being done in some neutral scraps....

Jan said...

Your blocks are fantastic.

Shari said...

Me. too.

quiltnlady said...

I reallllly like this so far. Love the colors. It's almost impressionistic. I wish I was so arsty!

Karen said...

Very attractive... can't wait to see the whole of it... and how you quilt it...

Emily said...

Holy cow!!!!! I love these blocks. Didn't necessarily "get it" when you showed the single block, but now... Wow!

9patchnurse said...

That is just SO cool! I really love it. Gorgeous colors.

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting! It looks like a cool rainforest type setting... with long trunks... as high as the sky!

Anonymous said...

Love this! Gives me incentive to save my scraps too!

Question: What's in the spray bottle on your ironing board? I love your little tricks, so I'd love to know what you use whether it's water or starch or liquid awesome :o)

Unknown said...

Very cool! I couldn't envision it when you shared only one block, but now I'm in love!!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

OH. MY. Me too! :)

Candy said...

Smitten as a kitten! Wondrously fun to see! Thank you for sharing your creations.
From your fan, Candice

Candy said...

I read comments but didn't see if you mentioned the size of your block. I would be interested to know if you care to share!

Maria said...

Looks fantastic.

Textile-tally said...

I love this!

Jantine said...

So am I! Great work!
I am still sooo glad you are back blogging, you really inspire me!

Annie said...

Love it too

Kate O said...

I have your site bookmarked for quilt inspiration. First I did a twin-size zigzag quilt top, and now I'm working on a cartwheels quilt, with your help! I feel a scrappy string quilt in my future as well! Beautiful!

Mrsblocko said...

looks like im not the only one who thinks it looks like a forest of rainbow birch trees. Vy cool! I'm really enjoying seeing these blocks come together.

Lettyb said...

WOW! Very different, striking, lovely!!!!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Can you FEEL my excitement all the way from Muscat Amanda Jean? This is i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e!!! Love, love, love!

Denice said...

I love it sooooo much! I hope you teach us how to do it someday!

physicsteacher said...

I LOVE IT!! That looks totally like something I would do!

Mina said...

This is really beautiful and inspiring! I think I may have to get some solids this weekend and start experimenting.

tusen said...

Looks great, lovely idea.

Kimberly said...

ooh I loved it...I pinned it right away! Great work!

Katrin said...

C O O L.

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

I love it - and it just pops on your new wall color! :)

Terriaw said...

Dude, I totally LOVE this! Reminds me of birch trees. I love how cool each tree trunk looks with a different colored solid background. Definitely want to make this for a wall hanging in our house - mind if I use your project for inspiration to make my own? Such a great way to use up snippets, which I'm not so good at doing, as you know.

kylaparker said...

LOVE IT!!! Guess I have to stop throwing those tiny tiny little bits away......

Hannah said...

Love, love, love this!

Nicky said...

Love this forest of birches!

Rebecca said...

wow it looks beautiful! i love how you used different background colors. i might have to try this one myself! :o)

Two Wednesdays said...

Gorgeous - I too saw trees! Oh I need more time (and more beds for quilts!)

pashalu said...

Hi AmandaJean, I've been following your blog for a couple years now for inspiration and entertainment. It was time for me to finally write a comment to you in appreciation for you and your blog--when I opened this page I literally gasped with awe & excitement! When will you stop pulling out these awesome scrap tricks & designs???

I hope that one of these days I will be able to stop working and start quilting again and show you some of my things that you've inspired. :)

Thanks for your time you take for blogging. I look forward to your blog posts every week. Keep it up for as long as you can-your blog is my FAVORITE!


Amy @ Our Own Village said...

Just WOW! Love this!

Amy @ Our Own Village said...

This makes me think of River Birch trees, the way their bark peels off in pieces and has different colors so much. I like just the 2 strips as a wall quilt :-)

Erica said...

I was just going to write that it reminds me of birch trees, but I see many beat me to it! Beautiful!

Aimee said...

It's totally awesome AJ! Looks like bamboo to me. LOVE the different background colors!

Anonymous said...

Great minds, ladies! I immediately thought of birch trees, too! These are gorgeous!

leigh said...

WOW - do I love those colors! I'm totally copying you.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oh, YES!!!!

Miranda said...

Seriously, that first block you showed us was the ultimate teaser! We had no idea what was coming and I know that I'm not the only one who was like "OH WOW"! Really, it's so great! It's not terribly complicated but yet it looks amazing. Can't wait so see what the rest of it looks like! I also think it looks like birch trees :)

Kelly said...

holy goodness, that is some gorgeous...

Shelly said...

I can see why you're smitten. That quilt is going to be fabulous!

Anonymous said...

awesome, i love it!!

Carmen said...

My first thought was Willy Wonka's birch tree forest :) Looks really cool!

Tracy said...


Sue said...

I read your blog often but seldom comment. This little quilt is quite facinating! I think it is growing on me, and I like it. :) You are quite the artist!

BJ said...

I am fairly new to your wonderful blog and I am such a fan already!! You have given me much inspiration and I hope to become a skilled quilter. Thank you and God bless!

Leslie said...

this is gorgeous!!!!

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said...

Beautiful! It makes me think of colorful birch trees.

Someday said...

As well you should be - gorgeous!

pratima said...

These are awesome, Amanda! Beautiful colors!

Staci said...

I don't usually leave a comment when there are already a zillion here, all saying the same kinds of happy words, but here I go! This is just fabulous. I love the whole idea of using those little snippets and making such a happy, improv quilt. Using all the different background colors is just brilliant. I keep coming back to your post over and over to admire this quilt!

quirky granola girl said...

stunning. really and truly stunning.

quirky granola girl said...

also, the way it climbs, it reminds me of your ladder blocks :)

♥Duff said...♥

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Gorgeous! It's modern, yet scrappy...I just love it!

Lauren @ Craft My Life Away said...

I love this quilt. It is without a doubt my FAVORITE quilt that you have ever shown. You should call it "Falling Birches" ... at least that's what I might call it when I use it for inspiration for a quilt of mine.

Thank you so much for sharing, such inspiration!

Kim said...

I luuuurve this! Simple, colorful, fun!

Sooz said...

And why not? Love.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt: bold, graphic, versatile, and adaptable in so many ways!
Vision of birch trees immediately jumped at me.
Diane Côté, Montréal

Mama Pea said...

Wow. period. Awesome. period.

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...


Joy said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm smitten myself! You clever quilter, you!

meganarline said...

I just love it. If there is one project to get me back into quilting this is it! Thanks.

maeve said...

Makes me think of trees . . . absolutely love this quilt! Beautiful and so creative!

luckycharm said...

Ditto to all the wonderful comments and compliments already shared above. I'm inspired to pull out all my random solid leftovers and play. Would love to see the completed version. Thanks for sharing.

Kaaren said...

HI Amandajean. I saw this "halfway" project a while ago, and am wondering if you finished this. Did you post a photo anywhere? I'll try Flikr and see if anything is there.

My copy of your book just arrived from Amazon today, and I LOVE it. I can't wait to devour it page by page.

Kaaren in CA